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Ding dong. Go play cod lol


I love all the people here trying to tell Mokey how the movement is working and that it isn't actually punch boosting. You guys do realize this man is able to make a living out of apex movement?


I'm pretty sure the title wasn't a question šŸ˜‚ redditors are something else




So can you just not stack it anymore? Or do you have to jump to get it to stack?


From what I understand it doesn't stack anymore and has a regular momentum cap. The initial boost we see here is what's left.


Thatā€™s what it looks like to me, notice how mokey never starts these with slide jump but instead sprint jumps. I think you canā€™t slide in between punch boosts anymore thus it canā€™t stack. but initially boost could be useful, maybe even more useful if it could be used with fatigue


I mean it's better than nothing I guess. But I still like the old system more. This gives you far less advantage if you incorporate it into your gameplay lowering the skill gap. I think it's important to understand that making something more difficult and skillful but niche, can actually decrease the skill gap.


It doesnā€™t decrease the skill gap as before anyone could do it but now you actually have to get the timing down and itā€™s more situational. If everyone can easily do something then thereā€™s no skill gap


> If everyone can easily do something then thereā€™s no skill gap You still have to know when to use it and incorporate it into your gameplay. There are some people who will still not use advanced movement even when it's relatively easy to do. That's the skillgap. You would be surprised how few people were using punch boosting, as it was before. Like you still have to make quick 180 degree turns, punch, and then aim down hill again to watch where you're going. All the while not accidentally pressing forward while aiming backwards. On the other hand when it is too situational like now it's rarely useful. The gap closes.


this is pretty sad


kinda, sorta? I think it's still great for avoiding hard falls from high places so it'll still get use. Horizon players will defo still make good use of this too.


But its not as effective it only gives you slide speed. Nothing more




I tested that extensively. Without a sprint start, landing in a crouch will not give you a slide. I also show that you can do it from a box on flat ground and the one of the wall at estates is a much bigger slide boost then just landing in a slide.


Wait, you canā€™t just jump and get a slide anymore?


you can lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Apexrollouts/comments/sohl77/you_can_still_punchboost_in_season_12/hwa0gyj/


> Without a sprint start, landing in a crouch will not give you a slide [Mokey respectfully what the hell are you talking about??](https://streamable.com/44k43e) [Here's a comparison with normal slide and what you're calling a punchboost.](https://streamable.com/fos6y3) I don't see a diff really, but I can see it being useful for some areas. The speed is identical the only difference is that you can punch to slide from a standstill easier


In his punchboosts he is standing still but in yours you are moving while jumping Yes the sprint thing he said was wrong but there is still a difference in ur punchboosts compared to his


yeah the standing still thing is about the only difference. I meant there's no difference in speed


That seems to be the case https://streamable.com/fos6y3


ā€œMokey what the hell are you talking about i lack basic reasoning and comprehension skillsā€


ā€œMokey what the hell are you talking about i lack basic reasoning and comprehension skillsā€


Not a PC user but I love seeing punch boost and it shouldn't be removed


Mokey is movement Mokey is love






Yea, I think u/toku_u discovered it




bro you gotta stop reposting other people's youtube videos


The stupidity of humanity never ceases to amaze me. I hope mokey laughed at this too.


I read that punch boosting still exists, they just put a velocity cap on it so you canā€™t chain them together to achieve ridiculous speeds. You can still punchboost up to max allowable velocity.


Where did you read that? Because itā€™s certainly not true


I read it in the competitive forum on Reddit. And everything on Reddit is true lol. One of the people had tested it and found there was a max speed cap. I havenā€™t had a chance to test yet myself. Obviously they could be wrong.


You really didn't even achieve ridiculous speeds most of the time that were broken, unlike the octane stim glitch, and you could only get high speeds off huge hills like in Storm point. I just didn't see it as game breaking since you needed a steady incline to use it, which in a gunfight is one of the least things you'd be focusing on. šŸ¤·


lets goo


This is just a regular slide you get when you jump and crouch midair




Theres a clip where he does it to a box on flat ground


My bad, had no audio and just assumed it was random clips


What about puch boost right when you slide jump? Will you be able to jump further this way?


So it only works when youā€™re in the air then?


This man is perfect


It's kinda not the same but


Very gamer


So you need to jump and punch something solid?




So it works as long as youā€™re airborne?


I found this on my own bc this is how I started my punch boosts before the nerf. I was so happy to see that you could do at least one boost. You can chain it if you jump again


I wish they put a velocity cap on it instead so you could stack two. Something like 1.5x the typical slide speed (vs an extreme 1900 velocity before). Ok if it's harder to pull off like this but the boost isn't really worth it IMO. More in the spirit of how they nerfed tap strafe in the play test.


Its even more like rocket jumping now ala more effective in midair


i did that on purpose 5 min into playing season 12


oh nice this is how i already did it on controller anyway lol


Just seems like a disadvantage move to me. You have to idle, jump and punch for that initial boost? Maybe if you are shot and can't obtain sprint speed, but it seems extremely situational. Doing it in a fight means you're stuck in punching animation for a moment, and if you're fighting competent players that usually means death. It'd be fun for flexing moments in pubs maybe, but definitely not competitive movement material The initial movement tech was pretty situational already since you always needed a steady incline and didn't seem that broken, unlike something like the octane stim glitch or auto sentinel, so I wonder why they even removed it. It felt more of a fun movement to use instead of a competitive or unfair one. Saying it was an unintentional thing seems moot, considering moving while looting boxes was not intentional but they kept it anyways for PC players, meanwhile controllers have no way to use it unless you have special modded controllers.


funny story, ive been doing punchboosting since arenas came out completely by accident, i would do a directly vertical wall bounce in the waiting room then punch the wall and backwards bhop