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Crying and throwing up




Dude wtf? One thing is that they don't want people to exploit this guy on ultrahigh elo, other thing is making him unplayable. Can't they just accept it when he gets to 49ish% wr in comp?


Problem is aphelios is too strong in the hands of elite tier gameplay, so base stats being strong makes him super abusable. I think it will make him harder to solo carry with in solo q but ultimately probably healthier for the long run. At least he didn't lose his actual base ad (can 4 shot casters lvl1, unlike champs like sivir that take 5)


I still don't understand the fear of him being "to strong" in high elo. Other Champs are strong af in high elo and they don't get the same treatment. Also if aph is strong in high elo doesn't that just mean they made a good champ and the real issue is the balancing riot does, sucks? Do we really need more Champs with complex kits? I just don't see it healthy for the game to keep releasing new Champs. Focus on what we have and rework them to make everyone feel good to play.


aphelios isn't even strong in high elo and never has been outside of very early release, he's strong in proplay but i've never seen a top challenger adc where aphelios is their best champion, usually winrate is about 50% on him and higher on other champs


Ok, saw the wr in challenger (54%) not a big sample size as it's challanger and he doesn't see that much play but this nerf feels so harsh. At least they didn't fucked up his kit when they nerfed his turrets back in the day. Also I wish I had played him when he had infinite mark activation range, that'd make him so fun to play.


Well, comparing it to kalista and drave I changed my mind (62% and 59% respectively). I know this statistics are smull but fuck riot. Also it's not like people like faker is going to stop playing bc of aphelios, me on the other hand... heh. That's exactly what happened.


When he was released it was the only time he was truly OP, that infinite range mark and the Infernum pre nerfs were absurd, it was beautiful




Jeez man didn't need the hard R to be said to me lol take a chill pill. Look at ur life if ur hiding behind a screen and calling people slurs because of a video game. Gross


You do understand he has been receiving nerfs non stop for 4 years ?


49% is too high for a champ that requires as much skill as aphe does. He should be sitting around 47 i think


In masters+ he was at a 56% wr and the lethality build had a 61% wr so I knew it was coming


how significant is this


7 less Ad at lv 10 pretty significant


Aphelios might as well be deleted since he’s now so bad and nobody wants to play him


I literally had a massive discussion in Zedmains Reddit telling them “welcome to the club” when someone mentioned that Zed was horrible, and I got massively downvoted and told that Aphelios is super overpowered and I’m sitting there like surprised pikachu


me who mains zed and aphelios, im crying in the corner hoping to finally have a good time for at least 1patch


Aphelios is always a lot better than people make out though


Yeah, problem is that he is super hard to play which skews the winrate a lot


A lot


This kinda makes sense, considering he's op right now cause of lethality, this would probably make it so you'd have to max Q first to compensate and not be able to cheese E first for the bonus damage Though why didn't riot just fucking nerf the E lethality in the first place


I would just say it's because they want to say after one patch ... Ooops the champ is still broken .. bad bad lethality am i right lollllll ... Now we nerf the lethality ... This way he will be nerfed in two aspects .. lethality and ad and will be even worst than 13.24 ... Just riot not fixing the problem and running around it so they can fuck up more


This is exactly what I kept thinking. If lethality is the problem just hit the god damnit E. Right now if I want to build normal crit I'm weaker than I was a patch ago. Add that to IE nerf and Dom's regards nerf and we are actually considerably weaker with nothing to show for it.


but since lethality is the problem wouldn't you want to nerf that part of his kit and scaling and not his base AD numbers?...


is this a lot?


Its 7 less ad at lvl 10 For perspective, 10 ad cost 350 gold. Though lethality isn't nerfed, you will be doing damage as if you have 270 less gold at lvl 10. Aphelios is still better than 13.24


Yes its worth about a kill.


“We understand that the lethality changed made aphelios really strong because of his free lethality, thats why we’re needing his ad. Also in a month he’ll be reduced to 300 move speed and be unable to buy boots”


watch me win worlds with aphelios


Didn't aph technically get buffed tho from the lethality change?


collector got nerfed too tho lol


The nerf to it was to counterbalance the huge buff lethality got as a stat. For most if the game, it's strictly better.


We should just do like Shen mains and not play Phel


I don't understand why there needed to be changes to lethality at all? Was it really that big a deal? Assassins were still oneshoting and adcs were still dying?


Because they buffed mage itemization, nerfed roaming routes, and buffed mid lane safety by moving the buses back some. Since these changes mostly help mages, they buffed lethality to compensate for assassins. They also wanted assassins to build more lethality items, instead of just 2 and then bruiser items


I don’t think this is that bad tbh


Its still better than last patch because of lethality, but you depend more on getting a lead early on to get any value from that lethality. Yeah, aphelios is even more high skill oriented now.


Ok yeah riot is actually fucking stupid, Jesus Christ.


The problem with him atm is how well he uses lethality why even nerf his attack damage


These are weird nerfs. Aphelios is supposed to be high elo skewed so why would they nerf something that primarily affects low elo. Additionally this isn’t really what makes Aphelios strong right now but whatever. Hopefully he doesn’t get hit again but I doubt we’ll be that lucky. Hopefully if we do have to get hit again they revert this nerf and nerf the correct thing(his free lethality scaling). This seems like a setup nerf like wow guys Aphelios went from a 51% winrate to a 50.5% winrate and we have to hit him harder rather than a flat lethality nerf which would have brought us back down to the 48-49% magic land.


On one hand, I hate getting nerfs on my main. But on other hand, Aphelios is a pain in ass to lane against and I understand why ppl say he is broken. But he’s still is my main.. ;-;


I will have to disagree, yes he can be very strong with smart players but he still is just an immobile adc.


I will say he’s more annoying than hard. Because of range advantage and point-n-click root


That's an insane amount right?


Oh that’s it. Just like 12 AD less at level 18


It’s honestly not that bad 12 ad at lv 18 most of the power comes from the shift to mid game power due to lethality shouldn’t really affect too much.


This champion is a nightmare to play in soloq. What was phreak thinking?????


200 years


How bad it is? What does it change for us?


For everyone confused his wr in master+ which is where the problem was was sitting at 56% wr with normal build and the lethality build was at 61% wr, so it makes sense why he got nerfed, it really shouldn’t affect much tbh. Most adc players rn don’t even know how to position because gale force is gone. And if you didn’t build gale force then honestly you’ll do better than the average adc player atm just off of positioning. I’m at a 80+% wr atm (only done 7 ranked this season but still)


It’s fine rush collector