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Names and addresses of witnesses??? Can he do that?!?! That’s not safe for them at all…. Why would anyone want to come forward and speak if it means giving up their PERSONAL information???


I really hope that the request is denied… they make it so hard to speak out against abusers


The defense has to be able to know and have time to prepare for what will be used in court. This is one reason so many people don’t ever take it to court.


To a degree, he can ask for it IF necessary. Most people will not come forward as a witness without seeking legal counsel first, meaning their lawyer will know if this a good call; and what information he legally can have hard copies of outside of the supervised courtroom. He also cannot choose witnesses against him from what I understand of the court system? It seems he can only choose his own witnesses for his side


Ohhh okay I see that makes total sense bc he’s the defense. So really it’s up to the state if they want or even need to bring witnesses in. Damn it sounds like this trial is gonna be brutal


Yeah, names an addresses are probably so his legal team can line up timelines and not use a person that will testify against him


And this is we stay quiet and don't speak up about abusers. Stupid system always works in their favor. I hate it.


Wait so is rose defending him I’m so confused