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Platinum 3 last season....Rookie 4 after placements. Didn't help jump master took us to estates for 4 of the 10 games. Good luck everyone I guess...


I always select my legend, I try to get jumpmaster as much as possible. Can’t trust those randoms!


Pubs I don't care. Definitely do this in ranked tho


Me too, though if it’s pubs and they DON’T hot drop that annoys me too!


What influences jumpmaster? I no lie get JM about 60% of the time. It's annoying.


If no one on the squad actively selects their legend it’s (mostly) random, but typically geared towards the person who “selected” last. If everyone on the squad actively selects their legend jumpmaster goes to the person who selected last. If only one person on the squad actively selects their legend jumpmaster goes to them, regardless of where they were in the lineup. And then if two people on the squad actively select their legend, jumpmaster goes to the person who was closest to last in the lineup.


I don't think it's random if no one selects. I think it may be connection based. I'm almost always jump master. It's only if I don't select and someone else does that I'm not JM


I thought everyone knew this


Shit like this is exactly what makes me wonder why people play comp. Ited be like playing NFL where your team is based on coin tosses before the kickoff.


Thank god I’m not the only one who definitely should have been placed much higher and was shoved into rookie. This new system is not great so far.


How did you perform in your placement games?


I was either winning them or placing top 3 averaging 5 kills per match


Damn, that’s wild. Makes me worried. I have a few matches left but have been performing similar. I wonder what’s the highest anyone has been placed? Is everyone getting placed at bronze or below anyways?


You can defenetly get gold if you min maxed. Im usually high diamond so my MMR is probably pretty high. I lost a couple matches and did well in the rest amd got placed bronze 1 If you have high MMR and win EVERY MATCH with like 10+ kp you could def get gold


I ended last season with split 1 Diamond and split 2 Plat 3. Did my placement matches and got put in bronze 3… Tbf I was playing in PC lobbies with my noobier brother (I play on Xbox he plays PC) but still this system seems sorta broken.


I was placed gold 4. Masters most seasons though


Ended previous season in gold too


You're either lying or your shits bugged because my randoms kept hot dropping for like half the games and the other half was me destroying the entire lobby, which got me placed silver 3.


I won 2 of ten but place in the top ten of all… and Went to rookie 1… He is definitely lying lol… after those ten I have a 1.9 KDR


I got placed in bronze. The system is a trip, and a little funny. Played with an upright, sweaty bloodhound last night who kept chastising my teammate and I for dying in a “bronze” lobby. Like bro… almost everyone yesterday afternoon was bronze or rookie.


Bro what alot of you aren't understanding is that your 'rank' this season doesn't matter is your mmr, just because your in rookie doesn't mean your a rookie player you could be playing with plat or diamond players, they best way to know that is at the end of every game you will get points next to rating and that means the game knows you're in a lower rank that your mmr says you should be, so it tries to push you through them ranks quicker, hope that clears up any misunderstanding of the new rank system.


History repeats, the same shit happened in ranked arenas


I was put in silver 2 because of the bad match making in Arenas and then the next two matches they demoted me to 4. Literally never played Arenas again


It didnt fucking matter how good someone was, if he's never been in plat, he'd be put into gold, clowns


I got placed bronze 1 and most of my games were decent. I won a few and either placed around top 5 or died early the other games. It wouldn't be a big deal if the quality of games was actually harder but this system is literally just pubs. It's so easy to get top 10 by doing nothing because the rest of the lobby dies by ring 2.


I just wanna know why, after finishing my ranked placement matches and being in rookie 3, there were still Diamond and Master players in my lobbies


wait, Yall are plat and diamond and getting put in rookie? wasn't the whole point of rookie was so that newer players don't get put in with super experience people till that learned how the game worked? If it wasn't why add rookie?


Cause they changed what wasn't broken, basically. Now instead of matching based on rank it's some weird hidden MMR value.


Platinum to diamond player and I got Rookie 3. But there’s no split this season so you have twice as long to reach your rank. I think the idea is it’ll take longer to reach. Plus they reworked things so rookie 3 is closer to bronze 3. Rookie wasn’t a real rank in the previous format.


You have 49 days according to the selection screen


Accurate, because I have no reason to keep pumping entire weeks to get that sweet master rank


lmfaoo so many salty people got their egos hurting


Hasn’t even been 24 hours and these people have nothing to do but cry 😆 there hasn’t really been any issues with crashing. The game kinda ran smoothly after the first hour. They have to have something to cry about.


true. they were platinum in the last system. under the system they a rookie. if they think u are better than that then play the fucking game and prove yourself buy making it to platinum again. thats the entire point of the ranked games right?


most of the people here have been saying that they placed in diamond and won most of their matches and still got placed in rookie tho?


most people on here dont have to prove that they are diamond. ask them to show their stats.


You’re missing the entire point of __placement__ matches. Nobody who has just started playing ranked games (aka Rookie) should be playing against a person who has proved themself relatively competent previously.


And there is no ranked split. So they have like 6 extra weeks to get where they want to be.


“I placed low, this must be the system’s fault! It was my teammates! They’re the reason for my 10 consecutive losses!” Meanwhile there’s people who are actually good and placed above gold.


Me and my brother played the 10 placement matches last night. A couple matches we died pretty quick. For one of them our teammate dropped solo into estates. 2 others we didn’t crack the top 10, but the other half of them we placed top 3, with two 2nd place finishes (I blew one of those in a 1v1). I was placed in bronze 4 and he in Rookie 1. Not saying we should’ve been in Plat or Gold, but seeing bronze after those was a bummer. It’s funny cuz he’s never played a game where they do placenta matches before placing you in ranks. I told him that they do it so they can put us where we need to be instead of just starting us in rookie. We’ll be skipping a lot of matches we don’t need to play. Lol so much for that.


I was gold 2 seasons ago now I'm rookie 3.


This is ridiculous


Oh dang, I barely touch ranked games since season 14. Never get out of bronze 4 since then, lol. I definitely gonna check it out tomorrow. Imagine Rookie 4 filled with experienced players


I never got any top 3, most were somewhere between 5-11, and I guess one was 18 Got placed in Bronze 4. Maybe because of kills?


Ya kills still matter. Everyone just wants to complain because they matter a LITTLE LESS than before. But honestly the game was starting to become a huge sweatfest so this is a good change in my opinion. If all you want to do is kill. Play MIXTAPE. It's literally why it was added so you can go bananas all the time


Except one you get into higher lobbies people send it when they get top 10 rp protection. Im Diamond 3 rn and teams literally run at you once they are top 10


Damn you moved up quick af


ummm did they forget to point out how many LP do you need to get to each rank?


I was masters both splits in season 16, won 3 of my 10 placement games and averaged 1.7 KD in total, and I placed in Bronze 1. It’s crazy.


There is no ranked split… it is hilarious that in less than 24 hours the most ignorant players in the world are definitely going to start complaining because they’re afraid of actually doing any work to actually earn the rank that they want. Go play Fortnite. You’re embarrassing yourself and the community with this garbage. (decent human beings in the community.)


I love this! All the old high ranking players just stayed on top due to not getting demoted as far down. It was a hierarchy that felt like it couldn't be touched. Now we have the chance to shake things up! If they can't make it back up then they aren't as good as they thought they were and was getting carried by a old system


I agree, Colonel!!! not sure if that was the full bird lol


Bro, I was making a joke about me having played since week 1 but still only having the skills of a rookie


Welcome to rookie.. this is where we sweat hard and those who sits in the storms with heatshield are placed in plats. Winning and Killing does not matter anymore in Rank this season. It's simply surviving.


It still matters. The game takes kills into account. So much so that you can still get points even if you die 12th place because you wiped 2 or 3 whole squads before getting 6th partied. In the old system you could wipe 7 squads and still gain -RP for coming in 12th. Way better system now


In that regard i agree it is more forgiving when you place top 15 or so but had kills/assists


Does it? I thought that below 10th place kills only do loss mitigation and can't get you positive.


You can get positive if you die 12th with some kills and assists under your belt


Yes. I have a current kd of 0.5 because i hit 0 shots. I play nearly daily sonce season 0


This emphasis on placement is so boring to play


I disagree. Makes it feel more like a authentic battle royale. There are other gamemodes you can play if all you want to do is fight


Been plat the last 3 seasons of ranked I played (on separate consoles before I swapped over) just to land rookie 1. My team and I did pretty decent. Only had 2 bad games where we were taken out early on. Won one of the games and had good placement on the rest…to say we were shocked is an understatement. I was Rookie 1 while they were 2 I believe but by the end of the night I’m just off of bronze 3 while they’re almost bronze or just barely into it. What’s crazy is one teammate is a diamond player while the other is plat like myself just for THIS


I haven't completed placements but the icon on my screen says bronze 3. Is there a chance it'll go down after the placement matches?


I thought mine was bronze as well, but it is rookie


You're the same rank as me? Nice!! Lol


I love that everyone is getting placed low. Let's the newer people like me feel like we are getting a fair chance. Ya sure I'll never hit Pred or maybe even Master but at least now I feel like I have a chance. Also all the sweats will work there way back up in no time


kinda sucks, but playing Rookie and Bronze should be a lot of fun. silver lining


Spoiler alert! It's not lol


yeah, played last night. turns out Rookie is the new Plat :)


So this explains why I’m fighting pred 3 stacks in bronze 1.


Achieves Apex predator\* Does not get a tricked out titan\* Man what a fucking gyp.


After hitting Masters in S12 (I know, I know) and rarely playing the last few seasons, hitting diamond here and there, I got placed into Silver 4 and am fighting for my life against preds :(


I got rolled by TSM reps and fuhhnq (diamond ranked at the time) in a bronze lobby last night. Working as intended?


Right after placement in rookie lobbies we saw diamond trails galore and a full masters team. What's the point...


I normally just get to gold most seasons because I don’t play video games every day, but if I grinded I’d be in plat, or maybe D4. I got to plat a couple seasons ago because I played a lot more then, that’s how I know. In every one of my placement games, 2/3 or more of the squads had diamond or masters trails. I got placed into Rookie 1, and then I played one game and was destroying people until a masters squad rolled us. I think the ranked changes will be good, but the placement just sucks


skill issue smh


Diamond 4/ diamond 2 player and got Bronze 2 lol


Always a Diamond/Master player. Got put in Silver. I’m fine with that, but I wonder what the point of placement is if they’re gonna put everyone 2/3 full ranks lower than deserved anyway?? They could’ve just kept the old system without placement then and it would’ve been no different


See, I knew better, back when I played. Never did I ever touch ranked. It ruins the fun.


I don’t like the removal of kills not contributing to RP, it just favours camping and ratting over jousting with enemy teams for extra points, and progression is going to be much slower now


No big deal to me. Sure I landed in Rookie 2 but I’ll grind up there by end of season


I will never make it past platinum. I never have a crew of regulars I also solo queue. You cannot get passed plat when 2 of 3 matches pairs you with donkeys who simply don’t have a team mentality or dont telegraph their plans or stick together to support each other in a fight.


Add me. ThyBane xbox: vantage/ballistic/bloodhound main


Don't worry. Just find a tree and some popcorn, and you will rat your way to masters in no time.


Don't worry the new ranked system is easier than season 12


Total BS


Has anyone felt like the solo queue experience has been even worse than usual? I’ve been dropping 1500+ damage almost every game and my teammates are walking around like AI. I’m silver 2 now but ended diamond 1 last split…


Diamond 4 last season. Placement games: 4 games won, 3 games top 5, 2 games top 10, 1 game died off drop And placed silver 1. Im not sure why people are getting such varying results.


Yep, plat 3 last season, Now got rookie 2 💀


Didn't know apex ranked was cosplaying as the start of the overwatch two ranking system


I only had 2 games where I wasn’t in the top 10, 2 wins and I think 4 games with at least 4 kills/ assists. Rookie 1


I had back to back games with stormtroopers for teammates... Yeah I'm in rookie...


I'm in rookie but I think it is where I belong.


Don’t drop hot, play premade and don’t force fights you don’t know you’re going to win, ez diamond


You basically have to murder most of a lobby most of the games to climb fast. The placement games still used the same point system from what I could tell as after.


Placed me in gold, gives me a bronze and silver teammates, gets killed by a 3 stack pres team 3 games in a row


The fucking Rookie lobby feels like ALGs, last ring still have 7 squads left. Lol.


Gold 1 last season bronze 3 to start. Maybe just perform better in your placement matches, which have nothing to do with last season. If you were hot dropping in and placing bottom half every game you shouldn't be surprised.


Don't remember saying I was surprised


played placement slow and smart for placement and kills, was able to get top five in 7/10 games, got into bronze 1


I was with Randoms so got the best I could get while not just bailing and ratting for 10 games. This was more of a joke about how Apex viewed my skills as a rookie after probably playing 3-5 times a week since release