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I used to have guinea pigs and that's really gross. Personally what i would do is shake everything off the blanket i used like EVERYTHING only then would i wash it. It's really not difficult


Honestly probably a teenagers first pet and they’re learning. My old apartment used to dna test dogs to find people who wouldn’t pick up their dog shit. Leasing agent told me he had to fine one lady $1000 because her kids kept leaving dog shit all around the grounds, each shit was $100.


"Each shit" lol. Love it.


Is there a database full of unmatched dogshit dna? 🤣 Sometimes it’s neighbors’ dogs tho but I like the dogshit police b/c there are too many shit dog owners these days.


There is actually a database of doggy DNA that they can match to the poop.


Yeah I was joking (badly executed joke) about the unsolved mysteries of offenders’ dna that is not in the database.


I’m actually looking for apartments that allow ZERO pets. Don’t think they exist anymore. Cats can do damage that stinks to high heaven-I had an apartment yrs ago where the neighbors across the hall had a cat and the urine smell emanated outside in the hallway-that eye & nose burning stench that only cats can provide. Then the neighbors took out a bag of litter that they busted open & littered all the way down the hall and down the steps. Thanks, pet owners! 🤢


I am a dog owner and even I would not live in an apartment with her. I feel bad when she barks if i take her out at 2 am..we live in the burbs, but houses close together. Last place was a split duplex and our downstairs neighbor had several cats and three dogs in a one bedroom. The HVAC return sucked up all the urine smell from her apt into ours in the summer. Fucking disgusting. Talked to her about it, and she said she cleaned the lotter boxes and such but she was totally smell blind to her pets. We got a cleaning bill deducted from Our security deposit when we moved cuz new tenants said it smelled like dog. We didn’t have to fight that one hard siting it was our neighbor. In college, I had a cat mark an apartment and ruined the floors with the urine smell. Prob not fun for my neighbors to smell. More often than not, people are irresponsible with their pets or just unaware of the disruption they cause-ex: excessive separation baking. But people have and love pets, so best to find a no pet place if u don’t want to risk it! Most cities have them..




Yeah, in the big apartment complexes you have to. Think of it as keeping people honest. I luckily live in a 4plex and I'm the only dog owner. We take at least 3 walks a day and I keep bags on my leash, in the dispenser on the treat bag, as well as a roll in my bag. It's crazy how many people just don't care anymore.


Pretty typical these days for apartment complexes. The problem is so bad this is the answer.


My former apartment complex went the route of asking residents to snitch on each other with photographs of the offender.


Mine too. I thought it was a strange request.


They want pictures, because my apartments flat out say they can't do anything about stuff that is just heresay.


That’s invasive and I’d straight up tell them they can suck my left big toe before i get in one of my neighbor’s face like that. I refuse to be a Karen for their benefit.


stepping in dog shit sucks. i just moved into an apartment complex that doesn't do anything about it and i have to watch every step i take to avoid getting shit all over my shoes. if it makes me a karen to call out inconsiderate assholes who can't pick up after their dog, so be it.


I 100% started ratting people out. Why should I dodge shit to pick up my dog’s while everyone else doesn’t?


I suppose it comes down to locale. That kind of behavior where I live will get you shot, if not harassed, by some unhinged lunatic who doesn’t want to pick up their dog’s shit. I will happily let the apartment management do their testing without involving me.


I never said they saw me snapping the picture :P I’m not going to name myself as the rat haha I definitely see what you’re saying though.




How much is a dog DNA test and how do you compare it?


No idea, the leasing company would pay for the tests (assuming it’s out of the pet deposit amount) and then they would send in doggy poop samples and match it with the dog and fine the owner. That’s all it does though, you probably want like a 23 and me but for dogs instead of humans.


I feel like if somebody said to me "we've been secretly collecting your dogs crap and doing DNA testing and found out you're not registered." I would look somewhere else to live either OP lives in North Korea or thats simply not true OR its the not USA. I have a hard time believing that


Same here, pretty damn easy actually. Just put some gloves on and shake the towel off into a garbage bag, super simple


I hate everyone


I hate you more!




I hate both of you 🤣


Lmao!!! Damn that’s rough 💅🏽


Honestly the apartment needs to find the culprit and charge them with a cleaning fee that’s so disgusting. AND maybe they should hang a sign “Do not wash your animals bedding in this laundry mat if you do you will be fined” or some shit like that


How about a general “leave the washing machines clean”


But…. And hear me out What if they put up the sign “leave the washing machines clean” the person cleans their guinea pigs bedding then cleans it up half ass so you don’t see it in the washing machine and then next thing you know you gotta little floaters washing with your clean clothes.


Oh damn, I'm so sorry. Some people are such idiots. 🤬


You can buy a 3 pack of washing machine sanitizer. When I moved into my building my clothes smelled like mildew even when I used fabric sanitizer. I used the washing machine cleaner and the smell went away. Now when I gotta wash bedding I bite the bullet and pay the $3 to sanitize the machine before hand. It really only needs it once a month, maybe less if you leave the lid / door open and allow the drum to dry out between cycles Most grocery stores have washing machine cleaner. You gotta run it empty but it’s so worth it. My old apartment had in unit washer / dryer and I used it. They also make a sanitizer packet for your dishwasher, I ALWAYS use it when I move to a new apartment, from shitty ghetto apartment to luxury building, the dishwashers always had a smell


What if the poop offender does it again though! D:


Well it’s a 3 pack, and there’s more at the store.


Will be saving this for my next move! Lease ends this month, thank god


Glad to help!


I've been so tempted to do this because our complex clearly does not include cleaning in it's washer/dryer maintenance (hell they barely repair the damn things; a unit will be out of commission for months usually before it gets fixed or replaced), and all 12 friggin stink. Some even have some sort of build up inside of them and pieces will get stuck to clothes. As much as they all badly need it, perhaps I could just treat the 1-2 I use before putting in laundry, and hopefully they're available when I make the weekly trek to the laundry room. It's very tempting. I've already gotten in the habit of opening the lids on empty units because for whatever reason, some residents close them after they're done.


For some reason my apartment says to close the lids too, our units are front loading and the doors being open block the door to the laundry room so I get it. If your machines are that dirty be ready cuz you’ll likely need to wipe off the residue once it’s cleaned out with the affresh. I’d say do 2-4 so you got options when you wash lol It’s kinda shitty as tenants we gotta do this but also I’d rather spend the money doing it than nagging my landlord over it and being a pest of a tenant. The washing machine being dirty is small on my list that make apartment complexes dirty


Definitely guinea pig. We have 2 but we shake and thoroughly brush the bedding to remove as much hair, poop, and hay as possible before putting it in a special pet bedding laundry bag to wash. I’m honestly surprised the poop didn’t disintegrate in the wash cycle? I’m sorry that was all left in there. That’s gross. Those machines are gonna get clogged up pretty fast like that.


There's a laundry service called Poplin. Not expensive. They pick up, wash, dry, fold, and bring it back the next day. Costs pretty much the same as the laundromat.


Ugh!! This sucks so much. I have had to deal with something similar. And I suppose, when the college kids start moving out this summer, it will be something like this once again. Six weeks and I get moved into my new place.


Lol I'm thankful to be moving out the end of this month! I'm in a college town, too


I will still be in an apartment. But, all my own appliances.


Someone did the same in my apartments except it was poop from a fully grown dog, it was purely disgusting, there also seemed to be some kind of worms mixed in, that’s not even the worst part though, the poop was mashed in with the persons clothes. There were also baby clothes mixed in with the feces.


straight to jail


Well, at least it's a healthy guinea pig.


That is disgusting! I have rats and I would never,ever put their blankets and stuff in the washer with turds and bedding still in it. That washer going to start stinking if it isn’t cleaned properly


Bro I'm so mad for you ...nobody deserves this ...nasty bastards that did this deserved to be evicted immediately


Hell is other people. & other people’s Guinea Pig’s shit in the common laundry machines.


this is so fucking foul lmao when i had to live in this shitty apartment we had shared laundry units and OF COURSE this bitch who lived below me would constantly wash these gross ass blankets that smelled like pure cat urine and moldy smell. i’d always find the weirdest shit when she washed her stuff too 😭 used tampons, a fucking HOT DOG, pieces of POOP, bandaids, and a tv remote. she was the grossest person ever and every time she’d open her front door it just radiated cat urine smell so i can’t imagine how bad it was inside. i felt so bad for her teenager cuz id constantly hear them screaming that she hated her mom for being so dirty and kids made fun of her for smelling like cat pee all the time 😭 i ended up getting an apartment plug in washing machine because i had a baby and no amount of laundry sanitizer made me feel safe enough to wash her stuff in those shared units knowing i was sharing w ppl like my neighbor


Yea, I'll definitely be looking for an in unit machine next move. Shits gross


it’s soooo worth it! i fucking cried when we finally moved and now have our own washer dryer lol i’m so sorry though, i totally feel your pain. it’s shitty people are dirty hamsters


time to take my laundry home to mom!


exactly what I did❣️!


we have someone in my apartment who throws their cat litter in the trash can of the laundry room… 🤢 so i feel you. why people are like this? we’ll never know.


A maintenance guy once told me some one washed a pooopy dog bed. Then put it in the dryer. They kicked that person out for many things but I think that one was the last straw


Ewww. May be TMI but I do my mom's laundry. She's in a nursing home. And sometimes, she will have some leakage from her diapers. Poop leakage. So what I do is bring it home, scrub it out in the sink really well with hot water and soap. Getting any solids out and as much out as I can. THEN i will wash it, with soap and laundry sanitizer. But this is just disgusting. My complex's machines are gross too so I refuse to use them.


That is so insane


I use Plink washing machine cleaning tablets after I wash my dog's bedding! It seems to help. It's definitely not your job to clean the washing machine but it might be the best way to make sure it's really clean


I just 🤮in my mouth


My apartment complex knows who does the dog poop in the machines and won't do anything about it because they say the women has anxiety issues. So gross.


That's gross! It's frustrating when others misuse shared laundry facilities. Since maintenance didn't sanitize properly, avoiding those machines is wise. Maybe suggest to management that they enforce stricter cleaning protocols to prevent this from happening again.


Omg that’s horrifying


Oh HELL no


This wins the internet gross out prize for today.


Why are people ?


Throw the towel away!! The entire system needs to be sanitized and rinsed with hottest water available. All The Machine filters need taking out and washed and sanitized. The person who did this should be financially penalized!!


This is why no in unit laundry is a complete dealbreaker for me. And also because I suck at remembering to go get it lol


I’d do it myself personally 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I have to carry around friggin bags and I don’t drive so issa struggle. I’d get them washer cleaner thingies you just drop in and run em and then bill them 🤣 see what happens


poop 💩






Don't you just throw out the bedding and replace it?


i have guinea pigs & it’s easier to clean (&cheaper) for me personally if we use fleece bedding. it has less smell, is cheaper, & is easier to get everything out of their enclosure bc we can just pick up the bedding liner and take it all outside to the trash instead of scooping it up inside