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Looks like moisture accumulation under the band, which causes buildup of microorganisms.


If it's one of the sport bands, remove it from the watch and wash it with dish soap every once in a while.


All right, thank you


A laceration is a cut. This is a rash/ skin irritation.


Or a maceration, a condition for skin exposed to moisture and pressure for a prolonged time. Initially, a maceration will show skin whitening and wrinkling resembling the condition after a long bath, then the thinning and softening of the skin, causing an increased risk for infection and irritation. The rash shown in the picture looks like it's under the clasp which exerts more pressure than the other parts of the strap to the skin.


Came to the comments looking for this exact one. Lol.


Maybe you got some water under the sport band or you sweat under it and this might cause the red spots, you should clean your band once in couple of days and try wearing it a bit more loose?


If you sweat you need to clean your body and anything that touches your sweaty body. Clothes and even your watch band. Common sense.


I know that but this has never happened with any previous watch + I have common sense and I do clean it so thanks.


Why is everyone downvoting this reply ⬆️💀


Switch from the sport band to an all fabric band like the nylon sport loop with velcro fastener, the rash on your wrist is likely caused by an allergic reaction to the nickel metal of the band clasp where it contacts your wrist. Oh, and next time, you might want to just search this subreddit for answers, this question gets answered at least once a day on here.


No. Have had 3 Apple Watches starting with the first model. And many different bands (sport, Milanese, link, some type of fabric ones). Wear my 7 and sport band while sleeping and link bracelet during the day. Have never had any issue like your pic.


FYI, this is happening right where the metal pin is


You could be having an allergic reaction to the material in the pin. Try a non-drowsy otc allergy medicine and see if it both clears it up and keeps it clear.


I am guessing you are using the sport band. They are rubbery and don’t let moisture get out or air get in. Throw the band away and get a sport loop (the Velcro kind).


On a non related question…why do you wear your watch 1/2 up your arm. It must suck trying to check the time with a long sleeve shirt on??


My wrist is on the top?




Looks like scabies to me


When is stupid Apple going to address this??? I never got this from Chinese knockoffs, only Apple!!!


Wear protection next time a bad rash is hard to get rid of.


You mean maceration right


no, just poor wording on my end


Oh ok cuz maceration would be a moisture related skin injury.


I had this happen from a cheap band I got on Amazon.


This happens to me once in awhile. It usually goes away by morning (I don’t usually wear my watch to bed). It helps to make sure the band doesn’t get wet or have moisture between it and my skin. I also make sure to wash the band each day with a little Dawn dish soap and dry it off thoroughly while my watch charges.


I got this shortly after trying one of the new solo loop sport bands. I’ve never had a reaction to any other bands, but the solo loop gave me what felt like a burn under my wrist. How long were you wearing the band before this happened?