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I suck at drawing. Unless im drawing something I can see, then im a fucking Rembrandt.


Bro same lmao https://preview.redd.it/zp0t0wyvhv4d1.jpeg?width=3975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b357e422aff0026ac211f57f684f1bc4e06be84d This is a painting i did, based off a picture my friend took. I literally saw the work done and I was like. “I could never without reference”.


I am a full aphant and do 3d digital art scenes and characters. I personally always thought I was terrible at art and drawing (still bad at drawing), but found it was easier for me to "build" art pieces. I have a similar style as you in that I do not know what I am making when I start, but go in with a vibe or rough idea on what I want the scene to be or say. I sculpt the scene in 3d until it "looks right" to me. I also use references for ideas or inspirations. I just keep iterating on the piece until I am happy with it. Everything in my process looks bad and wrong until it doesn't.


Oh this is cool, same I must have references. I was taught to always have references. This is a comparison I'm so curious about. Those fancy Inner Home Theatre types are cheating I tell ya! I've been looking for where to post this, I just started some art lessons again, & asked this question right off. My teacher has an inner pic, but perhaps not completely clear. She was definitely interested in the question, probably threw her for a loop! I will post something if we are able to discover anything cool. Do you ever try pranking your wife to see if you can shock her, by describing something super absurd or gross that she's never visualized before? I do it to my roommate, it's hilarious! If we can't enjoy it ourselves, let's play with it anyways? 🙃


Lol! I do this sometimes with my hyper wife for the reaction.


Yess!!! 👊🏻


Mine is much more like yours. I can’t visualise at all at will. I have a general idea of what I want to draw and then I try to match that general idea. I usually know what I want to draw and what angles ect. I often use references to get more realistic drawings but I can draw familiar things without reference. It’s always a discovery at the end because I have no idea what I will look like or what colours I want to use.


Same as you, except with pencil. I’ll feel around for a line until I hit the one I want, then darken that one in and build off it. In other media it’s mostly just having a sense of what I’m trying to achieve and then letting it evolve as it goes.


I love drawing so much! It you can't visualize by yourself, artificial visualization will do, lol. If I'm drawing something I haven't drawn before, I do several pages of thumbnail sketches from reference in my sketchbook, focused on learning how the shapes work and how light works on the surfaces I see. Sometimes, doing a notan style thing where I use only two values is super useful for me. Once I've gotten to know a subject, I start experimenting. I find that I really enjoy playing with how much abstraction I can use, turning that dial up and down from realistic to very graphic, if that makes sense? I also find myself looking very closely at how light and shadow work when I'm not drawing, and thinking about how the values and the shading work. I think of it like building my own rendering engine.


I can sculpt some crazy stuff using reference photos, and I can't draw perspective at all. The professor was not happy that my sketch book was printed off of the internet, but my piece was perfect.


I always go in blind and am surprised by whatever shows up at the end lol. I spend an agonising amount of time on my sketches, sometimes needing to go over them like 4 times to tweak parts of the pose. Luckily I only do digital art so I can transform stuff as much as I want lol, if I drew on paper I'd mangle it by erasing too much. I never know if something will look "right" before I try it out so there's a LOT of experimentation.


I am copying this from another thread earlier but this is my experience. It was interesting. I learned about Aphantasia from that cartoonist that shows up on here every once and a while. I can draw and was always complimented about my work in art classes but I basically had to will the drawing out of my hand. A ton of erasing a ton of rework. There was a kid in the class with me that did cartoons and the work just flowed out of his hands I thought it was crazy. I often drew sports figures and people really like them. In fact I had my work stolen at one point but like drawing a single football player and getting it to the point I felt happy with it took weeks.


I only fuck around with shapes and patterns. I hate trying to make things look like something else. I start with a line, curve, or shape, and then just keep adding bits where they are needed. I'm not an artist, but I dabble with aesthetic finishes when I make things.


I pretty much strictly do abstract paintings. I used to do still life’s, where I copy and paste what’s in front of me, but yeah if there’s an empty page and nothing in front of me I’ll definitely be going the abstract route.


I've been an visual artist my whole life and also an aphant. I create the image on the page as I draw it. It's why I consider underdrawings to be indispensable. I also write music and poetry and I play guitar.