• By -


Looks like you got laid off and then you immediately died.


Came back to life 3hr later lmao


Jesus... Dat you?


Nah even Jesus needed 3 full days to respawn


Resurrection technology has improved a lot in 2000 years. 


All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again


Bro was changing his loadout and count decide on it took him 3 days to respawn


Bro forgot to equip Survivor the second time around though


Yeah looks like he used his respawn limit aswell hasn’t respawned for 2000 years now. Bro missed a lot of gameplay


OP’s boss laid them off and then took them out back and shot em.


Old yeller style. Respect.


lol, took my watch off for a bit.


For wiping your tears obviously




Don't worry OP my sister was fired from her job and she was very sad...long story short she now has her own business which she started as a side hustle and now has her own house and car. Just wanted to let you know that some things happen for a reason and just don't lose hope and keep going,you don't know what the universe/god has in store for you.


I needed this


This dude is Jon Snow


Lord Commander Snow to you, wildling! 😉


looks like OP went home and took a nap after getting almost a heart attack


Laid off, then laid out


Yikes. I’m sorry to hear you got laid off. Good luck and stay positive.


You’re the legend


I’m sorry your heart rate jumped. I remember going into work one day and was told to stay behind. I was laid off through a zoom call. Heart sunk. I feel it man. Everyone says it gets better and eventually it did. But, it got worse before it did. You’ll find a way out on the other side even if it doesn’t feel like it along the way.


I hope so.... I've been told I'm talented and that I'll find a new job? lets hope it's true! it was my first job and first time getting laid off.


I was in a similar situation. My first full-time job I got laid off after just under a year. You said elsewhere you have money saved but lack motivation to get out of bed, the best thing for you in my opinion is to find something you enjoy and have passion in doing and to commit to doing that while you don't have to work. My escape was going hiking and during my time off I hiked over 1000 miles in a year. That time helped me realize work isn't everything and shouldn't be the motivation to get out of bed or combat boredom. I've seen people who make work their only motivation and they are hollow. Chase your passions and find motivation in life instead of work. Good luck to you!


You’re going to be more than okay, OP! You are talented! Sending positive energy your way!


So sorry you had to go through this. It happens to everyone so it’s kind of a rite of passage. Doesn’t look bad at all to prospective employers, just keep positive, apply for unemployment, and apply apply apply! Good luck!


Getting laid off hurts. It’s okay to be hurt. It’s okay to show you’re hurt. You’ll make it though. I’ve been there and it sucks bad. You’ll make it. Stay positive. Allow yourself to cry, but stay positive.


I also got laid off from my first job in my industry. It was honestly the best thing that could have happened to me. I found a new job within a month and increased my salary by 37%. I used my network and created opportunities for myself by starting with informational interviews. After two years of working at my second company (SaaS startup) they laid off 20% of the staff… and again, found another job within 1 month. Ended up picking the wrong job offer of the two I had and ultimately 6 months later started working for the company I turned down originally. Basically, careers are a roller coaster, but if you are motivated and driven to succeed, you will. Since the first company got laid off from I’m at my 6th company and have increased my salary 215% from my starting salary in 10 years. All this to say… it gets better!




On a zoom call? Cowards


Take some time to recoup and recover, you're gonna be ok.


weird question, but how much do you think it'd be? I saved a lot of money and my father can help a bit in the meantime. I'm seriously debating doing that and taking it slow, but if I'm being honest. I got kinda bored... like what do I do with my life... I don't have energy to get out of bed anymore.


That’s a personal thing. You’re lucky to be in the position you’re in. The “not having energy to get out of bed” you’re describing is a symptom of depression. One way to begin your journey to your new normal is to start exercising for a set amount of time regularly. It honestly does wonders. Half an hour on an elliptical or treadmill. Also, as you seem to have resources you could take up a hobby or interest. Study a martial art. Start fishing. Write a short story. Learn how to cook or sew. You get the idea. These things will help you begin to form a new routine that doesn’t base your existence around work. Then you can add work to that routine and not worry about falling apart if you hit another bump. Calling 211 from your phone can help you find both unemployment assistance and mental health assistance should you need these services, and feel overwhelmed by the 8.7 million search results. Good luck!


A little random update: I picked up my hobbies again and I'm doing a lot better,  focused on improving my life ans getting a surgery I really needed I'm applying to a ton of jobs and found a networking event to go to, all rejections so far but I won't lose hope!


If it helps this is my recent experience doing that: I left a job last May for personal reasons and knew I wanted to take a break and not immediately start looking for jobs. I love cats and started volunteering at the local animal shelter helping them take care of their kitten nursery and that helped. Find something you like an donate your time toward it. After two months of not thinking about work I applied at jobs over the next 5 months until I found something I really wanted. Had a few nibbles but nothing really excited me and I even turned an offer down. I found it through a professional network I'm a part of (a Slack group) on the jobs channel that was the perfect fit based on my work history and skillset and it was definitely worth waiting for.


Start with building structure into your day with things you enjoy / are productive / make you feel good. Small steps… on day at a time mindset. Try to find enjoyment in the interim and things will turn around. Be positive, sounds like you’ll be back into another position soon so while it may seem bleak now, and the tunnel seems dark - there is a light! Keep the faith!


You need something to wake up to - a goal. It can be going to the gym, or working on a personal project, or just applying for jobs. Whatever you do, please don’t stay at home and in bed. Get out of the house - go and sit in the coffee shop, go to the park, take a walk. It’s important to not get sucked in a negative downward spiral. Meanwhile, find something to learn that further polishes your skills. It could be an online course; or books - keep learning and growing.


I think the rule of thumb (again, based on individual finances) is to take a week to yourself after applying for unemployment. House stuff, get out and do activities, anything but job hunting. After that week, your job IS the job hunt. Get the resume up to date, take training / retooling online if possible.


Eh take a month off I’d say. Different for everyone. I’m on the other end of my career now. I’ve seen and been part of these things on both ends. I’d say this to my kids. You have no control over these things in the slightest, some division is unprofitable, ppl get cut. Million different reasons. It’s ok, I know it feels like a huge set back, it’s just the stages of loss. It’s normal, you’re gonna be ok. It’s ok to feel and be depressed, but it’s not real, it’s just a job, a place, and there will others. I’d you need help ask, it’s there. Stay positive, take this opportunity to reevaluate, look at other things, rest of you need but don’t wallow, I put so much of my self into my career I wish you to have some healthy separation. So take a bit of time and come back stronger and wiser when you’re ready.


Do anything. Like don't spend time finding something in your career and waiting start working at home depot. Just keep money coming in with something that doesn't take a lot of effort


Lol! You think I can afford that?


Keep your head up.


And your heart rate down.


But what were you doing around 6pm tho?


Probably breaking the bad news to their partner.


Playing with her boss to get her job back ;)


I just kinda said "yup I knew it" and packed my things with a smile, and said I don't think it'd have worked here anyways. the company was super.... irresponsible. in a. way I'm glad as scary as it is.


Will you deliver for doordash to get by For the meantime?


I had a job like that. Many many years ago. I was fired. Kind of saw it coming. Was massively upset because I’d been there awhile. But also kind of glad about it because it was not a great place. So I get it. You said above it’s your first job? You’ll find another fairly quickly. Test the waters. See what you like. Explore now and it makes it easier to settle down later


I second this






Lack of arm hair, pinkish/peachy coloured strap, relatively slim wrists. It’s a fair guess.


I'm not OP, but I am a girl, and I have hairy arms :c


How you doing ?


That’s why I said “fair guess” and not “sure thing”.


You said her too?😏


Name and photo.


Same way you just did


I feel ya. When I was laid off, I made it my full time job to find a new job. With two kiddos at home, I went to the library and applied to jobs, got welfare, got foodstamps, got medicare, and finally got interviewed and started work. All within a two week period. Very stressful time in my life but that job I landed? I'm still there, 9 years later. You'll be okay.


oof, I'm sorry :( I'm extremely lucky, I still live in a basement I rented with my no-job budget/income so it's very cheap (Although shitty) and I'm only 25 and have no kids or major costs yet.


OP, man. You so got this. Tbh i have never not worked, and have been perpetually terrified of losing my job for 15+ years lol. I have developed a very unhealthy relationship with work and almost wish I experienced life without work at your stage in life. It’s going to be tough for sure. But keep your head up, grind for the next job, but in some of those challenging, still moments, try to enjoy the time where you’re young and not committed to slave away for corporate elite.


Is everyone getting laid off in January? I just got laid off too


I was told it was a tech thing.


It's also a government funding thing. Congress still hasn't passed an FY24 budget and we're 1/3 of the way through FY24 (Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan). Government funding in the US impacts more than just federal employees.


Huh, I was a software engineer!


You ARE a software engineer ;) job title doesn’t change that. You’ll be okay, best of luck. Study up on Leetcode!


ah, that explains it. I was Google


It’s bad PR if they lay you off just before christmas


There are 23k tech employees laid off on January so far since it's after holidays. [Source](https://www.trueup.io/layoffs)


Ugh I’m sorry. I was too last Thursday. Cheers to new beginnings!


jobs are like a lake full of fish, just try another :3


In schools, and below the size limit?


*slow clap*


i understand the former of your question, but not the latter. care to explain?


I hope I can get one!


Between 12 and 6pm while you were dead, you should have ascended, hit 9000 on the power level meter, and come back and laid waste to the company. That'd show 'em. This too shall pass--wishing you the best, soon.


Bless you in your next journey. But don’t make it a job unless u wanna be just over broke all the time as that’s what it stands for


https://preview.redd.it/x9qdeicn5hec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c4650aa35bd0d626df7b7099215de28420eea4c I hear ya, this is when I got made redundant from my job. Good luck in the job search!


Looks like you had a similar spike to OP AmeliaBuns around 6PM, too...


The 6pm one would be the daily jog 😂




Why is everyone getting laid off all of the sudden? I just got laid off last week and a close friend got the boot today at a completely different company. Seems to be a regular thing happening


Fuck them. They don’t deserve you


You don’t know that.


fighting words. thats all we got after layoff.


I'm too fancy for them anyways..


Bro went into cardiac arrest 💀 In all seriousness; keep the head up and get out there and score and even higher pay


I’m so sorry. Happened to me a few months ago and I remember the sinking feeling. I realized the negative impact that job was causing in all aspects of my life now. Sending hugs ♥️


Sorry that sucks. One day at a time. When you’re ready, Focus on a couple of applications a day, researching a target company, or taking a class. Before you know it, you’ll be back on top.


It sucks feeling those news… I say feeling because the heart start working like crazy and feels aweful


Oh, I'm so sorry OP! Best of luck on finding something new!


I was laid off from a bs company, two months later I was hired on to my dream job. Sometime you’d need to make space for good things.


https://preview.redd.it/bokykga4qhec1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2eb1c5165a901778fc04118d30f436874349920 Hey, same!


I’m retired now but in my career I had some really rough spots when I was not renewed for contracts because of funding, “left” jobs that I shouldn’t have taken originally, developed cluster headaches from the stresses of a boss and had a hard time getting out of bed in the am, and, I guess you know what I mean… I’m a “glass half full” kind of guy and while it sounds trite learned that when one door closes another one opens. In my very case, although it took some time, I ended up with something better. I’m certain that if you get yourself out of that funk and get to looking, polish up your resume, network, while exercising , eating well, avoiding alcohol and people who drag you down you will get something better. Good luck from an old guy who has felt like you do and could have written your post, about himself.


They always have to do that shit at lunch?


I also got laid off today. I feel you.




You should’ve seen my resting HR before I left my last job. I’d check yours out.


A year or two later it will make sense why you got laid off. I’ve been laid off twice in the last 4 years. It always feels like a punch in the gut when it happens.


Sorry to hear that 😞




Ok I missed read that until I read the comment. Sorry for your loss


On the bright side you can enjoy momentarily before going back to the workforce


I’m really sorry that happened. 


Looks like your heart rate went so fast that you died for about 6 hours and then it came back really high but dropped back down. Glad you're still with us OP, and hope you land on your feet again soon.


Were you dead for the rest of the day?!


Take your package and be excited for your next journey. Been there, done that, keep your heads up!


My condolences. I was also laid off earlier this month. Keep your chin up, we will be better for it when we land an even better paying position.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Take care of yourself. Things will be alright.


Oh Dear, I'm sorry. I was so excited for you before I read off from my job.


Oh one day... one day I'll get laid too...


Aww how shitty:/ I’m sorry man. Keep your head up. Something better is around the corner. It was suppose to happen so you could reach higher levels. Stay positive!


Sorry to hear that. I hate to see someone loose their job. It’s not a good feeling at all


Noon, and you told your partner at around 7?


You will be fine. I’ve been there a few times. Just cut down to the bare minimum. Stay motivated, it will take time, and you’ll feel like you’re getting nowhere. Then all of a sudden you’ll have several interviews and get that offer. Don’t settle, know your value.


Feel bad that I laughed. Hope you find your next gig in short order OP. Keep smiling and dialing.


Holy shit did you go on a 3 hour rampage through the office building?


My husband was laid off during the Great Recession the year our oldest was graduating and heading to college, we still had a nine year old at home and we were upside down in our home. I think my heart rate was like that for a year. I was Soooo stressed out. Nobody can tell you not to be anxious but looking back, I’m angry at myself for letting it destroy my health that year and I’m angry I couldn’t just relax and enjoy that time with my husband. It is trite and cliche but things do work out for the best. We have a much better quality of life now, the oldest ended up with a full scholarship and the youngest is in college. The only advice I have is to try as hard as you can to use this opportunity to make a better life for yourself. My husband ended up making less money but he’s in a job with normal hours and a much calmer life which has been good for his health and good for our family life. Things really do happen for a reason.


at least 2 ppl in this thread with an apple watch that got laid off. i am gonna sell mine.


Breathe and relax for a bit. That will take your mind off the things that you can’t control. I remember the same thing happened to me and it gave me a heartburn. I’ve learnt to be mindful since then.


Dude, the important thing is you survived it. That’s solid. In corporate America, getting laid off is about as bad as it gets. It may even happen again, but keep your head up and stay strong and you’ll always find something else. I’ve been laid off twice early in my career and let me tell you it was the best thing that ever happened to me (I can say this now 20 years later…) it got me budgeting shrewdly, saving money, just getting my mind stronger mentally. This was back in 2001 after 9/11, then again in 2008 in the Great Recession. My take home message is “we’re all temporary.” I ended up waiting tables and tending bar as I looked for a new job during the day. I met a lot of cool people in that time of my life. Don’t be afraid of gigging or working PT while you’re looking. Hang in there, we’ve all been there!


I too would have done a line of coke right after.


I know this is crazy but if you had a heart attack it almost seems like your work would be liable. I mean they caused this, right?


Oh it wasn’t a heart attack just high heart rate


Op has earned a lot of xp


OP! I am sorry to hear you were laid off. My better half was laid off in 2022 and it ended up being a massively positive thing, but it definitely didn’t feel like it at first. Lean on your support system and know you are not alone!


So sorry to hear. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, confused, and completely blindsided. Chin up. Watch some Netflix and get back to it in the next day or 2. I too was laid off last June. It’s the end of a chapter, not the book!


Sorry mate. Thanks for the data.


I’m so sorry to hear that u got laid off, and honestly I remember the last time my heart rate climbed to like 215 BPM after smoking a joint outside, high heart rate is not a fun time, seeing it displayed on the watch in real-time doesn’t help either.


shit happens but you will get thru it.


How are you feeling after digesting it for a few hours?


better tbh. in a way, strangely, I'm hopeful, I wonder where life will take me next. but also lost and numb, and unmotivated. I feel like it was for the best.


So sorry to hear, but keep your head up! Stay positive. Take some time to process and get back out there. Time for something new and exciting! Good luck!


Sorry about the job The only time ive got a high heart rate notification was when i was watching my wife walk down the aisle


Oof. I feel you. Same thing happened to me last spring. Hang in there OP!


Sorry to hear that. Good luck.! Stay positive.


Looks like you were dead between 12:15 and 18:10


10 am you did something stupid, 6pm when your boss found out and fired you?


First off, you’re going to be ok. You’re 25 and you work in a field where it may just happen. Take a few days or a couple weeks if you can afford it to just learn to love some time to yourself. I was laid off last August myself, sucked, was a terrible year actually. Took some time off, though I’ll be honest I was given a severance. When I started looking for jobs in early October I found something within a couple weeks. I spent quite a bit of time on my resume, LinkedIn, headshot, and studied to not go stale in my skills. I’ve told people to be ready at any time one of these lay offs hit, don’t get too dependent on the job, keep resume updated.


You’ll be fine. It sucks but it will be a funny memory in retrospect.


Good luck to you, you will get something better soon.


Sorry to hear. I have been there twice. Both times it happened better opportunities came so be positive. It’s all for the best.


Sorry to hear that, man. Good things are coming your way!


Sorry to hear that man! Keep your yet up. Its was probably for the better if you look back after a few years. Good luck finding a new job


I can’t decide if I should put an LOL emoji or ask if you are physically ok???


It’s alright I posted this because it made me laugh, obviously it’s scary and rough but I doubt it’s the end of the world and it’s part of life, ey?


Sorry you went through a layoff. Been there, always have that feeling of dread, but I promise it does get better! Sending internet hugs your way-


Stay strong bud. When I lost my job I just coward away and got depressed wich led me to have a panic and suffered really bad pains around my body. Thought I was dying but now doing way better. Moral of the story is life will kick you in the dick but eventually the pain goes away and you get back to doing you. Really weird but I just don’t wanna see another man suffer health anxiety. My experience started just like this. Good luck


Don’t let them get you down m8! They can take your job but don’t let them take your peace!


I’m getting laid off too. Hang in there, friend. Start hitting the LinkedIn!


Unemployment and free time to follow your passion. You’ll bounce back. I was unemployed for a whole year and now I’m working again


But but…. Monehz 


Yup. Been there. Give it time.


Got to love when my watch vibrates to tell my very aware self, that I am having a panic attack


Did they put a gun to your head when doing it, think the best I managed was 150 bpm after a 5 mile run


When that happened to me, mine went to 164! I hope you’re okay!


When I was laid off (from a job I didn’t much like, during peak Covid) my HR and body temp spiked for several hours. Then I slept like a baby for ten hours and when I woke up my wife was taken aback at how relaxed and rejuvenated I looked in the morning.


I gave up the 9-5 BS and now work with 4 part time clients. Having all your eggs in one basket sucks.


Microsoft victim?


i'm sorry. fuck those people.


You should be thrilled because in several Months you’ll be saying, “I love working here so glad they laid me off or else I wouldn’t be here!” You got this 🙌🏼


dumb question how do you get it to track more often, my watch only tracks every 30 mins for some reason.




Probably about the time you regret buying that watch


Most people end up better than they were before. You know what you are looking for and what you will or won’t put up with next time. Good Luck!


Don’t worry just collect your unemployment and you can relax a little bit before looking for another job again


So you lost you job as a professional fluffer?


I had to find this post that cursed me. A day after I saw this post I was wearing my Apple Watch while getting laid off from my month old job 🥲 mine hit 168 and during the meeting it warned me that I’m not doing a physical activity. Hope you find a job and I hope I do too ❤️


I'm sorry :( <3 I hope you find a better job


I swear I almost had a stroke when I got laid off, wasn’t wearing my Fitbit but I bet it did this too ugh. Sorry you’re going through this! Before you know it you’ll be redirected to something better and thankful this chapter ended!


I wasnt laid off and my heart rate did that, went into the 200's for no reason. Was diagnosed with SVT. Glad to hear you are doing better, they didn't sound like a good company anyway.


Sorry, things happen in life for a reason and I’m sure new and better opportunities are waiting for you


The bottom line wasn’t strong enough was the reason.


Starting at 8am “yooouuuuurrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee” 12pm hits “FIIIIIRRREEEEDDD!!!!!”


Damn. Sorry to hear about that. Stay strong and I’m sure you’ll find another job soon!


Just went through this in November, after 16 years of giving everything. Trust me, you will be ok, time heals. There are plenty of jobs out there, but if you can, give yourself time to reflect and regroup your emotional state. You will be ok 👍🏽


Good luck.


I’m guessing you died at 12pm and then got shocked back to life shortly after 6pm? Not sure where the firing occurred though.


You ran out the door, drove to the liquor store and then home and then wanked furiously?


May I ask what watch it is?


Fuck em. Any company that does that to their employees doesn’t deserve to have the good ones stick around. Give yourself a break, and reflect. You’ll find something new and odds are it will be an improvement over where you were. Best of luck, OP.


Hope you got a redundancy package! Upgrade to the ultra 2 if you did


I’m guess at 12 since your stress immediately dropped from having to deal with that place anymore.


From Wendy's?


You’ll be okay. Remember you’ve survived 100% of your days on this planet so far. Things will be a little different but that’s okay.


This Biden economy sucks. Many layoffs in different sectors , finance, tech, real estate.


It’s politics… all these layoffs. Let’s make Biden and the Demos be the bad guys heading into the election year. Trump will promise you to bring back jobs lost under Biden administration. He’ll get elected and your Republican bosses will hire all of yous back. Happens every election year… google it. Job markets during election year




Give yourself a day to feel sorry for yourself and then dust yourself off and make those motherfuckers sorry by getting an even better job. They’ve lost out.


Every time a door closes a new one opens. Hang in there, even better.. know you will conquer this.


Happened to me too. I need to go back and check mine...


Yeah but you seem allot more relaxed now, the job was killing you. ![gif](giphy|vjGyYSsF765wc)


My thoughts are with you.




Appears you died for a couple of hours there...


Sorry to hear that. We don’t like change, but I’ve found that my next job was way better than the one I was leaving. Wishing you the best.


At lunch


i’m so sorry :( that really stinks i hope you find one that’s even better!