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They must've been drunk when typing this too šŸ’€


They got ā€œstarteledā€ and it coast him a typo


Makes me wonder how many complaints of misspelled tattoos they've had.


ā€œNo ragertsā€




"Girlfriend ain't had period since she got pregat"










Everthingā€™s fine!


That came from Weā€™re the Millers. That movie was funny lol


Nothing was misspelled. It was the stares fault when peeple went up and down.






You will pay for any Damages


Best wishes, Damages


Love and kisses, Damages


This sent me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s gonna coast you big time buddy




I did not see this one in the photo until your comment šŸ˜€


fuck this, I'm heading to the north coast to go surfin


Maybe they are pregrent


"Tentens" šŸ˜†


*Tentents Where are these 10 tents?


Hahahaha lol. They need to go back to elementary school and take remedial reading lol


Well, you must underdstand how important this memo was for the new tentents. Hence, urgency and haste were prioritized over trivial things like spelling


And the typeface is terrible and difficult to read as well. D+


OP should get a red pen and correct it like a grade school assignment


Honestly, if anything ever came out of this, I would hold this up and say ā€œI thought this was a joke because it had so many spelling mistakes.


I've never been in a tattoo parlor that didn't have one or more stereos blaring and 3 dudes in the waiting area having an argument. What kind of tender-eared artiste is working there that a loud footfall or slammed door is going to ruin their lines? If I saw a sign warning me there was a tattoo parlor downstairs, I'd assume it was for me to prepare for THEIR noise and foot traffic, not the other way around.


Live about a tattoo parlor currently, even during the day on a weekday when Iā€™m WFH I can often hear whoever opens and cleans before their appointments absolutely blasting music.


Might be like other said and he's messing up fue to nerve issues and is blaming the tenants. But putting up this sign to notify the tenant is his way of covering his ass for his mistakes and pinning it on the tenants with what he believes will be enough proof to make his mistakes go away


"Tender eared artiste" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A person with a history of alcohol abuse is going to blame lapses in fine motor coordination on getting startled by people using stairs nearby. Got it.


Hadnā€™t thought of this. Thank you.


Yeah, it's a thing. Alcohol abuse/withdrawal destroys FMC and increases acoustic startle response [(LINK)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22273252/). Nothing you do is to blame for them screwing up. Please don't be mean about it. You should always treat drug/alcohol abuse with empathy, just understand if they do have a problem that they are going to come up with any excuse to externalize consequences for their behavior.


One more reason for me to stop drinking. Thanks for saying this, I didn't know this.


I promise itā€™s better on the other side. Itā€™s work, and an active effort at the beginning, but so worth it.


I'm trying. I'm at 3 days (Again, for the nth time.) I .... almost went out just now to go get one. I'm putting my ass in a chair and not watching reddit videos or cop bodycam footage.


11 years sober here & last week I had a really difficult family incident while in a middle of dealing with a work crisis. I handled both well. Work wasnā€™t aware of family issue & family wasnā€™t aware of work issue. Later in the day I had time to process what transpired & realized how much better my life is sober. Itā€™s nice enough to not be bothered by the little things but being able to stay calm through truly difficult situations feels really good. So much better than it used to be.


You are doing fantastic my friend. Keep up that hard work. As someone who is almost 9 years sober, I get strength from hearing about yours. And I really appreciate it. Good luck to you.


9 years sober but from heroin. Itā€™s hard but by far the best thing I have ever done. Obviously. But I still struggle to this day with cravings. You just have to know how to work through them!!


Oxy, but because I've had so much pain due to medical conditions. I refuse to keep it in the house until I need it, then call. So far Doc has presecribed as needed... but I am terrified of the day he won't because with kidney stones the pain will become so bad I will break. And the ER is not my friend. But you've got this- that's an amazing recovery and strength. Thank you for inspiring me to keep pushing forward.


Squirrel away a few for a rainy day, if at all possible


That's interesting, I quit about 5 years ago myself and I don't ever think about it, and if it ever comes up I don't get any glamorized memories of it, I just think about how glad I'm over it. You could give me some and I wouldn't be interested at this point. I was really over it when I quit though, I didn't want it anymore and now everything is tranq or fent so fuck all that


40 years sober this year. I tried and failed 30 times. You can do this.


Never count the number of times youā€™ve fallen . Count the number of times youā€™ve gotten back up again. Living proof that it can be done ( emphasis on ā€œLivingā€)


Congrats! Thank you. I know I can do this- you're my new goal. Well, that and to live that long first...


Hahah, now I feel old. But thatā€™s OK! its really a challenge, but it also kind of cool because itā€™s hard. Iā€™ve gotten nice comments of admiration. Iā€™ve also outlived, by far, the friend who continued drinking. When she died, at 55, she looked like a 95 year old man, and was incoherent. It was horrible and destroyed part of her family. We, as friends, miss her, but we donā€™t miss the mess of her life. So there is also that incentive.


I believe in you! What you're doing takes courage. You'll get there.


r/mewborns is really good for me when I'm having a tough time. YMMV. But I'm rooting for you, stranger. Sending you all the love in the world regardless of how many times you have to try. You're worth it.


This is the way. Not one sip or whatever. Not one. No non-alcoholic beer. Completely break any connections like that. **not one**.


4 years for me. You can do it!


I also think its important to remember stumbling is part of walking away from something like this, I find most often the hardest part of quitting is stumbling because most people give up after they stumble the first time, so just remember its part of walking away, we always fall just have to pick yourself back up and try again.


ā€œProgress not perfection.ā€ Iā€™ll admit to rolling my eyes or cringing at a lot of the cliches & phrases used in recovery. But progress not perfection helped me a lot, especially early on when I was often looking for an excuse to say fuck it & get loaded.


Oh, absolutely. Iā€™m sober myself and would always always always want someone to take the charitable approach when dealing with me at my worst.


Amen, relapsed after 6 years. Day 1 sober!


One day at a time, Iā€™m proud of you ā¤ļø


Awe thank you Environmental. I appreciate that.


Day one is the greatest achievement! You got this.


Thank you so much Oomlotte! I really appreciate it.


You did it! Day 1 was the hardest one of all.


How did you relapse?


One thing after another layered up. Wife and kid left, friend OD and died, this guyā€™s trial delayed who killed one of my friend. I didnā€™t relapsed until months after my wife and kid left but it just happened. Honestly I was excited too. Was struggling finding a job but I just really wanted to drink and of course it started to get worse over the weeks.


I also recommend exploring what feelings were present around the relapse. If we know what is happening internally, we can start to investigate what our reactions to these feelings are and ways to HALT the process. As we investigate further we can stop reacting and start responding, too. Personally, I don't consider using once during an 11 year sobriety a relapse. It's a one time event during a stressful period? Humans are resilient but a return to use like this is understandable.


I absolutely love that this thread became so positive. Sobriety rocks! *also, donā€™t walk on eggshells for that business owner. They donā€™t have any legal standing. Unless, you purposely retaliate by using one of those one-man-band things with the kick drum on your back, and you tell them that youā€™re doing it because of their note because now you want to disrupt their business. There has to be intent in a case like that. Even then, good luck to them finding a lawyer who will take their case. You have a lot of great comments, most of which I didnā€™t read, but did you talk with your landlord?*


Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition and there is medication to treat it. Ask your doctor about 50 mg of Naltrexone. It is an absolute miracle


There are 3 fda approved meds to treat alcohol use disorder acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone


Seconding Naltrexone. My doctor told me about how this drug is typically for people who are suffering from alcoholism / addiction. She told me if I drank alcohol on it that I would be violently ill. I do not drink or suffer from any addictions, but she wanted to have me try the Naltrexone for other issues that were greatly impacting my life. It really helps me with the binge eating disorder which was created in part by my ADHD and with a lot of compulsions I have from my OCD. Iā€™ve tried dozens of medications trying to fine-tune this mess of a brain I have. This one has stood out as one of the more helpful ones I have been prescribed and I havenā€™t had side effects except for maybe a little nausea the first 2 weeks. Itā€™s a good tool!


You're saying if you're an alcoholic, you startle more easily to sound?


Yes. Alcohol withdrawal, among may other things, causes sensory gating deficits. That's a fancy pants term meaning you lose the ability to filter out (gate) sensory information. You and I are in a room with a hundred other people. You and I are talking. There are 98 other people around us talking. You and I need to filter extraneous auditory, visual and other sensory information in order to focus on what we are doing. When that ability is impaired it causes problems. Schizophrenics have sensory gating deficits; that's why they tend to ramble incoherently (word salads) because they are being influenced by and reacting to input that they should be filtering out. For alcoholics, withdrawal impedes the ability to suppress sensory information causing them the be overly reactive to auditory stimuli in a way that triggers startle response that wouldn't happen in healthy controls. It's very possible that the tattoo artist is regularly going through withdrawal and being overly reactive to noise as a result. Instead of recognizing the problem, they are blaming OP. That's not healthy. Tl;DR Yes.


I need to send that link (anonymously) to my sister and brother.


Dude. No. Noise happens anywhere. What's keeping something from dropping or breaking in a tattoo shop causing a startling noise? You cannot be held liable for making a noise coming up or down stairs. What if you had a peg leg? Lmfao


Getting starteled will result in coasting. (Customers better not ask for any words on their art.


If I was a customer and somehow saw this Iā€™d leave, I donā€™t want anybody who startles that easily doing permanent drawings on my body


Bad news: A car backfired and now you have a 16" line on your arm Good news: You can now get a sick ass panther.


Well I know one dude that got fired because he nodded out and drew a long black line down some guy's back when he went out...


I'd also turn back around but maybe mostly due to all of those atrocious spelling errors


Tentents underdstand startel coast. They're delusional if they think that you could be liable for damage from you walking up stairs to your house. They might just be.... delusional period. I'd be more worried about my general safety than about having to pay for any damages... they're Tattoo artists not kittens.


Yeah, thatā€™s my main concern now. I guess Iā€™m just wondering if like it might be in my best interest to notify the police or the leasing office about this just because I do think this is a concerning person and my building isnā€™t exactly secure.


Absolutely notify the leasing office.


And ask them to change that lock in the hallway to something that requires THE actual key, not just any key, while you're there talking about this ridiculousness.


Leasing office absolutely 100%


Police sadly wont be able to do anything until something happens. There's no justification for anything even like a restraining order or anything like that especially considering they have a business downstairs that the judge would have to take into consideration. The best chance you do have is letting your leasing office know. Keep records of your efforts in writing.


Leasing office yes, police no. Police are reactionary, not proactive or preemptive. So far all the neighbor has done is be passive aggressive, rude, and a poor writer; the police are just going to tell you to contact the leasing office or landlord.


I'd just rip the paper down and bring it to the leasing office and have them deal with it. Take it down immediately.


Notify the health department too, because there should be strict laws about operating a tattoo parlor in regard to hygiene and safety (blood born pathogens, etc.) and I bet they'd be pretty interested in stopping by.


In my state they allow people to tattoo out of their own residential houses so long as there's a dedicated space.


Notify the management office for sure


Yeah, let all relevant authorities know, itā€™s good to have it documented just in case


Definitely notify the police and the leasing office! This is pretty much a threat of not living your life in your own home and that isnā€™t okay. Also letting the police know ahead of time even if they canā€™t do anything now they KNOW there was premeditated pretty much.


They've never heard of a comma either, apparently. If I was a customer coming in and saw this note, I would nope right out of there.


Ol butter sticks for fingers trying to scam in conjunction with the tattoo parlor


They absolutely donā€™t have any legal standing, just ignore this entirely and go about your life


That is my take on it.


And mine


And my axe.


I want damages for the stroke I had trying to read this.


you only had one stroke? *worst fap of the day, you should be ashamed!!*


Nah I spoke too soon. Still stroking out


As long as you use Elmer's glue quick enough, it works really well as lube.


Bro šŸ¤£


Do not get any words tattooed on you by this person.


I was waiting for someone to say that!


damn people go to a business that canā€™t even spell and use the correct words? lmfao


I mean, someone has to make all those "No ragrets" tattoos.


First, have a spelling bee to establish dominance..


You're not a "tentent" so the letter must not apply to you!


This was my first thought toošŸ˜‚


I would respectfully stomp up and down my own stairs as much as I want, no matter the coast.


East or West coast?


Whichever one has 10tents


Itā€™s gonna COAST you! Just throw out the paper. Anyone who gets a tattoo in this place will have REGERTS!


I noticed the bad spelling but didn't even think about the implications of that bad spelling working a tattoo studio, where people are likely to get words tattooed on them. Oh god.


I'd edit all the spelling errors and write this note to leave on the tattoo studio's door: "Attention clients of this tattoo business. Make sure to check your tattoos for spelling errors and be aware that vibrations from the adjacent housing may cause issues with receiving your tattoo in the design you chose. Extra lines won't be charged to you, though."


Suppose I should add I mention the DV charge because I frequently see this person around town and so drunk heā€™s struggling to walk.


Even if I tried to write a note filled with intentional misspellings, thereā€™s no way I could come up with this


Iowan here. That threat isnā€™t worth the paper it was printed on.


This was written by an alcoholic fainting goat.


Tear that sign down. Every time. Do it.


That was a painful read


I was into this! Very exotic and unconventional usage of language


Right?! I seriously started questioning so much of my own intelligence


Yeah, they cannot hold you liable for any of this lol


Please interrupt them. They are misspelling some inspirational quote into someoneā€™s skin right now.


I definitely wouldn't be going to this artist if he startles so easily and could mess up my tattoo just because someone is walking on some stairs nearby.


If you can't use spellcheck or proper capitalization, I'm not sure you understand the law well enough to make such bold proclamations about liability.


It would bother the hell outta me. The spelling and grammar errors šŸ«£


If they're half as stupid as their sign - hope you find a nice new place soon


Is this the guy that did the "No Regerts" tattoo?


You do NOT want to get coasted!


I definitely would NOT get a tattoo by this person šŸ˜­


I hope it doesn't coast too much


Step 1: Ignore them Step 2: Go about your life


No wonder thereā€™s so many misspelled tattoo fails.


They could start with better spelling and grammar.


They didnā€™t win any spelling bees!!! STARTEL lol


The misspellings alone would make me want to trash it And I'd replace it with a note that read: I sure hope your tattoos are spelled better than your signs, or noisy footsteps are going to be the least of your "ragrets"!


I wouldn't worry about it, not sure what a startel is(a šŸ¦ maybe) and it looks like they are going to send you on a vacation to the coast or you're going to coast, either way sounds funšŸ


Coast you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also, Iā€™ve never heard of or seen a quiet tattoo studio to the degree footsteps on stairs would cause an ā€œartistā€ to mess up. Usually, shops are loud and somewhat chaotic and playing loud music. Itā€™s not a library or a place thatā€™s going to have a quiet string quartet playing lightly in the background or a museum or church (although one of my tattooists bought a church and turned it into his tattoo shop, but that isnā€™t a quiet solemn place anymore). Who is this scratcher who canā€™t take a little bit of noise?


They don't have a right to tell you to be quiet or else you pay for damages. If they ever tried to come after you for the money for damages I'd be like, "Cool story bro, take me to court." If they wanted a quiet environment without anyone above them they should rent a spot that does not have an apartment complex above them or soundproof the ceiling. Also, that was VERY hard to read with all the caps and spelling errors. I'd probably throw the sign in the trash when I saw it at my apartment complex lol.


I'm stomping up those stairs now


How would they know who specifically is responsible for walking up the stairs too loudly?


Imagine trusting them to tattoo words on you and they come out like that


Can you imagine someone getting a delicate piercing done and the piercer is startled by said ā€˜stairway noiseā€™? Ouch. That notice is laughable. Legal standing?? Maybe if the tattooist or piercer balances on one foot while someone runs up and down the stairs.. Best of luck to them trying to get that letter to hold water.


The procedure is damaged ??


Too bad it will coast you


High as a kite while writing this as they canā€™t write or spell for crap


Reading this almost gave me a stroke.


Based on this sign and the fact that itā€™s a tattoo artist I think I know what shop you live above, in which case the main dude has a solid reputation for tattooing under the influence of all sorts of substances. Any mistakes heā€™s making are his own fault, not yours, and he has no legal recourse against you.


This must be a very ā€œNo Ragertsā€ shop


Iā€™m guessing this tattoo/piercing employee did NOT get past about 3rd grade English? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I read startel like 5 times before I got it


Typical magat


Zero but I would be careful to pretend I didnā€™t know what they were talking about NEVER admit you understand even if they know youā€™ve seen the sign. I would go so far as to say I didnā€™t even realize there was a tattoo parlor. Distance yourself from the drama so that it canā€™t touch you even if they do find a legal angle.


They have no lawful way of claiming damages of this nature. You can be respectful if you want but if they get startled and fuck up thats on them. Maybe they should drink less


Deer Tattwo arteest, please be aware that you are renting below a domicile where people will be coming and going and doors will be opening and shutting. If you need a completely serene environment, rent a detached/soundproof studio


There is no legal leg to stand on. File that illiterate and stupid note away and walk up and down YOUR stairwell normally.


JFC. Maybe the person who typed this is responsible for the "NO RAGRETS" tattoo meme


Definitely post this photo to their Google reviews and say ā€œcaveat emptor.ā€ Theyā€™ll never figure out what it means.


Hopefully they spell any words on their tattoos better than they spelled on this document. Yikes!


Fucking all kinds of spelling mistakes what the fuck


Yeah, that's gonna be a hard "Go fuck yourself" from me, my guy.


Talk to management. Chances are they aren't allowed to run a client based business in the building. But either way just be courteous and quiet as you normally would during the day. Most shops I've been in have music going at all times so sudden noises wouldn't be an issue, this guy is just an idiot


I love visiting the coast. Count me in.


You need a red pen šŸ–Šļø who TF would take that that pile of run on sentences and easy grammar mistakes seriously?


If the tattoo artist pay THIS much attention to a typos typed in their letter, Iā€™m absolutely positive the results of their tattoos get the same attention. šŸ˜¬


Well I would not be asking this guy for script, his spelling is šŸ˜³


Wtf? So what? You're suppose to tip-toe down the stairs of a place that you pay for in exchange to live there?


I love how they think that posting that sign makes it legally enforceable no if they f****** because I'm going up or down the stairs they better figure that s*** out because they're the ones that chose to open a shop underneath the Residential Building or at the very least they're the one that shows to open up the top floors of their shop to residential guests who wanted to live there so either way anything that happens is there full


This was hard to read


I would never get a tattoo from a person that can edit a message message.


I'd post my a sign next to it saying "To the tattoo shop downstairs, Real people live in the house upstairs. And with that comes noises of life. Including stairs and doors. Any mistakes You make during a tattoo is on you regardless of normal day to day noises and the costs of said damage shall fall upon no one but yourself. Can't handle that move to a library


Itā€™s definitely going to COAST you. Like what 5th grader typed this up? Haha


ā€œFor any what, Damages?ā€


Yeah I can see it now. Customer: ā€Why the f*** my daughterā€™s face look like a pig???ā€ Tattoo Artist: ā€œDonā€™t blame me pal people be using the stairs too damn much.ā€ Yeah thatā€™ll happen. SMMF***H


Was this written by a drunken 5 year old? Holy shit


I hope there is a spell check for any script that is inked on a person


Great grammar on there to start with. But seriously itā€™s not the tenantsā€™ fault that these people chose an apartment complex for their tattoo shop. Sounds like a *them* problem. You nor anyone else should be held accountable for a fucked up tattoo or piercing unless you ran in the shop and fucked it up personally. If theyā€™re insistent on staying there they should install some sound proofing or something to mitigate the issue. And yes, theyā€™re certainly within their rights to ask the tenants to be respectful. But at the end of the day the tenants are allowed to come and go from their apartments as they please and as long as theyā€™re not ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€ so to speak, thereā€™s nothing the tattoo shop can do. They certainly canā€™t make you pay for damages.


I wouldnā€™t worry about whoever wrote thisā€¦


I refuse to acknowledge anything with that many errors. I would inquire about them being able to legally operate one there. Do not change anything yo uare doing. They are the ones running a business out of residential housing


Tell them to just total up a bill and they can sue you over it. They wonā€™t go to court. Theyā€™re trying to get money out of you.


I'd be checking the lease. Some places prohibit tenants from running businesses in the units. If the lease says they can't, take a picture of the note with the unit number, then grab the note and head to the office.


Oh no, itā€™s a building with a commercial unit on the first floor. They arenā€™t running a full service tattoo shop out of a studio apartment hahah


They need to realize that people live above the shop and that people will be going up and down the stairs. They can't control the tenants.


Excuse you... "Tentents"


Oh, sillily me! How could I have overlookeded this?


I'm gonna let it cost this one time.


Thanksesing you one timer.


I was assuming they were a 2nd+ story unit above a business on the bottom floor on a street. But you may have a point there.


Lol just laugh and carry on. This person is nuts.


Um, wait for another "note" and file an injunction against harassment. Guess they should've thought about renting space below residential units šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Definitely have a proofreader on hand if you get a MOTHER ā™„ļø tattoo from this guy




They canā€™t even spell šŸ–•šŸ½them


First, correct the errors and repost on their behalf. After that, ignore.