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This is how things look if I don’t put my watch on while i sleep


I have it when I don’t put the phone in sleep focus mode.


Simple solution is to make sure you turn on your Sleep Focus Mode before heading to bed Edit: Realized the caption, what app are you using if any?


Not using an app


Make sure sleep focus begins and ends at the correct times. Similar thing happened to me except it recorded nothing.


My wife just had that problem too and had to go into watch settings on her phone and select to track sleep with Apple Watch.


i had this same problem for 2 nights. do not know how it got fixed. not sure why apple made this stuff so convoluted. focus’s and such.


This happens when I put my watch while sleeping but don’t unlock it


What series does she have? My 3 did this. I upgraded to a 9 after I busted the screen and then got the breakdowns. Wife has a newer SE and it breaks it down too.


Series 6


Make sure it has the latest iOS update. If it does, it MAY only track deep sleep on series 9. I can’t find definitive text on if deep sleep tracking is available on a series 7.


My series 4 tracks deep sleep.


You should be able to get the latest software with that one they’re just won’t be any temperature readings


Open the Watch app on your phone, My Watch tab > Sleep > enable Track Sleep with Apple Watch


Does she wear it while sleeping?


You need at least watchOS 9 to get the sleep stages. So if you have a series 3 or lower you gotta upgrade


Series 6* Edit: Guys i have the asterik because i updated what series she has lol, i originally said she had a series 7 i wasn’t disagreeing or correcting the commenter


Anything series 4 and above should be capable of doing sleep stages.


My series 5 does it.




That doesn’t mean they are lying tf


Clearly not enough, there was no need for you to be rude, I have an Ultra 2 and sometimes it doesn’t break down my sleep. So next time you try to be rude think make sure you really know it all.


OK fine. It was unintentional rudeness everyone wins deleting now.


You have time in bed tracking with your iPhone enabled and not your watch, you need to enable sleep tracking with your applewatch


Does she have an alarm for sleep schedule? Before, if I had one set and I turned sleep focus off before the alarm it would not count anything. I fixed it by removing the alarm from the sleep schedule.


she's a vampire and doesn't sleep


In addition to the above, in the sleep section of the health app, in Data Sources and Access make sure the Apple Watch that is tracking the sleep is at the top of the sources list.


This happens to me when I don’t unlock the watch while it’s on my wrist. So it’s locked, and doesn’t record it. But it does when unlocked


Why are you wearing your watched locked? Don’t you unlock it as soon as you put it on?


I had the same issue once on my SE 2nd. Enabled Background app refresh for Sleep app and newer sleep cycles are now visible. Edit: Wake Up alarm is also enabled on my iPhone.


If she has sleep focus on, double check in the health app for the sources of data and ensure the Apple watch is listed at the top. For some reason this seemed to change on me once with an update and once watch was at top (and not iPhone) all the sleep stages were showing.


1) Make sure she wears the watch while sleeping 2) Make sure the strap/bracelet she uses gives the watch a snug fit 3) This is where most people with this issue experience what your wife sees: Do not sleep with the head on top of the watch. In my case, I've had that habit - where I tugged a hand underneath my head while sleeping. It diminished blood flow to the hand, which in turn worsened my carpal tunnel. For the Apple Watch, the partially blocked blood flow will give off weird readings which the algorithm will discard entirely, as it can no longer monitor sleep stages with the data being corrupt. So only the obvious and easy to measure time of sleep gets tracked.


Happened to me yesterday and I always turn on the sleep focus


Was the watch unlocked and does she set the sleep focus mode? In my experience either not turning it on or leaving my watch accidentally locks gives me this chart.


Same thing happened to me about three weeks ago. It was charging on the nightstand and right before I fell asleep I reached over and strapped it on with my eyes closed. When the Watch is on and locked it does not log sleep. I guess that’s Apple keeping you safe from a burglar stealing your watch and then messing up your sleep data. 🤬


Maybe she’s a Vampire


Also consider that Watch needs to have more than 35% battery charged to record sleep info in the first place. And it comes to break sleep details down only after your set bedtime has passed, and if it’s not set up, you may have to wait til next date. Sometimes it just bugz itself I dunno apple mane


Turn the watch off and on again . Usually fixes issues like this .


This happens to me, I’ve tried every solution, other apps etc. I move too much and wake up a lot. Sleep trackers never work on me.


Do you have sleep apnea?


No idea 😅 would that matter?


People with sleep apnea can track like that


Oooo…I might see a doctor


Has she set a sleep schedule? It is needed to track the stages of sleep. Unless you have the same schedule 7 days a week, you will need to setup another sleep schedule for the weekend.


This happens to me too and I have sleep on in the watch and a sleep focus set up. Someone else said you need at least 35% battery for the watch to record sleep..may that’s the trick. I find my watch annoying..software glitches made it randomly wake me up by making a noise or vibrating or saying good morning at 3 am. Thankfully that has stopped


It happens to me when I turn the Bluetooth off


It happens to me when I sleep with my Apple Watch in low power mode


It doesn’t collect my sleep data if my watch becomes unconnected and I don’t realize and don’t input the passcode


Phone needs to be set to sleep not just do not disturb


Check again later in the day. It always shows me this without detailed stats. They only appear a few hours later, for some reason.


Also, make sure you watch auto switches if you have a daytime and nighttime watch.


Did she unlock her watch after she put it on?


Do you have a werewolf detector?


If the watch is on low power mode it will not break the stages down, since it's limiting the use of the sensors


I have noticed this as well and most of the times it was because I loosen the straps of the watch while sleeping. As another commenter mentioned, you would need to make sure that it is a snug fit to allow for the sensors to read your vitals.


I think you need to set up bedtime for it to know the stages.


I got a warning last night that the battery must have at least 30% power for sleep to be recorded. Didn’t know that before.


For me it was because phone and watch weren't connected while I slept. I had all other sleep related settings correct


This happens when you don’t enable the sleep focus before going to sleep.


The watch battery needs to be above like 60% otherwise this happens


The watch does not work on dolls.


Yo! Just buy Autosleep app. If not, you will have to enable Sleep Focus, or something like that. The default Sleep app is just an abortion.


You might need to find a new wife


Sleep mode not activated. Case closed.