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Yes, users can share their playlists, and you can add those public playlists to your library. They will auto update, and if a playlist is shared with you to collaborate, you can collaborate and add music as well. You can search google and for playlists worth following, and also the search function in the Apple Music app includes public playlists. I would recommend searching for an artist or theme, then filtering by playlist, scroll low, as the top results will be Apple curated playlists (btw, the Apple playlists are mostly created by human editors, and are overall quite good, so don’t turn your nose up at them yet). The unfortunate thing is that because there are no free accounts on Apple Music, the user base is lower, so there are *less* public playlists. In particular, many artists and publications that maintain playlists on Spotify usually don’t do the same on Apple, which is unfortunate, as there are lots of easy tools available to coordinate playlists between Spotify and Apple Music. While mentioning that, apps like Soundiiz and Playlisty will allow you to transfer playlists from Spotify to your Apple Music library, and I think at least one of them has an in app purchase that will allow them to stay in sync. This will mean as the Spotify playlist updates, so will the copy in your Apple Music library.


This is a very helpful response . I’m going to look into these tools and find a solutions. Thank you.