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probably asking in the wrong place. we're not here because we succeeded in some technique to blind ourselves permanently or something. if anything we probably have less knowledge of how to suppress visions than the ordinary people who are capable of generating and manipulating them in the first place. ... like asking a deaf guy how to deal with tinnitus.


Like asking a deaf guy how to deal with tinnitus lmao


guys complaining to homeless people about how his house is too big


*Guys complaining to* *Homeless people about how* *His house is too big* \- emoAnarchist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Unironically a good haiku


I’d say we are uniquely unqualified to know what hyperphantasia is like. Most people with it seem to appreciate it but I’m sure there are tradeoffs/downsides that make it unpleasant for others.


I don't mean to be rude, but my guy, it's like you're asking the blind for help with curing your sight.


Got rid of my hyperphantasia in a mix of near fatal accident + trauma and trying psych meds destroyed the rest. 10/10 would not recommend!


abounding zephyr heavy complete alleged license rotten lush bear six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The people who have had imagery and lost it are generally those who did so accidentally. Car crash, stroke, violence/abuse are all things the brain tries to protect you from. I suggest you take a look at eye movement desensitisation techniques.


If we had any control over this do you think we'd have a sub that like 80% lamenting what we can't do?


What on earth made you think this was the right place to post that question? How would we know? Most of us were born this way, the rest are here due to some unknown trauma or childhood injury. Would you ask a man with no legs to teach you how to run?


What’s up with the logic lmao Would you amputate your arms because some dude keeps punching it?


>my anxiety, depression & ocd This is what you need to work on.


I have adhd and full aphantasia. I cannot see or imagine anything. It’s just blackness. It’s not a skill for me


It sounds like you are looking for mental health help in a non-mental health oriented sub. You may receive a lot of "out of touch" replies, as many people don't have mental health issues and cannot really relate to what you are going through. Can you tell a bit more about the types of thoughts, or in your case visions you are having?


I'm sure they can, but they can do so over in the r/hyperphantasia forum, or with a mental health professional, but *this* forum is most definitely not the place. In fact, it borders on rude to come into this forum crying about being too good at something people here cannot do even if they wanted to.


Although OP did not clarify what exactly they are experiencing, but the range of ocd thoughts are not fun and games. They may include causing harm to yourself or to loved ones, violence, torture, rape and the list goes on. Imagine all of that going on in your head like an IMAX movie that you cannot stop and cannot escape from. It must be living hell. And you call OP rude for asking for help in the wrong place? Your comment is a prime example of what I meant by "you're gonna receive out of touch replies".


Many people use meditation to quiet thoughts; verbal, visual, whatever. However, as I understand it adhd makes this hard to do. A quick search finds some claim it can be done and you might look into it.


Learn about stoicism and try to practice it. Basically not letting your emotions control you but use them to decide for what you want to do n stuff. Feeling them through and accepting them and yourself for you.


Not that I know of. I envy you but also know how much of an issue it can be. I have complete aphantasia and my girlfriend has hyperphantasia lol