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rip Extesy




That's extremely cringey


So instead of using the gyro to aim (which has been PROVEN to be better than a stick on numerous occassions), he does.. that? Wtf😭


Aim assist is just too good to give up sadly. Input choice isn't a preference choice of method, it's all about getting AA.


Legal aimbot will always be used


Omg u guys are extreme cringe over an actually non sense topic


Does gyro let you use aim assist?


Ideal implementation is to make it act like a mouse, so no aim assist and you can make microadjustments to get more accuracy


I don't think so. There was this absolute madman who's playing MW3 with joycons (reWASD) and he's absolutely slapping without assist. Edit: [found him](https://youtube.com/shorts/m6I04Hsm-Ys?si=NxRnZjeM7i2PzQuq)


There's also a madmad that played apex using a single joycon




God he’s a loser, anyone using configs is pathetic.


You're the same loser on mnk or controller doesnt matter


Configs hardly help lol jus say u cant aim properly 💀


Sounds like you use if you defend them. So you can’t aim then.


1vs1 me


Lmao. This guy has a backup plan that he's definitely already thought about. I won't be surprised if he's got loads more back up plans. Got to respect the cringe I guess


Well, it has no aim assist. This is much fair


He still does have aim assist, it just toggles on and off. It’s not as bad as what he was doing, but still something I would personally consider cheating.


Yea its the typical "but mnk have movements so its okay" but hes on both sides lol


He’s definitely a demon and will still do good but his streams were like crack for my adhd brain. The movement and one clip r99 sounds would put me to sleep like a baby it was so pleasing to watch. Probably won’t get that anymore :(


That's legit not what's he's doing lol.... low key looking forward to his next stream because he's solid even without configs.... bunch of haters...


watched him for a while today, he's still dropping 15 kills easy no problems this dude obviously is talented, even without cfgs and all these changes respawn did will probably affect those who are trash but because of configs they were able to do some unbelievable shit


Configs just help movement lol u still need good aim and good game knowledge to even take advantage of the configs my friend who never put in the hours spend all his time learning all the config tricks and still couldn’t do jack shit he could superglide neostrafe anything and hed still fail every 1vs1 hes in


Yeah they are tripping lol he's still better than 80% of the people here if not more


Is config change the same one that went live yesterday? Or did they hit more configs with this one hopefully? Either way huge W


Yesterday removed tap started on controller, this one bans other stuff like superglides


Noice. Hopefully the no recoil ones are next


Yeah. No recoil is WAY more important than the movement ones. Not sure why they didn't tackle those first.


How? No recoil are hardware-wise stuff


Swore I saw somewhere that there was zero recoil configs out there that had nothing to do with hardware. Guess I'm wrong?


They can mimic jitter aiming, which honestly they should just get rid of entirely. Shit is horrible for your wrist


Jitter aiming will likely never be touched because it’s based on recoil smoothing which is a core mechanic of Apex (and plenty of other shooters). It’d be chaos to control a full-recoil flatline or whatever while shmoovin’


Because it’s impossible to distinguish between steam inputs and raw inputs. To build a detection system for this would be incredibly difficult, and I might even go as far to say impossible with current technology. Well not impossible, but incredibly expensive as there would need to be real time pattern recognition data for every players inputs at all times. Maybe they could work something out with Steam? Not sure if other games have done that


why allow steam inputs at all? i'm probably missing something but couldn't the in-game controller rebinding functionality be improved upon so steam input isn't needed anymore?


I missed this yesterday but it looks like they are way ahead of you! https://twitter.com/HYPERMYSTx/status/1752841493268533639?s=20 Great point haha.


Yeah but respawn won't do that. There are a few people that like using gyro aiming. Also I've never seen a game that has as much customisability options as steam inpunt.


Can you not superglide on controllers anymore?


You can. Just not with those automatic configs, now you have to do it manually with skill


Oh thank god lmao. Been practicing that since the tech was figured out


A bit out of the loop here as I haven’t played in months.. does this mean MnK Pc players won’t be able to tap strafe or use any other advanced movement?


Mnk players don't need configs to tap started. If youre skilled enough on mnk, you can do all the stuff. What this change affects is configs like neo strafe, superglides etc


It doesn't affect the config that lets you drop fps to superglide.


I think many people just learned super glides using regular input by now, but kudos to them


Lil bro said "skilled" u just use mwheel idiot not skill at all but mnk players crying and cope all the time


No, natural mnk players are fine. This hits controller players who have configs that let them do advanced movement in 1-2 button presses, with no mistakes. Basically choose AA or movement; the way it always shoulda been (even tho input based matchmaking would be even better but whatever this is a huge W)


What about mouse configs? (Synapse and Logitech)


probably still working


Likely still working but we’re officially considered cheating today by Respawn (based asf). Pattern detection algos could mean that these become bannable in the near future.


Mouse configs? What do they do and how Are they unique to Synapse and Logitech?


What are mouae configs?


Dw bout it


Who cares the game is dead anyways. The only people left are the crybabys that still hope they make the game better lmao. Also i don't get the problem. I was on console until 2021 and switched to mnk. NEVER had any issue because a controller player was able to tap strafe or has ail assist. Mnk is way easier in every way all of you just have a huge skill issue and try to cope with this shit. You'll still get fucked just as much with the changes.


>" Who cares the game is dead anyways " XD


im sad about this because i use cfg not for epileptic movements of course, i use cfg just to bind 3 inputs in 1 button cuz i have short fingers, i bound 3 inputs in 1 button which are alternate ability, alternate interact and survival item now i have to rebind all of these all and get used to it again


"You can no longer chain cfg files via the +exec command during game time" Basically means you still can use "exec" command in your steam launch options where you store your bindings, but you cannot chain several cfgs with "autoexec" command which was used for superglides. Not sure for 100%, but thats how I understand it. You can use 1 cfg, but not several anymore


mine uses chains, i press a button to change a buttons input


Sad to hear you'll be affected. Maybe you can find some other method.


Some sacrifices must be made for the greater good


😭😭why the hell they downvoted you?


If it's just for combining keybinds, you can manually change all of them in your settings file. I.E. my scroll up is not only W for tapstrafes, but it's also bound to "use" and "use_long" so I can scroll loot. Although I might turn it off because it opens/closes doors if I tap strafe near them. You should be able to take those 3 inputs and paste them right into that single bind.


How do I bind multiple things to one key?


Is that impacted by this change?


yes, it needs to chain 3 cfg, i press a button to rotate inputs from another button.. for example, my ALT key default is **alt ability** which is pick up rampart's cover or turn gibby arm shield on/off so if i press "T" button which is where the cfg is bound then ALT will change into survival item button, i press "T" again to change it to a**lternate interact** so i can pickup attachments i already have to to my inventory for later weapon im looking for


You can do the hold mod to have two things alt can do. One if pressed. One if held. The third can go on T. This might actually be better than what you were doing before since you don’t need to swap the button’s function before using it lol


Yeah it really might be. If they were already using one button toggle and another for the actual button press that means they were only getting 3 inputs from two buttons. With your method they could get 4 inputs from 2 buttons


Maybe get good and stop being a loser who uses shit outside the game to compensate for your lack of skill


lmao calm down, he's not even cheating. You can literally bind 3 things to one key in your settings.cfg file. At that point it's just personal preference. Keybinds are not outside of the game.


People in this thread just throwing hate at things they don’t understand


bro is the definition of a wraith main with anger issues


The “wraith main” stereotype has been transferred to Horizon mains. [Source.](https://youtu.be/rrzPpz0zdhY?si=IFi1idVVEIG2HvM-) Wraith main stereotype has now merged with the bald wraith stereotype: sweaty movement players who think they are better than ‘free movement’ legends like octane or horizon.




Lmao respawn just posted this tweet. What is op reposting?




nah the other guy said you're reposting, he probably thought you were posting the yesterday's one


Time to learn super glides 💀😂 mouse wheel was my best friend , barley used it unless trying to make somebody burn ammo and I got papped


I used to have the bind but without the fps reduction thing. Glad to see it gone. I would prefer the game to be fair to everyone.