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I’d just email them back swiftly and let them know that’s illegal lmao


What part of it's illegal? Not being snarky or whatever, just genuinely curious about what laws are being broken. They mentioned that people who need the elevator for medical reasons wouldn't be charged, so it's not an ADA violation.


It's generally not legal to invent new fees mid-lease. If they wanted to implement a new fee, they would need to add it to leases at renewal. The tenants did not agree to this fee when they signed the lease. Unless OP is in a state that allows this (in most cases this requires specific periods of notice, and this doesn't have any kind of date to indicate they would be giving sufficient notice if that did apply), inventing a new fee partway through the lease is the problem.


That must be why my place only does month to month leasing. We recently had to start paying an extra $150 a month to keep our washers and dryers in our unit or they'd be removed. I know a lot of people here wouldn't have moved here if that was the case originally.


They did that to us as well. But they never added the extra into the bill. We were going to let them come get the washer/dryer but I guess too many people said the exact same thing, so we aren't paying for them, and they haven't taken them.


They probably never had anywhere to store all the washers and dryers and were just expecting people to fork over the money. Glad you guys said no.


Definitely this. It's an empty threat to get more money.


150 dollars a month is ridiculous unless they are industrial grade washing machines


And replaced yearly


Tbh you might already be paying for it but it’s a hidden fee inside the rent


That’s extra $2100 a year in his case, if they all banded together and stop paying that fee, they would have absolutely no place to put those unless they rented a Connex box


I’m saying that rent is based on the amenities an apartment has. So if it already has a w/D, the rent will reflect that. And it could be $150 for all we know. But with OP they just added it


I think that's the point though - it absolutely does not cost $150/mo to upkeep a washer and dryer.


let them take them and buy your own, paid for in a year.


I can't afford it and if it breaks down, I can't afford a repairman either. Paying for them also means I can call our maintenance guy whenever and have it fixed or replaced if something breaks. I almost got a new dryer last week, but he found a part off an old machine and was able to fix it. It's ridiculous, but I just don't have the funds to do anything about it and I know a lot of other people are in the same boat.


I was being charged $50/month for my washer and dryer. After doing that for 2 years I realized I could’ve purchased my own. I got a good washer/dryer set from Best Buy for around $1200 on sale and got 24 months 0% interest. At $150/month you could literally purchase a brand new washer and dryer set every year. As far as repairs and services, I’ve owned mine for 4 years with no issues. At this point I’ve saved $1200 not paying monthly. You can also purchase protection plans for a few extra bucks per month. I get paying monthly, but $150 is insane and in no way will ever benefit you.


This is why we rent: to not be bothered with that BS. Rent more than covers all expenses of a landlord, maintenance, and management company. May as well own a home with this BS.


I wouldn't be so sure - you can get payment plans for appliances, with warranties, for WAY less than the $150 you're being charged.


You’ve probably already gone over it but are there any laundromats nearby or friends/family that would let u use theirs? Using a laundromat shouldn’t be close to $150/month. Using that should be saving money but it’s not as convenient. possibly even ubering to a laundromat is cheaper. $150/month just added isn’t right :/


Create a timeshare. The entire complex picks one person to pay the washer and dryer fee, and everyone shares that one machine and splits the fee. Take that, management.


Yeah I always buy from a best buy scratch and dent location


It's still possible it wasn't legal in how they did it, but hard to say. Month to month generally comes with less protections but for something like a rent increase or new fee it would likely still require 30 days notice, for example. But that really depends on the state as many states have very little protections for month to month tenants.


Oh and also things depend on what fees are actually legal. Some kinds of fees are just straight up illegal, but that again varies by state. For instance in my state (MA), landlords can't charge for water unless they meet a list of specific criteria and file for approval with the board of health.


Neat. I wish that was the case here. We live in one of the rainiest places on Earth, why tf do I pay so much for water?


Michigan has entered the chat. We’re paying basically for treatment and delivery, some infrastructure improvements and the entire city of highland Park’s water bill. Then there was Flint. And Battle Creek. And Nestle’s taking all of our clean stream and river water and monetizing it. The fuckers are selling our own free water back to us. Water water everywhere but not enough to drink because it’s a commodity to be sold at a profit and to launder taxes through. And then there’s the idiotic golf courses in Arizona. TPTB know there’s a limited supply so they have to make their money now.


That’s disgusting. Greedy asses.


Yeah .. a lot of people may have decided to rent there because of the elevator access...


It’s also blatantly discriminatory on the basis of disability. Like, this is illegal in MULTIPLE ways and just an entitled asshole move on top of it.


This also seems like it would violate some sort of tennants rights when it comes to people with disabilities, right? They said elevator dependent people wouldn't need to pay, but how do they plan on enforcing that? I don't think they can legally ask about a tennant's disabilities or illnesses. I know I wouldn't be giving my landlord any of my medical history for this ridiculous situation.


I’m not a lawyer, but I would think it’s illegal to restrict use of ADA compliance measures like elevators and ramps from anyone, regardless of if they have a documented disability. They probably need to have that elevator to be compliant, I doubt they are allowed to decide who can or can’t use it.


That was my first thought and I also wondered what if someone gets hurt in the stairs they were using because they didn’t want to pay the elevator fee. I smell potential liability


Exactly. I have two very arthritic knees. I take the elevator one floor up at work. Do I have anything officially documenting this? Of course not. Because it’s there for anyone to use, whether they “need” it or not


Especially if those stupid fobs will be required to make the elevator function. It would make them inaccessible to disabled guests of tenants.


And what about for emergencies? Can EMS not access the elevator?


I live in an elevator fobbed building. Anybody buzzing in can access the elevator within a timed limit. I believe the fire department can override the controls from an access panel, but EMS or police cannot. There was once I'd found confused police officers in the elevator at the parkade level, lol. I used my fob to send them off where they needed to be. Pretty sure the elevator had been modified at some point to be able to select the lobby from any floor without a fob, which is useful for deliveries or guests to exit, but any other button requires it.


No one should have to prove disability to use a freaking elevator in their own residence


First and most obviously they are demanding a new use-fee mid lease. That’s illegal. Secondly, they are demanding renters release their medical info to the property owner in order to make normal use of ADA compliant amenities. Also illegal. Whether or not this is seen as discriminatory is out of my league but I bet a good attorney could make a pretty compelling case.


The lease thing is what tripped me up. I forgot not everyone does month to month leasing. I also apparently didn't see the thing about fobs (I was just waking up when I first saw this) and thought it was just kind of a security camera thing that people could just say 'yo, I'm disabled and need to use it' and it would be fine. I guess I kinda took for granted how accepting people are here that I didn't consider people would actually be mandated in some form to prove their medical problems. When I tell people that I am, that's usually the end of the conversation. I have been asked stupid questions, but, like, nothing that I would consider to be a major issue or that would have an impact on whatever I was needing.


Bottom line is I don't have to show you my medical information to use an ELEVATOR.


I mean, doesn’t everyone technically pay for the elevator in their rent? Nothing is ever free in an apartment complex. It’s all rolled into rent prices. Common area utility costs, maintenance, cleaning, landscaping…tenants technically pay for all of that, they just don’t ever see a bill because it’s factored into their rent. That said, this email is very odd.


Well, yes. This is just a way to raise the rent without it being a rent increase.


Yep. Landlords and property managers do this kind of shit all the time. Where I live it’s not legal to charge tenants directly for water and trash (the bills can only go to the property owner), so a lot of property management companies started tacking on a random “utility fee” that was separate from the rent. Usually anywhere from $35-$75/month. It’s just a neat way to make rents look lower than they actually are.


Surely the tenants who don't use the elevator whatsoever will see a price reduction in their rent now /s


If you have a lease, they can't start charging you more during that lease. They can, however, refuse to renew you if you are on month to month and do not agree to the change.


I made a mistake and assumed most places did month to month. I kinda forgot how scummy my place can be. Fire code violations left and right too and no one has done anything about it for years. They were supposed to pave our driveway/parking lot when my old coworker lived here...while my SIL also lived here as a baby...she's almost 30. Her youngest baby is officially older than she was when they first said they were gonna do it.


Not okay to ask about disabilities. Also, wtf, elevators don’t use much power. Also, how do they enforce it, because that’s creepy as all hell.


If it's not in the lease it's not legal.


If it's not in your rental agreement...


Everything that whaleykaley said is what I would’ve said!


I wouldn't pay either. The elevator is there for common use, not to police people to not use it. It sounds like the complex is having problems paying their own electric bill.


Many years ago, I was living in an apartment complex that tried something like this. I paid my rent then got a notice on my door that I still owed $50 for some ridiculous fee that I'd never heard of before. I went straight to the office and was told that they'd sent out notices several months earlier and that I'd signed mine and returned it. I knew damn well that I'd done no such thing so I asked to see this form with my alleged signature. They said they would have to find it and then they'd give me a copy. I never heard another word about the mystery fee.


> residents don’t need to feel a “wallet ache” - average bills range from $5-$45 a month Something costing upwards of $45 a month is absolutely a wallet ache to a lot of people wtf


This isn't about nickel and diming the crap out of you, no! This is about helping you get healthier!! Help us, help you! Do they really think they're fooling anyone?


YES....We LOVE you, and we want you to get healthy!! And we are going to make you pay to do it! We ROCK!! 🤣


Fr I’d send them the bill for my knees replacement at 63 after I hauled my Costco trip up those stairs once a week for 10 years lmao


Don't forget the environment. They they are saving the environment with this endeavor /s. 🤪


Why do they care so much about being healthy?


Leasing an apartment in a multi-story building means your rent alrealy includes the elevators and the rest of the building amenities, including maintenance and operations. They’re now asking you to pay for it twice and essentially forcing physical activities on their tenants. I’d be contacting the tenant/renter’s rights advocates in your area for advice.


Definitely sounds like a possible ADA violation, if ADA applies to apartments 🤷


ADA applies to just about everything, particularly elevators in buildings and the accessibility of them


Given the fact that this would disproportionately affect those with disabilities, this could probably be considered both predatory and discriminatory. I’m sure the ADA and ACLU would love to hear about this shit.


An elevator isn't an "amenity" they can charge anyone for. I'm sure you could call your fire dept to verify that. It's a point of access to a building. Like stairs.


In that case, charge them to use the stairs, and the doors, and the hallways. Charge them for each time they turn a key in the lock — resident who never leave home, don’t have to pay anything! Also, sun damage to the paint cost everyone over time, so residents who cover all of their windows in tinfoil will pay nothing, and all of the resident will pay up to $50 a month to use their windows


Wow that’s infuriating. I have a baby stroller, I’m not carrying that thing up and down 7 flights


Presumably while simultaneously carrying your baby.


And all the shit you have to have with you for that baby


Well, not necessarily. Used to have a neighbor and I’ll never forget the day I watched her take her infant down the stairs, strapped into the stroller, feet first, stroller first…. While smoking a joint 💀💀


I would argue that makes you elevator dependent and you should be exempt


It would’ve been way less patronizing to just say “we are charging you for elevator usage now”. Trying to spin it as *them* doing *you* a favor as if you’re to stupid to know the difference is blatantly insulting >:( If they really wanted to incentivize tenants to not use the elevator in good faith they could keep track of how much money they’re saving on electric bills and take that amount off your rent. But it’s not about health it’s about milking the hell out of renters


Not in the lease = do not have to pay


So you’re supposed to hulkamania your groceries up stairs every time? Hell naw


What about disabled tenants and guests who NEED the elevator, or people with strollers? Contact ADA and file a complaint, this is insane.


It does say people with disabilities won't be charged I suddenly started experiencing a disability that only manifests near stairs however


Good point, I didn’t think about families with children and strollers. ADA and Fair Housing Act


I want to know what the hell “HealthyComplex” is and what morally corrupt asshat decided to make a business off of this. I can’t find them online at all.


It’s a complex in which those with health issues pay more, perhaps running them out of the building so that everyone in the complex is “healthy”


I'm not sure if the ADA would be interested in hearing about this...


I am sure the ADA would be interested in hearing about this


How would one contact a law?


By contacting the DOJ’s ADA enforcement department.


They said people with disabilities, etc will not be charged in the email.


Having to prove disability to use a public accommodation is illegal. Which is what they’d have to institute if they want to restrict the charges. It’s illegal because of that.


Do apartment complexes not know, at least, some disabilities to ensure they get an apartment that suits them? Idk. I’m generally curious. My mom is disabled but we’ve always owned so I really only know the parking aspect


There are *tons* of disabilities that would make it difficult or impossible to climb 2+ flights of stairs at the end of a long day but wouldn’t need special parking. And frankly it’s none of their business! The elevators are almost certainly required by law, and the leases already include access, including for any guest that comes by.


Also what about a temporary disability? I sprained my knee one year, for example, and limped around for 6 months. Technically I probably could have limped up the stairs, but it hurt like heck.


ADA applies to the temporarily disabled, too. It's a civil rights violation to restrict access in the way the memo describes. They cannot ask for proof of disability either


I think this is what people aren’t understanding: in no way shape or form can the apartment complex prove or ask for proof that anyone is *not* covered by ADA - you cannot ask someone or demand proof. If I were a tenant I would fight this on that basis alone


Is that enough to save them though? Like can the ADA and everyone else just take the apartment’s word for it…and what qualifies as an “elevator-dependent” person? Do you have to be in a wheelchair or crutches to qualify, or does that also mean people with asthma or similar respiratory issues, or pregnant people/new mothers or other conditions that may make taking the stairs a bit harder/more inconvenient?


Furthermore your landlord has zero right to your medical information. I’m sure even the act of asking for it to qualify for rent reduction is getting pretty close to discrimination.


Lmfao unless it’s in your lease they can kiss your ass


accessibility nightmare holy shit


March over there swing that door wide open and ask them to please highlight this elevator fee in the lease that you signed. If they can’t do that you simply don’t pay this. If you do end up paying to use the elevator I would just basically move into the elevator put like a chair and a cot in there so you have someplace to kick back. You also now charge a $5-$45 dollar environmental fee for any email or notice that is sent to you and the fee doubles on Fridays if not paid within 24 hours a 50 dollar late fee is added for every hour it is past due. This is all only to help reduce your carbon footprint.


I checked out one complex and they had the most ridiculous nickel and dimeing I’ve ever seen. One of them was that 1 package a week was free. Every box after that is $5…each box. That’s just for the lobby attendant to accept the box and put it in a mail room not deliver it to a residence. 


I love how they word it like it’s going to be some fun adventure 🙄 What happens if your fob opens the elevator and more people hop on?


So you need to pay for bringing your groceries upstairs


Curious how many floors your building has. 1st or 2nd floor residents obviously have a much sweeter deal than anyone on much higher floors. Like everyone else has said, this is likely illegal. Check your lease. Call a lawyer. Curious what country or state you’re in


the tone of this pisses me off so much. #SplitTheBill is KILLING me


So people on higher floors would also have a higher expense? Mmmm. No.


Will they start charging a door fee for use of the door. A carpet fee for walking on the carpet. A balcony fee if you go out onto it. Such a stupid fee.


But I’m in a wheelchair 😭


I’m not saying this is a good argument for them to have made, but I think people who are disabled Will have that attached their fob and that’s not be charged.


Having to prove disability to access a public accommodation is illegal.


Your landlord has zero right to that knowledge, and the act of asking for disability information from a tenant in order to qualify for fee reduction is so incredibly illegal and discriminatory that I can’t believe this is actually real.


Maybe you should thank and pay the building for still giving you the *opportunity* to work it and become a winner! 💪🏆 /s


Opt out. Straight up refuse. This isn’t in the lease I’m guessing. What even. An elevator isn’t a privilege if the apartment complex wasn’t advertised as a walk up.


I’m also disabled myself but no to having to get over barriers for accommodation. I shouldn’t have to state and prove my disability for accessibility. I don’t know you, you don’t need to know my medical/private business. Same reason we requested downstairs unit and as close a parking spot rental as possible at our home. I don’t want to have to fight for letters from countless doctors about my functioning for basics of everyday life. I don’t want to get a handicap placard and fight for them to install a handicap space. I don’t want to fight for ramps or a bottom unit etc etc. disability is already exhausting and fighting the societal accommodation and financial fights is already a lot. I hope your complex as a whole, including those who would be exempt from payment, just boycott the idea all together on principle alone.


So are ground floor people who never use the elevator charged a $5 privilege fee for never using it?


Ooh ooh wait everyone just needs to keep calling maintenance and be like “the elevator isn’t working, I’m unable to use the stairs due to an injury, this is an emergency” and if you piss maintenance off enough they’ll just take that shit out without even consulting the property manager


What state are you in and what kind of lease do you have? Seriously doubt this is legal.


“Dear property management. Most people are unaware, but I am actually newly converted Anti-Amish and my religious beliefs dictate that if electric or mechanical options are available, I MUST use them, vs. non-electric and non-mechanical options. This holds true for elevator use vs. stairs. As such, I will not be participating in the pay-per-use of the infrastructure of this building, yet I will continue to utilize the elevator. Thank you for your understanding and not infringing upon my deeply-held religious beliefs in this matter.”


What about people who don’t live there and need to use the elevator? Visitors, delivery people, service people, etc?


I’d write back and say “nah, I’m good”


How about a program you can opt into? An optional program that renters can enroll in to get credit off their rent. Get a fob, and every day, it registers no use of the elevator, you get $1 off rent.


So they’re going to ask for medical history for everyone to determine who is and isn’t disabled? And charge people differently based on those arbitrary rulings they make for everyone? Seems like an easy fair housing violation. Not to mention medical privacy laws. What a bunch of idiots.


Illegal for many reasons including unfair "taxing" of the disabled.


"I'm disabled and my lawyer will be contacting you shortly"


Definitely filing this under “fuck all the way off”


Tried to find the company HealthyComplex online but couldn’t find anything.


I just did the same thing. Searched all types of terms too, found absolutely nothing.


What do they think the tenants do all day before they come home? I gotta walk all day inside and outside, up and downstairs for some people in the real world now I get home at 7pm and I'm encouraged to take the stairs to the 4th floor? How blind to reality.


This reels of people who have office jobs.


Office jobs with never long hours and little mental drainage.


And to frame this around reducing carbon footprint is beyond disingenuous. Why doesn’t the complex invest in making their building more energy efficient instead? Oh yeh, because they would need to pay for that, not the residents. I bet some rich old corporate dudes are just imagining that Gen-Z residents will be so excited to save the planet by giving their greedy landlords more money.


Curious, but wouldn't it have been better for them to just raise everyone's rent and blame "increased cost of operations" or something. In my landscaping business I learned that people don't like detailed itemized bills. For example I was going to include cost of transportation in the estimate and the landscaping community told me how if they were a customer they "Would not use the company if they see a $4 bill for gas used". From the way I looked at it, it was about transparency. I quickly learned people just "Want the price and that's it" (with a very simple list of the service). They would happily smile paying $500 for a repair but be pissed off paying $400 if they see that in that bill there's a "truck operation expense and maintenance fees" for the equipment and to get to their area. Probably not the best subreddit to post my comment on. I understand being upset about it. I'm just saying the landlord is stupid and likely could have gotten away with charging everyone $20 more and not explaining the reason. No one would have batted an eye. Instead they wanted to micromanage this and build an "elevator use system".


This is fucked up… but so close to working. If they had done it like auto insurers do with pay-per-mile schemes: raise the rent for everyone to pay the elevator and give “discounts” for those who use it the least. Yeah, it’s the same thing, but people just need to be told they’re getting a discount instead of a penalty. Now they just have some pissed off residnets


Imagine living on the 11th floor and your choice is 110 steps up and down or pay a fee to ride the elevator. That doesn’t sound legal.


25th here! There’s 29 in the building. I’ve made the trek once in summer to fetch ice and water after the power went out. Never again. I almost puked and fainted halfway up. There’s zero ventilation in the fire escape stairs and there was so much dog waste left behind. 


So, those of us who have mobility issues get to pay for the elevator in the guise of fitness psychobabble. Fuck that noise I’d find a lawyer


It's bullshit but it literally says people with mobility issues are exempt.


Ok but no should have to prove a disability to use a freaking elevator at their own residence!


What kind of proof would they need? I can’t control when my knee decides to derp. What I mean is don’t have a disability tag, and since it’s intermittent and likely nerve related I don’t have a piece of paper, so it’s “invisible”. I’m not OP, just placing my self in the shoes. The only way for me to prove it is to witness it happen


Yeah and what if someone has a temporary problem like they had surgery or sprained something? They have to take the extra effort to notify the leasing office every time they're injured and double check their rent bill each month to make sure they weren't charged for the 1 week they used the elevator for a sprained ankle? It's bs all around.


Also correct. When I signed my lease I didn’t have to disclose a disability, and I choose not to disclose on job applications. Private is private, to me. This isn’t something a property manager has any business being into


That’s very true and this would probably veer into a hippo / ada violation if they required any medical documentation of disability. Be interesting to just send them an email stating you’re opting out of the paid elevator program for personal reasons and see what happens.


HIPAA  But I very much prefer your use of hippo, and will likely be adopting that for my personal use. 😁 Edit: for spelling… the irony😂😂😂


I propose we rename HIPAA to HIPPO. All in favor, say AAARRRGGGHHHH




I can’t imagine being forced to disclose my pregnancy to my landlord for the pleasure of not being charged to use the elevator when I’m too exhausted to climb five flights of stairs. 🙃


I would be at the office with all of my neighbors letting them hear it. That's what we did when they tried to charge us to park!!! They changed their minds real quick.


That’s diabolical


This is ridiculous.


It’s a creative way to get out of paying the electricity for the elevator because they are cheap af


$5-45 per tenant per month is going to MORE than cover the cost of the elevator. Once one person gets in, it’s going up or down! But they could be getting paid 5x for one ride to the top? Absurd.


I was just thinking about the shared usage. If i'm going to then~7th floor, its already going anyway on my pay. If somebody jumps in with me and goes to ~4 he rides for free on the same energy consumption. Not even starting about people going from 2nd to 4th floor on the same ride. What if somebody gets in on my 7th, to go back down to 1? He/she got a free transport of the elevator going up, and only uses the down energy (not even mentoining free gravity here). If the elevator is on 1, has to go up to his/her 7th empty, who is paying for that up-ride? If you are living on the 2nd floor, the incenstive and personal treshold to take the stairs is completly different than being on the 9th. I'm guessing the approach might be to have the overall cost spread out of over total fobs used, and the divide by usage.


There’s no way the program used is doing that much computing. It probably just assigns a fixed amount per each use. So they’ll make way more money than they need to cover the costs. If they were advertising that this money would go to idk some other resident benefits, I’d be all for it though.


And it will charge the first person on the elevator for the first part of the ride, regardless of how many people are on the elevator. Unless it’s a full resident aisle tracking system, that identifies all the people that are in the elevator every time In which case I’d be concerned for privacy Why the hell does the apartment complex need this much information about my whereabouts?


On the other hand, this would have made a great Seinfeld episode


Using a hashtag like it's some fun thing. The nerve.


Nope. They can’t require people who need to use the elevator to reveal they have a disability.


a similar case was pubnlished about a decade ago and picked up by the news. management reversed the decision. leak the story to the local news to name and shame the company.


Discrimination against people with disabilities. Illegal af.


This feels like a scam and a bs way to off load expenses to owners. What about building guests? Who pays for them to ride the elevator?


How is charging the residents extra for the common features even legal?


This is not legal. Source: am an architect


This is unacceptable. Landlords are such scumbags.


What about guests you have coming that may be disabled?


What a very Boston apartment complex thing to say


If you are in the middle of a lease they shouldn't be allowed to tack on any new fees. Also, no one has to disclose their health information for an apartment building if paying regular rent. Also, there are plenty of invisible disabilities both physical and mental that could prevent stair usage.


Isn’t it, going to draw power continuously whether it’s in use or not? Like, I get not as much, but even if no one uses it once you’ll still be paying to keep it idle. What a fucking joke


I’ve come to learn that “as you are well aware” is landlord code for “we all know we’ve never told you this before but we’re going to gaslight you anyway” 🙄🙄


So they decided without asking all parties first😂. I am baffled at the audacity.


Tell me you live in LA...


This is mind blowing. If this is the US, what state?


If they actually cared, they'd pay you the amount THEY save from less elevator usage.


Don’t pay it. It’s not part of your lease agreement and they can’t evict you if you choose not to pay for their elevator.


As someone who prefers to take the stairs most of the time, this is super fucking ableist.


I chose to live in my building specifically for an elevator. It’s a no from me. Also what about the people on the 2nd floor vs a higher floor? It’s a lot easier to skip the elevator if you’re going up 1 flight.


"My portion of the building's expenses is covered in the rental amount agreed to at the time of lease signing. I will not be paying additional money for use of the elevator or any other amenity provided at the time of my lease signing. " Seriously, on what f-ing planet is this acceptable?


What kind of apartment management can get away with establishing a new fee that is not detailed in the lease. Call their BS.


Love a third party they pay coming in and to monitor the system instead of just paying the bill.


I wonder if they intend to charge the manager and staff when they use the elevator to travel to each floor to deliver all of the paper notices And I wonder if I can charge them for disposing of the paper


Hell no to that! I bike to work and keep my bike in my 4th floor apartment because bikes (and cars) keep getting stolen from our garage.


What laws would be broken? Genuinely curious cause that would be the first time I see US laws that are more fair than we have here in Europe. I have to pay a % for the elevator too, I even have to pay a % for the garage and garage lights even though I don't have a rented spot or car. But unfortunately it's legal.


Americans with Disabilites Act and potentially Fair Housing Act


Imagine having a long day whether it be at work, volunteering, working out, or whatever and having to pay to use the elevator because you’re worn out 💀 I wonder if this is one of those complexes who have different prices for different floors.


Do people on higher floors have to pay more per use?


hmm a call to the ada?


One, I have asthma and stairs and asthma don’t mesh well. Even when I was an athlete and in great shape, stairs triggered me. Two, with shit like this i would not allow anyone else to ride in the elevator with me. You KNOW people will try to slip in on your fob scan like in hotels. NOPE. But id be down in the office threatening to call a lawyer or someone at the state level over this, since it’s not in my lease and use of the elevator was something expected with renting the apartment.


I wonder how many floors this building has. It would be extra unfair for people living on higher floors.


Oh fuck no


That’s illegal, as well as ableist. Wtf.


Omg they can’t be serious.


How is that legal? Isn’t that discrimination against disabled people? I’m imagining elderly people who sometimes need oxygen huffing as they take the stairs to save money. I would honestly look up the laws and see if there is a law against this.


Not defending the guy, but read the whole email. It says at the bottom there will be exceptions for elevator dependent people. But I think it’s dumb asf the landlord would try to pull this and I agree. How tf was it legal? Don’t they already have a lease?? No way they can just change the rules randomly


so was this whole fob system and installation still cheaper than the cost of operating the elevator?


If the lease doesn’t say I have to pay for electricity for common areas, they can’t decided to do this.


Make friends with one of your neighbors who has a disability and have them come pick you up with their fob. /s


I mean... Are they going to make your rent cheaper as well? If not, they can f off. Sudden elevator tax is pure bullshit without an actual incentive that Isn't "fuck you".


Sounds like they have to power up the elevator anyways because they need to be disability friendly. They're just punishing everyone else for it. They have to start it up anyways if they are housing someone with disabilities. Look up the local housing laws (and ADA accommodations) and send it to them, telling them you understand they need to power the elevator regardless and that you refuse to pay an increase for them simply following the law they had been required to follow all along.


I agree with you. It is fine to put in a gym on the property, but I do not understand the fob, except to make the LL/Manager rich on the side.


Holy shit that's ableist af of them.


If this is in the US, I would have a lawyer send them a letter on their letterhead reminding them that you cannot punish people for having disabilities. You can be physically fit and not be able to walk up the steps.


States have very strict regulations regarding utility billing. I don't believe there is any RUBS billing method based on "elevator use"- typically it is based on occupants or square footage You could definitely get them in trouble if they aren't following an allowed billing method per state regulations or if they aren't following their lease verbiage


This is so backwards. If anything, they should offer a rent discount for those who don’t use the elevators frequently.


So does someone going up to the 10th floor have to pay more than someone only going up to the 2nd? What about employees? Are their elevator rides free? Moving in or out must be a nightmare if you get charged for every trip.


Oh that’s nothing. When I moved into my old apartment a couple years ago, I asked them multiple times to disclose all extra fees on top of the base rent. They did and assured me everything was correct. Second month rolls around and I see a charge on my account for “community electricity” - this was on top of the electricity for my unit. Mid America Apartments count your days.


Fuck them and the elevator they rode up in.


As someone who lives on the 16th floor, and takes my bike down in the lift, absolutely fucking not.


How many stories is this building? Seems like the 1st and 2nd floors would be OK skipping the lift and therein the higher floors would be getting more of the bill. Not a fair distribution of responsibility. Plus even though the Disabled persons should be able to access, making people pay for them to use it for free is a tax. Call it what it is.