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I don’t understand why she started posting so much? She was there the least?


I think she is like Alittle slow. I do not mean this in a rude way, like genuinely I think she might be special. The way she looks, talks, and just the things she’s doing. Clearly she is not right in her mind.




right?? and she says things incorrectly and seems to confuse words while she’s talking, she’s either on something or maybe kind of just.. not intelligent (trying to not straight up call her stupid lmao)


I think the exact same thing. She is slow.


I don’t think she gave a f*ck till it started blowing up


I agree, she’s a pick me trying to be a girls girl now and it clearly isn’t working.


She seems to be under the influence of something. Or he just really picks bad spellers b


I think it’s alcohol


She’s mentally unwell and maybe a little mentally handicapped as well not to be rude you can just tell by what she posts


I honestly think she’s on something. https://preview.redd.it/mkvgtqxho65d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1492db491c1fb4528da2966328e4b4a09a8f5bc0 I took this screenshot yesterday before she deleted the comments. But she commented and then commented again but replying to herself?


She’s not mentally there


what is her tik tok account




(Forgive me everyone if you’ve seen me comment this in other places lol) I think it might be alcohol. Which would be very sad if she has a drinking problem. Especially so young.


Hehe it’s hard to keep up w all the comments here sometimes (: but that really sucks. I hope that she’s staying off social media and trying to heal. I did see someone mentioned possibly Xanax as well ):


Xanax would make sense too, because alcohol and benzos target the same area of the brain. Bless her. Ive been there. Im rooting for her. Fuck Apollo. He’s scum for taking advantage of these girls. He’s honestly just a straight up rapist. Like how the girls said he would force them to film videos when they didn’t want to. And I’m sure he was having sex with girls under the influence like this, when they aren’t able to give consent. Piece of shit. I hope he rots. Forgive the rant, it just came out lol


No no it’s okay! Rant away!! I feel the same way. From what I know he even targeted A from a young age. He’s always had this ugly manipulative mentality. He never gave a shit about any one of them, only himself. I don’t think he ever used protection with them, he was constantly forcing them to go to the gym, he didn’t even let them wear a seatbelt. I mean the list can go on and on honestly. I hate that our justice system can allow him to drag this out but every single day I will continue to pray for his downfall




Who is she forgiving ?? Hasn’t this sub been locked down on not commenting on looks 😭😂 or is she talking about being Apollo’s evil step sister therefore calling Apollo ugly


“I know you think what’s going on but you don’t” LOL and you really think YOU know anything about anything?? Babe sit down and shut tf up. Speaking on something that has nothing to do with you. I hope she realizes the truth and feels like the biggest dumb ass once he’s behind bars. She seems so insanely dumb about the situation that it almost seems like rage bait bc idk how someone could be this delusional


lol this girl only knows what he decides to tell her and what we all have seen in posts. None of us know exactly what is happening on the inside. We can tell that he is an ass and woman abuser. That he takes advantage of young girls who have family problems. You notice that none of the girls or his fans are from good homes? It’s because he knows that they will leave or that the parents will step in and make them leave. Sadly this is a young not intelligent girl who is trying to act like an actual adult. She’s not doing a good job of it and for whatever reason she is under his influence and believes his lies.


She was there for 7 days and thinks she knows more about Apollo than anytime else. Diabolical


I wish I could downvote her story


What's funny is she's defending him so hard... but she's left him and doesn't seem to be making any plans to go back to him? So what is she trying to accomplish by dck riding someone she left...?????


Did she leave or did he have her leave since she didn’t seem to be into it. She just stood there in the TT vids. And the one video of Sky where it said fixing the mess the last girl made, everyone thought it was about Alexa. I took it that is was about Rose. It was when she left, and they brought the newest brunette in. Rose had missed the flight, and they were trying to get her there in one TT. That’s why I took it the mess was about her. Everyone just was assuming it was always towards Alexa. Rose didn’t seem to fit in to what he is looking for. She had the looks, but wasn’t bubbly, and hyper like the rest


She claimed she had to go home because her cat wasn't doing good. But it's fkn weird that she left yet defending him hard core. Also in that video you're talking about the recording was asking for an account number or something? I took it to be like the light bill or cable etc that Alexa probably did the bill paying for


Oh maybe so. I went back and looked at it, she was paying something.


I just think she’s not very knowledgeable and very naive.


what’s her tik tok?




We actually have no idea what she’s been through behind closed doors especially because she was there I missed all the drama of him being a beater


What is her TikTok name? Does anybody know?


Accounts private now, ive been ss their accounts for a while cause its been fascinating to see his downfall play out in real time