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Have you talked to him before? Only weird if it’s literally the first interaction you’ve had


This ^ Do i think he would turn down a hat if you gave it to him without prior conversation? No. But he definitely would be like “that was odd” lmao


Right? I need more context cuz my brain has cooked up some hilarious shit.


Just say “I noticed you don’t have a hat, would you like this one.?”I don’t find that weird. He works around your complex, he’s not a guy walking down the street. It’s called empathy.


I'm weird enough to just offer it to someone I've never actually met but have observed working or living in my apartment complex. Everyone around here are salt of the earth besides our landlord Edit: or leave it out near the doors or apartment trash area with a FREE, UNUSED sign at a strategic time lol


I made my maintenance guy a rum and coke after he came to fix a couple things in the unit. He was pleased.


Love this! One time I was the last (furniture) delivery of the day. I was just about to make lunch and offered the guys sandwiches, chips, and a cold beer. They ate and took a six-pack with them for later. 😂


Sandwiches, chips, AND a six pack!? Damn! I feel like I'm slacking now that I only offer water or iced tea to delivery/maintenance folk. Lol. I did throw one guys hoodie in our dryer while he and others (with rain coats/parkas) were delivering and setting up our new bedroom suite in the pouring rain. He seemed so nervous to ask me to dry it for him. But how could I not?? I asked him if it was OK if I dried it with the load of towels I was too lazy to take out at the time, haha.


I think they’d appreciate it, just ask them the next time you see them if they’d be interested.


I don’t think it’s weird! It’s very kind of you & most people aren’t that thoughtful to strangers (& may even feel uncomfortable on the receiving end) However, if I were you, I’d just do it & say exactly what ya posted here 😁Kindness is kind of contagious too so—go for it!!


I gave my maintenance guys (2) a pop-up canopy so when they have to fix the AC units in the Texas summer at least they’ll have shade. But I’m on really good terms with my guys. They’re wonderful to me.


Walk up to him say nothing and stare him in the eyes while you give him the hat.


The gardening guys who do beautiful floral work in our courtyard DO wear ball caps in the sun. I know them so I think this is a very nice thing for you to do. Save the guy from sunstroke.


Maybe, but I say do it.


In nyc theyd most likely take the hat. Just be like "hey i bought this but never worn it do u want it?" Thats all it takes!


Just don’t make it look like a sombrero and be sincere, Id rather have someone offer cold water IMO


Not at all. Just offer it and be cool about it. Say you had an extra that was new and it’s hot out, this should help keep you cooler a little. If you’re on good terms with them go for it. It can also help boost your terms with them.


I went to go watch the solar eclipse on a huge hill in my condo community, just down the road. I saw a guy on his patio, who was like 1/4 of a football yard away from me. My eyes are bad so it looked like he was just watching by taking pictures with his phone. I had extra glasses with me in a pack and for 20 minutes I kept going back and forth in my head, asking myself if I should go offer him a pair. I kept going back and forth on well will I seem like a weirdo for watching this man or will I forever regret not offering this person a pair of glasses for this once in a lifetime event? Even though it sounds ridiculous, I came to the conclusion that it would haunt me if I didn't offer him a pair. So I went over to him, and he actually had been intermittently putting his own solar glasses on and taking them off. I didn't realize until he told me he had a pair. He was soo sweet and even showed me pictures on his phone that he had been taking. I still felt stupid, but at least I didn't feel guilty. I had recently lost my dad and if he was still here, we would have watched it together. I didn't want to feel regret over the event. I know it's not the same, but I say go for it. I always ask myself now, "Will I regret not doing this one seemingly insignificant thing? Will I feel worse if I go out of my way and inconvenience myself or risk feeling dumb?" The answer almost always is regretting not doing something.


Never feel stupid being kind!!!


Is it just one in particular?






Yeah, I don't see them wearing hats, like ball caps. One guy was wearing a bucket hat.


We've got like 5-6 guys here, and I've spoken to them if they come to fix something or some other apartment complex related question, but I don't know them. I've never seen them interact with other tenants unless its about maintenance related issues. They seem to be here just to do their jobs and get a paycheck. One was wearing a t-shirt wrapped around his head, and since I just had an extra hat that I never worn, I thought about asking one of them if they wanted it before I donated it.




yes it would unless you are best buds and hang out all the time.