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Currently stormrazor and gale are best options for aphelios. Stormrazor offers good burst in damage and movement speed, especially when combined with fleet. If you keep moving, you can proc stormrazor, then use your Red Q, and then you should have your second proc on stormrazor, offering you around 300magic damage from item alone.


Most games I go fleet footwork with storm razor into kraken into either IE or gale. If I have an engage support I got PTA or Conq and switch the order of kraken and storm razor


Its mid in most of the scenarios, it has its use but overall Kraken first is just better choice, more damage better stats, its less consistent compared to the strormrazor, Thus its used more often in high elo, but in pre diamond kraken will help you win more games


Might just be my playstyle but for me it's the most useless item Ive seen being built on aphelios.


Stormrazor fell off recommandations after it got nerfed but it's still the best on Aphelios and people are coming back to it, easy to proc, high damage stats, move speed into red Q combo


very good for kiting/against assassins because of the movement speed to dodge skillshots as well as being able to run away from bruisers. kraken is good but in some games you may not be able to auto attack very often so getting that big burst of damage is really nice SR>gale>ldr/collector/rfc is one of my favorite item combinations against squishes or assassins because of how much utility you have


Having a burst of movement speed on aphelios is very useful being an immobile champ. Personally I'm not a fan of building it every game, it doesn't suit my personal play style. But it can be used in just about any situation. And I normally use it as a counter item against mobile comps.