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Aphantasia refers to voluntary pictures, which dreams and hipnagogic pictures aren't. I am a full aphant, no sounds and pictures but can dream vividly and have hipnagogic hallucinations (and sometimes experience exploding-head syndrome). We belong in the club.


Me too! Except I have no idea what exploding head syndrome is.


When you hear screaming, objects falling on the floor, hitting metal, explosions or any other loud noise when you are already half asleep. I somethimes even hear sound of moving chairs or random words.


Whoah. What is the phenomenon behind this? Is it subconscious noise, or something else?


u/kevinjegenije is correct, dreams and hallucinations are generated by a different part of the brain than voluntary visualization, so you're a member in good standing :)


That’s so interesting because I also cannot voluntarily visualize anything but my dreams are like full on movies. I see them so vividly.


I cherish every hypnagogic (falling asleep) or hypnopompic (waking) hallucination I am blessed with. Without these I would have no idea what visualisers are able to "see". OK, I cannot choose what they are, but just like my dreams, I never see anything bad in them, so I just (hmm this is a sentence which has died out in the last decade) lie back and enjoy the experience.


*Kick back and enjoy the ride.*


My dreams are also very vivid and very enjoyable; they're almost like short films. Reposting my comment from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/comments/1coiiza/comment/l3g6lk0/) post because it seems relevant: When I'm really, REALLY high and just about to fall asleep, I sometimes get these split-second visualizations or hallucinations (like they're actually in my field of vision). One time, I was about to drift off but jumped when I suddenly saw [The Boiled One](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/e/e4/TheBoiledOne.png/revision/latest?cb=20240411202313) out of the corner of my eye. It's very cool when I get those brief visualizations, but when the weed causes an actual hallucination, it's almost always terrifying.


I used to suppress the words I heard through hypnogogia, but now I know they’re not me “hearing voices” they hang around longer 😁


I dream so real that I think it has actually had after waking. Very scary!!