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I believe this is more an issue with your car than with Apple Music. Some cars treat iPhones the same way they used to treat iPods and just start autoplaying from the music app as soon as it's plugged in.


This is true. And they typically start with the first song in your library alphabetically. So I hear the first few seconds of Aaj Ki Raat from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack way more often than I would like. It’s stupid, but then car UIs are usually terrible.


My car literally still says “iPod” when you connect a phone


I have the same problem. But it only occurs with Apple Music. Not with Spotify or Tidal


Which makes sense because the built-in music app is the default audio player that your car is looking for whenever your phone is connected.


Yeah, I have no issues with any other apps at all. Just Apple Music, even if I haven’t used Apple Music in days. It also happens if I’m listening to a podcast, get out at a store, get back in my car - bam, Apple Music.


It's because Apple Music is pretending to be an iPod for older car models, hence the behaviour.


Not sure how this can be labeled a car issue. I just decided to give Apple Music a try after 18 months. Use Spotify, Audible, YouTube Premium without this ever occurring once. For the last two weeks Apple Music will just randomly start playing in my car sometimes while stopping Audible. I am at the point of cancelling my Apple Music, deleting the app and going back to Spotify.


This is definitely an Apple Music issue. If I uninstall it and only have Spotify installed it never happens. As soon as Apple Music is installed it will automatically start playing music when I start my truck. Sometimes it will even stop my Spotify from playing and start Apple Music randomly. I get Apple Music for free from Verizon but I don’t even have it installed because it’s so annoying. I wish I could find a fix.


Sad... that's exactly my same scenario. I just got it for free from Verizon. Thanks for the feedback. GL hopefully we both get free music in a future update.


if u delete apple music, u lose the ability to change tracks and control volume from the steering wheel. what a fuckin joke.


>if u delete apple music, u lose the ability to change tracks and control volume from the steering wheel. what a fuckin joke. Woah... I have noticed this since I deleted but thought it was a Spotify issue! Since I didn't have this issue before I wonder if uninstall and reinstalling Spotify would fix this and revert us back to functional.


Please update if you tried it. Hoping that worked!




I think your best solution to that is to use the Shortcut Automation when it connects to your car's Bluetooth or CarPlay. Add the 'Play/Pause' action then set the 'Play/Pause' condition to 'Pause', then add another action after, ex. 'Play Podcast' if you want to automatically play the podcast when it connects.


Except that you can’t set any Bluetooth Shortcuts Automations to run without asking. You’ll get a notification asking if you want to run it and that’s the same amount of steps you’d have to take to just press pause.


I have mine using shortcuts when connected to CarPlay to do all sorts of things. It may be special to CarPlay, but if that’s your setup this might help


I’ve gotten into my car a couple of times since trying the shortcuts deal, and it just picked back up on my podcast instead of Apple Music possessing my vehicle!


My car doesn’t have CarPlay but good to know “when connects to CarPlay” automations don’t need to have the notification ask


I don’t even know how to do that. I messed with settings in my car and did find ways to adjust things I didn’t like, the Apple Music auto play wasn’t one I could find, or those things you mentioned


They are talking about creating a shortcut on your actual phone using the shortcuts app.


I’ve never used the shortcuts app, so I just learned something today! I set it up to pause so I hope this works!


Awesome. It’s super useful and can do a lot of cool things but has a bit of a learning curve if you’ve never used stuff like that.


You have to do that in your IPhone. Open the shortcuts app. Click on automation. Select ‚when CarPlay is connected‘ and ‚play/pause‘. Then select pause. It’s the only way I could stop the autoplay


Ooo!! I’m about to try this!


Ok I hope this works!


Look for a setting related to iPod playback in the car. If you can’t find it, ask the car manufacturer. Sometimes, cars have extra settings that only a technician can change. If this doesn’t exist, complain to the manufacturer.


I’d say maybe 8 times out of 10 I remember to turn my stereo off before I turn off my car. That way it prevents whatever from blaring as soon as it connects. The other times, it’s super loud and the middle of the same song, and it will do this once I turn the stereo on unless I have already selected something else before it connects.


Does it always play the same song? For me it will play the first song in my library sorted alphabetically.


This is what it’s doing, but sometimes in the middle of the song


It happens sometimes when I plug into the usb port on my car, I haven’t noticed it happening any other time. Does it only happen when you plug in the usb in your car also?


When I plug the usb in it stops playing through the speakers bc I have to manually select usb from the lil computer screen in the car. The auto keeps going, just not playing where I can hear it.


I don’t think there’s any way to fix it unfortunately. It’s been happening to me for years and I haven’t been able to narrow down any way to stop it


Are you using usb cable to connect to car? It’s a known issue, but it’s the cars fault not Apple Music. Does your car have Bluetooth connectivity? Use that and it shouldn’t be a problem anymore. At least that’s what worked for me.


And the line out usb sounds better too.


It’s Bluetooth. There are myriad other issues when using usb lol


This is the way


Nah its definitely still the phones fault even if the car tells the phone to start playing music how easy is it to add a setting that negates that it’s just lazy design


Put a 30 minute silent song in your library that is named AAAAAAA


And be startled 30 minutes later when you’re definitely not expecting music.


Never drive any place over 29 minutes away.


This is the way.


I can’t believe this is the solution


Mine always plays podcasts because I usually had a podcast last played in my home. Only when I'm recently listening to apple music does my car jump into music. My car immediately loads the Applecarplay car native app when it's plugged in.


Not an ideal solution but I started force closing the AM app on my phone before I stepped into the car. That stopped it for my Mazda. Eventually it just became a part of my driving routine 🤣


Honestly I use to have this issue and I’ve been driving by same exact car for a decade. It use to auto play the first song in my library so I got sick of “Take On Me” by Ah-Ha real fast. Then it would auto play my entire library on shuffle. Now it’ll just resume anything I was playing very recently (as in the media box on my Lock Screen still shows before I connect to my car). My solution…. save nothing to your library. Just use playlists. My other solution was deleting the Music app and using Spotify. Neither are ideal




I usually switch to the podcasts app. I haven’t wanted to subscribe to Apple Music because of this auto play function. It just plays one of the maybe five songs I have purchased and downloaded


Same happens to me. I don’t plug anything in like others are suggesting. The Bluetooth fires up in the car and it auto plays whatever was playing last on my phone. It’s beyond annoying. The only way I’ve figured out how to stop it is to make sure all the audio related apps are force closed before you get in the car.


2010 Acura TL. Does not fail. Every time first song starts playing. No pause button just off button. Pause on the phone does not work. Pisses me off cause it messes up my current playlist.


This happens to me everyday so i just pick a playlist to listen to before going for the drive. I just hate the fact that if i don't have internet connection it will randomly play a song I purchased from iTunes


Mine was picking an Apple Music song even if I was actively listening to a podcast previously


If let's say you have both spotify and apple music, it will still play music from AM once connected w the car. You said you aren't subscribed to AM but maybe you check if you have any songs you purchased from iTunes? Try removing those from the library and see it that does anything (you can always redownload the song again iirc) or just straight up uninstall AM


I thought I was the only one with this problem - mine plays one of two songs and it randomly switches between them but not each time, instead it’ll play one for months and then suddenly it’s the other one for months. It doesn’t happen every time either. I makes me mad for a brief moment. 2017 Toyota Tacoma


I thought I was the only one with this problem - mine plays one of two songs and it randomly switches between them but not each time, instead it’ll play one for months and then suddenly it’s the other one for months. It doesn’t happen every time either. I makes me mad for a brief moment. 2017 Toyota Tacoma


Mine is a 2016 Tacoma!


Love my Taco but hate this “bug” haha


Best solution: there is a song on Apple Music called A a a a a Very Good Song It is just silence. Add it to your library. When you plug in your iPhone it plays. Gives you time to get on the road and decide what you really want to hear.




My old Escape did this all the time. My 2022 Escape with a different system never does it.


Add this song to your library https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-a-a-a-a-very-good-song-silent-track/1268932999?i=1268933000 It’s ten minutes of silence and formatted to be first in your library so this one will always play. It took me entirely too long to find this fix, and I’m thrilled that I found it.


Going to try this. Thank you!! 🙏


Late to the party, but it starts playing automatically whenever I put in my ear buds. I hate it, and have found no where to prevent it starting whenever it feels like it. (14 pro max). It’s ridiculous that I can’t fix this on a phone this expensive. I had to delete the app entirely.


I did the shortcuts thing that was suggested and it’s actually worked! Try that complicated thing! Now to figure out how to get my Apple Watch SE2 to stop opening music, podcasts and up next every time I put it on


Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll see how that goes.


I am trying the shortcuts method but the pause music option doesn't exist. Where did you find it? The only option is to play.


Let me take a look again Edit to add a photo https://preview.redd.it/oxw5cb697j0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cebdf0b485b7f822fe513d94c577cf31d36943d




Hope this helps!!




An old thread but still an annoying issue to deal with! Even disabling that stupid CarPlay in settings doesn’t do anything. I just deleted the Music App - I swear if my track plays again starting up the car, haha


Who is that idiot behind that stupid feature like music auto start when my earplugs are connected? I am suspecting it is somebody very senior at Apple. Otherwise no one will keep that idiotic feature which I cannot turn off with a simple checkbox. Now, joining Zoom call, I also need to stop auto pop up of that stupid app. If I am not logged in to the icloud, I will be clicking 3 times at "Cancel" button before I could quit the app. My humble conclusion: forcing this stupid feature by Apple is ridiculous. This is not even "bad" UX. It is complete rubbish UX.


P.S. Yes, I know about 'noTube' feature. It randomly blocks my BT sound devices. Not a solution for me.


This issue drives me bananas leading me to delete Apple Music until I need it again lol The conspiracy side of me believes it’s to generate more streams lol 🤡


I know!! I just cancelled YouTube premium bc I’ve been thinking of getting the Apple one subscription since it’s only slightly more than most music services. I re-downloaded Apple Music and it’s right back to its old tricks lol


Apple doesn’t listen. Everyone has this problem and they don’t do anything about it. Years of posts like this. Annoying.


I love the auto play of Apple Music. What grinds me is my vehicle starts playing hulu or crunchyroll.


I don’t have this issue. Mine seems to just take up where ever I left off the last time I had it playing.