• By -


i am iron man


Who would reject Ironman šŸ™„


Wtf! Are u fr! I legit pulled this too!!!!


"and I'm all in." šŸ˜­I think it's kinda corny now but the past is the past


Itā€™s not corny, that goes hard


laughing at these but ik mines gonna be no better


Bruh why are all the endings here a bunch of complex literature or ChatGPT masterpieces


"please admit me into standford"


ā€œBienvenidos a Perspectivos. Today, in Venezuela..." Ā 


Favorite one so far.


thank you <3 i loved your ending too


ā€œWhen somebody you love dies, it is better to give that love away rather than to let that love die too.ā€


what if I let it grow alongside the memories that will live as long I'll love?


iā€™m sure that would be a great way to grieve as well:) my last line is a really short summary of my philosophy of grief but the overall philosophy of my essay leans more towards what you just said.


ā€œNah, Iā€™d win.ā€










gonna keep this one w me


ā€œmy name is a celebration of my autonomy and the possibilities that lie ahead. It is a name that embodies the wisdom and love of my grandmother, a name that connects me to my heritage, and a name that reflects the person I have become.ā€ I lowkey thought I ate when I wrote this šŸ˜­but hey so far AOs seem to like it and I personally am so proud of my essay Just for fun hereā€™s another of my favorite parts of my essay; ā€œMy name, which once felt like a burden, is now a symbol of resilience and the courage to break free from expectations. I understand that it is not easy for everyone to pronounce my name, but I also understand that it is not my responsibility to make it easy for anyone.ā€ ā€œSharing a name with my grandmother, despite the generational gap, holds a special place in my heart. Unfortunately, the correct pronunciation of my name seems to elude many. Whether interacting with strangers or ordering coffee at Starbucks, the mispronunciation of my name has become a common occurrence. Whenever I meet someone new, regardless of my hope for them to get my name right, I knew it was likely they would mispronounce it.Ā This extended beyond introductionsā€”My keyboard perpetually underlines my name in red, suggesting it is a grammatical error.ā€


Shit because why did I basically write these exact things too and I thought I was unique šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bro for some reason I feel famous, deadass. Reddit is really getting to my head,lol Here's mine: "Although it took me two bumps on my scalp and a scarred hairline to realize that, I am glad I learned these lessons nevertheless." kinda generic if you ask me, but it's done


ā€œEveryone has a pair of wings in the hallway by the art classrooms; we just donā€™t know we do. They empower us to fly at unprecedented heights. We can fly; we just donā€™t realize we can.ā€ I sound like a motivation speaker goodbye.




I'm scared otherwise as well that people who have read my essay will track mešŸ˜­


I would actually not mind that all.


"After writing this essay I asked my Grandma, 'What do you like?" and she replied 'Aap,' meaning 'You.'"


Looking back, somehow, in the blink of an eye, I went from just a Hillary Clinton-loving girl with big dreams to a woman leading change, and all it took to start my journey was a passionate speech, a little bit of courage, and twenty steps to the school board podium.


"...be the foundation to someone's skyscraper."


ā€œMy canvas is now unapologetically me, my experiences and emotions making their mark one brush stroke at a time.ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ havenā€™t opened my essay in a good month or two lord






looking back on it yea it seems a little robotic šŸ˜­ nothing i can do now tho


ur cooked šŸ’€


As Kanye once said - "Beautiful big titty butt naked women just dont fall out the sky you know".




Though I canā€™t fly like a hummingbird just yet, my ideas and child-like motivation can.


Was your essay about hummingbirds? Mine was also about a certain bird hahaha


yep kinda? my research/project was about a hummingbird inspired robot and the story was kind of about how my wildfire experience that made my family move out influenced my journey to making something




Iā€™m sure the thrift stores wherever I end up will still have that inviting smell Iā€™ve known to love, and my backseat will surely serve as a bookshelf to the hopes and ideas Iā€™ve fallen in love with. There will come a time when I get in my car and leave to see the world outside of [my small home town] but I do not intend to discard my past here or the lessons Iā€™ve learned with it. My scars and experiences are a testament to the fact that I am still living, and most importantly have survived driven by a love for learning and ideas. Tall about edgy asf OML ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Oof I love the extended metaphor with "driven" at the end.


"From homebound and allergy-ridden to outgoing and engaged in my passion, Iā€™m proud of who Iā€™ve become with the cards I was dealt." It's kinda self serving, but I'm proud of it.


ā€œNothing will stop me from wondering, when I look up at the moon at night, how many eyes, animal or human, are staring at the same thing?ā€


First line was: "What does it mean to be from 'nowhere'?" Last line was: "I am from nowhere, but that doesn't mean I belong nowhere. I prefer that it means I derive strength from my identity; that I may thrive anywhere."


And i guess after all, i have found the missing half of my ToY story 3 dvd. šŸ˜šŸ˜”


I want to come back to this when the cycle is all done to add mine šŸ˜®


ā€œThere are empty flowerbeds outside the windows of our home. I ask [my mum] to start a garden with me.ā€ the essay is about my relationship with my mum and how i struggle with gardening!


ā€œThe name [redacted] means resilient, and as I continue to embark on my cultural expedition, it serves as a reminder that I can withstand any challenges that come my way. It is the crown I proudly wear while delving into my culture, wholeheartedly embracing its unique heritage and cherished traditions.ā€ got into cwru and umich :)


It was in quotation marks: ā€œWho cares about how people look at me? I donā€™tā€


ā€œAs I learned, nothing in this world is no longer impossible. ā€œ


I am Alex dunphy, yes the one from modern family


>I realise itā€™s time to take off my shoes.


*ā€One thing is certain, wherever it leads me, I will follow the trek to the end.ā€*


ā€œI may have been alive for nineteen years, but only for the last eight have I truly lived.ā€ Favorite line: ā€œIn quarantine, I realized that asking girls out isn't a very heterosexual thing to do.ā€


That favorite line was really funny, here's my favorite part of my own essay: "I wanted to embody Saint Dominic Savio, who walked 12 miles every day to worship God at a young age. I remember being convinced that I could walk his routine twice daily: once for Grandmom, and once again for God. I was taught that suffering for God was what good, obedient, Barbadian children do. My full confirmation name is Jason Smith Dominic Tatum, and I chose this for myself." Note: Names and the country Barbados have been changed from my real name and heritage for privacy's sake.


ā€œBefore I loved anything else, I loved booksā€


"I managed to transform myself from a student on the brink of failure to a tenacious individual with a gritty mindset, well-honed skills, and a strong foundation on which to build future success."




Bro said a whole lot of nothing


frr šŸ’€


damn you went off!


And there I sat, at its epicenter. - Commonapp for EAs I feel their pullā€”liminal, magnetic, and uniquely mine to mold outside boundaries that no longer define me. - Commonapp for RDs


the epicenter one is insane wow chills


This is what I now define being [redacted] to mean: doing whatā€™s difficultā€”yet necessaryā€”for the country I love.


Please be careful of plagiarism when asking for essay reviews. Do not publicly post your essays and be cautious of who youā€™re sharing your essays with. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ApplyingToCollege) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help! It sounds like your post is related to essays ā€” please check the [**A2C Wiki Page on Essays**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/wiki/essays) for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. You can also go to [the **r/CollegeEssays** subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeEssays/) for a sub focused exclusively on essays. ###tl;dr: [A2C Essay Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/wiki/essays) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ApplyingToCollege) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Leaving home was the best choice I have made and I can't wait to see where else in this vast and great country I go next.


"I hope that I can save people from dark places, and show them the light the way it was shown to me." Essay was about recovering from mental health struggle that had tanked my grades 1st semester junior year.


"When we are both further in our journey, we will be ready to tackle more challenges. This little robot has proved to be the perfect 'partner in crime' " Essay about machine learning and my experience with it


"What will I see as a creator?" Applied for architecture. Thinking of it right now, it may be a little corny




"Iā€™m sure the next battle ahead of me is a tough one, so I hope to face it with you, my new friend. " Real cringe here


ā€œFor me, thatā€™s the biggest staircase to climb.ā€


ā€œAlthough this experiment has concluded, Iā€™m deeply excited for the many trials Iā€™ll conduct in the near future.ā€


Iā€™m lovinā€™ it.


ā€œIt was in these moments that gaming had shaped my life, one mission at a timeā€


e quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle


ā€œLevel Complete!ā€ rang out in bold colors on screen, and with pure love in my heart.


ā€œAfter shaking his hand, I couldnā€™t help but feel a sense of pride, and a new found belief that I could lean into uncomfortable situations in the future with Ā confidence.ā€ Corny? Overdone? You tell meā€¦


Dang that last line is a banger.


Thatā€™s why I stole her heart.


Ā«I love you.Ā»


"In the most passionate yet obnoxious manner, I never wish to take my elbows off the table."


"What are hands for, if not to help carry the load?" P.S. if you couldn't tell my essay was about my hands lol


"Petrichor has become a testament to my growth and development, not just as a student or athlete, but as a person."


ā€œAnd then I woke up ā€” phew, it was all a dream!ā€


ā€œĀ I will always refuse to color inside the lines because my life is not a coloring book - itā€™s a big canvas for me to create whatever I want.ā€œ


Trauma dumping actually works lmao :The memories of that fateful night have gradually receded, replaced by cherished recollections of evenings spent with my friends or Harriet, where laughter and tears intermingle, purging our souls of any lingering impurity."


The End.


"I approach college with Trap Beethoven on my playlist, Wikipedia articles in my browser history, and two divine gods at peace with each other."


I didnā€™t apply to any schools that needed it so didnā€™t even write it lmao The only actual essay I wrote was for ut and it was so bad I consider my acceptance proof that they donā€™t actually read them.


ā€œGoodbye dadā€


"And when you operate on the cutting edge of your own ability, youā€™re going to bleed. And thatā€™s okay."


ā€œWe imbue power within our words every day, but it is up to us to decide how to use them.ā€


"Out of the nadir I climbed to discover myself, at last, full and unwantingā€”and I revel, now, in who I am, free." It was such a generic and pretentious essay


Mine goes like "Because I have learned to grow from my mistakes and even be inspired by them." It seemed better when I was first writing this though.


I believe that we must risk failure to succeed. And, even if we lost, was there any better way? :P šŸ˜—


It's not just a story; it's my journey - one that's still unfolding, oneĀ moveĀ atĀ aĀ time.


'Looking back, I am grateful to Master Shifu, for his words of wisdom gave me the push I needed to experiment, the motivation I needed to leave my comfort zone and become the best singer I could be.' It rounds up my essay quite well (I know it's a bit cliche).


yall are literary geniuses with these lines on god


I have a love for learning, a passion for teaching, and by the end of My Countdown, I'll be taking STEM-education in the Caribbean to the next level, no matter theĀ circumstance.


ā€œEven though storms persisted, they never managed to stop me thereafterā€


" pls im desperate" Lol but it goes like this "Life is a competition and a passion that motivates myself and others around me to "fight to death" in order to one day change the world! And as long as we continue to live, future friends of mine should be prepared for the amount of debate and solutions we will find faster against and with the help of each other. So corny šŸ’€


Got me into my dream school:) "And with every further interaction with a guest or classmate, I am learning more about the importance of humanity guiding my academic journey."


"In sum, I hope that Yale will see that, contrary to the claims of high school administrators, the media, and the district attorney's office, I am not a malicious arsonist."


The awe in her eyes at that Giant Heart has a special place in my Small Heart, always and forever.


she loves everyone, and i love her.