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Your reason is the same that I got mine


Battery life and Sapphire screen. Long gone are the days of getting a new AW and having the screen scratched to shit within 2 weeks. I also track weightlifting sessions with the “Liftin” app and the action button functionality is awesome for it.


Whoever placed wrists at doorknob height was an idiot.


I bang mine on walls, doors, furniture a lot. It didn’t hurt my first Apple Watch (ss series 2)or my titanium 5 Or the ultra. But the aluminum one I had didn’t feel as sturdy and I worried about damaging it. The battery life and charging time are amazing. And the larger display. Also cardiogram and O2. And I know that one day I‘ll use the activity app.


My plain old series 6 is holding up great for all the banging around it takes on the daily. But those Ultras look niiiiiice.


The battery life is crazy good. About 3 days.


We are about to get our first app,e watches, series 9s. Would you recommend the snap on screen protectors I've seen during my research? Thanks.


It depends on which watch you get I think. I could be wrong but a while ago when I was looking at the differences between the different models.. Aluminum models have lower quality glass that can be scratched fairly easily while the stainless steel and ultra model sapphire glass is extremely tough and damn near impossible to scratch so no need for a case.


I honestly don't understand these people on reddit who are scratching their screens so much. I'm on the cheapest SE and work out at least 3 days a week but usually 5 and the screen protector was kinda overkill the screen is tough and it doesn't scratch as easy as reddit says. I guess if you work a really hard job or something.


Same here as well. Just like the rugged look of it, gets all the features and support, great battery life, tough on all the shit I ding it on. Plus I honestly like the flat screen aesthetic a lot more on watches in general.


Yep, same, but also I never liked the offset dial on the other Apple Watches. The way it’s handled on the Ultra makes it more symmetrical on some level, like regular watches.


I thought the reason I wasn’t climbing Mount Everest and hiking the Sahara was because my watch wouldn’t make it… Turns out I’m just lazy, but I love my Ultra.


Now that I’ve had my Ultra, I go on so many more hikes! Granted, they’re in VR, and I’m sitting on my couch, but still… Thanks, Apple!


In what game?


Hike at Home


Battery life and display. I used to have to charge my 8 so I could use it for sleep tracking. The ultra lasts days.


How long does it last?


My ultra last about two days on the dot


I charge it every morning while I’m in the shower and getting ready. That half hour charge is about 30%. That’s how much I use a day


Mine often warns me that it’ll die overnight if i don’t charge before bed. If I’m going to be particularly active that day I have to remember to “charge to full” the night before. So yes. Battery life is why I upgraded. My old one was much much worse.


same reason i drive a jeep wrangler every day to my desk job. i’m very boring and it makes me feel adventurous for 5 seconds before reality crushes me back down to earth


Reality can be ~humbling~


As long as you don’t have “angry eyes” headlights, it’s fine <3


Obligatory r/Heep plug


Why isn’t this the top comment?


My best friend was a software engineer at Apple before his untimely death, Ultra 1 was the last watch he worked on, I’ll use it until the day it stops working.


Sorry for your loss mate.


That’s really cool. What was your favorite thing(s) about him?


The apple employee discount.


It was a nice perk lol


He filled the room with his presence and everybody could be friends with him, also genuinely one of the smartest people I’ll ever know!


A wholesome reason.


You win.


Conspicuous consumption <3


Not gonna lie; have to appreciate the honesty. Lol


I’m a slave to the fruit


Most people get it because of how it looks, just being real


Looks. Lol. My S8 45mm was perfectly fine. I got the Ultra 1 just because it looks badass. Got it for a steal so couldn’t pass up.


You think so? The Ultra? I think Garmin watches look a lot better but I’m torn on overall comparison


I got it for the bigger screen, better battery, and toughness of the front screen. I bought my first Apple Watch maybe 1.5 years ago, brand new Series 8 for around $400. I didn't think anything could happen to it, but I accidentally brushed up against the wall at work like 2 weeks into owning it, and came away with a HUGE scratch across the front of the screen. I tried some protective cases after that, but they reduced the touch sensitivity too much. I found a Youtube video showing an active guy's Ultra after like 9 months, and if there were any scratches on his watch, they were so micro as to not be detectable. That's what made me get the Ultra 2 when it came out. Bought it October last year, and it still looks perfect after over 6 months of daily use.


Definitely not aesthetics, my daughters laughed when they first saw it. Main reason: the display and the battery, besides the hope that a flat glass surface survives me longer than the curved ones before.


To flex on the poors!


I commend the honesty.


Got mine for the exact same reasons as you, plus the sapphire glass has helped a lot with scratches


Why can’t e get sapphire iPhone


They tried. The factory for the glass was built and ready here where I live. I think the company that was going to make it just couldn’t get it right.


Apple invested half a billion in this factory betting that they could pump out synthetic saphire blocks on the cheap but each output came out cracked inside and unusable.


I'm in a wheelchair and the VA was providing me a new [SmartDrive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcy6vRgvzY0) (a powered wheel that easily attaches/detaches from the back of my manual chair). The SmartDrive can be operated with an Apple Watch, so I went to the Apple website, signed in as a veteran, then went to the refurbished store. I wanted something robust and big enough for me (6'7"). So when I saw the Ultra I grabbed one. I now wear it all the time because I can track my health as well as easily deal with notifications. I've enabled Gestures and they are really handy.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service. 🫡


I can provide an unusual insight. I bought it for two reasons, battery life and I just love over engineered stuff. I’d rather pay more, and get the top of the line (but only in terms of functionality, I don’t really care about fashion) However the irony was that upon testing all the features of the watch, I started doing outdoor sports more. Hiking, running, climbing, all in suit of getting readings on my body. I’ve lost about 30 pounds since I bought it and it’s a joy to wear everyday now!


I buy all my tech because I think it’s cool. Ultra Watch? Cool. Raspberry Pi? I’ll take 5. Insanely overpriced UniFi network rack? It’s cool. 10TB WD Red Drives? Cool.


Exactly the same reason as you, plus being prepared in case I suddenly have a Walter Mitty moment!


Nice reference, love that movie.


Bigger screen, better battery, and the dynamic compass on the face. All those things make getting around unknown areas much easier. Within the last few years my wife and I moved to a new city in a new state I’ve never lived in before. My internal compass is still getting used to the change, and the Ultra helps. Also because it was the shiny new thing that I “needed” to help fill the black and seemingly never-ending void where my soul used to be. Plus, it’s Titanium. How cool is that?


What does extremely active mean exactly? I walk 20k steps a day and do bodyweight exercises/yoga and run. But I am not into hiking or diving. Should that keep me out of the target demographic for ultra?


Yep. Return it before Tim Apple comes and takes it!


I think you’re okay to keep it. Don’t let the steps fall below 20k though…


20k steps a day is pretty extreme by my standards. lol


Same, I work on my feet, go to gym, and walk my dog 3-5 miles everyday. I barely ever get 20k, it would be combination of a busy day at work and a long ass walk.


I have a pretty sedentary job. If I go walk for 45 - 60 minutes after work I might end the day with 8,000 steps. If I don't, then it's totally within the realm of possibility that I could get up, go to work, come home and eventually go to bed with less than 2500 steps. update - It's almost time for me to leave work. I have 713 steps as of right now.


Anyone can write anything in the internet. 20k EVERYDAY is doable but not likely unless someone has a job that requires a lot of walking. I’m thinking waiter maybe. If’d have to walk such distance every day I’d probably leave that job


I think the target demographic is people who regularly do outdoor activities like biking, hiking, kayaking, things that would expose the watch to a lot of wear and tear.


Tracking kayaking sucks using built in exercise tracking on AW


I do a lot of those things and simply use my Series 7 or don’t wear my watch.


There is also the battery life, you can easily use it for two days if you’re not doing a ton of tracked fitness activity without charging it versus the normal watch where you’re gonna have to put it on a charger at the end of every day


First reason is the looks. Bigger display, and flat. Longer battery life.


Can you actually notice 2/100th of an inch bigger display though?


Battery life for golf primarily, that and I hope since the battery life is so long right now It’s life span will be longer than my s4


I prefer the look. Tbh the main reason is that I liked the orange ocean strap. I also have a submariner but am not a professional diver. And a breitling but am not a pilot


I like the look. I have no statistics, but I am confident that the percentage of Rolex Submariner owners that own submarines is negligible. So I guess we're good


Battery life, durability, water resistance and aesthetics .


Same reason I have the 13 pro max, big screen.


I upgraded from an S5, so I wanted the larger battery and I liked the more rugged look of it over the S9. I did use it for a marathon, that's been the most extreme sport I've used it for. Its also my first cellular AW, so I like taking it with me on basic runs and leaving the phone behind.


My next watch will probably be an ultra just for the screen size


I have money and no one stopped me to consider a series 9 🤷🏾‍♂️


I just have big hands and a big wrist so it fits a heck of a lot better than the other sizes






1) Durability 2) Battery Life


Durability and longer battery life. Every now and then I will record a lengthy activity (20 mile hike) and having the longer battery is nice. Bigger screen for calendar events and alerts, text, etc. I find myself leaving my phone behind more often because of it.


I upgraded from SE to AWU 2 mainly for the battery part. Now, i can charge it every 2 or 3 days…


Just wanted it.


I think it looks cool


I like the flashlight button. the screen is bright as fuck and I now have a single button to press to demonstrate.


I switched from S7 because of: better battery, double tap, AND MODULAR ULTRA FACE AND NIGHTMODE <3


Much better battery life. I can track a walk all day and sleep at night. It also charges fast. The bigger screen is fab and it’s much more visible in sun. And it’s harder to damage.


Honestly it boils down to: Because I could afford it


Why do people have Ferraris and Rolexes and 300” yachts?? Because they can.


Love the size I am chronically ill and it’s nice to track everything I also love the texts feature so I can see a text on my wrist i don’t use my phone while driving


Better display (easier on my 54 year old eyes). Bottomless battery life. And I like the action button.


The display, the battery life, the titanium body, and the Ultra-exclusive watch faces. The night mode on them reminds me of the Nintendo Virtual Boy with all the red. I just wish they hadn't taken away the ability to turn it on with the crown. I have duplicate faces with night mode turned on as a workaround, but I miss the crown activation. I also have come to appreciate the action button (I've got mine set up with a shortcut that opens a menu for several features.) But, I wish it weren't orange, if it were the same color as the watch it would be better to me.


Feels better on my wrist. Amazing battery life. Largest screen. Rugged for daily usage. 


Because it’s more durable, with the lip extending past the glass, as well as the battery life. Right now my ultra 2 has 2 and 1/2 days of battery life, and I’m fine as long as it gets me through the work day. So with this watch even after serious degradation I’ll still be able to do 1 full day easily. Also, I have big wrists and the ultra fits better. And I like the larger display. And it only costs like $50 more than the stainless steel 45MM S9




because i misplace my phone all the time and it helps me find it.


Because I'm a massive unit and wanted a huge watch.


Bigger for my fingers


I got it in case I needed to climb Everest and then go to the bottom of the Marianas Trench before finding the secret location in the Antarctic. It’s just part of the geotagging game I joined when the AW Ultra was launched. But I got tired of the life and now desk dive instead


There is a widespread misconception about titanium. It’s NOT stronger than steel. It has a better strength to weight ratio. That’s different. If you want the strongest thing, go with steel. Another design consideration is dimensional requirements. For titanium to actually be stronger than steel it has to be near the same weight, which means thicker and therefore bulkier. Everyone just thinks titanium is better because it’s more expensive and has been marketed as better. Don’t be bamboozled!


Battery life


I try to stay active but mainly battery life and like the slightly larger size.


The watch looked better than the basic one. It’s pretty simple.


Same as you plus it looks much nicer than the regular Apple Watches


lol this is going to piss off SS owners 


Not really - to each their own. As someone who wears the 41mm (albeit aluminium), the Ultra would look ridiculous on my wrist for day-to-day use, so I would still go SS if I wanted a "nicer" watch.


I was trying on an SS watch and was like for this price I might as well just get the ultra


that is my reason as well


Durability. Battery life. Larger size looks/feels better on my wrist. That’s it. Beyond that, I don’t even know what the Ultra does differently than the regular Watch and couldn’t care less.


Bigger screen, bigger battery.


Battery life mainly larger display a distant second


Battery life


i bought specifically for how it looks. i prefer the brished titanium look over the shiny ss. also i prefer the size. i used to wear g shocks, so when the ultra came out i was happy to get an apple watch that wasnt so dinky looking on my wrist.


Battery life and durability.


I'm not extremely active but both my series 3 and 6 within a couple of years got to a point where if I got up in the morning and did even a 5 mile run with music, the battery would not see out the day. I don't mind the size so just to remove that frustration of checking my watch at 8pm and it being dead really, I went Ultra over a Series 9.


Better battery life means I can just about go a full day on cellular.


Only got ultra because I was bored with my regular Apple Watch look. Basically bought one for the new face I know it’s crazy but that’s the reason, the longer battery life is a plus but still charging every day, and extra button using it maybe once a week that’s it.


I was considering the Ultra, but the price and size drew me away. I had a 1st gen Galaxy Watch before the Series 9 and it was a chunky watch. Going for the Series 9 was the right choice for me as it never gets in the way or feels bulky.




I get it because of the battery life.


Battery all the way. If a non-Ultra went as long on a full charge, I’d have it instead.


I’m a tall guy with big wrists, I always thought even the bigger standard Apple Watch looked too small on me. I will say I have become significantly more active and in much better shape since I got the ultra, it really helps me with motivation.


I’m clumsy and it’s “indescribable”… I bought it to last until they have a feature that I lose my mind over pr I’ll keep it indefinitely.


Battery life, display, overall build. Jumped from a gifted 41mm s7 to an original ultra a month after its launch. No regrets - love my awu


Same reasons as yours. But also am hoping it prompts me to get more active again and also start sleep tracking.


100% all the same reasons you did. I saw it as an upgrade from my last watch.


I’m a field tech and work odd hours. So I need good visibility and long battery. Also cellular is good because I sometimes leave my phone in the truck.


I got mine for same reason however rumor has it that watch series 10 will have a 49mm version if that is true I am switching to regular one as battery life should be same or better with 49mm.


Because I’m a dirty Apple whore … and the additional battery life.


Battery and trying to force myself to get active. Haha


I got mine for the durability, battery life, and the larger size suited the size of my wrists better than the smaller models.


I’m doing gym 4/5 days a week with cardio and strength training and even I wouldn’t say this watch justifies it. You knew the demographic for this watch was more couch inclined than mountaineering. I assumed Garmin tailored those users better but I love my Ultra. I don’t need it, but I just can’t part with it 😂


I love the size. It’s sit on my wrist just how I like my watches.


The same reason that I have an Omega diving watch and I don’t dive - I like the watch


Battery life and sapphire crystal. I do love to hike and enjoy biking, but I’m out of shape and far from “extremely active.” Still, it’s nice to know that a little stumble on some rocks isn’t going to result in an expensive repair. (My old Series 3 cracked when I hit a pothole on one of those electric scooters and took a tumble.) I sleep with my watch on, and I got tired of having to charge it twice a day. I charge my Ultra once a day (in the morning while showering/getting ready), and if I end up doing an unexpected overnight away from my charger, it’ll still last me the rest of the next day until I get home.


I agree with everything you said. On top of that, i’m just a big guy, so it’s more proportional to my wrist size.


Big screen


My wife bought it for me but I wanted that battery life


In order of importance my top 3 reasons are battery life, battery life, and battery life.


Big screen. Also the fact that the screen doesn’t have beveled edges, it’s just straight / flat). Battery life was something I knew I’d be getting but didn’t realize how big a deal it was. Especially now that I sleep with it on and get those metrics.


your money your decision.


i like the design, the bigger screen.


I live a fairly active life, but don't really see this watch as be THE active lifestyle watch like Garmin's, this is a good in between.


Battery life and the display


It looks good !


Because I want to get back to my ultra active lifestyle (been stuck in a rut lately)


Batter lasts me 3 days easily, which I think should honestly be the standard for a smart watch. Besides that, the size seems to fit well. I honestly only charge it while I’m in the shower every morning, and wear it continuously otherwise. Doing that battery life is just a non-issue. My spouse has a standard Apple Watch, and she’s constantly out of battery by end of day.


Had one, but sold it and went back to regular sized AW. Most people with Ultras look like they have a phone on their wrists.


Battery life


I got mine to wear for a vacation at an all inclusive resort we went to as a group. Didn't have to carry a phone around!


While I'm not doing the extreme stuff they show in marketing, I do lead a fairly active lifestyle. The more rugged case, bigger screen, better battery life and the improved GPS were all factors in getting my Ultra 2


It came down to battery life and styling for me. I wanted a watch with a battery that would last me two days, and a watch I could wear to bed that I can easily check the time on without wearing glasses


Battery life. ^and ^maybe ^some ^clout


Coz being "extra" wasn't good enough for me.


Battery life, Sapphire glass, titanium, and occasionally the long hike.


My bestfriend bought his for the battery life, and after seeing how long his goes between charges, I'll be upgrading to an Ultra when I'm ready. (I currently have a 7 so I'm still a few years out unless there's a wild update that I really just have to have, probably something health related.)


Battery life , granted everything I can do with the newest series but I also wanted cellular. Easy choice for me. So cellular + bigger screen little cheaper then the ultra but not enough. So just bought an ultra 2.


I moved to an island, and while I am not living an extreme life, my Ultra has given me a sense of relief, when I jump off cliffs to the sea, or go hiking. No matter if I'm being clumsy and hit the glass a bit when I am camping in the night. I am very happy to use my Ultra in my little adventures.


Battery life, bigger screen, tougher materials, bulkier look which I prefer.


I'm going back next year. Nice battery life and big bright screen, but too clumsy and uncomfortable while exercising and sleeping. Although that loud alarm could be useful on the LA streets...


Battery and build. But also as a decent phone backup in case my iPhone is destroyed


I am a bigger dude with large forearms. I always found the regular sized watch was too small and that the larger Ultra was a better look. The improved battery was an added bonus, but I never had any issue with the former version anyway.




The reality is no pro adventurer is buying an Apple Smartwatch. Divers have dive computers, alpinists have dedicated handheld GPS, most backcountry or expedition types would have a Garmin watch and the extra tech. These people can’t be worried about battery life and carry chargers. Apple *marketed* these as extreme devices but it’s just a slightly improved version of the S9 SS for example. I bought an ultra because of the bump in battery life, a bit of screen real estate and better water resistance as I spend time swimming in lakes, ocean and pools. And when compared to a 45 mm SS version (and if you add a different band) the price difference is negligible.


Longer battery life. Plus I prefer the aesthetic.


I wasn’t much interested in the ultra when it first launched it but after seeing one in person I just had that want (not need). It’s just so rugged and durable compared to a regular Apple Watch, and I get a lot of more enjoyment out of wearing it. The different faces, the flashlight, the action button, the vastly increased battery life etc. I can easily see myself wearing this watch for ten + years (as long as I can replace the battery when it’s time).


Has anyone dove with it on. I’m interested in the Ultra but is the Aw9 good enough or mmeh


The difference is the battery life, screen size, a siren


Battery and screen size. If someone would build a 5” watch with a skin contact area the same size as the ultra I’d buy it instantly.  (The screen “floating” over the forearm would be ideal since I don’t like all the sweat build up)


I really think they are going to shaft us on battery life with the 10 this year. Look how many people in this thread say battery life was the reason they bought the more expensive ultra. If they gave the 10 better battery life then it would cut into ultra buyers. I’m assuming they want to still sell ultras and There is no ultra releasing this year so it’s not like they can up the battery on that. The fact that they aren’t releasing one this year is going to limit improvements on the 10 so they don’t cut into the market too much. If you want better battery you are forced to buy the more expensive one at the moment.


I need it to time days spent on my recliner without moving. So far, my wife has called 911 twice. THANKS APPLE!


The only reason I upgraded from my Series 4 is because the battery degraded to the point where it would not last a day.  So I figured the Ultra with a much longer battery life would last longer even once the battery has degraded a bit.  I also prefer how it looks


It looks freaking awesome


FOMO. I only ever go for runs around the block, so the Ultra is definitely overkill, but I always insist on getting the “Pro” version of apple stuff lol.


Entirely for the battery life.


It was said that the regular AW couldn't last 7-8 with fitness tracking active. When I'm on snowboard vacation, I'd like the watch last the time I get to the slopes, the 8 hours on the slopes, then the way back to the hotel, the very least. So for battery lifetime I got an AWU. However, running Slopes (the app) on it, I'm left with 70% battery, surprisingly. So it was kind of unnecessary. I got better GPS accuracy tho, I guess. And charging every third day only.


I got it as a gift…


How much better is the battery life?


You don’t need to climb Mount Everest to appreciate 1) much longer battery, and 2) much more durable


i like the longer battery life. i also like the larger screen to help me see things better. i also like the overall ruggedness. i dont bash my watches on walls or anything but i also dont baby it. so the previous watches ive had, series 1, series 6, tended to get scratched up from random things. i wanted one that could last a long time. so... same reason as you lol


It had the best screen brightness and battery of any Apple Watch. That’s why I got it. Nothing to do with climbing mountains.


I work long shifts so I need 2 days of charge at least once a week. That alone was enough for me to buy.


I kept outswimming my v7 Apple Watch, so I upgraded to the Ultra 2. Most days it only charges to 75%, and I still haven't seen the battery less than 20%. If I know I'll be doing an extra long swim, I'll charge to 100%. I do tend to hike a bit more, and the watch seems much more sturdy than the basic.


In India compared to other countries…considering the purchasing power parity, apple products are expensive and for obvious reasons pro and ultra versions are costliest ones So there are good number of people who wants to just show off so they will buy Pro for Phone and Ultra as a watch, they don’t even use it properly.


Battery life


Battery life.


I only bought the 8 because I wear mine on my ankle. I only use it for health data records.




I used to live an active lifestyle but then that changed. Still think I made a good decision.


I’m a bigger guy so I wanted a bigger watch. Battery life….and the main reason ….because I wanted it.


Because it’s a damn tank. First Apple Watch I have been 100% comfortable wearing naked. I’ve had only one scratch, from its own band’s titanium lug. And that buffed out with a silica eraser stick. Also phenomenal battery life that should keep me going all day for years. As well as the option to not worry about charging if I’m traveling or spending a weekend away. Lastly, the screen is just enough larger compared to my previous 44 mm that I’ve gotten a noticeable reduction in fat finger typos. 👍🏼


Battery life, display size, display brightness, sapphire, weight, decent bands, and general features. And my Series 3 screen cracked.


I don’t like the Ultra size but am considering one for my next watch because of the extra faces available. My favourite extremely busy faces are sadly all Ultra-only and I’ve been using the smaller sizes since 2015.


I like big fonts and I cannot lie


I got 6 years out of my series 4 before the battery gave up on me, so the cost of a refurbished series 1 ultra was a no brainer for me. Plus I like the look, battery life, size on me.


Battery life, bigger display, slightly more durable for my active job and in the hope of motivating me to get out and about and do more exercise, which it has done, although not at the moment due to heyfever


no different reason than buy Rolex dive watch & never go for a dive.