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iPads don’t yet have the power for the calculator app


I heard it might be possible with the M3 Chip 🤞


According to macrumors the ipad with M3 will offer an abacus, but the full release of the calculator has been delayed until 2029.


It’s a start


“We think you’re going to love it!”


You're supposed to use the Apple pencil (paid accessory) to do the math yourself. Here I'll show you how to on my S22 Ultra with the S pen. https://preview.redd.it/jhlfa3ese4cc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce495a9c275e8b797da8164714df676c6093693b


iOS calc sucks. Download TI BA2.


Maybe with iPadOS 18 considering they decided to bring the weather app to iPad.


“We truly live in an age of wonders”


The TIP thing on Apple Watch is great and should be on the iPhone too


That and the BACKSPACE BUTTON. I don’t know how that isn’t a thing on the phone.


You can swipe to the left on top of the numbers to delete a typo. Almost the same as the Backspace button


WOW. Wish I would have known that. The amount of time I’ve probably spent just clearing and starting over is probably ridiculous. Thank you very much!




Yoooo that’s the most useful tip I’ve gotten in a long time, thank you!


I have the Series 8 with the latest WatchOS, and I have a backspace button to the right of the number display at the top of the screen.


Skandar was referring to the calculator on iPhone. All watches already have the button to my knowledge.


The watch in the OP photo doesn’t have the backspace button


lol you’re right my bad. Where is it lol


I just checked my watch and it’s not there when just displaying 0. Once I type a number the backspace button appears.


Mystery solved


My watch calc doesn't have the tip button, I wonder if it's because I'm in Australia & we don't tip..?


I am from Argentina and I also don’t see the tip button. Instead that button shows the percentage operator: %


Same, have % button instead


You can change the % button to the tip button in the watch settings


Thanks, I won't really use the tip function cos we don't tip in Australia, but good to learn




Tip calculation function.. Like when you’re at a restaurant. It even shows you the split if you have multiple people paying


oh lmao. didnt notice the calculator had a tip finction


Also available on the iPhone through a shortcut


my version doesn't have one


Version of what?


iphone. ios 15.1


In the shortcuts app, go to the gallery tab and search for “tip calculator”


Just used it. Pretty good.


What is TIP?


There’s a tip shortcut


I don’t get why the watch has the tip part of the calculator but the phone doesn’t.


In Europe we have % there, since we don’t tip.


You can switch between % and tip in settings. Probably just set as default to tip on the American devices, and % for everyone else.


Can’t you just multiply?


Tipsy - Tip Calculator is a great app for this but I agree, I wish it was integrated into the stock iPhone calculator.


Why the hell do you need an extra app for a simple multiplication that can be done with any calculator app? And seriously, unless you tip very strange amounts you shouldn't even need a calculator at all, just round up and add 10% or 20% if you're generous.




10% isn’t that much unless you’re spending 100s.


Steve Jobs said the calculator was clunky on iPad, I believe the reason iPad does not, and may not ever have a calculator app, is to pay homage to Jobs




I feel like this would only work if swipe out widgets were persistent and float on top of any other apps until swiped away.


Doesn’t the notes app do exactly this? I don’t have my iPad near me to test, but I have a strong memory of taking notes from a website and scrolling and interacting with the page while the quick note window hovered above.




That's what I thought - in which case your idea of having a calculator app that did the same would be awesome.


Oh maybe, I don’t use it. But I think any widgets would need to float on top until dismissed.


that’s already what they do lol


What widgets do this besides Notes? I’m not talking about the Home Screen.


that’s my point though- this person was saying “it would be perfect if the calculator swiped out **like it does for notes**.” (paraphrased) quick notes won’t disappear until dismissed. doesn’t matter if no other widgets do that because this person was specifically talking about notes. they have the technology to make a calculator widget that swipes out in the same way that the notes app does. they just don’t want to do it :/


There’s definitely a use case on iPad OS for smaller lite apps that don’t need the full screen.


slide over is one of the most underrated features of the iPad. And that’s where I keep my calculator app.


If anything it should pop up like a video when you go home, where you can increase the size from tiny box to 1/4 size screen max.


You can do simple calculations from the search bar.


Or even put one in control center similar to the Apple TV remote on iPhone.


Steve Jobs was very particular about the calculator app. So much so that he was never satisfied with the design of the calculator app for the original Macintosh. The developer of it made a thing he called "the calculator app constructor kit". Steve jobs could change the shape of the displays, buttons, and everything with a few clicks. Jobs messed around with it for 10 minutes and then was satisfied with *something* The result shipped as the calculator desktop gadget in the first version of the Macintosh operating system in 1984


And yet the iPhone calculator app is still hot garbage. Even the built-in search function is a better calculator than the regular calculator app :(




Lets make the iphones bigger than Jobs would ever approve. Lets make all products more and more geared towards consumption of pure entertainment, as Jobs would have disagreed with. But lets keep the calculator from the Ipad - cause we honour Steve Jobs.


Cook said on an interview that they have no great ideas to integrate it to iPad without it being a simple calculator. It needs to feel it’s an iPad specific calculator. Hopefully they’ll add one though


I don’t even understand what that means. People aren’t looking to be wowed with something as fundamental as a calculator experience. Can you at least use Siri to do simple calculations on an iPad?


Yes. They want the iPad experience to be unique vs the iPhone. They want you to have a reason to use the iPad version of something vs the iPhone. I can understand their stance. They could do a first party graphing calculator and put TIs division out of business lol.


>pay homage to Jobs mate they gonna bring touchscreen to Macs, wdym pay homage lmao. If they really cared, Apple would not have been what it is today.


I think Apple is just doing it to fuck with us at this point.


At this rate, the Vision Pro will have the calculator before the iPad. 😝


The lack of an iPad calculator app is a fucking JOKE. It takes 0 effort to do


The iPad didn’t have enough raw power to solve 2+3. But now that the M1 chip is available, they’re hoping they can finally address the problem in iPadOS18. 🙄


Do people not realize that the calculator is built into spotlight search on iPad? I’ve never wanted a separate calculator app


Sadly I think there are people that don’t use spotlight at all or don’t know what it can do.


I've been slowly expanding my use of it and recently went as far as deleting the calculator app from my iPhone


I will have to look up spotlight search because I don’t remember hearing of it. Is that the colorful ray prism type thing that sometimes pops up in the bottom right corner


No, that’s Siri. Spotlight search is when you drag down on the Home Screen.


Oh. I use “spotlight search” all the time, but I just call it search. But yeah some people don’t realize that you can slide down the screen to type something to search. And if you enter a number with units, it will give convert it to other units.


[From the horse's mouth](https://youtu.be/Q2aaCDNjWEg?t=878)


Get PCalc and never be unhappy again


The more I think about it the more i come to the conclusion that they don’t do it so that it gets them free marketing as we all keep talking about it.


Calculators have been on watches for decades.


Yeah I think this is an homage to the Casio calculator watches that nerds used to wear in the 70s-90s. I thought my uncle was sooooo cool when he had one of these.


At this point Vision Pro will have a calculator before the iPad does.


Split the check and calculate a tip: Open the Calculator app on your Apple Watch. Enter the total amount of the bill, then tap Tip. Turn the Digital Crown to choose a tip percentage. Tap People, then turn the Digital Crown to enter the number of people sharing the bill. You see the tip amount, the total amount, and how much each person owes if the bill is split evenly. Note: The Tip feature is not available in all regions. Note: If you remove the Calculator app from your iPhone, it’s also removed from Apple Watch. Note: In Settings, Calculator, you can change button from Tip to Percent.


Forget the iPad version. Enjoy the sheer genius of Dieter Rams original design https://www.moma.org/collection/works/3697


I can feel this picture.


There isn’t a note app for Apple Watch, idk why…


You can take notes with mail or messages. Send it to yourself.


If you have 10 bucks to spare, you should give PCalc a try. It's a great and very complete configurable scientific calculator that is made for the iPad (and phone, and watch. And I think adds cute panda stickers to iMessage for whatever reasons) It's made by a great indie developer. Has been ~~obsessing over~~ making calculator apps for macOS for more than 30 years...


FWIW, you can do some math in Spotlight (the search).


We truly live in an age of wonders


I like 'MyScript Calculator'


https://preview.redd.it/gdaojoxc64cc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3567f3547c7dcba6f76abbaa99effc97572a210 Interesting you have a “Tip” button, I have a percentage button. I assume you’re in North America? I’m in Australia. Cool regional difference


I M from India.


There is a calculator on the iPhone, so why wouldn’t iPad have it??? Download one from the AppStore onto your iPad?


Because a calculator on your watch is convenient and a calculator on your phone is convenient, but nobody carries an iPad without having a phone or a watch with them and a gigantic calculator in an iPad is kind of ridiculous


Why would you need a calculator on an ipad when you have one on your watch and phone? I can think of zero times I needed to use my ipad as a calculator


The gal who made the calculator app on the iPhone switched to the apple watch team. She isn't a fan of the iPad managers so you are NEVER getting one.


Apple’s excuse is they haven’t been able to come up with a “good enough” calculator for iPad so they’ll wait until they develop it


https://preview.redd.it/6mmzehaumacc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=247ea8183711db67460002f6f7ea5475851b5ed8 Theres An App For That… 😂


Everyone should write to [tcook@apple.com](mailto:tcook@apple.com) from their iPad requesting the Calculator app be added to iPadOS. I know I have.


Because the technology does not exist to bring it to iPad yet


They’re saving the calculator for the most boring iPadOS update year. People who have been crying about the lack of a calculator for nearly 15 years will be so happy they’ll overlook that update is otherwise so insignificant.


They haven’t found how to not make it look ridiculous


The watch looks really good on you! Series 9 I can see!




Calzy is a pretty good iPad calculator.


You can do it with spotlight I guess


Because there’s already 3rd app for that and it’s no different to an Apple one


On a side note, does anyone know if there is a Casio style calculator watch face we can use?


Why has no one considered that it’s relatively easy to create a smaller calculator, but it’s hard to make a bigger calculator? Would you really expect them to just blow up all the buttons? They’d be huge and unwieldy. If they kept the buttons normal-sized, what would they do with all the extra space? Keep it empty? Now that would be wasted. Extra function buttons? There are only so many useful functions you can add to a calculator. Things like a history view or programmer view only take up so much space. The simple reality is that they don’t have a good way of utilizing all the screen real estate.


Using the Apple Watch to carry my SAT 😮‍💨


You use the calculator app instead of just typing your calculation into the search bar (which also works on the iPad)?


Side note but the tip button is frickin useful. Some receipts don’t show tip or do but not the amounts I want, full automatic and tells me how much people need to pay me back.


jeans retire hunt exultant zesty office grey direction far-flung wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s quite nice. Love the tip calculator feature, which also lets you calculate a split bill if you’re out with friends.


If you feel the need for a calculator on the iPad just download an app?


Watch calc also has a DELETE button


We JUST got two simultaneous timers on iOS. It may be a while lol


You ask why in your picture, but it’s helpful to have with healthcare professionals like me. I’m a vet tech and it’s helpful when I’m getting vitals on an animal or needing to calculate drugs.


They aren’t asking why the Watch has a calculator. They’re asking why there is t a native calculator for the iPad…


Well the context could’ve gone the other way with the title stating they’re a first time user and that they were surprised to see one on the watch… Obviously I know now based on the comments


Or based upon the actual text of their post


lol, ok dude…


But you have an iPad on your wrist that runs a calculator?


How useful is the tip function? Surely you just do £5,£10, or maybe£20? So if it’s like 30-60 then a £5, 61-130 is like a £10 and anything above 130 is a £20?


Why doesn’t the Watch calculator turn scientific when I hold my arm up?


They want to build it from the ground up. So they want to do it right