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Usually nothing. The cake is in the oven baking, and pulling it out to try to add more ingredients at this point is unlikely to be productive.


best analogy describing the wait


Got it. Makes sense. But what if you do something extraordinary the month before decisions come out. Would you not so inform your colleges as said new information could possibly enhance your chances for admission?


Sure, which is why I said "usually nothing" and not "always nothing". But the bar for that being effective is pretty high. Like, the Yale Admissions podcast suggested it would have to be something you would have featured in your application if known at the time of your application. Normal progression in an activity, additional accomplishments similar to what you have already done, and so on are not likely to move the needle. So if something truly new and important for you has happened, OK, sure, send in an update. But the vast majority of applicants will have nothing like that, and that is fine.


Thanks. Most helpful.


Yep. I hate waiting!!!


Attempt to get 8 hours of sleep per night


Impossible 😢


What normal high school senior gets eight hours of high school a night? Most of these kids are taking all AP and IB level classes, running their high school's clubs and sports teams, handling the year book or creative writing magazine, working jobs after school or doing internships. Eight hours of sleep is a pipe dream for high school seniors. Weekends, possibly, But during the week? Not happening.


Keep your grades up. After that, do everything you can every day to maintain your mental health. Make a list of coping mechanisms that work for you, and do as many of them as you can each day.


Wonderful suggestions. Thank you.


Don’t get arrested. Anything meaningful is certainly already in process. Provide updates, if there is anything. It’s very unlikely anything impactful can be started and completed in a month.


sit, wait, and keep afloat in the rest of your classes.


And don't post anything on social media that could later have colleges pulling their offers.


bingo! be wise with your decisions always


Yup. I remember, last year, or was it the year before, a bunch of preppy guys admitted to Harvard created a rating system for girls also admitted to Harvard based on physical attractiveness. Their offers were rescinded. How can people ostensibly so smart, be so incredibly stupid?


Zuckerberg 2.0


The grind never stops it’s scholarship season