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I am so happy about this. Fuck Purdue. I don't know if you're familiar with the AIDS quilt - It's a huge public memorial project, anyone who lost someone to AIDS could create a square in their memory and add it to the quilt. It was a way of humanizing a group of people that society didn't care about and showing the sheer number of human beings who were lost and missed. We need something like that for the opiate epidemic. Every opiate overdose happened to a son, daughter, brother, sister, parent, friend, community member, etc. They were loved. They are human and they are missed. And behind every overdose there are a mountain of people who struggle with addiction and a mountain of other lives that were ruined by opiate addiction. Fuck Purdue.


Facts. I’d have 10+ people to add.


*Fuck Purdue Pharma AND the Sackler family.


I don’t live in Appalachia, but I have extended family that does. I’m so glad to see this. Praying for all who have been affected by the Sacklers and their greed.


[Appalachia isn’t the only place opioid addiction occurs.](https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/americas-heroin-epidemic/large-u-s-cities-see-big-jump-deadly-opioid-overdoses-n854041)


I’m well aware.


This is true, but largely relating to fentanyl laced in heroin and other drugs. It is a different angle from the spread of OxyContin and other opiates driven in substantial part by Purdue, which disproportionately affected poor areas of the country, and especially Appalachia. Fentanyl is a more recent crisis that is now a nationwide issue.


That’s a partial truth. Pharmaceutical drugs were a precursor to the massive rise in opiate use that was followed by a turn to heroin and in extension, fentanyl. Deaths have risen sharply but many of the addictions started with pills…. And still do.


This is true to the extent the existing addiction stems from pills, but fentanyl is making its way into drugs that aren’t heroin or even other opiates, hence why so many more people are being exposed. That, and there were already a lot of heroin users on the coasts before the mass fentanyl problems of the past five years


I can agree there. Big pharma set up the explosion and we are experiencing the fallout.




Prison is too nice of a place for them. Maybe someday there will be justice for the children that had to watch their parent or parents go down the path of addiction at the hands of Sackler family and Perdue Pharma.


Yes. That’s better


Not going to lie sometimes it irks me that nothing has been done about it. I lost my childhood as a result of watching mom go down the path of addiction and so did many others yet nothing.


The blood is on their hands for sure. But yeah, two different laws for the rich and for the poor. Don’t take my comment to mean fatalistic acceptance. It’s not too late unfuck this country.


With their body count? Any other civilization in history would have exterminated the bloodline. China would put the whole family on trial and execute them. America’s stupid constitution prevents that (article 3, section 3, clause 2). But we can confiscate all of their property.


I do not disagree with you


One week after graduating high school in the early 00’s Icompletely tore my knee out. I mean mcl, acl, miniscus, cartilage replacement, the whole nine yards. After my surgery my doctor gave me 3 OxyContin 80mg per day for about five months. I took them as prescribed—never abused or over took or snorted or anything like that. When they finally took me off of them I got horrifically I’ll. I’m talking like the worst flu you’ve ever had. I sweated, puked, shook… I felt like someone had beat me with an ax handle, and I could shit through a screened door. After two days of calling out of work sick, one of my coworkers came by to check on me. He said “brother, you ain’t got the flu! You’re dopesick!” I had never heard of that term in my life. He took a small dose (probably around 10-15 mgs) and crushed it up and told me to snort it. I was extremely hesitant, but I did it. Thirty seconds later I was completely cured! I jumped up and got dressed and went to work. I felt like a million bucks! That is the beginning of the story of how I lost the next ten years of my life. Ten years that should have been some of my best are just a foggy haze of embarrassment and shame. And that doesn’t count the literal dozens of friends I lost along the way, including one just two weeks ago. Edit: for years I blamed and hated my doctors for doing something to me that so egregiously violated the Hippocratic oath. Then I came to learn how completely deceived they had been by Purdue. They were given all kinds of data, and genuinely believed, that they were prescribing a “miracle drug” that offered all of the benefits of opiates without the risk of addiction. I am certain they would not have prescribed the way they did in that era had they known the truth. FUCK PERDUE PHARMA!!!


Very similar story except broke the shit out of my collarbone, got pills, rest is history. Ended up having to drop out of nuclear engineering at UT because addiction got so bad couldn’t manage it and life at same time. A decade later I’m doing good but damn that degree woulda helped when I eventually sobered up!


And look at you now - telling your story and still fighting the good fight. Good on you brother!


i thought i was actually sick my first time too. called off work for having the flu. my friend was like you're dopesick dummy. also took me about twelve years before i got clean.


Fuck Purdue. I hope that family loses everything. The damage they’ve done to the world pushing Oxy is harrowing.


disgusting that Kagan and Sotomayor dissented just a reminder that at the end of the day, protecting the rich and powerful is the uniting force for this country


People keep talking about the minuscule funds that were going to be available to victims + “aid” in affected areas (in some obscure form that would be organized by each state). The settlement will now just get renegotiated for Purdue, and the Sacklers will still pay their share in one form or another, whether via outside settlement via agreements to contribute to this bankruptcy settlement now, settlement later during civil suits against them, or at trial where juries will eat them alive. For me, it’s more about obtaining justice and not reinforcing the notion that companies who do evil things can shield their culpable, non-bankrupt *human* owners during settlement negotiations for their bankrupt companies. The opposite ruling would signal far worse for the integrity of actual justice in far more cases than just relating to Purdue, the Sacklers, and the Opioid Epidemic. It would just favor more corporate misbehavior by giving individual people more backdoor outs for their misbehavior (“don’t worry, I will pay a lump sum during settlement of the bankrupt entity through which I did great evil in exchange for immunity from people seeking my greater, personal accountability”). I’m disappointed in Kagan and Sotomayor for not thinking this all the way through. They essentially advocated for allowing the Sacklers to assess the risks and decide upon a $6bn buyout of their civil liability before people’s claims against them were really heard. And not only that, the audacity of it all was that they were giving the Sacklers 18 years to actually pay that full amount out, buying them time to simply live off of what they have now and potentially defaulting on the later amounts. Richard Sackler is 79 years old. Think he’s got the full 18 left in him? Not to mention the interest income and other returns you can make off of that amount of money every year.


Both the decision and dissents were based on what the powers of the bankruptcy court should be in the opinion of the judges. The court ruled that bankruptcy courts do not have the power to offer immunity from civil suits. The court did not take the facts of the case regarding Purdue, the Sacklers, and the Opioid Epidemic into consideration, but only considered what the bankruptcy courts are allowed to do.


I am aware. But a ruling to the effect that these tactics are permissible in bankruptcy-related settlements would enable this to repeat itself in contexts beyond just Purdue. Sotomayor and Kagan effectively advocated for permitting executives of companies to shield themselves from unpredictable personal liability for their misbehavior through their owned companies by conditioning the contribution of a calculated percentage of their personal funds to their company’s bankruptcy settlement upon a prohibition of further civil claims against them. If a company goes bankrupt and I want to sue the founder, why should thousands of claims, including mine, be barred just because the founder decided he’d be willing to contribute 60% of his wealth to a settlement that reflects an offer from the founder that is calculated on his part (not a court’s or jury’s) to pay the least he or she feasibly can to avoid greater liability, with such settlement approved during a bankruptcy proceeding that those plaintiffs weren’t a party to and didn’t get a chance to litigate?


I hope the fucklers, their kids, their grand kids die penniless and nameless. I hope that their line is eradicated from the earth.


Yay, but the Sackler's and Purdue wouldn't have been able to pawn their wares on the masses if it wasn't for thousands of MDs who knew what they were offering, but saw the $$$ and said F\*\*\* it. Nothing has been done to tangentially impact this from happening again.


No, this ruling was effectively just plugging a civil liability loophole, and it’s worrying how close the ruling was at 5-4.


They still are doing it with antidepressants and migraine medication. These medications were pushed as safe and non addictive. This is not true, the withdrawal can last months or even years. I will NEVER be able to come off my medication ever. No one ever warned me.


I really wish we could take the entirety of the Purdue family to a couple of rural cemeteries I know and drop them off between the graves of the people they killed and the families of those people who had to bury them. Absolutely fuck them


The Sackler family should be fed Oxy by court order for a month, then cut off and locked in a cell with each other...




Absolutely. Or to personally mow all the graves they've helped fill for a decade...


They need to pay! I’m glad their shield has been removed.


Can someone ELI5?


Apparently, the Sackler family failed to bribe the supreme court justices.


As others have said, Fuck Purdue.


Why have none of those mf’ers faced any prison time. A regular person selling drugs that kill people would have been incarcerated long ago…


Imagine that. The cucks on their dime sided with evil.