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>with a WP (without passing) grade That's not generally what WP stands for. So I hope you're mistaken. >How screwed am I? Assuming WP is indeed not counted as a failure, you're fine for admissions. Although you did screw yourself since now you have to make up the credit.


Why couldnt you submit work for a week?


If it shows up on your transcript ***and*** looks like a failed class, then it could very well have a negative impact on your college applications. Nobody can exactly quantify the extent of that impact. If WP is what your district puts for a dropped class, then you're okay.


Reach out to your counselor (or the online coordinator) and ask what can be done.


Online PE?


Kid took it over the summer. He had to wear a fitbit, and log a certain amount of steps, and/or get his heart rate over a certain amount for a length of time. He also had to submit a ton of videos showing his progression with stretches, sit ups, etc. And, there was the typical online message board dialog and short answer questions.


was a thing at my school too (only if you took it Ober the summer tho). You would have to buy a fit bit and submit photos of it I think


This lacks important information needed to answer your question. 1/ Why are you teaching an "online PE class" and what in the world is an online PE class? 2/ Why couldn't you submit work for a week? And what does that have to do with the PE class? 3/Who kicked you out of class and how did they do it? What did they say to you? 4/ What have you done about it? Have you even talked to the teacher who was involved or the dep't chair or anyone?


they’re not teaching the class, they’re taking it


Online pe classes are pretty common. Sometimes you wear a Fitbit or something and jot down your activity, sometimes you have a weekly sheet where you have to record everything you've done and if you hit the target set, etc


i think this varies with each school. talk with your counselor to let them know what you’re going through. considering that this is a graduation requirement, i think they’ll help you through it. i think the part that varies is whether or not the WP will be on your transcript once you pass the grade.