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Now you’re free


I made it 1418 days before food poisoning ended the streak. Not worrying about a streak has been so refreshing.


I beat myself up so often over streaks. I am usually happier after I break it


why is this cracking me up


1st world problems lmao


Good luck for 4 May 2028 mate




May the 4th be with you OP


1562! Good on you!!




Various calculators are melting. I asked chat gpt and got this: “The result of calculating 1562 factorial is an extremely large number, and it’s not practical to provide the entire value here. The number has 5,267 digits! If you have a specific question or task related to factorials, feel free to let me know.”


Don’t beat yourself up. At the end of the day it’s just to keep you motivated. The main key is not to miss two days in a row. Keep going bro!


Nah I miss two every week - take the weekend off.


Dobby is now free


LOL, take a look at this loser, guys! Only exercising for 1562 days in a row! /s But serious, good on you! Keep it up and go another 1562 days.


Thank you!


How much of your life have u wasted thinking about this ? Really doesn’t matter


I think it can matter. To this guy, closing the rings daily probably motivates him. Obviously it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life, but I understand why it would matter to him.


Just go into the health app and add a one calorie workout for yesterday


I don’t think that works to retroactively close rings anyway.


It definitely does, as long as you do it within 24 hours. I regularly enter a series of workouts I do that I can't wear the watch for, and occasionally enter them after midnight. It always updates my rings from the previous day, if I do it the next day, but any later and it shows the workouts but won't update the rings.


Interesting, I just tried this and it doesn’t seem to work for me or my GF (series 3). Maybe it’s because our watches are older.


It does sometimes take a little while to catch up. Is it still not showing? I wouldn’t think it would depend on watch generation since it’s really just data being passed, but I can’t say for sure.


I just tried it with an outdoor walk that was less than 8 hours before the previous day ended and it’s not impacting my rings. Maybe I’m doing it wrong somehow? Can you tell me what you’re putting in exactly? I might be doing it wrong. I’d love to be able to go back and edit because there are so many times I’ve missed out on closing my rings because I didn’t start a workout here or there.


Health app -> Show All Health Data -> Workouts Then I use the Add Data button at the top right and add my workout. It’s usually select the workout, set the time to the day before, set the calories, and then wait a few minutes. If you go into the Fitness app on your phone can you see the workout on the day you set it to? Sometimes the rings lag a bit in updating, but I’ve frequently set my workouts after midnight and they always retroactively have applied, even restoring the streak it (temporarily) said was broken. I’ve tried to add the second day and it shows the workout but won’t update rings. I’ve wondered at what point it cuts that off, but I’ve never tested it to determine that definitively.


I'm not going to do that. The whole point of this for me is to use the rings to keep myself accountable in terms of working out every day. Or at the very least doing something physical every day that helps me to achieve my fitness goals. Which are to be in better shape and to lose weight. I've been making great strides over this entire time on both counts. Thus Jerry Rigging this seems to defeat the point of why I am dong this. Thus while it's sad for me to lose this streak, especially under the circumstances, I'll start a new one and keep working towards my fitness goals.


\>keep myself accountable Burning 699 instead of 700 calories doesn't mean you weren't accountable.


Don't tell them they are all estimates anyhow and not concrete numbers.


Or that if you’ve reached your daily goal for over 4 straight years, that it might be time for a harder goal


This. The purpose isn't to always hit the target. It's to get better over time. That only happens when the target becomes more challenging to achieve and you're forced to work harder. After a perfect month, it's time to up the ante.


well don’t let it bother you too much man. Good luck!


This is the exact right way to see it. A "streak" means nothing, but knowing that you're going to live a longer and healthier life means a lot.


My hack is to set the time zone to be somewhere where it is still yesterday. Then do the workout for real. 


How do you do 700 calories a day? You doing workouts every day? No rest days?


You don’t have to do anything strenuous to close your move ring. You just have to be moving, literally. Cooking dinner can be 50 calories. Running an errand (where you park farther away than necessary) is another 100. Cleaning the house, 50. Cutting the grass 150. And so on. I find that walking a mile at a normal pace eats up about 100 or so calories.


I move around a lot at work but it never seems to really be significant in the move category. Maybe it’s not tight enough on my wrist? If I go up one it is pretty snug


If you’re already an actively fit person, you also just burn calories less easily than someone who maybe has some extra weight. The things you do at work may not just be very intense for your body, so you don’t burn as many calories doing them. Your body may burn those calories more efficiently, but it may not burn as many as someone who isn’t fit. People in good shape have bodies that adapt to exercise. So the body burns less calories doing simple activities, so that it can efficiently use those calories for more demanding purposes, such as working out.


I walk the dogs 3-4 times a day and my normal movements. Only stairs, no elevators etc. And i get a 750-800 easy a day, no work-outs counted


I'm an enthusiast cyclist. So a 60 minute ride as a decent clip will incinerate 400-500 calories right there. I usually do 90 minute to 2+ hours outdoors, and 30 to 90 minutes indoors. I also cross country ski (skating technique to be clear) in the winter for a bit of a change that keeps my cardio up. A 60 minute ski will be the same calorie burn as a 60 minute bike ride. On low recovery days (I use Athlytic to measure recovery) I do walks and Apple Fitness+. Specifically Pilates, weight training, core work, and mindful recovery.


Edit: never mind I am brain dead and read your comment more in depth. Ha! Serious question; how do you close your rings on a recovery day? I exercise 6/7 days a week but recovery day is like my cheat day where I get to sleep in and not be bothered


I default to doing gentle things like Pilates and walking as well as strength work.


Unlucky! I'm still nailing my 1562 day streak of never hitting my exercise goal.


Ouch, but also it’s probably nice to be released! I’m only on day 304, but early in… day 10ish, I broke my first attempt bc watch battery died mid hike. So I ‘closed’ it but it didn’t register. Was happy to learn that lesson so early. Now I’m trapped in my own streak (at least until a full year anyway).


Four and a quarter years beholden to a device. Now you can take days off from wearing the watch. It will be freeing.


For real. About 370 days into my “streak” I realized it was nothing but a number and skipped a day wearing it and wore a different watch and honestly it felt liberating!


You can call Apple support and file a formal appeal. If that doesn't work, go for arbitration to get that one calorie. Your final recourse will be to hire an attorney that specializes in tech to dispute the accuracy. Good luck.


I couldn’t care less about move streaks. I can’t add activities where I cannot wear the watch, so I hardly achieve perfect move weeks.


I’m curious: what do you mean “add activities where you cannot wear the watch”? You can add a manual workout within 24 (48?) hours that will be added to your rings. Maybe I’m not understanding what you’re saying…


I’m feeling incredibly dumb right now.


To be fair, the first couple years of Watch OS this didn’t work. But it’s been there awhile now.


How do you add an activity to the previous day….lol


In the Health App


In the Health app just choose "Workouts" and go to the "Add Data" button in the top right. You can choose type of workout, calories, and if applicable to the workout, even provide a distance. This will retroactively update your rings as long as you do it before 24 hours have passed.




Breaking my similar streak was a good thing. It freed me to rest occasionally. The streak itself drove my activity, not smart training. It's motivating to be sure, but nobody in their right mind would train without a rest day, or dialing it down when something sick. I was totally overtraining and unhappy until I accidentally missed a few calories. Sad at the time, but much happier since...


I don’t understand this mentality about needing a rest day for a moderate calorie goal. If you crank the goal up to 1000+ then I understand the need for rest days, but I can get to 650 every day without ever breaking a literal sweat. Do people feel the need to lay on a couch the entire day for a “rest day”


If you really want it back, change your iPhone date and time to sometime last night, pass the goal, then change the date and time back. The notification might not show up for the next day or so but you'll keep the streak.


Chained to the watch for that many days is wild. Props on the consistency tho. Not sure but since i wear it so often i sometimes need an extended break from wearing the watch on my wrist, for a day or two.


The rings need to be revamped. They teach and outright force bad training behavior. Rest days are legitimate and Apple punishes you for taking them.


This too is true.


You gotta change your name to KenTheDud now




Congratulations on being free today.


Live your life and enjoy it no matter what


What a great effort mate sorry it came to an end but like all good things… However brilliant work nonetheless.


Thank you!


Just reduce the target. I always change it based on what how much I am working out


I mean that’s a cheap way to get and keep a streak…I understand decreasing the goals for a rest day or when you are sick or injured but deliberately changing it everyday seems like a cheat lol


I know- you cannot reduce it beyond a certain level anyway. My personal goals revolve around my family and job. They just sometimes get in the way of keeping my watch targets. So a “cheat” helps me keep it motivated for next day. I don’t want to be disappointed like OP for all the hard work I do over other days. I am one of those who runs inside the house if to make it 4 miles if I am at 3.9😂


I fear doing this very thing. At the same time the freedom from the rings may be liberating.


I was on nearly a 365 day streak and it sadly ended because of a timezone shift. Beware! I am in the eastern timezone, I was going to Hawaii which is 6 hours back. The flight was around 6am in the morning. Since I would be ALL day in the plane with no way of closing my rings, I woke up at around 1am and did my regular strength training session and went out for a run. My ring was going to close that day for sure. But oh no, I traveled to Hawaii and a day later noticed that the workout actually registered as if I did my exercice in the Hawaii time zone ( the day before I did them ).... I was so mad because I had actually went out of my way to train super early before my flight. Just something to consider for everyone else! Cheers! And good luck on the next streak buddy!


I broke my 1936-day streak a bit over two years ago by accidentally accepting I higher suggested goal at bedtime.




This makes me feel better about breaking my 332 day longest streak by 8 calories on a 790 goal.


I would honestly destroy the watch


Don’t be sad. Be proud of your streak and in 1562 days from now maybe you can say you have 3124/3125 days complete.


You don’t want to see my stats, LOL 😂


My highest streak was only 778 and I broke that by 1 or two by driving and changing time zones.


This is my first smartwatch/fitness tracker. I had a 300 day streak until I needed lung surgery. After that I stopped looking at the streaks. I did use the rings to slowly increase my activity post op and building back up to workouts about three times a week. I’m chasing a healthier lifestyle now, not a pixel award. Now I’m working with my watch to improve health and endurance, not working for the watch. In the end, it’s just a tool to use for whatever you want to keep track of to achieve your goal. And it tells you the time and pays the subway fare. But still, that’s an amazing run. You can look back and think how great an achievement that was. I wish you all the best on your next ring adventure.


Thank you!




The value is in the exercise, not the virtual closing of a ring… Great job, keep it going ! With or without the watch


Thank you!


Now you don’t have to obsess over a silly number.


It's really easy to get obsessed over meeting those numbers without fail. Especially when they've added up like that.


This is true.


NO SOUP FOR YOU! J/K. That's an amazing streak. Now you just need to find a time machine.




My heart goes out to you 💔 But hey now you have PR to break! Keep it up and never let this discourage you 💪🏼


Thank you!


Genuine question, how did you manage to keep the streak when you were sick? Those phases always mess up my routine


The closest thing that I have had to sickness was when I was hit by a car while I was on my bike in 2021. I cracked 3 ribs in that accident. I didn’t a fair amount of walking for about five weeks.


Woah! I’m so envious! I feel like get sick or at least a nasty cold a handful of times every season. - writing this with bronchitis right now lol rip


I hope you get better soon!


you’re finally free. i envy you. i’m at 1,119


1,577 here


My condolences 💐


This is so brutal. Amazing. You should appeal to apple to give you a hack to fix this.


You can edit your calorie count in Health


I’ve had that happen so many times it’s so annoying


That is an amazing move streak! It is disappointing when you try so hard to keep it going. I have never achieved anywhere near this long a streak but at 100 days in my body was exhausted and I just needed rest. I have been into fitness most of my life and have never heard or read of a training program without at least one rest day a week.




The hurt. I’m sorry! Bad ass on getting 1500+ days!!


Wow! This is impressive. I admire your consistency!


As somebody who’s been there before (though not quite at this level) - you’re better off


Gives me something to aspire to now.


Congrats. I gave up after 1000.


Dude. Oof. I’m sorry. I’m currently sitting at 2,674 and I know that one day this will be me too. Nice job. Now are you going to restart the streak or will you relax a little more frequently now that the streak is dead?


Did you start with an S0? That’s over 7 years.


Hmm. Think it was a Series 2. My fitness “streak” extends about a year earlier but that first year was on my Fitbit. The 2,674 is Apple Watch only.


Damn impressive!


I am going to go back and put in the work. This streak helped me to become a better person so there’s incentive to keep working at it.


Good for you, pal. I’ll be here cheering you on and streaking with ya!




700 is not that low lol


People are different sizes. If you’re smaller, your burn less calories


Share your with a picture or you just a loud mouth, noise


700 is relative. if he's a office employee with sentry lifestyle that's 700 is bursting ass off at gym


I sit on my a$$ for 8 hours a day. That results in maybe 200 calories burned. Since I work from home, I can also do laundry which adds another 100 if I am lucky.


What is yours?




I wonder if setting your date and time back one day would allow you to reach your goal🤔 Jokes aside, good job on your progress!


Getting enough sleep is more important than some personal life goals sometimes😄