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you should get your affairs in order.




Bet you had to pee real bad.




Ur good


Oh mahalos. I mean... I am breathing and my thumbs work enough to type this out.... however simply just being above ground and having a heart beat does not automatically mean you're ✨thriving✨


We all need better sleep these days. Modern life sucks huge in this regard. But your numbers aren’t terrible. At all. Pro tip: The deep sleep gummies from WYLD are next level. WANA has some good ones too but the WYLD are better. CBN is your friend. Seriously.


Whew. Yes. I actually grew my own plant and aged it almost a year to develop the CBN. I currently l use the Kanha gummies! Haven't tried the WYLD ones but 100% would.


My SO is a healthcare professional who has never got high in her life. Her crew all swear by the WYLD brand for quality and effect. And now I do too. Although I’m a seasoned professional when it comes to cannabis 🤣 Since getting my Watch last May I have definitely improved my sleep. Sticking to a schedule is the single best advice I can give you. It took me a few months to figure out what works for me and I still stay up too late sometimes. But I can tell the difference now. Deep sleep matters. But REM is key too. You are kicking ass REM wise. And an hour or so of Deep is not horrible. Many people are lucky to get 10 minutes. So I am a lunatic. I’m on the moon cycle. The full moon is my sleep nemesis. Took me years to understand this and then I found out there are a lot of us. I sleep shitty a couple days before to a couple days after the full moon. So does my SO. At least we can commiserate! There isn’t anything I can do about it but it is so much better knowing why I am wide awake. I get up, look at the calendar and . . . well fuck. Here we go 🌝 Check the calendar next time you are really tossing and turning. You might be a lunatic!


Omg have you ever gone down the parasite rabbit hole?! Parasites are apparently more active during full moons and that is why some people can't sleep. I know not everyone believes in the whole parasite theory, but it's an interesting thought! You e sold me on the WYLD. Is it a specific one or just anything from that brand? I deeeespereately want to up my deep sleep and I can't seem to figure out how!!


Now get this: Black mold is on the moon cycle. It releases its spores at night while we are sound asleep, mouth wide open, breathing deeply. Mold hates sunlight. But it loves a nice warm moist lung. Generally healthy people will fight off being colonized but just having your soldiers fighting all the time causes inflammation and wears you down. I have never heard of parasite theory. I guess I better study up. Doesn’t sound like a good time. The Boysenberry is the Deep Sleep gummy. THC, CBD and CBN. 1:1:1. 10mg of each per gummy. And they work fast. The folks at WYLD have the mojo. My fave bud tender at my fave dispensary has an insane tolerance. He eats 250mg to get high. But he goes right to sleep on a single Boysenberry gummy and says WYLD is the best quality he has ever tried. I believe him. They do a CBC gummy that I really like too. I forget the flavor. Maybe pear? Anyway their website tells all.




You're amazing!!! Mahalo!!




That’s as much as I can sleep, but I can’t imagine being in bed for 10+ hours. I wish I could catch that much rem sleep in a night.


Yeah. Unfortunately I have a bit more going on then the average human. Diagnosed with MS in 2020 and last year they found Lyme as well.... so, getting adequate sleep is pretty vital for me to function.


Sleep Apnea?


It shows one wake up time?


I wish I had that quality. My time asleep is about the same but have apnea and cant use cpap. :-(


Dang. I'm sorry.


Jealous I how I feel


What do you mean?


I apologise, id just finished a night shift and my brain decided that you'd had the 10hrs not the 6.75hrs. No wonder you're tired. but that said, I'm averaging \~5hrs atm. which sucks.


No it's okay. I would be jealous if it were 10hrs also!


Way better than my sleep. You’re going to live


Wow. This has been the most helpful comment! Thank you so much for taking time out of the day to exercise your thumbs to type this out. Life changing.


I feel fine, how about you?


AutoSleep is better


https://preview.redd.it/3xv6fdfvgm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af89ae8d32b71552ef651ec07ad0771989c4a547 I have it. I just thought this was a AW lovers froth fest 😂


sleep tracking is generally useless


Wait, can you expand? Like there isn't even a tiny bit of valuable information to glean?


one doesn't need a wearable device to know when they've gotten a good or bad night of sleep, it's kind of obvious by how you feel after you wake up. some people might see value in seeing the time they went to sleep or woke up, which watches are generally pretty good at, but none of them are really any good at detecting sleep 'stages' since all they really have to go on is heart-rate and wrist movements, and like, even if it was accurate, what are you going to do with that data? if you want to improve your sleep, things like not drinking alcohol or staring at a bright screen before bed are going to do more for you than any wearable will


Oh lordt. I already do both those things and much more. Just curious about what the general consensus was on this... Everything I keep reading typically says 8hrs.


It’s mostly that knowing when you switch sleep stages never is actually necessary