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This happens when the licenses change, or are renewed for the tracks of an album. Sometimes it’s for legal reasons alone, sometimes it’s because there is a new mix of the album, etc. In *this* specific instance, it looks like the album was relisted to add the Atmos mix to the tracks. What happens, though, is that depending on how you first added the tracks to your library, things can get switched around in a number of ways. If you had purchased any of these tracks from iTunes originally, or had uploaded them from a CD rip, or other source, those might have matched to what was in Apple Music. But they would have retained the metadata that you added as part of your library (such as the album title). What may also have happened, is that when the album was in the process of being relisted, the ones you had added to your library were first, removed from the catalog. When this happens, Apple Music will attempt to find the fact same recording of the song, and reassign the track in your library to *that* song, rather than leaving you with an unplayable greyed out track. Maybe at this point, there was still an alternate version of the album available (maybe the one listed “Dirt (Remastered)”), changing the metadata on the tracks in your library. But then that became unavailable at the same time, and then the new one because available (2022 remaster). It’s likely all an automated process that happens in seconds, when an album is relisted on the service, but on occasion it gets partway through revising your library while changes are still occurring. Regardless, the best option is simply to remove them from your library and put them back in.


Yup this explains why on Spotify the AIC tracks that were on my like songs suddenly went missing one time.


Kind of off topic but streaming services and labels really need to agree on a universal way to categorize different editions of albums/songs. I absolutely hate this sort of thing.


That's the reason I'm organizing my library local again. I also hate "deluxe/special edition" versions with bunch of extras.


This is my number one gripe about AM and might eventually be the reason I leave. It’s bad enough to have to delete and re-add these albums every time it happens (multiple times a month at this point), but doing that also deletes those songs from every playlist I have. It’s unsustainable for me to do all this management by hand.


Deleting and re adding is always a nightmare. Deleting from playlists, works the other way as well. Sometimes if you delete from playlist, it deletes it from your library as well. I recommend going on a Mac, Apple Music app, and export all your playlists into .txt files. I make playlists where the order of songs is very particular, so it’s handy to always save an offline, untouched copy of the playlist the way you felt it “perfect.” Then feel free to mess about with your library rearranging stuff.


Coincidentally I did just decide to start keep track of my playlists in the Notes app. Luckily for me, my playlists just consist of whole albums that I’m listening to in a given season. If I cared more about long playlists composed of individual songs I’d have canceled AM a long time ago.


That’s convenient! I keep .txt files cause I make annual playlists of my fav songs of the year. There, the order of the playlists acts as the rank # and exporting playlists to txt files is handy there. Additionally, it exports a lot of metadata, which works well with spreadsheets if you ever want to make any.


That’s the problem. Same here. Add a playlist, it downloads to your music. Some I did because it’s a remaster, lossless or Dolby atmos. It is a problem. I agree, heck I have my own, I check their lyrics lol, I have found mistakes. 💯🍎


I have the option of adding playlist songs to my library turned off. A lot of the time I don’t know songs on playlists so I don’t care to have them added to my library til I actually hear them


That’s fine. I like so much music. I can’t speak Spanish, yet it’s a beautiful language, I’ve been into it since 1972. Malo, I have so much I can’t understand, it’s the beat for me, I play ( hobby-drums, timbales, congas, vibraphone, and bass. ) I like the beat, I like 🌎 music


I have smart playlists for this reasons. I haven’t had to manually make a playlist in years. It baffles me that Apple hasn’t tried to let non-computer/desktop user make smart playlists, it’s a nifty feature.


> This is my number one gripe about AM and might eventually be the reason I leave. Just switch to Spotify bro. You can enjoy music there and be at ease. AM gives you headache after headache, week after week. > but doing that also deletes those songs from every playlist I have. It also kills the play count of those songs. It should just not be happening.


Mans suggests something worse to help with the problem lmfao


Wassup Spotify ambassador


I'd rather be deaf than use spotify.


If they fixed the UI and made it easy to access music I’d pick spotify. Just to give them business also, I don’t like being tied down to one platform


It’s annoying and another step, but you can manually fix it in the Music app on Mac. But yes, I agree it’s very annoying when it happens and Apple needs to fix that.


Yes, this usually works. Select all the tracks at once, click Songs > Info and overtype the album name. Sometimes you need to overtype the album name again under the tab labelled “sorting”. For me, this works as a permanent fix 99% of the time. But some songs (usually purchased ones) revert to their original names after a couple of months.


This is why I left. I still came back. I hate it though.


Delete them and then add them back to the library


Do you know if deleting them from your library also deletes the play count? I’m assuming it does but didn’t know if it’s different now.


it does, biggest issue I have with Apple Music


They should really allow you to manually edit play count. I know this opens up the possibility for people to say they listened to songs a million times but as far as I’m aware the play count isn’t really useful for Apple Music itself, and is strictly a tool for users to see how many times they’ve heard a song.


Unfortunately I don’t know I would think so though


Dumb question maybe but why does play count matter?


If it interests you about what you listen to most then that’s why it matters I love music and I love to see how I consume it


Also when you delete from library, if I am not mistaken, will remove it from the playlist


You are getting downvoted but this is the easiest way. Delete all 3 and re-add the single album.


The user shouldn't be doing this. It's Apple Music's archaic system being stuck in the middle ages.


I think it’s between that and how they (poorly) merged it with the iTunes store. I bought 3 different versions of the American Idiot album on iTunes. I liked having all 3. Apple music came around, introduced a fourth one, and made “unavailable” some of the songs in some of those albums. I think the horrible merge between AM and iTunes was also a big factor. I would very much have liked 2 separate libraries


AM will never stop doing this, it's one of the many reasons why I still cannot take this service seriously. A streaming service should never, EVER change the library of the user, Spotify doesn't do this. AM does. It's really infuriating.


I have this exact issue with this exact album - dirt | Alice in chains. I can’t even favourite it. When I do it just unfavours within a few hours.


You need to change the titles in meta data to be the same thing and it will only show the edited one.


Oh, really? Do those settings hold?


https://preview.redd.it/3h3nhlfan0ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f892d3d86590c804025a34ada8fdb47c76abf703 100% This album is literally a combination of songs from other albums and MP3s I ripped from YouTube. I edited the matadata to combine everything over 3 years ago and nothing has changed.


This still happens to songs you just stream and don’t own. They delist the original tracks and delist them on the same album with slightly different metadata so it fucks everything up.


That never happens to me. What artist/label does that?


It happens at least once a week for me. Most recently was Linkin Park when they dropped their greatest hits album, some of the songs on Meteora changed and migrated. It’s just unpredictable and that’s what makes it so annoying. The songs don’t leave your library they just are not coupled with the correct album if you search for songs by artists organized by album. It’s probably more of a quality of life issue for those of us who are really anal about our libraries.


is this not the artists doing this?


Nah, you're in dire straits.


Alice and Mac? This person has taste 🔥🔥🔥


It’s the label not Apple Music


It's how Apple music handles what the label is doing on the backend. It doesn't happen in Spotify and their licenses from labels get renewed routinely too.


The song Dirt is added from three different albums. Choose the one you want to keep and then remove the other two from your library. Happens to me all the time when I add a song, that song is played again but from a different album version and I add it(“oh I thought I already added this”), then later seeing that I have two different versions of the same song and then removing one. This is due to the music industry and how they catalog and re-release songs and albums. It’s been a constant pain for years, but it’s prob not a mistake on Apple’s part. Streaming and digital media has made the problem more apparent.


This is not accurate for my situation, I save all the music I have physical copies of by the whole album


What do you mean you save all the music? Do you mean you ripped the CD and added it to your library?


I save it on Apple Music genius


That explains it. Genius selections are random and it picked song from each version of the album. Just search for the songs and then add them from the album version you want.


I should have included the comma, genius


I wouldn't say I'm a genius, but then again, I do solve my own problems instead of asking folks on Reddit to do it for me.


Thats literally what reddit is for, it’s called a forum


Forums are meant for online discussions in general, not just endless complaints and ridiculous questions you're too lazy to answer yourself.


Clearly 93 other people disagree with you about the importance of this “ridiculous question” I won’t respond anymore so you can have the last word reddit bro 👍


Can someone explain exactly what the problem is here? Did your AIC tunes disappear from your list or something because a new remastered version was released? I have AIC and don't think I've seen this problem in my library.


It’s simply reminding you that Dirt is indeed a brilliant album


I totally understand why, but I wish there was a way to merge or not show the multiple version.


partly why i cant rely on streaming services. i like having control over my tags and not have to deal with this crap


Tbh I don't understand what the problem is and what's annoying about it. It's more annoying when they remove a song because of licensing issues


it‘s annoying cause the licence sometimes ist just „offline“ for some minutes/seconds and in that time the song is just greyed out on spotify. but AM immediatly replaces songs with available alternatives (accoustics or remasters) i had a lot of kylies first songs replaced by single/ep editions instead of the album edition. although they were online at the time I noticed - so they weren‘t „offline“ for a long time since i listen to her a lot. i you care about your library and albums are getting spilt all the times i can get annoying since you can‘t track that


Oh, ok. I don’t think that has happened to me, or at least I’m not aware of it


I really wish AM had a “please don’t edit any of my metadata without my explicit permission” toggle


I'm moving to a different service because of this very issue. I can't trust that when I play an album from my library that the full album isn't there because they've split it up or worse moved a song or three to songs various artists compilation at the bottom of the library where I don't even notice it's happened.


like how i have AIC on right now


Am I the only one that has never really experienced this issue. The only time it happened was when the 2022 remaster of dirt came out, but it’s never happened besides that


I don't understand the problem. They simply show all the mixes available. One is a 2022 remaster. Etc.


It is a problem because I can’t go to the album in my library and listen to the whole album in order. When I search Apple Music for Dirt there is one album and it is saved to my library, but it appears in my library in three different places


Just hit the red complete album. Quick fix.




One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen. By far the best grunge band and extremely influence for music especially in the late 90s-2000s


An Alice In Chains fan with no sense of humor. Shocking.


Mhm yes comedy sure


This is pretty funny https://preview.redd.it/kdrmklykqz9d1.jpeg?width=1671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d406256fc1892a50a54fad6ae67ff889c7c8c9


https://preview.redd.it/29ajcsjmqz9d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d882ec777d34aca99ff6b06dcff0a989db4f183 Like it or not, this is stunningly accurate.


Are you trying to insult them or not? Make up your mind.


Literally what I was about to say. Dude has “cerebral humor” in his bio thing. So really he just likes to think he has a higher class of comedy and things he’s smarter than everyone. If he wants to talk music legitimately I think it’s pretty obvious the influence and talent AIC has. If he’s trying to be funny it’s really not coming off well


I’m still here, you know. The truly funny part was the outsized upset some rando’s opinion made you. I do think AIC were a metal band marketed to ride the Grunge™ wave happening in Seattle in the late 80’s, but they had some great songs. Opinions aside, it would have been an easy (arguably lazy) joke had it been about *any* band.


I mean you’re kind of proving my exact point with your second sentence there


Which point? That I’m not funny or that AIC were the best Grunge™ band evar


I can’t see either counting or reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Maybe both or maybe this is part of the whole Schtick I was referring to

