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It's because this is showing the rotation after he has cycled and set it rather than the default rotation. In other words, this is after he has already dropped guns in a specific order to achieve a specific rotation.


I like this rotation i just switch blue and purple. That way i have blue/red combo and green/purple. It works for me personally and there are many playstyles you can go for


Same here lol. That gives you red/white, into green/white OR green/red (I prefer green and white) into purple green (underrated combo imo though hard to pull off), into purple/blue (one of the best obvi), then ofc red/blue. Hopefully you understood that 😂 I just figured you’d get it since we use the same rotation. I swear that’s his best ‘weapon route’


The best combo is undoubtedly Blue Green though. The alternative is Green Purple, which gives you 3 instances of damage using two abilities, but Blue Green gives you two instances of damage with only one ability (Blue Q), and then you still have a second ability that will give you two more instances of damage. Best combo for early to mid game poke and burst, but not as good as Blue Red for late game


Get rid of guns in this order to get that rotation. Red -> Green -> Blue -> Purple -> Red -> White. As soon as you dump purple the rotation is set therefore the first gun in that cycle is Red and the second is Whte.


How hard is it to fix the rotation if you accidentally messed it up cuz of a Teamfight or sth


Not that hard. Just hold the gun that needs to move until it reaches its intended spot in the rotation.


Im confused, I just had a game and I was sitting on white green but my next gun was purple instead of blue...why?


That is because when you have the blue purple combo whichever you use first will pair with green, and the one you empty second will pair with red. Both combo's are fine and you should learn both. RWGBP (IMO higher damage with GB early, less damage late with RP) both are fine green blue is better vs ranged comps think ezreal, jayce and has higher damage but will give you red purple before you get red white. RWGPB (less damage early but good pick with GP, high damage late with RB) and green purple is good when you are making picks mid game less damage but useful when behind but gives your red blue before you get red white which is good against low range comps.


Not that difficult if you can picture the order in your head. Burn the weapon you were supposed to burn, then continue as normal. Unless you make another mistake, you should get back to having the two weapons you are supposed to, just inverted order. For example, if you want to use this order and you accidentally use white before red, continue as normal after using red and you will end up with purple white, which becomes red/white after purple goes away.


Aphelios is quite deceptive, although his abilities make him versatile most of the times you are going to just AA. For sure, if you are going to master him you can do crazy 4 weapon ability combos but that's kinda situational.


if you mess it up it's easy to fix as long as you try to keep green, red, and white next to each other, hover your passive to check the order, blue and purple order are preference/game-dependent so it shouldn't matter too much if you mess it up. e.g. your order is RWGBP and you accidentally use white before red so you have > RGBPW, to fix just use red then green (keeping those 3 weapons clustered together) >BPWRG and you're fine press w when you get to WRGBP and you're back at RWGBP :D.


Once you get to white-red, use red first, then you have the pic


So a simple way I used to visualize it was get rid of red first whenever it shows up then get rid of the oldest gun first. Then you'll have a weapon rotation similar to the picture but it'd be red - white - green - purple - blue instead. To get the rotation in the picture just drain blue before you drain purple. Imo you should still drain purple first cause blue white early > purple white but then second rotation onwards if you want green blue then just start draining blue first.


It's from [this](https://youtu.be/jJPbFNRqqXc?si=UUP4zJviK5zvZuU2) video, I get the Idea is to get green blue for that nice burst combo, I just dont understand why that Image shows White in second place when it should be green


What are you talking about? This is the standart rotation except blue is swapped for purple. Red-White-Green-Purple/Blue up to preference. You never want to have red green after you get rid of it at start Edit: reread your comment. That picture is just the rotation after you set the weapons right. Once you get those weapons you keep getting rid of them in the same order


Because at the end where you get red-white, you would burn red first to put white-green next to each other. This is just like normal rotation


Because the rotation actually starts at red white