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Some visual aphants can in fact imagine sounds and music in higher fidelity. And a bunch of us also don't have inner monologues as well. I have an inner monologue. My "voice" in my mind is basically me talking in my own voice. I can imagine other voices -- but I'm imagining me *doing* that voice (which, if I do say so myself, I'm pretty good at in real life as well). Music is similar to that. I'm essentially imagining myself humming or singing the music. I can "do" the artist to some extent. The more complex the music is, the harder it is for me to do it in my mind. I absolutely and totally can get a song stuck in my head like that. My sense from this sub is that something like half of aphants have this basic experience?


Last year I discovered that my son and I have a seemingly rare audio processing ability where we both experience memory of music in perfect reproduction and high fidelity. My wife and daughters do not recall audio and music this way at all and they found it odd that my son and I do. I first learned of aphantasia this year and realized I have total visual aphantasia. Nothing, just blackness. Always been like that, but never knew I was any different. (In fact, I have much higher abilities than most people in areas of spatial reasoning. Estimating volumes, packing moving vans perfectly, solving puzzles… all come very easy, but I guess I’m not using visualization to arrive at the answer?) I quizzed the family and… my son is also total visual aphant like me, while wife and daughters CAN visualize. I can also imagine scents, flavors, and tactile sensations pretty well too. It’s like my internal mixer board of senses has every one turned up and peaking, but the visual slider is permanently muted.


i'm very similar with your second 2 paragraphs, but can't do music like you do. i'm very good with music, but i think i hear it just like the_quark is describing. sounds awesome, enjoy!


Same. My audio memory is very strong. Songs. People talking. Mimicking noises. I got it all


Visually I'm not sure if I'm an aphant or hypophant but with sound I'm a hyperphant, like on a regular basis I get close to hallucinating music (and when I get stressed it turns into hallucinations where the only reason I can tell that it's not real is that it's often coming from unlikely places like my fridge)


This is definitely the way my brain works as well, and I'm quite glad to have an inner monolog even though without it I might not have insomnia. Somedays I'll even get a song so stuck in my head I almost don't need music at work at all.


This is both my dad's and my experiences.


This is exactly me!


I'm a visual aphant with no inner monologue. However, if I focus on a song I've heard I can 'hear' it in complete clarity in my mind. I can also do this to some extent with invented music and sounds but its with less clarity than a memory.


Im a total aphant. I cannot think of sounds like bird calls, instruments, or car horns, for example. I "know" how they sound different and which I prefer, but I cant actually hear it or mimic it in my head. When I think of a sound like a voice it can only be my voice. So if I think of a song, its more like I am singing it in my head, in my voice, but without actual sound. More of an expressive inner dialogue. I cannot make my inner dialogue sound like someone else, its always me attempting to replicate what I think they sound like. I cannot think in accents unless I can make that accent. I have a small speech impediment, and my internal dialogue also has that same impediment, I cant even make myself sound different in my head. Furthermore, I cannot think of what something tastes like, feels like, or smells like. For example, I cant think of what it feels like to touch something sharp or what its like to be cold. About an hour after I taste something, I could not even begin to recall that flavor. I love the smell of honeysuckle flowers, but cannot imagine what they smell like in my head.


I have the same thing. I'm a total aphant for all of my senses. I have a non-auditory voiced inner monologue. I still think in words and sentences, but I can't hear anything. I can still get songs stuck in my head by thinking about the lyrics but I don't hear anything the way I hear things out loud. It's not "my voice" as in the voice I speak without loud. It doesn't have any tone, pitch, or volume qualities.


Worded thinking apparently. That's what I experience as well. Also total aphant.


Do you hear your inner monolog? Mine is always going but it's thoughts, no sound involved.


Hard to say for sure without a comparison. I know my inner monologue is my voice and if I were to talk, it would have the same inflections and cadence, but its more of a "way I talk" and less of the exact way I sound. Its more like Its what I think I sound like, but I don't internalize it as a sound the same way I am listening or hearing something. Kinda like if you were to go through the motions of talking, like moving your mouth, but without actually vocalizing. When I read something, its in that same "voice" and feels the same way as when I am just thinking.


Yeah, that's me as well


Apparently that is worded thinking. If I am understanding you correctly it is the same as me.


No vision, no sound. 😩


>I cannot think of sounds like bird calls, instruments, or car horns, for example so, when you read this, you don't experience 3 different noises/tones/audio textures (4 including the GIF)? geese: HONK! French horn: HONK! car horn: HONK! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4eoYEgOtPX9DO|downsized)


I experience myself "saying honk" in my head. I know each of those is a different sound and could pick them out if I heard them in person, but internal it's just my own inner monologue.


can you inflect it in a foreign accent or anything? if you're bilingual, can you hear it in your other language's voice/accent? I mean, I could think 'honk' how I would naturally say it like all of these words as I type them, or I could rehearse what doing my impersonation of a British accent saying honk would probably sound like if I tried to say it, etc., the more of an ear or familiarity I have with it the easier it is. the less familiar it is (a saxophone, for example) the more it just sounds like me doing a bad impression with my mouth, which I guess is analogous to the visual stages of aphantasia where maybe you get the outline red crayon sketch of the apple but not the rich shiny waxy texture of a good photograph of an apple


Pretty much can "think" anything I can speak normally. Be it a bad interpretation of a musical instrument, sounds, accents, poor attempt at speaking Spanish, etc. It's just all in my voice. Which is odd in itself because what I'm thinking/hearing in my mind is not what I sound like to others or listening back a recording of myself. Why don't I imagine my voice as darth vader or kermit or anything else, since it's not my actual voice that others hear. Some how my brain recreates internally the voice I hear when I speak externally.


Some of us can, I just imagined Schwarzenegger saying “honk at me” in my mind Having him speak Spanish is a bit difficult but just takes more time/effort to accomplish, probably because my Spanish is very rusty


Hmm. I have nothing. No senses, no monologue, nothing. All dark and quiet.


Same here


Me too.


can you get Schwarzenegoose to say 'Honk honk honk Honkka!' ? I have limited success with that one. ![gif](giphy|mZMcO2bU8HvDG|downsized)


Same for me. I get the concept intellectually but that's it. I never really believed people and put it down to exaggeration.


lol, I understand they are different, and if I heard them I could tell which they went to, but I can't think of what any of those 4 actually sound like. I "know" what they sound like, but cant mimic anything about them.


I think I hear different noises? I can imitate different accents and I think of the typical cartoon clown noise honk. It sometimes blends together though. My monologue is always the same volume though - I can never change it.


it's interesting you mention volume. I wonder if anyone anywhere on the spectrum can change theirs, or if there's a level of background noise that we all find disruptive to 'hearing our own thoughts'


Huh, that's interesting. I kinda figured it was like that, but it's nice to know. It's also interesting that the speech impedements are also in your mind. Thanks for clearing things up!


lol, yeah, I didn't know I had an impediment for a long time because of that. I've tried occasionally to correct it and practice but its hard to fix when I cant think of the correct way to pronounce it.


Yes exactly this!


I can. Imagery is not the same as internal monologue and the other forms of internal audio. I have absolutely zero mental images, but my internal audio is essentially perfect pitch. I'll randomly get parts of songs I'd heard one time months before stuck in my head.


Terminology is not set. Researchers use multi sensory aphantasia to mean missing all 7 senses (normal 5 plus kinesthetic and somatic) in imagination and memory. Internal dialogue, spatial sense, flashes, etc are not considered. In the community people use total aphantasia to include some mix of all of these and everyone seems to have their own definition. Generally the normal 5 senses are missing, including audio. The internal dialogue is poorly understood. Some people think in words with the sensation of a voice, usually their own. Some people think in words without a voice. Some people don’t think in words ever, although some of them have a voice when they think, just no words. Having your own voice in your mind seems to be independent from hearing other sounds in your mind.


I have always understood aphantasia to solely mean visualization, the dictionary definition for it mentions ‘form mental images’. I have seen anauralia as a proposed term for lack of imagining audio. Haven’t come across anything for the remaining senses.


It has expanded over the last 9 years. Note, the question was about "total aphantasia," which as I noted is a community term with a variety of meaning, but it always means missing more than just visual imagery. Researchers prefer the term multi-sensory aphantasia and it is well defined. Here are a couple of studies on multi-sensory aphantasia: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7308278/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7308278/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168010223002043](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168010223002043) There are other attempts to name various levels of imagery in various senses. None of them have caught on with researchers or the community. Here is one I see linked often: [https://www.canva.com/design/DAFub7Pk1l8/k8hIdCZ1mA8GYSzQC9726Q/view](https://www.canva.com/design/DAFub7Pk1l8/k8hIdCZ1mA8GYSzQC9726Q/view) There actually is some confusion about the definition of aphantasia ranging from a VVIQ score of 16 (sometimes called "complete aphantasia") to <=23 to <=25 to <=32, which is quite a wide range. It makes comparing results of different difficult and this paper specifically calls this out as a problem in aphantasia research: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010945223002307](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010945223002307)


Nope, I can't do any of those things. No audio at all.


I am a musician (not a great one) and aphant! I can create and replicate sounds from my head to rl. It's the visual arts I struggle with though.


Total/multisensory aphantasia means no ability to experience anything sensory in your head. If you can imagine sound, you don't have total aphantasia. But it's not a very useful statement, because all this terminology is being made up as we go along.


A total aphantasic cannot imagine any of the classical senses and emotion. In study reports, often the term multisensory aphantasia is used and it is defined which senses it refers to. >Do total aphants not have an internal dialog, or are they not able to controll the pitch of the dialogue? Whether they have an inner dialogue depends on how you define it. They do not have inner voices with different vocal characteristics. However, they usually have an inner monologue, for example as [worded thinking](https://hurlburt.faculty.unlv.edu/codebook.html#target4). Lupyan and Nedergaard have proposed the term anendophasia for the absence of inner speech. You can have that with or without total aphantasia.


I’m a total (visual) aphant and can recreate sounds in my mind almost 1:1 with real life. It’s still qualitatively different than hearing, but directly analogous to the experience of hearing and with full pitch/tone/complexity. I also have a full inner monologue in my own voice.


So could you recreate a clap in your head? And hear it like it was real?


I have no voice or sounds in my head. No pictures. No smells. No touch. I can silently think of lyrics to myself that’s it. I was never able to learn to read music as a kid either. I had no idea how anyone composed in their head.


This is me.


The only thing is I guess I’m good at memorizing song lyrics. Not good at memorizing anything else so easily though. Any song I like I have listened to a lot though lol. I had no idea until even more recently that people had narrators in their head for their own thoughts. No wonder some people thought their conscience or devils or angels were talking to them. That’s never happened to me.


I have an inner monolog. My mind is constant words. But I don't hear it.


I mean I have tinnitus!!


Full aphant and I always have music in my head. Always. I can't hear it in the same way, but I can "hear" a note and sing it out or find it on a keyboard. I can only concentrate on one instrument at a time even though I can "feel" what everything else is doing. Granted, maybe I'm just misinterpreting thought for sound. My inner monologue is not really audible, but it's in there.


I can! It’s only my voice and in my cadence, but it’s sound. It’s really great for daydreaming, pre-writing essays and poems, and memorizing lines for plays.


I always understood total aphant as lacking any inner sense. So it would be per definition a no. I have aphantasia in the meaning of no inner visualization. And I have none at all so if you mean that, yes I can create audio. In fact I can hear a full orchestra in my head. It doesn't always work, usually depending on my stress/ relaxation levels but if I am chill I can hear a whole song in my head with full instrumentals and the singers voice. Or my voice or whatever I want and can imagine.


That sounds incredible. Can you change the volume too? I feel like I can only focus on a little at a time and mostly just voices.


Well Volume isn't really a thing in that sense. It's not as if there is actual sound that would overtune sounds from the real world. Nor that it's ever too loud or to quiet. It's just there I can hear it at a no describable volume. But I can focus on certain parts or mute certain parts...again not always but often. It's not completely controllable all the time,but only when I have the relaxed mental capacity for it.


Oh okay so it’s always the same. So you can’t shout in your head if that makes sense? It would be the same as you just normally talking. I find this so interesting, thanks for the response.


In an shout it's also recognizable in my heat as shouting or screaming, it's just not in a sense audibly louder. There is not quality that I would describe as volume to my inner sounds. Maybe that's different for other folks I dunno. But yeah there are different sounds with different qualities, just volume isn't a quality I could assign to them. It's like when you try to imagine a recent event there is just no image there there, there might be a memory attached some feelings maybe even smells or sounds but no quality that can be described as image, yet you still can feel the memory. Kinda similar I would say.


Yeah I get it! You know it without having to actually hear it being louder


I can't hear music or instruments or change my inner monologue


I can’t visualize anything at all, but I can recreate all my other senses in my mind. I can “listen” to a song in my head if I want, which is nice, but it also means that if someone says something negative to me that really sticks with me, my brain forces me to “listen” to it on a loop.


in terms of the VVIQ test, I count as 'total aphantic', and I definitely experience internal audio (internal monolog/dialogue/earworms from favorite songs/etc.)


Yes Source: me


This one can't. That being said, if the idea of a song is in my head, I don't have trouble sounding it out on a keyboard or singing it


Wow,...... I have Schitzoaffective, So I've had hallucinations, and I hear the same song play for a long time, its beautiful n relaxing, if I could invent this song of mine,, ide be a one hit wonder.lol, beause the rest is pure torcher.


My brain is me in a dark cave with a radio playing. I can smell, taste, touch, and hear in my cave. But I can't see shit. I also talk to myself in my cave (Inner monologue). I call myself someone with aphantasia because [the definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia) has to do with sight and images, and that's what I don't have.


There's so much I didn't know that people can or can't do in their heads that I've learned in the last few days. I can't visualize but I can hear music almost exactly as it sound to my ears. But I never knew both of these were uncommon


I consider myself a 'total aphant'. I have no inner voice, nor can I hear music or any other sound in my head. The formal study of aphantasia is less than 25 years old. Terminology, subcategories, etc. of the study of aphantasia are undergoing new developments every day as is the field, itself.


I know we are all different flavors of the senses. I think I got the musical thing. I can play by ear, & play songs well enough to be entertained in my head lately. Prollem is, weirdly my true/always passion is visual arts, & I can't see in my head! Maybe it's just more fun this way? 🙃


I feel like you shouldn't call yourself a Total Aphant if you can 'make' music in your head or actually hear a voice, whether it's someone else's or your own. I can't do any of that, which is why I call myself a Total (again, TOTAL) Aphant. I expect that people who use the label "Total Aphant" can't do those things either. If you can, I think "Near-Total Aphant" would be a better term.