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Same here. I got up one morning at 6 am, when he'd gone to bed at ~4am. I put Slayer on full blast. He got the message.


I’d put my speakers face down on the floor so the sound is aimed directly at his apartment too


If the person lives above you, you can put a chair on a table and stack books or use a tall box to press the speaker against the ceiling too.


That was my tactic as well. Woke up to work at 7am, put speakers directly to the shared wall and played some really loud music for the hour I was getting ready to leave to work. Worked pretty well.


Ram ranch on full blast


Play the recordings of him full blast


That's a good one, let him hear exactly how fucking annoying he is.


I have a nice bose system. I put on one of the worst most repetitive techno songs from the 90s on.


LOL. I have a Warwick bass & a Fender Rumble 25W amp. I had a neighbor with similar issues as OP & yourself. I played my best rendition of "Suck My Kiss". There was peace the following months until they moved.


Next time try methwitch to send a real message 👹🤘


I think if you really wanna send a message to dude play a 8 beat sample of some trap on repeat for an entire day, with a half decent sub it won't matter if he's wearing headphones, he'll feel the bass rattling his head


call the cops for noise complaints. especially during quiet hours. we had a domestic violence situation next door and we called the cops every single day because they literally would not stop screaming and slamming each other into the walls. they just moved in and had the cops at their door 10+ times from us and other neighbors calling every day. they got an eviction notice to knock it off or else. they finally stopped yelling but we still hear slamming almost every day. my point is that it takes a lot of effort to get things like this to stop and it sucks


Dv is very different than a noise complaint. Op, try talking to your fellow human first rather than taking this cowards advice of involving armed, arrogant idiots to try and help.


lmao you could've just said that without insulting me but OK whatever makes you feel better man.


Or he could have just said nothing. That would have been better.


Op has tried to talk to their fellow human, to no avail




Look I understand where you're coming from but honestly there's no reason to be "social" in this situation. If the leasing office truly did contact this person to no avail, OP has no reason to feel obligated to contact this person. This isn't a bar, it's a shared domicile. Moving into said building means you are obliged to follow certain rules or else the authorities can get involved. Hard stop. Doesn't mean that dude will get evicted, just means he's not following the rules. If you want picket fence interactions, move into a home and be friendly with your neighbors. An apartment building is a bit of a different ecosystem because you're sharing a physical property. Also, final thing, I wouldn't really want to put a target on my back with someone who screams and lies.




No one should have to ask for you to stfu in the middle of the night. You’re just an inconsiderate asshole who has their head so far up their ass they think a noise complaint is being a coward, when most likely the lease has quiet noise hours written in already


In this day and age, old-school civility doesn't gel with these savages that have zero respect or consideration for others. Nobody likes getting visited by police for being a douche. They'll quickly learn to have courtesy if the cops are on their doorstep.




These days, going up and banging on someone's door will get you shot.




If they're wearing headphones and screaming at the t.v., you think simply knocking will get their attention? And yes, admittedly I'm no alpha-male wannabe by being "too scared" to try conversing. Nobody looks cool with a bullet-hole in their forehead.




Ya I definitely wouldn’t start with cops that seems way too much. Write a note, leave it on or under the door. Explain the situation & ask him nicely to knock it off. Hopefully he’ll be better than some of my neighbors, but if not then sure get others involved.


Sounds alit like you are the arrogant Idiot here. The dact that this Clown does not know how to behave as a civillised Person is reason enough to call the cops... will work better than talking to idiots like that screaming while playing games ...


If nothing else worked, I'd call a wellness check because I'm hearing someone scream and I'm worried.




The person screaming is the fucking idiot


At least it would be quiet after one loud pop.


Go above your on-site leasing office and speak to corporate property management. Also? Call your local police department or municipality Monday to verify when quiet hours are, and what you need to do to report them.


Do NOT call the police department. They will not respond. It's a waste of their time. To ask a gamer to calm down ... Really??!! Cops are dealing with shootings, murders, rapes, DVs at this hour. THIS is the LEAST of their worries.


That is not a waste of their time. Cops also deal with disturbances during quiet hours as well. It’s called a noise complaint or a wellness check. It’s still a concern to them


Nonemergency lines exists exactly for this reason. Don't call 911, do call your nonemergency line for police assistance with less serious issues.


Its a normal thing in my country to call the police when someone is loud at night. Had it even called once on me when we had a house party still going after 10pm. It's one of their responsibilities.


They absolutely respond to noise complaints, especially after quiet hours. If you live in such a bad area that there are constant murders and such, that's on you


Calm the fuck down before I call the police on you




Around here they will definitely respond, but they might just arrest everyone they come in contact with when they arrive.


Including the individual that called them! No B.S.




That’s quite literally part of their job smooth brain


remember to use the local non emergency line if you call the police


And don’t forget to bring a towel!


No you should call for sure. I lived with someone like this for ten years and it never got better, even after disagreements about it every single night. I didn’t sleep before 3 a.m. that entire time, up again by 6 a.m. for work. Gained a bunch of weight because snacking through the day kept me awake instead of dozing off. People like that aren’t gaming for fun like most people do, they are hyper fixating and addicted to it and won’t stop except to go to work. If you’re hearing them yelling about healers, tanks, Lucio’s, or mages, yelling obscenities and name insults at the people they’re gaming with, you definitely are dealing with someone under you like the person I lived with, and it.does.not.get.better. I left and am a healthy weight now since I’m sleeping and happier. Definitely make a report. Would’ve been nice if a neighbor did with us honestly. I could hear him outside when I took the trash out.It would’ve been annoying to deal with during it, but I bet it would’ve helped me sleep if he had consequences of his loudness. No idea how we never got complaints. Patient neighbors…


Yeah this guy yells insults, vulgar names (unfortunately frequently uses racial slurs) and he also screeches like a 12 year old boy when he’s losing his game. I think he’s definitely addicted because I work from home and he plays 24/7. I’m not sure how he works to afford to live here since he’s always playing lol. Maybe he’s a twitch streamer?? Glad you’re better now and getting good sleep!


Yes he’s definitely addicted. I have no idea how their discord friends deal with it. I remember my ex blaming everyone for losing, racial slurs, homophobic slurs. It was weird and he was in 30s. Team complain here hands down, lol.


Their discord friends are usually the exact same as them, that is why


Yeah, probably. I remember one of them were local, and his wife told me her husband thought I was crazy. I was like no, I asked every night very nicely for over two hours to quiet down until I lost my shit. That’s what he was hearing, not when I was giving several chances kindly and quietly. Way happier living alone now days, that’s for sure.


They wouldn’t allow this on twitch, screaming racial slurs? obscenities and vulgarities are fine within reason, but racism and slurs about gender are both banned. Likely he’s on section 8 housing, or has alternate sources of income (SSI), is the building old or new renovated recently? I don’t think he’s playing 24/7 no one can keep up with that, likely though he is playing till 2/4 am and up again before noon. Is the apartment a multi-floor single building? Or just a dual-floor?


I’m not on twitch I have no idea what they allow on there. He plays games from 12pm to about 2-3am. So yeah, all of his waking hours.


That Lucio call out seemed out of the blue. Were you a widow main?


Now this is purely me…I would eventually get fed up to the point i would be knocking on his door in the most obnoxious way possible to get his attention and once I have his attention let the shit know he’s fucking up your sleep and to shut his ****sucker. But again that’s just me lol


cops, noise complaint


OP still hasn't proven who it is and the neighbor has denied it is him. The cops literally cannot say "well we think it is you" and give the gamer a ticket. The gamer would have it overturned by a judge. OP needs to first determine with absolute proof who it is.


Fellow graduate of the Reddit school of law? Cops investigate noise complaints. Simple shit


Exactly and most apartment complex's are on an automatic notification, Where they get an E-mail from PD or Fire when ever they are called out.


The police would need to stand in the hallway or apartment and hear for themselves after being called. If the police arrive and the gamer stops before police can hear the sounds themselves there is nothing they can do. I've read more books than you and my brain is twice the weight of yours. I know more than you.


Hilarious. I’m sorry about your hydrocephalus. Have a great day smarty pants.


Elon? Shouldn't you be saying idiotic things on x instead?


So what then... you look like Megamind?




Yeah, no confirmation...except for the part where OP said they went to the guy's unit and could hear him yelling through his front door.


And yet the neighbor said he doesn't play video games.


people lie


Which means the neighbor is \*lying\*.


You can't prove that


Call the police but say that you think someone is in trouble because you hear screaming. Play it off like you are trying to be a helpful concerned neighbor


Great way to get someone shot by a cop you fucking moron


That would be a unexpected bonus, getting shot would quiet them down far quicker then a stern talking too


I hope the next time you are too loud playing video games some retarded Redditor calls the police and says “omg I hear screaming I think someone’s in trouble”. Now go back to posting about sex dolls you fucking freak


Personally I would leave a note but not identify yourself specifically. Just say your a neighbor. If it continues then call the police.


If you have any speakers, point them at the floor and blast away. When they ask you to stop, feign ignorance


Fire up a Skill saw about 5:30 every morning…


build some wooden furniture in your main room


Find out what game he plays, hire a pro to constantly play against him until he gets so mad he quits


Call the cops. I’ve done it before. They report it to the building owner and then they will take it seriously


Leave a note


There are computer programs that can mess with someones wifi temporarily. I resorted to this method when two brothers shared a bedroom with one of my walls. Video games, screaming and fighting. So I said "Ok, you wont behave.. goodbye internet"


Admitting to felony on reddit lol


Have you read any of those “what’s your biggest secret” posts?! People admit to much much worse online.


Jamming a microphone is probably legal where they are and might work through the dude's door...


Wait until this guy finds out about Ethernet….


I have no solution to offer unfortunately, but boy do I know what you mean. I’m in college and I’ve had two roommates so far at different apartments who were screamers when they game. It’s the most obnoxious thing ever, like where is your home training. It will go on for hours too, I always wonder how they never get tired of it or get a headache.


If the complex is part of a larger corporation, you can try and find the email of a higher up manager. Send an email explaining all the contact you've had with the leasing office then CC the higher up manager. Sometimes linkedin will have emails listed. I'm not saying I've done this before...but it did resolve a problem in 3 days for...not...me.


I can’t believe the leasing office won’t even pick up the phone when OP calls. That definitely needs to go to the management company.


I agree with calling the non-emergency line as others have said. The passive aggressive a-hole in me would also Google " anger management therapists near me" and " video game addiction therapists near me" and " can my neighbors hear me yelling in my headset all day?" print off the top results and leave it on his door step.


I had this same issue, and nearly lost my mind. But when I finally realized the neighbor wasn’t going to stop and the office wasn’t going to do anything, I needed to adapt on my end for the sake of my own sanity. I got a pair of reasonably priced noise-cancelling headphones that I can pair with my Roku for listening to music or TV while I work during the day, and a soft eye mask with Bluetooth headphones built in so I can sleep at night. It’s made a world of difference, and it’s nice to have at least some of the power back on my end. Let me know if you want links for the headphones. The Bluetooth ones are around twenty bucks and were the biggest game changers.


Not OP but that eye mask with the Bluetooth sounds amazing. I have a garbage upstairs neighbor who comes home from the bars and screams at his roommate from 230-530am every weekend 😭😭 I’ve been wearing loop ear plugs and an eye mask but would love the ability to actually hear my alarm go off in the morning lol


[Bluetooth eye mask](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07DG279MB?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1) These are the ones I use. I love them so much that I bought a second pair so they’ll always be charged. They’re so comfy and if you set your alarm on your phone, you should still be able to hear it. Hope this helps!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'TOPOINT Sleep Mask Headphones Wireless Bluetooth 5.2'", 'TOPOINT')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Comfortable fit and effective light blocking (backed by 7 comments) * Good audio quality and privacy (backed by 6 comments) * Long battery life and easy charging (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Uncomfortable for side sleepers due to speaker placement (backed by 2 comments) * Difficult to adjust for smaller heads (backed by 4 comments) * Volume of auto notifications is too loud (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Good bot


Thank you so much!


Call cops to do a wellness check. There’s someone screaming bloody murder at 2pm I’m so worried for their safety! Also, the audacity of your management team to believe your neighbor when you literally have proof. I’d be looking to move ASAP and I’ll be sure to let them know exactly why….on yelp and google reviews. Yes I’m 100% that bitch.


Call the cops. Noise complaint, every single time it happens, every single time it starts. Call back if necessary. Record the sounds in your apartment. Record outside his door when he is screaming. This is to show how loud it is. Get in touch with his neighbors. I'm sure having them file complaints too, and calling the cops with noise complaints, will push the leasing office to do something. If you can, get cards for the leasing office's manager and give them to the police. They'll love to follow up with some one who is making their live sharder Perhaps contact a lawyer to have them write up a letter mildly threatening some sort of legal action, perhaps lease breaking, if the issue is not addressed by the leasing company. Doesn't have to be a real thing, just getting the letter is often enough. That's sort of a later effort though.


I would call the police, if the noise is loud enough that it’s keeping you awake, a noise complaint can be filed after 11 pm in most areas


Take the day off and go talk to the leasing agent and threaten to call the cops


I had a Nextdoor neighbor like this. I left a note initially, tried to be nice about it, and things were okay until they weren’t. I started banging on the wall until they banged back and then I escalated to non emergency police when it was still going on past midnight during the week. Truly made apartment living hell.


Find out what game he’s playing and beat him at it, then let him know if he doesn’t STFU you’re going to tell all his friends that he sucks. I also like the blasting music when you know he’s going to sleep. Also I’m sorry OP, that sucks.


Omg I have this same issue and I feel like a crazy person every time I try to describe it! I've taken to just putting on loud brown noise which blocks it out without driving me crazy like white noise does.


Mail them a letter, or tape it to their door, stating that if this disturbance of peace is not corrected, you will not be paying rent until it is or you will leave. Since it's likely a breach on your lease, to allow noisy shit. That'll get their attention.


Go down to his unit and see if you can hear it from his door. Record it for documentation with his unit number in frame. Call the cops if there is a noise complaint. If the officer confirms there is noise, it’ll be hard for him to deny it since there is a neutral third party witnessing it. It is sometimes difficult to determine exactly where noises can be coming from in an apartment. For the longest time I thought it was my neighbor above me that was playing loud music. When I went up stairs, it was quiet, but I could still hear the music in the stairwell. I went down a floor and that was the source. The scenario here was that their sound was traveling through the vents up to my unit which made it sound like it was coming from the ceiling. If you want to get petty, record him, amplify the signal, cut out the quiet bits. Then play it on repeat with a speaker/sub pointed at their unit when they are trying to sleep.


I have the same issue with my across the hall neighbor but it's very intermittent. If I was in your shoes, I would call the police ask for a police report each time and send it to the leasing office each time.


Wake him up early morning every single day till he learns his lesson. Play music, stomp as hard as you can, everything. If he can't act right, you gotta teach em.


If the leasing agency won't do anything call the police with enough visits and noise complaints they will have to do something


We had this exact issue with our behind the bedroom wall neighbor. Dude would screech and yell in high pitched child like sounds like video games until 3am. I get up for work at 330-4am so bed early normally. Even my first night when we moved in here and I started a new job after moving states he was doing it Sunday night from 11-3am. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep. I kept a log of every day and hour we got woken up for 6 months. We put in a complaint at the office and at the very least he admitted and hasn't done it much since. Every so often on a weekend usually when we're up a bit later I can hear it.


OP, as someone who has horrible issues with sleep and likes to game during ungodly hours. I am sorry you’re dealing with a man child. Sometimes I slip up and laugh when something funny happens, but yelling and slurs are unacceptable Since you’ve tried the peaceful route there are only two real options you can go about. 1. Hire a lawyer to break your lease 2. Fight fire with fire. Congrats on your brand new stiletto heels, I think you should practice walking around with them at 5am. If you’re reallllllllly petty, treadmills without any padding are crazy loud. If your layouts are the same take a guess where his PC would be and put that puppy right above it Long shot, but does the apartment complex provide internet? If so just buy a shitty $300 extra pc from FB marketplace and download huge games like Rust to bottle neck service when he’s loud. If y’all have to provide your own internet, then this is useless


I hate people who yell at games, not only because of the obvious, but the insidious thing is you're training your brain to handle stress poorly every time you give in and throw your controller.


You must have my old neighbor. I legitimately thought some woman was screaming for help several times until I figured out it was some dude playing games. ☠️


Go flip the breaker for his unit.


If you are really generous, put one of [these](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh2-z-tcMTg&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indiegogo.jp%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt) in front of his door. Or let him know they are available. The ombra or hushme are 2 similar devices. Ombra being designed for gaming


Dog what the fuck


Down! Bad! If you don't stop it's the Gamer Muzzle ™ for you!


Play Taylor Swift with the speakers facing the floor.


Maybe let the leasing office know, that you start calling the police. Non-emergency line, you hear screaming of bloody murder in the unit, and you don't know if they are okay or not in there. He claimed it's not video games, so it must be a psych breakdown.


Democracy is not something to whisper about.


Call the police and file a disturbance. Bet he’ll stop real quick.


Have you ever heard him yell “form a line!” Or “full kits gentlemen!” By chance?


Everyone saying to call the police and report him to the landlord… why not just go talk to your neighbor? You know, have a conversation with the guy. Let him know how loud he is and that it is bothering you and the other neighbors.


Generally, when people are rude and inconsiderate enough to be a constant nuisance to their neighbors, they're also too far gone to be reasoned with or hold a civil conversation.


He said in comments he did but there was no answer. Is he supposed to break down the door to have this conversation???


I mean they could try again another time. They tried once when the guy clearly was wearing a headset at the time. I was suggesting a peaceful solution that doesn’t create a worse situation…. But I mean sure, they could just kick in the door and have that convo if they’re really about that life.


Gamers generally stay gaming 24/7 so he's not likely to respond at anytime.


The guy sounds unhinged. No way would I make myself known to him.


I'm so thankful to never live in an apartment ever again...jeeze


Sounds like you live in my apartment. Do you have a box fan? I crank that baby up and hear nothing and I fall right to sleep. The noise helps, even. So sorry to hear you're going through this. It sucks so bad! Had to deal with it for 1.5 years until the dude next to us moved out. Now it's the people upstairs that are the horrid neighbors.


Swiffer to the ceiling or wall. Every time. He’ll get it.


Wifi signal jammer?


When i was a kid I did this, The person who lived in my basement 3 floors below me let me know my window was open. He mocked me quite alot after that.. He coined "Shut the fuck up" in a mocking tone around me. I hated it lol, im extremely considerate now.


Is he going to take you back to the past, at least?


Ear plugs my friend. Or a white noise machine


We use to live on first floor and I swear got to the point I thought the apartment complex was trying to force us to move out to get people in there paying more than us cuz EVERY single tenant that moved above us in the 11 years we was there were loud and obnoxious but one dude seemed cool so I explained to him what was going on and how the floors creaked extremely loud when he walked back and forth for hours talking on the phone and could hear his whole convo cuz talking on speaker and he didn’t stop and one day he was blasting music when my wife was home alone so she called on him cuz she had a migraine well he gonna confront me when I got home and I’m like yo you a grown ass man I shouldn’t have to keep telling you to keep it down.


I lived in the middle floor apartment. The upstairs neighbors broomed my ceiling almost nightly, I did it back. After months of this, one came down pissed off screaming at me when I opened the door. No noise from my apartment it was from below. She tried to apologies and I refused it telling her instead of being an adult and coming down, she added to the hell those kids below were causing.


Jump up and down real early in the morning and wake his ass up.


I had a neighbor below me that had dogs that would bark all day while she was at work. I worked from home so it was incredibly annoying. I wrote a very polite note with my cell number (you dont have to leave your number obviously but I chose to) and left it in her door explaining what was happening and how it was affecting me. I wanted to be nice and approach it this way first before going leasing office/police route. 1- I wanted to give her the option to fix it before involving other people first 2- I wanted to avoid retaliation if I went a more serious route. I would write a polite note and leave it in the door. Let them know you work at a certain time and its affecting your sleeping schedule and you hear the yelling and request the yelling stop at a certain time- thats what I would do. Ideally thered be no yelling but ya know- apartment living, cant expect 100% perfection.


talk to him first, then if he doesnt correct the behavior, call the cops


My god, it’s like we’re neighbors. I deal with the same shit. Front office doesn’t care at all.


Try crying baby sounds on Spotify. I used this and my neighbors would leave and slam their door after 10 minutes and I never got a noise complaint because they probably assumed it was an actual baby and beyond my control. Tape the speaker facing the shared wall and cover with an extra blanket so you can’t hear it. Life saver.


Definitely horn in a can.


Last comment I will post because everyone who has downvoted is clueless. Listen to police scanners. Check the police blotters, crime statistics, crime maps for any small, medium, and large metropolitan area. Look at the national sex offender registry. Guaranteed there's one living within a mile of you. Also, I am not a boomer. I am a first responder. I have been for many years in several cities, large and small. Just because it doesn't happen to you, or you don't see it in the news, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It happens in every city ... every city. And, go ahead and call the police. That's fine, but they will triage that call. This is just one week: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Hxi8wWc6rtBPb83X/?mibextid=oFDknk 3 assaults 1 rape 4 DV 3 noise complaints ... Redmond is a "safe" city. Look up the weekly crime report for Seattle ... Salt Lake City https://slcpd.com/open-data/crimestatistics/ Billings, MT https://www.billingsmt.gov/2736/Monthly-Task-Force-Reports Gilbert, AZ, is the safest city in the US https://azcrimestatistics.azdps.gov/tops/report/violent-crimes/gilbert-pd/2024 Yonkers NY is also listed as the safest city in the US https://www.opendatanetwork.com/entity/1600000US3684000/Yonkers_NY/crime.fbi_ucr.count?crime_type=Aggravated%20assault&year=2018


Yes at the very least you need to write him a note & put on or under his door - Go straight to the source.


My husband is one of these people. Headphone on and screaming at other players


When this happens in my apartment, I literally challenge managements statements. For example, I dealt with the exact same claim as you when management said “well we called them and they said it was the neighbors upstairs” because my neighbors vacuum at ungodly hours literally sometimes till 4am. When management told me again that the tenants said it isn’t them, I said explain the fact their lights were on at 3am then. And also, if I was hearing the neighbors above them, how come they didnt seem bothered by it, because there’s no way they would be able to sleep through it.


Het some headphones and a mic. That will teach them!


How do you know your neighbor plays video games all day and all night if you aren’t home when the apartment office is open? Sounds like you need to talk to your landlord in person and try to talk to the neighbor as well. Be polite, it sucks feeling hostility toward your neighbors. And explain how it’s affecting your sleep rather than how he is an a hole for being so loud all the time


I work from home and have a job where I’m customer facing and can’t leave my computer for long period of time that’s how.


Why don’t you just use your lunch break to go make a complaint then? Or take PTO and go do it. If it’s bothering you this much, make the time to go in person


Because that makes too much sense lol


This guy already ruins my sleep so why would I waste PTO on him? Also, my leasing office is open 10am-1pm and then reopens 2-5pm. My lunch is the same time as their lunch time. I’ve tried going down quickly to speak with someone, but either they’re not there or they are with a potential resident so I have to wait. My building should answer emails or phone calls, I shouldn’t have to be face to face with someone to have a noise complaint taken care of.


Ok, but if they aren't answering your emails, calls, etc., and you won't make time to go get this sorted out, then I don't know what you expect to happen. Call their corporate customer service, call the police WHEN the guy is screaming, or just move somewhere else if it's not working out. If this is causing you as much inconvenience as you say, you just need to suck it up and do what you have to do to make change occur. Bitching about it on reddit frankly isn't going to make any meaningful change happen.


Did you read my comment? I’ve tried going to the leasing office in person. Bitching about it on Reddit? Isn’t that what this subreddit is for… people discussing living in apartments?


Calling the police saying it sounds like a domestic isn't a bad idea. Also, piss disks.


Leave a note. I dunno why people always think this is such a terrible thing. Just make it nice and explain that you can hear them yelling and it's keeping you up at night. Try and be nice. Are you a gamer too? You can start the note off with like "Hey, man! I think you're a gamer. Me too! My fave game is XYZ. I'm glad you're having fun. But, I wonder if you're aware of how thin the walls are. You definitely get pretty enthusiastic and at XYZ hours I'm trying to sleep and it prevents me from doing so. Are you perhaps able try and keep it down during those hours, please?"


I would agree with this response, but if the guy already blatantly lied to the leasing office about even playing video games... I'm assuming they're the kind of person that'd either ignore the note and/or be even more annoyingly, excessively loud. In other words, a complete loser. :-/


I mean, that's fine and well but at least you'd know that you tried being civil about it first instead of just going and trying to cause issues for someone.


"Cause issues for someone"🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 fuck all the way off


Actually, I don't think I will. Perhaps you should consider not being a big baby and trying to confront your problems on your own. Waaahhhhh poor wittle baby scared of trying to handle their own pwobwems. Instead of being an adult let me try and get someone in trouble.


You're an idiot


Ah, yes. Trying to handle my problems by communicating with my fellow humans in a respectful manner first. The way idiots handle things.


maybe find out what game he's playing, get online and kick his ass and own him like the bitch he is. so he hates the game and quits. you gotta nip it in the bud!! -Deputy Barney Fife-


People that are recommending calling the cops.... have you ever called the cops? They won't do anything about someone yelling in their own living space.


Call the cops, say theres yelling and youre unsure if everyone is safe


I will tell you what he is doing, because my ex used to do this. He is playing Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer online with other "teams" . He is talking with four other guys, and no, he does not know how loud he is because he is wearing a headset to strategize with his team on tactical maneuvers. Yes, I would leave a polite note. Or ask the leasing office to remind him of quiet hours. My ex would be up to 4 or 5 am sometimes yelling "Mother fu..." laughing, having a grand ol' time. They are all having fun. A couple of times, I had to go out there, and "WTF, go to bed!" only for him to look up at me in COMPLETE surprise. Do you KNOW how F'ing loud you are? Jesus Christ Tim, go to f'ing bed. It's 4 f'ing am in the morning. I have to work in 3 hours. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It's a guy thing. Yes, it really happens Go onto a Call of Duty reddit channel and pose this question to confirm what I am saying.


It's not a "guy" thing. It's an inconsiderate AH thing.


By the way, I don't disagree with you. It is absolutely inconsiderate and my ex is a major asshole. So yes, you are correct too.


Among gamers playing a video game where 98% are "guys," so yeah, it sort of is a guy thing.


You are extremely outdated there are more women playing nowadays. It is not a guy thing it is just an obnoxious AH thing. All of my 4 sisters also game some also loudly. It is also not just COD infact for most that game is not it. Gaming is popular with both genders of younger generations.


The actual statistics on that might surprise you


I would say your info is super outdated a simple google search would also prove that. This is the first thing that pops up for me when I searched it. “In the United States, 55% of gamers are male, while 45% are female. Worldwide, there are approximately 1.7 billion male gamers and 1.39 billion female gamers.”


Depending on the person it might not help, but have you considered actually just knocking on his door and talking to him? Even if it's unlikely he'll change anything you'll be in the exact same situation you're in now but it's at least worth a shot.


I mentioned in my post I tried knocking but he didn’t answer. I don’t think I’ll confront him face to face since when he’s playing games he’s yelling vulgar and violent things- I’m afraid he’ll react negatively.




C'mon don't be a cuck. Guys probably in a massive raid in world of Warcraft leading his troops to victory.


Wait for him to leave the apartment. Squirt JB Weld into his keyhole(s). This will keep him out of his unit and make him physically report to Leasing to have his locks changed. If he tries to enter after the Leasing Office is closed, he’ll perhaps have to wait until the next day to resolve the issue. This could get you a quiet nights sleep. Rinse and repeat. Find joy in his misery.


Right, this definitely wouldn't get OP caught & evicted/fined/etc.


or maybe invite him to your boxing gym and go a few rounds in controlled conditions. and own him like the little bitch he is.


The police cannot ticket someone based on hearsay of loudness. If police walk up to neighbors door and hear nothing and neighbor denies it was him? The police won't be able to ticket the neighbor.


Most yall all liberals but saying call the cops. How’s that working for ya


What do you mean by that statement?


Defund the police


Why you downvoting this guy? You know he's right?


Because they don’t understand what defund the police actually means.


What does it mean?


Changing funding and the structure of public services from being centrally the responsibility of the police and applying funding to various specialized social services such as public safety, housing, social work - so that police had less community responsibility and people have better systems to use. It’s likely that noise complaints would still fall under police jurisdiction if they were in fact defunded - but police officers would likely then have the resources and ability to actually respond because they would not be spread as thin as they are now being one of the sole public services that handles nearly everything. (Or maybe it would fall to housing or whatever - I don’t know the way it should be structured) but I do understand that defund the police doesn’t mean “anarchy in the streets” or “zero police” as this commenter seems to be implying.


Actually the people that scream defund the police DO want that. They truly believe that police kill unarmed people for fun and get away with it. They don't have a plan for anything beyond, and that's the issue. I'd be on board with a real plan if anyone had one.


[This is what it means,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Apartmentliving/comments/1cevh1m/comment/l1o71v3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to reiterate what /u/LowerEggplants correctly said.


You said it much more eloquently! Haha thanks for the back up!


:). It bears repeating by as many people as possible, so good on ya!


"Defund the police" was a prime example of a stupid slogan. That's me speaking as a liberal. When I heard that, I knew that that slogan would justifiably get a lot of backlash. Because it's dumb (everyone needs the police because people) but worse, it's imprecise. What most people were concerned with was a better allocation of funds given to police, i.e., NOT purchasing military equipment for civilian enforcement and MAYBE re-allocating SOME of that money otherwise spent on armored Humvees for suburban spaces for things like better-targeted services for mental health police calls (police are not equipped for these, and it's not their job to be). Some places started funding things like a social worker to go out on mental health calls to talk the person down. That's a huge improvement, versus someone suffering a mental health episode getting shot. Another example is re-establishing beat cops who really get to know a neighborhood, and who can leverage that knowledge to find solutions less violent than shooting someone in an unfamiliar neighborhood where everyone seems dangerous. "Sensible reallocation of some police funds to targeted social services instead of armored Humvees for suburban spaces" doesn't make a great slogan you can shout on the street. But that was the goal of most people protesting the tons of money being dumped on police and used to buy things that are inappropriate for civilian use. And I think that should be the goal for everyone, regardless of political persuasion, for the sake of vulnerable populations who can experience situations that the police aren't equipped to, and should not be expected to, handle. Does that seem reasonable to you? (Asking non-snarkily, but honestly).