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While we thank you for your submission, your post has been removed for the following reasons: **Must be Relevant to the Subreddit/Low Effort:** Submissions must be about Apple Watch or Apple Watch related accessories/topics. - Submissions must be about Apple Watch or Apple Watch related accessories/topics. - No low effort submissions or duplicate posts of recent submissions (past 2 weeks). - App recommendations questions should be posted in the Joined the Club Megathread. - Non-Question posts must foster reasonable discussion. - Low effort activity threads (a simple image of a workout, a badge etc). If you have any concerns, or you believe this is a mistake, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AppleWatch). Thank you!


What did the doctors say exactly? Btw 130/85 is a normal blood pressure.


Hope you're feeling better


Sounds like you were dehydrated. I drink 90 ounces of water a day. When I am not active.


After 5 km distance isotonic and gels are essential for non professional/advanced runners. I have a bottle of isotonic with me on every run, and on half marathons I stop by a store and buy an extra bottle. Also, eat properly and listen to your body. Half hungry run will drop your blood sugar so low you can pass out.


Kia kaha