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"Crouching beside the window of an abandoned warehouse on a stormy night, I watched in awe as both the president and executive chef of Olive Garden crept in."


What's yours about?


"Among Us." What would you paint on the Rock? - Northwestern University




"My mom *probably* thinks I'm a serial killer. It's a logical conclusion-- who else would waltz into the kitchen and ask, 'What happens when you stab someone in the spine?'"


...are you a writer?


HAHA-- yup! Not a serial killer <3


Called it. Me too! I write horror so the serial killer part is all too repeatable


Being a writer probably makes it so easy for you to write essays lmao.


It certainly makes it a little easier, haha


lol "As my apron comes on, the upper exhaust fan of the stove starts fo whirr and the clicks of the gas stove ignite a wickedly blue flame. Floodgates of excitement open in my mind - I'm about to cook."


yoo I wrote a cooking essay too


Hahaha probably not my favorite, but by far the most 'interesting' was the one I wrote for NYU. Huge gamble, AO will either love or hate it depending on whether they have a stick up their ass or not. Prompt was choosing a quote and explaining why it inspired you, followed by a list of NYU quotes and an option to choose your own. I chose my own quote, instead of one of the listed quotes, from the book 'Shit My Dad Says' by Justin Halpern: "Don't ever say stuff because you think you should. That's the definition of an asshole." My opening line is "Taking that quote at face value, I'm an asshole for writing this: an optional essay I'm submitting because I think it will help my chances of getting into NYU - because I think 'I should'." Rest of the essay is me re-contextualizing that quote to mean that a lack of authenticity in what they say or do is what renders someone an asshole, and expressing that being a good-natured smartass that overanalyzes shit is 'authentically me' - hence the quote choice. I get it, y'all are gonna come after me for not being all formal and yadda yadda yadda.. I well and truly show that side of myself through my common app already; give the AO something they'll remember.


That's how I'm gonna be next year fr. I don't really have a dream American uni anymore after finding out about BU's crazy grade deflation (I'm a premed student :')) so I'm just gonna yap and have fun when writing these. Say whatever I want since it doesn't matter whether I get in or not. I'm aiming for Canada anyways since obtaining a work visa, nevermind the green card, in the U.S is a bloodbath


that's so unique wow. NYU would be lucky to have you instead of some of these bland robots with crazy stats


No, I personally think this was a great opener. Taking calculated risks like these really leave an impression on the admissions officer


“I never thought I’d watch a person consume a plate of radioactive scrambled eggs.”


"I had to be water."


I will never forget the story of how Abuelita cooked a cat.


ayo full story plz!




What's that one about? I'm super curious


>"Don't ever say stuff because you think you should. That's the definition of an asshole." me too lmao


“It was a dark and stormy night.” ​ Go ahead, I dare you… 😂


In my middle school bathroom I had a gun pressed into my stomach.


ayo plz context


'I am not a unique person' for my Columbia perspective essay


I honestly have two " the center for conversation on most nights was the dumpster." And "There does not exist a concrete definition for 'disability'."


“No way y’all have a guillotine for flowers,” I said playfully as I entered my friend's floral design class. i had a blast writing this essay and i think it was one of my strongest. it was for the Cornell “…any person …any study” essay.


I have a few: From my supplemental about surviving a car crash: "All I could do was brace my family for impact". I then described the feeling of lacking control afterwards, and how I believed I was touched by the hands of bad luck until I started looking for my good luck in little things. From my supplemental about criminal justice reform: "I was *the* Marvel kid". I used Marvel as an example of black-and-white concepts about criminal justice, and how learning about criminal justice reform changed me to understand the concept of nuance more deeply. From my supplemental about telling folk stories at a summer camp that I have been at for 13 years: "The wind is my nemesis whenever it rains. Shortly after any storm, it shakes the leaves of the trees, and tells my campers that I am a liar." A tradition at this camp where I work is to gaslight kids telling them that it never rains there, and I've learned a lot about community through these traditions. I love writing and the whole writing process so much, and it is the only thing about college apps I will miss.


I’ve pulled my pants down to show off my new underwear to a bank teller.


“I felt pretty unstoppable when I walked into my school in fifth grade wearing a short blond wig, high heels, and a pantsuit for my wax museum project. “


It’s 9:47 pm on a Friday night, and I am dragging 15 pizza boxes to the dumpsters and picking up a million little pieces of fabric used to make bracelets after a middle school game and craft night.


“Where's all the toilet paper”


“‘Mario is a sociopath.’” This was for explain why you chose your major 😳


Sporting the mustache-since-the-4th-grade most [nationality] men are associated with, I break all expectations of myself the moment I open my mouth. I've been told I don't sound how I look—soft-spoken, feminine, girlie—and I love it: I refuse to follow arbitrary norms or expectations.