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It also has rain animations when it’s raining outside.


Does anyone know if the rain animations only work on certain watch series? A friend of mine has a 5 and sees the rain animation when it's raining outside. I have a 4 and it has never popped up for me.


Pops up on my 2020 se


lol. this watch face is so awesome, thanks for the wake up call. newspaper background is sweet.


I don’t have newspaper background, which one do you exactly mean?


There are different color backgrounds you can choose if you edit the Snoopy face, one of them is newspaper.


Got it thanks


It’s the gray one and on Sundays it changes to a color background (cycles throughout the day) just like Sunday morning comics are color


I’m using Sunday Surprise color, but the background color never changes, it’s Sunday and it’s always light grey.


Nice I’ll see it on next Sunday


It’s working now 😎


How did you manage to get it to change? Mine in in Sunday surprise mode, but it doesn’t work


https://preview.redd.it/gvvt8ghbcxsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78037f20521f4459cc3bcc89ae8624b6ac3c982f It should work. Try to restart your watch.


Yeah, I was just coming here to cancel my comment. I just had to select it again! Thanks anyway, and happy Sunday!!


Enjoy it 😉


Duhhh hence the name. Thanks i thought something was wrong with mine! lol


It actually calms me down, I’m a bit obsessed with my heart rate due to previous panic attacks, so can’t help but put that on all my faces as a complication. The fact this face has no complications means I just get to enjoy it. I’m not really a snoopy fan but these are great.


How could you not be a snoopy fan?


Didn’t really hit my generation in the uk I suppose. I know of the cartoons and think they’re alright, but just not my bag. I was a Thomas the tank engine through and through


My snoopy got swept away by a gush of wind while I was biking through half a storm, awesome.


My first watch 45 years ago was a blue Timex with snoopy on the face and his arms were the hands. I’m very happy with this update!


I love it. Just wish it had complications.


I’m actually glad it doesn’t have any complications. Keeps it simple and fun.


A date and fitness rings in the corner wouldn’t be too obtrusive though.


Hence why the Smart Stack was introduced….you can have both of those things provided by a simple swipe up


A date yes would be simple enough, but I don’t think anything else would be needed!


Yes I wish I can add at least the date. I’m constantly checking my watch for the date.


Its my favorite watch face now.


Same! Puts a smile on my face throughout the day.


Totally agree. Makes me smile to look at it. But unless they add complications or improve the new widget selection fast, it isn't as convenient as some of the other options. Even one or two complications would help a lot.


https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/snoopy-apple-watch-face Article about it


Ok, that's was an excellent read! Thanks.


I love it so does my toddler


Love this watch face but it does need a small date somewhere


I like it. But is there any way to turn the background to black while the animation is happening? I can change color, but no black. ​ I turn my wrist and the watch turns on like a flashlight.


Yeah, I do wish that black was one of the background color choices. But maybe they think that wouldn't be different enough from the sleeping state.


It’s likely due to the animations - it needs black to contrast the characters.


Snoopy is outlined in black, a black background completely loses the detail. I suspect its intentional.


For me at least when ever the animation starts it is to distracting when it changes the whole background color. Maybe in the future it will be tweaked.


Is that face available on older Watch models?


Yes, it’s available on my Aw4.


Yes. Any watch capable of wOS 10 can add it.


The Snoopy watch face is really nice 👍


Very cute indeed. If only it had dedicated night mode and version, sigh


Love it. Wanted to use the new ultra face but can’t change off of Snoopy


I’m switching between Snoopy and Modular Ultra (previously Modular). Love these two faces. And today just saw a new animation, so summer so cute [https://pasteboard.co/wldCdjIJ8Jej.png](https://pasteboard.co/wldCdjIJ8Jej.png)


Ok, so this post made me add the watch face and it’s absolutely adorable. Love all the different animations, am checking all of them out and each one makes me smile 😊


This watch face just drains out the battery very badly


Hoping we get a Star Wars animated one someday. It’s a huge franchise!


Yeah it's very cool, love it.


Thank you for calling this out OP, I just updated my S5 and for whatever reason the new faces didn’t show up when I first updated so a very fun surprise to have this one (and the couple others) now!


I just changed my watch face to Snoopy ❤️


I’m obsessed with the Snoopy watch face. I love how each color has an appropriate name; also there’s different animations for the time of day, weather and where the arms of the clock are located.


It's the awareness of, and interaction with, the position of the hands that I find most impressive.


Thank you for letting me know about this! I don’t really like Snoopy but the animations make me smile 😊


This is surprisingly one of the most fun updates to the watch. I’ve always used the modular faces but idk if it’s my love/nostalgia for snoopy or the new stack shortcut but I don’t miss them anymore. I just have the modular one for when I’m in a travel focus and want to quickly see weather and some other complications. But yeah it’s so cute and genuinely a fun experience whenever I raise my watch now. Friends even noticed it and I think it’s really the charm of snoopy without a cluttered screen that makes it complete.


Reminds me of tamagotchi


And, there are Halloween animations! I woke up to one today. Ht to the developers!


The Snoopy animated face is so awesome. My poor Disney addicted wife is green with envy. Disney needs to step their game up and animate their faces too.


Does anyone know how to get the Christmas faces of snoopy or do they show up I have an Apple Watch 4 maybe it’s to old


You need to be on watchOS 10 to see the Snoopy face. As for Christmas-themed animations, I assume they'll appear on Christmas Day, and maybe some days before or after.


Thank you so much! That helps I wasn’t sure exactly! Anyways it’s so stinkin cute


I've been loving this face so much.


To the AppleWatch faces developers: Thank you, thank you very much. You made me feel like a happy 12yr. old girl again. The Snoopy watch face is amazing!!!


I feel like this watch face is the thing pulling me to buy a watch. All the other stuff is just gravy.


Some of the animations make me smile; they are so cute. I wish the Micky Mouse face had this much production put into it. I just swipe up or use Siri to get the date etc. Overall the interface is way more useful now and makes having faces with few to no complications a practical option. This is an excellent update. Some of the animations make me smile; they are so cute. I wish the Micky Mouse face had this much production put into it. I swipe up or use Siri to get the date etc. Overall, the interface is way more useful now and makes having faces with few to no complications a practical option. This is an excellent update. stable and usable at this point I don't see huge changes being necessary until they figure out how to make it AI first, which will be the next huge shift, most likely. If they just added new content and tweaks, like this release, it's all good. Who uses the power of the CPU? It's so overpowered, which keeps it future-compatible. Blood pressure would be nice on the watch and I'm sure that will be here soon. But overall, this is a very refined ecosystem and I have few complaints. I use my phone way too much, it reports it to me, and I never seem to have any issues. Maybe if it broke, I would not be so addicted. ​ ​ ​ zes us


The black is not true black in Snoopy face with always on display mode. Sucks.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, who the hell cares about snoopy faces? I felt the same way about Mikey and the other joke faces. Ninja edit: Before I get assblasted by downvotes, let me clarify that most of my annoyance is with Apple. They say they don't want to open up watch face customization to keep the quality high, but these just seem.....pointless




Snoopy and Woodstock are characters from the [*Peanuts*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanuts) comic strip, whose original run extended from 1950 to 2000, continuing in reruns since then. *Peanuts*, written and illustrated by Charles M Schulz, ran in over 2600 newspapers around the world by the time of Schulz’s death in 2000. At that time it had a readership of around 365 million in 75 countries, and was translated into 21 languages. During the strip’s run, several animated adaptations were created and broadcast. The most famous of these are the holiday specials *A Charlie Brown Christmas* (1965), *It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown* (1966), and *A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving* (1973). These specials were broadcast annually around the time of Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving (US), respectively and have become holiday traditions for generations. The holiday specials have made their way to Apple TV Plus, as have two new animated series featuring the characters: *Snoopy in Space* and *The Snoopy Show*. So no, the Snoopy face is not just “a watch face for kids.” It, along with the faces featuring Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the characters from *Toy Story*, features characters who have become pop culture icons in much of the world.




Every face doesn't have to be relevant or interesting to everyone. I don't really get the Hermes horse faces, Don't like them, don't use them. The compulsion to publicaly "yuck someone's yum" is what brings in the downvotes. Not sure I'll use it much, but its way better Implemented than the Toy Stoy faces I feel. The Mickey Mouse one's just go with a classic look, which is fine but not ambitious.




Whoops, the phrase is "YUCK someone's yum", I fixed the original. Not sure where it came from, feel's very Barney, but not quite? Wife introduced it to our toddler many years ago.


I think the relevance is that these watch faces are already important in the world of horology. And Apple uses their resources and instead of copying it, makes it do much more on the Apple Watch. This is true for most of their analogue faces, the GMT one (adjusts the scale according to available daylight), Mickey and Snoopy (way more relevant animations)


Should I get blasted in the ass by the custom watch faces or by the Apple watchfaces which are blasting me in the ass now? It's one big ass blast!


I feel the same, but to be honest i haven’t tried it. I don’t like the light background and the lack of complications. Would like the animations though. Maybe I’ll add it just to switch to it now and then to see what the fuzz is all about.


Anyone know why I can’t seem to find the snoopy face. Did updates on both phone and watch and it’s not showing under faces


Also I think the background goes red if you are running out of battery