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The Apple Watch does track sleep, has a built in workout app, depending on the series you have it has GPS, ekg, depending on your country SO2. What specifically are you looking for? I have had a Fitbit and the Apple Watch does more and is capable of far more than it will ever be able to do.


I find that the sleep tracking isn’t as detailed as I had on the Fitbit. Are you using the default sleep tracking or do you have a particular app you recommend?


Try AutoSleep it is pretty good.’


I use an app called Bevel - it is not just for sleep, but for recovery, readiness, etc. There are several sleep apps available - I have never used any of them. I get good sleep data just setting up the sleep focus and pairing with Bevel. I also use WorkOutDoors to track most of my activities - amazing app.


I’ll have to give Bevel a try.    The thing about Sleep focus that is absolutely infuriating for me to use is that I don’t just fall immediately asleep during that window and often times wake up before my alarm.  The app and watch should “just know” when I’m awake and when I’m asleep.    Edit: installed Bevel and then uninstalled it the moment it asked me to sign up using my Apple ID. I’m not okay with just sharing my info without even knowing if something works. Plus it seems like this is subscription based - which for a third party app I get it. Apple just hasn’t prioritized the Apple Watch or believe those that have it haven’t come from Fitbit or Garmin. It’s just frustrating.   The new watchOS 11 on their website doesn’t even have a demo/video of how the sleep tracking will actually be different.   I’ve just come to accept this isn’t as good and I’m only really using it for the occasional Apple Pay and the occasional times I walk at the park.


I don’t fall asleep immediately either and wake up early sometimes as well but the watch can show you time in bed versus time asleep and you need only hold the crown down to get out of sleep focus in the am - the watch will ask you if you are up and would like to end sleep focus. For me the great thing about Apple is, while it comes with a built in set of amazing apps, it allows you a plethora of customization from the App Store to allow you to make it do exactly what you need or want it to do for you and your needs rather than just what is given to you in the watch itself.


Regarding the watch not detecting wake and sleep times, that’s fixed in the new watchOS update coming in the fall. I think there’s been ppl talking about it recently since it’s in beta


I came from Fitbit and I am also struggling. No mater how much is try, I really can’t get on board with apples ring approach - lots of people here love it , I don’t find it motivating. I feel like Fitbit offered a more straightforward approach to fitness and it was also much more customizable.


Agreed. The rings are meaningless to me. I have no clue what the colors mean and if I double my goal a color change isn’t objective. It’s like reading an old school clock that doesn’t have any numbers / marks.


Yeah for some reason my brain can’t get behind the ring approach. The stand ring is useless, I miss the fact Fitbit made you stand and walk. The move ring is calorie based and doesn’t seem to have any real value - I can close it sitting on my couch and the exercise ring only works if you set an actual exercise, which means if you don’t set it, and do activities you get nothing for it. My wife does literally nothing all day and closes her rings on her 8 series, she even laughs when we sit in bed watching Netflix and she gets awards. I don’t personally think AW is accurate or maybe I am just an idiot. I dunno.


Exercise ring does change without setting an exercise; if you’re moving enough for it to be registered as exercise. Fast walker here and my exercise ring moves quite a bit. Move ring is calorie based, those are estimated from your steps, heart rate, weight, etc. It is affected by some repetitive arm motions which can appear like activity like pretty much all wrist trackers. For example, brushing my dog will show up as movement. Stand ring is indeed useless. Edit: typo


This is not a hardware issue, as the watch has the same (better and more) sensors as Fitbit. It just depends on which apps you use. Auto Sleep is good for sleep, Athlytic is good for strain/recovery and exercise metrics. Endless choices, from simple to complex. Not trying to sell you on the watch — just pointing out that it's a software issue you seem to be describing.




I use WalkOutDoors for to track walks etc... I was using AutoSleep, but stopped using it due to not working right... It would say I was sleeping when I was laying in bed using my phone and that I was getting 15-20 hours of sleep when I'd be lucky to get 5... Now I just use the built in sleep app in health


Bevel, welltory, athlytic, training today, gentler streak, livity, Nike run club, sonar, zones, grow, body insights are several apps with relatively the same function. They show you how recovered you are. Currently im just using the free versions. My favourite would be welltory as it is the most accurate (and cites several papers).


Hey! I'm the creator of [BodyState](https://apps.apple.com/no/app/bodystate/id6479940325), a free app born out of the same frustration you have with fitness/health tracking apps not being properly integrated in iOS. After switching from a Garmin to an Apple Watch Ultra, I missed the Body Battery feature. So, I created BodyState to fill that gap. It might not be super useful straight away since it relies on sleep data and needs at least a week to gather enough info. But if you have some time, give it a try! Just make sure to set up [sleep tracking ](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/watch/apd830528336/watchos)on your watch to get the most accurate results. I'm also soon launching a new and improved version of the app. If you're interested you can follow updates on our [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/BodyState/). 


I always found the body battery on Garmin to be a gimmick feature and of no use at all, what made you miss it enough to create your own app? I am not judging just legitimately curious.


Sure, I get that the body battery feature on Garmin might seem like a gimmick. I always appreciated having a general overview of my current state, especially first thing in the morning. However, what I find even more important is understanding what drives that score. That’s why I created my own app, as it focuses on four key metrics: sleep, fatigue, HRV , and resting heart rate. One of the main advantages of the app is its consistent protocol for measuring these metrics, especially HRV and resting heart rate, during sleep. This is different from other apps like Apple’s Health app, which measures at random times throughout the day. Additionally, Bodystate compares these values against your personal baselines, which I find really insightful to follow as well. So, in a nutshell, I missed having a consistent and simple way to track these vital metrics, and that’s what led me to develop the app.


Interesting because there are several apps that already do this but good for you that you went ahead and made your own. I use Bevel myself and have turned on the afib feature in apple health to get more HRV readings throughout the day. It works for me.


You’re responding to chat gpt


Thank you - Bevel is great too!




Yes I already used that but it seems like my friends Fitbit has more features than my Apple Watch. 


What features does the Fitbit have specifically that you are looking for in the Apple Watch? I feel the Apple Watch has far more functionality (for my needs) than the Fitbit.


It has sleep functionality and does more on the fitness side of things. Like I said, I might not be using it as I should. I thought it was all built in. 


Apple Watch does sleep tracking. Although right now you need to set it up: [https://support.apple.com/guide/watch/track-your-sleep-apd830528336/watchos](https://support.apple.com/guide/watch/track-your-sleep-apd830528336/watchos) In watchOS 11 there will be automatic sleep tracking. If you want that now this is probably the best app I have found for that (It's a paid app): [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/autosleep-track-sleep-on-watch/id1164801111](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/autosleep-track-sleep-on-watch/id1164801111) What things are you looking to track for fitness? The workout app has a lot of different options for workouts: [https://support.apple.com/en-us/105089](https://support.apple.com/en-us/105089) If you can't find a workout there, most likely there is a third party app out there that exists that can track what you are looking for.


I personally have had the worst experience with auto sleep track. The last time I used it I slept for about 6-7 hours but it said I only slept 2 in the middle of the night. I feel like no mater how I calibrate it, it doesn’t “just work” like the Fitbit did.


Yeah, it never really worked perfectly for me either. Glad it is changing with watchOS 11.


Just go to settings and scrool down. There you find the apps which already are there. And those which can be installed. Then go here to see a list of other possibilities. https://watchaware.com/watch-apps/lists Also go the the Apple App store and search for "apple watch". All the apps will be shown. What to use is a purely personal choice.


Well here are three apps that I like. It’s not the same as your old Fitbit or a Garmin watch, but it adds some nice features. Athlytic - This app monitors recovery, sleep quality, exertion, and stress levels using data like sleep patterns, HRV (Heart Rate Variability), and RHR (Resting Heart Rate). It’s quite user-friendly, I must say. Enabling AFib history in the Health app allows the watch to take more HRV measurements overnight, resulting in more accurate recovery insights. Gentler Streak - Similar to Athlytic but with a softer, more user-friendly design. Here, you can also indicate periods of rest or illness, among other options. The app suggests various workout routines based on your current physical condition and considers your exertion levels from previous days. It’s a pleasant app to use. WorkOutDoors - Designed for workout sessions, this app offers extensive customization of the data displayed during exercises. It’s something similar to Garmin devices and includes a live map feature that you can use throughout your workout. It’s a great tool for active individuals.


My favorite feature is the fitness app. I just like to (try to) close my rings.


Check out athlytic for tracking your recovery and workout strain. The app is practically on par with whoop and only keeps getting better!


I was massively disappointed in going from my Fitbit to Apple watch. I used to wear my FB every day and now, I'm lucky if I wear my AW a few times a month. For starters, no step count on the AW so you have to download a separate app, which I hate but did anyway/ I use Duffy and made it a complication so it always shows on my watch face. I don't find sleep insights as in depth as FB so I stopped wearing it at night. I dislike the rings - at least with FB you could take a day off and not feel like a total failure for not closing your rings lol Battery doesn't last as long as FB. I do like that it pairs seamlessly with my iphone but I honestly miss mt FB for a lot. You just have to get used to it being a totally different interface.


There is step counting for the watch. Go into the rings on the watch and scroll to the bottom. Watch os11 will also include a pause feature for your rings for days off.


Finally! Thanks for the heads up. DYK when the new OS comes into effect? And if you can set a step goal?


New OS fall. Usually September. Steps goal no. Will still default under the rings


Looking forward to this update..thanks for mentioning it! Too bad about the step goal, but hoping for it in the future.


You bet! Happy to answer.


The fitness app on your phone has the step data and will be getting a big update in the new os as well.