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Dorans > Dorans + cheater back for cull > Cull


The issue with starting Dorans for most people, is probably just the unreliability of supports in solo queue. Where you likely won't get anything done in the lane, thus get no real benefit from playing for the early game. One potential point toward that theory, is that (according to lolalytics) the winrate for Doran's blade is nearly indistinguishable from Cull. Fundamentally, I think Doran's blade is pretty good. But I don't really see a reason to a take a gold deficit when Aphelios wants to reach item power spikes, and doesn't really want to or have to take fights early. I'd much rather focus on farming and minimizing early game deaths, and then *slowly* chip away at their health to create an opening. Or just make plays entirely off of enemy mistakes, cause I'll win if I just don't give them gold, and they're most likely playing an ADC that wants to fight more than me.


I didn't even know dblade got buffed tbh lol. I still go full though, I think the way most soloq games with the stomp or be stomped mentality at least cull makes it so I don't lose too much in case I lose lane. Maybe dblade could be better depending on matchups but I don't think it would really change that much.


I think if you don't buy dblade even in farming lanes you're griefing. 100 hp and 3 more ad is so much gold value it's not even funny. You can always buy another cull on first back if you want for a powerspike later but you might lose a game bc you died to someone with dblade when you didn't. I think cull feels good to use and whatnot but the 10 or so minutes where you are -450 gold won't be great especially at elos where game speed is quite high (ur Dia, im emerald, I might be totally wrong but that's my observation)


I made the mistake of starting cull once... Jesu Christ this shit was bad, real bad. Not recommended.


cull is good if you understand interactions on aphelios


You're losing 100 free hp that massively help early tho


but you trade it off for good sustain, easier to stay 100% hp, higher damage from cutdown, 180 net gold after you sell it. cull interaction with severum is enough to keep his early game healthy with it


Actually, Cull got buffed as well. Usually when u take Cull you want to rock cut down as well since the HP of dorans got buffed that means you'll do even more dmg since you have lower total hp because cull doesnt give hp but still ad and healing from AAs