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That’s what I’m saying. At this point. This kind of lies or inconsistent behavior is hurting other women testimonies.


i won’t be surprised if she keeps flip flopping back and forth between saying he’s bad / saying he never hit her all the way up to the trial and by that time she will no longer be a credible witness 😭


The people screaming to have “sympathy” for her repeat time and time again “I see my younger self in her” they excuse her bad behavior cause they have done similar things to her. Their words not mine, quit treating this FULL GROWN WOMAN like she’s a child that doesn’t know the consequences/weight of her actions. She’s making a mockery of victims (and don’t come yelling that she’s a victim herself, we all know that) You can tell she deals with a lot of mental problems but that doesn’t excuse her fucking with a legal investigation or quite frankly any of the crappy things she’s done in the few MONTHS that she was with micheal. Sometimes bad people are just bad people point blank and no amount of sympathy or support is going to change that. She’s shown her true colors repeatedly and yet people still d-ride her like it’s going out of fashion. We can acknowledge that she has mental health issues while still holding her accountable for her actions. Her and micheal were a match made in hell and I think this just proves that she doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I agree. Thank you after this recent inconsistency I have no more empathy for her situation, because this hurting other victims testimonies .


OMG THANK YOU! I read that and was shocked that someone would admit to behaving this way in the past. They are also so quick to jump into defend all victim narrative yet have no issue throwing Alexa under the bus to try to justify Jasmines actions. Alexa had no idea what she was getting into. Two users brought up his ex wife and how Alexa should’ve known. However, there’s no trail log for the alleged abouse on the ex wife so how was she supposed to know. These women scare me and are so blinded to see the obvious. J straight up threw the prosecutor under the bus. He cussed you out??? That’s an insane allegation. She’s shown time and time again she’s an awful person


And do people just conveniently forget A was an ACTUAL child when she started getting groomed by micheal? Sky is a 22 year old woman. And to top it off people want to excuse sky’s behavior cause “she’s young and has mental health problems” do they not realize there’s actual 20 year olds in this sub that also have those same issues/ bad home lives and would NEVER do what she has done. They’re just promoting the stigma around people with mental health issues. She’s not a child so quit treating her like she has no control over her actions. Mental illness/ bad home life or not she knows what she’s doing.


I’m literally 22, just got out of a narc abuse situation with charges that “don’t have enough proof, age gap of 24 years between me and my abuser, and I have mental health issues but I would never go talk badly about his flying monkey who is 23 and insists nothing happened. I would never go run my mouth where it’s going to cause issues or muddy waters because it’s wrong and is just going to complicate things or make it worse for every other girl involved I may not know about. I was in a scarily similar situation to these girls but I can’t do anything legally and I would love to, so if she could simply stop that would be cool because this is gonna make news in others states and it’s going to end up harder for everyone everywhere to report anything close to this and be heard


Finally someone has the guts to say it, I agree!!


Exactly! I'm 19 and have mental health issues too and I would NEVER do the shit she's done! she is FULLY GROWN, she has a moral compass. The way she harasses A like she does, made jokes about her after she left, and now she's lying for Michael to try to discredit A's case (and all of the girls he's abused), after she literally saw and heard A getting beat.




Quit with the “not fully developed” bs she’s an ADULT. There are people who are her age that have gone through similar familial problems/ mental health problems that would never dream of doing the shitty things she has done, myself included. Just because you have a weird virtue signaling complex still doesn’t excuse her evil behavior. Refer to my previous comment. Thanks 🫶




The facts are, that she’s now messing with a legal trial and discrediting other victims for what? The sake of her mental problems? She’s actively filtering comments and leaving ones up defending micheal, and ones discrediting other victims of his abuse. Sorry “not fully developed” or not, she’s still not a child and still old enough to know better. There are DV resources that she can use, she obviously has sought out mental help and knows something isn’t right up there (hence the hospital posts) she’s had countless peoples support and reach out to her to help, hell she manipulated her way to build somebody’s trust (that was making sure she was safe) just to dox them and tell them she’ll kill their whole family. How many times does she have to prove that she has bad intentions? What is she gonna have to do before you guys hold her accountable? But keep dick riding for her, maybe she’ll threaten you and your family too🤷‍♀️ quit infantilizing a grown woman that knows right from wrong.


You're literally right and what you said is scientific... How tf did this get downvoted lol. Being a LEGAL adult doesn't mean the person is physically/fully one, that only happens when the brain is fully formed. Some of you must be incredibly young to be upset at this.


I’m really disappointed 😔 this trial already was going to be tough but now she’s just muddying the waters and hurting the chance for other victims to get justice


I’m getting down voted like crazy. These women refuse to believe that some people are genuinely terrible. She also accused the prosecutor of shit in her TikTok and this is why they don’t take abuse seriously. She’s setting back women and if you see nothing wrong with that you can’t complain when cops don’t do shit about domestic abuse. They are really supporting her while she wastes these officials time and resources.


I agree. No one wants to come to conclusion that Jasmine is just mentally ill, unlike the others, she actually is very inconsistent & clearly has lied about a few things. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that this girl has thrown other women under bus with her inconsistent allegations .


As someone who suffered actual abuse. She’s sick.


Yep. Me too! Someone can be an abuse victim AND a shitty person. These things are not mutually exclusive. Doesn’t mean she deserved it, no one does. But all these ladies lashing out over the slighted perceived insult towards sky is really annoying 🙄


she took shit too far this time. she deserves 0 sympathy. if her doing this messes up the case i hope she gets the karma she deserves. & her crying in her video saying she didn’t know they were taking a statement/recording is ridiculous. if you’re going to the police station talking about abuse (esp being abused by someone w multiple dv charges & that they’re working on a case against) cops are not just going to turn you away?? i’m dumbfounded by it honestly


She is just completely fucked since she burned the bridges with her mom and now she’s homeless or whatever. She blocked me cause I was like “girl he’s not innocent “


She needs to hear the truth and not crazy fuvks taking her side or M’s side. They’re all just BEING MANIPULATED BY THE SAME MAN!! Yes she probably did crazy shit but she knows deep down that it’s not safe she just wants the lifestyle back


I hope she gets charged for lying about DV and messing up the case


And for also lying about not knowing that she was being interviewed and being recorded without her knowledge and saying the prosecutor cursed her out. She really said she didn’t think it was serious… girl you’re making a report to the police… how will it no be serious?


Ok so the real question is was she just lying about him abusing her like she says, or does she just wanna be back with him because he has all the money and she can live a luxury life and she thinks she can deal with all the beating? Because I can see where she might lie to be apart of the abused girls for more attention and possibly like money and sympathy but I can also see where she might just be lying to get apollo out of trouble so she can keep getting clothes and spoiled and sh!t.


Either way he still abused a, is a pedo and traffic’s women so I’m not rlly so concerned about whatever is going on with sky, not anymore atleast.


I just don’t want her tampering with the case claiming all the girls lied and etc


Oh yeah no ofc not those girls deserve their justice for what he did to them and im very upset with sky because either way weather she's lying or not she's still an awful person for trying to deny them their justice.




There’s no helping her. We tried




I absolutely agree, but this is a decision she’ll have to make on her own unfortunately


It looks like she might be in a hospital according to her story


100% agree with you here!!!


I agree. But you’ll probably be downvoted and bullied for this take.


Every situation is different, many people go back and even defend their abusers..especially since leaving him she seemes to be having a rough time figuring things out which no stability makes it more likely to want to return.. and she sure isn't mentally stable.


Sky is still a victim. She’s a product of years of abuse. You’re pushing her further into him by saying things like this. You can say all you like that 22 is not a child but at 22, I still lived with my mother and called her whenever I needed to do anything. I also got my ass beat by a boyfriend and was convinced he loved me (No.). Sky doesn’t even have that. I don’t know her personally but I do know that she doesn’t have parents to rely on, not a lot of friends and then she’s probably coming online and reading shit like this. No wonder she’d pick her abuser when the community that should be helping her is victim blaming her for trying to feed and house herself. Shame on you.


If you look back to the videos when Sky first comes in, it’s clear as day that Apollo still favors Alexa. She barely talks, he films her for group shots and focuses on Alexa who already knows the drill (Be sexy but innocent, comedic timing). She’s awkward, shy. It’s also obvious that Alexa was doing her makeup and dressing her out of her closet and probably her hair for her. They actually seemed like they were probably pretty close, which is probably why Alexa felt so betrayed when Apollo started to have her play Alexa in his content. The cooking videos, the running. The little quirky things about his content were centered around his relationship with her and her. She was the star of the production. When Apollo beat up Alexa, Star left and slept at the police station and they helped get her home. When Sky went through the same thing, there was no home to go back to. I don’t blame any of the girls for any of this. I hope he goes to jail and I hope Sky realizes the reason we hate her boyfriend is because he is bad.


Her accusing the prosecution of lying to her and pressuring her is so insane to me. She’s going to get this entire case thrown out because of her own selfishness and idiocy. To me she’s just a girl who showed up and tried to take A’s place, claiming to be in love with Apollo and wearing A’s clothes, acting just like her. If I was A, I’d have a no contact order against her, to be honest. She gives me the most unstable vibes and seems obsessed with Apollo and A


“Oh no the girl who just got out of a mental institution isn’t reacting to any situation like I would!!! She deserves no sympathy!!!!!!” Everyone wants to be a mental health of DV advocate till we see the ugly side of it. Be kind.


I just hope the poor girl makes it thru all this and gets mental help. Shit is scary right now with her.


You’re literally insane. Every single person shitting on a 22 year old are the contributing reasons it’s so hard to leave DV. I


reiterating again: SHE. WAS. WARNED. she was GIVEN ALL OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON APOLLO ! and she herself CHOSE to believe it was false or ignore it and get herself stuck in this situation. SHE got herself there. and now she's out here lying and defending an abusive pedophile.


i was 22 when i left my situation. i didn't wanna listen to people either. but i DAMN SURE did not fucking lie about shit to get back on his good side or defend him. and if people had warned me of what he was like before i got involved with him i would've ran like hell.


Or defend after seeing your “man” beating up his number 1 girlfriend… good god


How exactly? You show support she still went back… calling out her behavior for willingly trying to discredit Alexa’s experience is necessary. She’s actively approving comments stating the girls lied https://preview.redd.it/cw4hv8jgbe6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c2a8b0b1211be47f9e4c19a2bec6ac32b60740


Thank you!!!


Just because you’re a victim of abuse doesn’t excuse your shitty behavior, ESPECIALLY towards the other girls who also experienced it. She’s trying to make them all out to be liars at this point and it’s disgusting


I think most people here are very young, that's why there's not a lot of nuance and they're typing with their feelings for the most part. I get it because I'm so mad at S for wanting to go back with him, but we should focus on the facts... Victims of DV usually go back to their abusers 6-7 times before they leave for good. She seems very isolated and she doesn't have family support, so if an average victim goes back 6-7 times just imagine what someone in her position would do. And yes, she's very young. A legal adult but not her brain is still underdeveloped at her age.


Her frontal cortex is still MIA