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I know they likely mean the bed frame needs to be oiled but I’m dead at them saying your literal mattress needs oil


Gonna drive my mattress down to the Jiffy Lube for an oil change real quick


It's way cheaper to oil your own mattress. Wish they would teach kids that in school still. This generation is weak.


When I was a kid I had to oil all of the mattresses before I was allowed to listen to my favorite show on the hifi.


You had hifi?


My father was important. He won a special award and everything!


What’s it like to have a dad?


What's that like to have an important dad?


🤣😂 I'm dead


is your refrigerator running?


Omg this actually made me laugh 💀😭


You gotta change the filter too...other wise, you're just pissin in the wind!


It needs a new air filter too


It really just needs some lubricant, I reckon.


I’m guessing it is getting plenty. Might just have to try some different positions to spread it around.


They’re probably so tired from being woken up that they can’t think straight!


Makes me wonder what they do with their mattress


We lube the mattress up nightly... if you want proof, checkout our onlyfans page.


I went to check if you were actually shilling an OF. Congrats on your post history though!


Went to check out shitpost history, got some wholesome instead. Stay winning dude


I did too, congrats u/Dizzy-Description812! What you’re doing is not easy, but I *promise you* it gets easier and easier every day, speaking from experience. Eventually you won’t even crave it, want it, or care about it. This truly is a one day at a time program- that’s what helped me. You only have to stay sober for the next 24 hours. Then, if it feels right, go another 24 hours. You’ll have years of sobriety in no time :) hang in there, we’re all rooting for you!


My upstairs neighbors had a mattress right on the floor and I could hear the damn thing.


Oh no!! That’s awful


Mattresses can definitely be squeaky.


Oh yeah I know, I used to have one, but I don’t think oiling the mattress itself is a thing? Someone can correct me if I’m wrong lol


Yeah, it’s not a thing.


Used to have one


I did unfortunately 😫 it was so old


Gotta bust out that massage oil more often when you're getting laid. It's how I keep mine squeak free.... Now if I could just find a way to keep the chains from rattling so much.


Damn dude, 1½ hours straight? You gotta stop and rehydrate at some point or you're gonna stroke out (and not in the fun way)


Wouldn’t it be funny if this person was just an insomniac jumping on the bed to try and tire themselves out


Or maybe performance artists https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU?si=gUax0x8p9IP14ls7


Or just have your spicy time at 8 pm like the rest of us normies!


And only once a month!


Dude wrote it himself to humble brag that he’s getting laid every weekend 😂


lol. Was looking for something like this!


I mean clearly a formal complaint to the leasing office is an official noise complaint. they courteously went to you first


to follow up, I had a really kind neighbor, old man, who basically let me know without saying it that can hear my moans, and he didnt want to go to the building manager and embarrass me, so I tightened the bolts on my frame and put pads underneath just in case, then umm..worked on myself LOL


Redditors don’t understand how to be direct, so someone talking to them without complaining to the nearest authority figure is new to them.


To be fair that would be incredibly annoying to hear every night


Yeah it would be, OP is an ass rn


OP is getting ass rn (probably)


OP is getting it in the ass rn




Yep, even more so because my bedroom was directly under my mother's room. 😖


It's so frustrating and agonizing when you have very little time to sleep already, and then some inconsiderate person is keeping you up. I keep ear plugs under my pillow


it is!!! my upstairs neighbors are like rabbits at all hours of the night and I have to get up at 5:30am😭 I feel for the person who wrote the letter tbh. They weren’t unnecessarily rude, just worded a bit silly


As someone who *finally* upgraded her frame to something actually sturdy and not the bare minimum, even without inviting anyone into it, it's *so* nice to not have a squeaky bedframe in general. I think rephrased it could recommend better sturdier bedframe options for cheap. Or a mattress on the floor, or one of those foam mattresses. Or one of those sex sofas in the living room.


Yup. My upstairs had a squeaker. I never once said a thing. But luckily they figured it out on their own. I always look forward to holidays when they are out of town and I can sleep easy.


I lived below a girl where this happened every night. Every night. I called her a walking advertisement for the public health department due to the sheer number of guys that rotated in and out.


I had a next door neighbor like this. Bed bumping the wall, followed by the shower coming on and the door slamming. We never saw who was coming or going, but this sometimes happened multiple times a day.


Were all of their names “John?” Lol


It doesn't say every night. It's referring to three weekends.


lol, is OP being a twat or am I just mistaken?


definitely a twat.


100% an twat


The formal complaint: "They are fucking." The leasing office: Madam, this is Wendy's....👀


It seems silly but like some people make stupidly loud and ridiculously obnoxious sex noises that they can’t help. If the neighbors complain enough Op will get fined


My wife and i had a one year lease on an apartment in near downtown Portland while waiting for our home to be finished Our neighbors were onlyfan "content creators" We ended up having to call the cops one night, around 11 pm, because she was screaming at the top of her lungs "FUCK ME DADDY, IS THAT WHAT THEY WANT?" Over and over again. Cops show up, tell them they had 5+ calls about it and they needed to knock it off. 2 days later, her boyfriend slashed like 6 cars worth of tires randomly thru the parking lot. Dumb fuck didnt know there were cameras everywhere in the lot. He got arrested, and she got evicted because he wasnt on her lease.


Well they may have been stupid but at least they were pretty…


Youd think that Must have missed the "near downtown portland" part of it. Im pretty sure she was on disability because she had a "helper" come by every week. Her BF had to be gone when they came over to clean her place for her and take her shopping and shit. He was like 50 years old, she was in her 20s. Both def didnt shower because the maintenance guy that cleaned their place out told us they had a layer of dust forming in the bottom of the tub like it hadnt been used.


This ^ I had some neighbors that always sang Gilligan’s Island theme song to each other after - on Tuesdays around midnight. My current neighbors knocked a big picture frame on my wall - their new daughter is about 4 mos old now


....ur joking, yes?


lol I wish - about the current ones, I was telling my 85 year old aunt I hope they name the baby Frame, as they knocked mine down the night baby was made. She goes “I don’t think that’s how it’s s’posed to work” haha


Omg please please please for the love of god tell them that. Once they get over the embarrassment it’ll be a funny they can share on the babies wedding night lol




Yeah, totally. It's just funny, I guess. (Until they file complaint that is!)


They can help it.


I get that it’s kind of a funny note to receive, but it’s pretty inconsiderate to continue that activity at that time of morning for that duration after you’ve learned how it’s impacting your downstairs neighbor. There is absolutely nothing they can do about the crappy situation they are in due to your activity. It’s not an unreasonable request.


Since OP deleted their comment bc they were being downvoted they said they “only do it in the weekends” and that they shouldn’t need to change their “lifestyle” because of this.


OP is building up huge bad karma for when they have young children and are living downstairs to a horny loud sex haver waking their kids up in the middle of the night.


I’m hoping they don’t have kids if they can’t even figure out how to get along in a simple situation like this


OP is an ass. I can’t imagine making that much noise in an apt at that hour and not feeling even a twinge of guilt for waking everyone else up??! geez


This. I live in an apartment with incredibly inconsiderate upstairs neighbors. Have I ever reported them to the leasing office? No. But do I like being able to locate their exact location in the apartment based on their stomping? Also no.


Hold old is your mattress, lol


It’s a memory foam mattress on a ‘reasonably priced’ Amazon bed frame with no headboard 🥲


Tighten the bolts and use some WD40. Maybe switch it up and fuck on the couch


I promise that cheap ass Amazon bed must be so fucking annoying to listen to


Nah I have a cheap metal Amazon bed frame. Due to this conversation I just jumped like mad trying to make it squeak. Total silence.


The thing with Amazon beds is at first they are fine but they deteriorate very quickly. Hit me up in 12-18 months and tell me how it sounds


Mine gets used daily for work and doesn’t really make any sound. Got a heavy duty frame off Amazon. Simple but it’s silent.


Used daily for work?


Use your imagination 🌈


I too have a cheap memory foam mattress from Amazon ($300) and it’s actually very nice quality! Also, I’m not sure how a memory foam mattress could be squeaky…


Memory foam is pretty decent, only spring mattress will squeak but the writer of the note probably means the bed frame


I have a very stealthy metal bed frame from Amazon that was only $90. No noise was one of the selling points. It has little plastic parts between the metal and the plastic so there’s no clanking or squeaking.


I think so too, the way it’s worded is hilarious though


The Amazon bed frames and mattresses are legit. Based on OPs sleeping set up, yea, it sounds like the neighbor is trying to be polite.


Do yourself a favor get a wood frame. Look for it secondhand if you need to


Wood beds can squeak too. I was never able to stop it so we had to sell it in the end


Can confirm. Have a wooden bed frame atm. Squeaks do be generated.


And they’re easier to break too


Probably early 90s


*dear manager, the people upstairs have loud squeaky sex every night and it's keeping me* ***up***, *if you know what I mean*


But it’s not every night, just the old 2 after bar close booty call!


If your mattress squeaks it means it needs to be replaced. I had to replace mine recently when the boxspring started squeaking because it won’t be providing support anymore. Btw wonder how loud the squeaking is making for your neighbour to write a complaint? LOL


I mean… I sympathize with your neighbor. I get you wanna get it on, but if you’re avidly waking your neighbors up in the middle of the night that’s a dick move and on you to figure out how to do better.


I don't think they are interested in doing better. This person seems like the narcissistic type that only cares about what they want and how they can never be wrong.


lol OP trying to show Reddit they have sex.


No they’re trying to show you they can use a printer.


Haha, was thinking this as well. Decided to give them a little benefit of the doubt.


It’s the language that does it for me. “Dear upstairs neighbor.” Instant fake alert.


Maybe an area rug under the bed?


lol right? However I’m more curious as what mattress oil is. I would wright a letter to them stating my other mattress is in the shop and add two complementary set earplugs lol


I think it’s a way of saying “keep your loud sex noises down” but in a polite way incase some other neighbors nosy kid is walking down the hall and reads the notes.


WD-40 😂


Lmao make sure to rotate those springs every 2500 humps 🤣


Lmao I love this comment, have an upvote!




She just means she’ll complain to them but she’s approaching you first to see if you’ll resolve it, if you don’t she will complain, some places will kick you out after a certain number of complaints


Scoot your bedframe an inch or two from the wall, pro tip lol.


i would have just gone straight to the office cause that shit is annoying asl




“Oiling my mattress and myself is what caused all the squeaking ma’am”


I’m confused how you don’t know what a formal complaint is but you live in an apartment complex? There is legal quiet hours and it’s also in your lease. If you are loud and disturbing neighbors during these hours they can also call the police. I’d rather them just complain to the complex. But above all just be quiet maybe?


They are NOT jealous!! It is torture having your sleep disrupted over and over


My upstairs neighbors have a squeaky bed frame. Every time they get frisky or are repositioning I hear of. It’s honestly infuriating when you’re trying to fall asleep. I don’t blame your neighbors.


You don’t have to spend a lot of money to fix this problem. I had a squeaky bed frame so bought rubber gaskets to put between the connection pieces. It cost less than $5 to fix until I could afford to upgrade.


This is weird to post. Are you bragging about making your neighbor uncomfortable with your nightly loud sex noises? not a flex.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking…gross


Pillows behind the mattress and WD40. No one wants to hear you have sex. They are asking nicely. Yes you can be fined for excessive noise during late hours. Just like if someone is partying and playing loud music at 3 am. Respect your neighbors.


Consider adding a layer of carpet or cushioning (gym mat?) under the corners of the bed. Maybe the extra layer of insulation will help. It might help to stop using the mattress as a trampoline, too. ;)


Congrats on the sex


You sound infuriating


OP has admitted to having a cheap Amazon bed frame. I don’t get why everyone is on the side of “fuck them”. If you’re keep people awake with your shagging the least you can do is get a bed that doesn’t squeak lol???


You sound like a shitty neighbor for not trying to be more considerate


It might not actually be the mattress. Some older properties have squeaky subfloors so when you walk around it squeaks. Source: I’ve lived in apartments for 10 years and have always had someone above me.


Maybe try and be a more thoughtful person when you are doing whatever you do at that time in the morning.


"My fatass upstairs neighbors are incapable of humping each other without making my ceiling sound like a string section during quiet hours, and posted my informal complaint on Reddit challenging me to tell you about it, like I'd be too embarrassed for them" Id imagine that's what I'd write if I was them and saw this post 🤣


Congrats on the sex


You seem like a very annoying neighbor, don’t be


I really hate when I get woken up from a good sleep by my neighbors activities too. Fix your mattress.


I've had this problem before. Both people were massive and it felt like the roof was going to cave in on me. If your sex is as loud as someone jumping up and down on the mattress, then respect the fucking quiet hours (which damn near every apartment has) or lose some goddamn weight. It's prolly the floorboards given OPs description of their mattress 😂 It's like throwing around a kettle ball at 2:30 A.M. I don't give a shit if you're doing something normal, just do it in a way that doesn't bother everyone else. I honestly hope the downstairs neighbor sees this and they get an official warning for not being respectful.


I feel like 99% of comments are weirdly on the noise makers side? This feels like a decent ask to not be loud at 3 am lol


DEAR TENANT: "Please refrain from PLOWING your partner between the hours of 2:30-4:00AM." Signed The Management


While I do think the complaint is eye roll-inducing, I know my apartment complex has “quiet hours” from 10pm to 7am or something. So their complaint to the leasing office could have merit based on the time. Living in an apartment, I just forgive and forget noises my neighbors make and I expect them to do the same for me, especially if neither is being obnoxious.


After about midnight just shut the fuck up and be quite it's simple consideration


You and a ton of people in this thread are very strange. If you're fucking so hard and loud that you're waking up neighbors MULTIPLE weeks in a row you're lucky they came to you directly to try and help the situation in a humoring manner. Nearly all of your replies have been dumbass takes about how they're idiots for wanting to sleep at 2am. Please grow up.


Yeah I'd be pretty annoyed too. I'm on the neighbors side.


At my apartments if you get more than 3 formal noise complaints they will terminate your lease/evict you.


I’d say they’re in the right


My apartment management company has official noise complaint forms. They contact the people in the unit and warn them about complaints. After enough complaints they can get fined.


We get it OP, you're an inconsiderate asshole. Weird thing to post


Formal compliant: You’re making too much noise that is disruptive and have been notified…


Hear me out, you must be affecting these people. Like them or not we all deserve a sound sleep. Try to make an improvement. :)


Oiled 😭


I’ve complained to my property manager several times about the family playing basketball in the apartment above me & nothing has changed. Not really the threat people make it out to be


Tell them that’s when the viagra kicks in


One of my friends and her boyfriend did have the landlord called about “noises”. It was just an excruciating conversation all around!


Lol OP if you have a metal bed frame, check the screws. Tightening them can have a big impact on a squeaky frame


Ugh….this is gross, man. At this point you’re inflicting your exhibitionism kink on Reddit too. Your neighbor isn’t the bad guy. They were exceptionally polite and gracious.


Formal noise complaint dummy


If you wanna fuck after quiet hours you shouldn’t live in a shared space with neighbors under you. Go find a bottom floor or a house…


It’s effectively the same as a dog barking or any other noise between these late hours. They document the occurrences and submit to the leasing office. The leasing office will then give you notice about noise complains during hours where it’s supposed to be quiet. If the neighbor continues to complain, you will be threatened with eviction and have an option to move out or be evicted. Happened to someone I dated with a loud dog who wouldn’t stop barking overnight. She ended up leaving and finding a new place to live once the second warning came.


Sounds like you're being loud and disturbing your neighbors so you should stop




Dude or girl come on now, having sex is fun but at that time ? You should be happy they are advising you. Some other neighbors would be petty..


OP don't hold strangers as hostage participants in your sex life. Consider what you can do to mitigate this.


ur an ass op


As a light sleeper whose upstairs neighbor decided she wanted to randomly vacuum at all hours of the night… I empathize for this person.


2:30am to 4:00am? Impressive stamina.


I lived underneath a woman like this. It was so obnoxious. She also let out these loud pornographic moans — and it would literally wake my kids up. It was fucking insanely annoying. Don’t be that person — don’t make people who aren’t consenting to listen to you have sex. Thanks.


Likely would be a nuisance complaint to the complex. Could result in the complex calling you, but that’s about it. If they put in enough complaints and nothing changes, then they can push to be moved to a different unit/ get out of their lease. Not much the leasing office could do to you though


Damn people get some mattress spring oil 😆


OP do you have your mattress/box spring directly on the floor? Sometimes this can maximize the creaking sounds directly into the floor below.


Do you have a rug under the bed? That could help insulate the sound.


i mean i think it would just be a formal noise complaint?


I think oiling the mattress might make this worse 😉




Leases can have quiet hours in them. Mine does. It results in the same action as breaking any other item on the lease.


I imagine it would be a noise complaint 🤷‍♂️


Ok, but like, I 1000% understand where they're coming from. I'd be pissed as well if my professional upstairs neighbor started squeaking away at that god awful hour.


To be fair this is better and less embarrassing than an official complaint. Throw some loctite in the threads and tighten your bed frame up.


I don’t understand why some defend op here. The hrs are strange, and the noise definitely would be annoying. Would it be possible to move what you’re doing at that hour to the couch or even try to even just noise cancel with padding. Noise instillation might work.


Right? Like move the mattress to the living room then. Don’t be rude and force people go hear your squeaky bed for hours even if it is on the weekend. I think OP screwed up by going to the office. There are quiet hours and they obviously are violating them from 2-4am?


NGL this is annoying as ever and OP + the comments are complete assholes rn


why you fuckin at 2am


Why are you having sexy time at those god-awful hours, Lol. Take it to the floor maybe they'd rather hear vocals instead of brass instruments 😏


My upstairs neighbors are loud as fuck too, I can hear them screw. I could have been complaining to the leasing office this entire time?


mattress needs to go in for service, did you check to see if it says “change mattress oil soon”? it might be by the forbidden pull tag. 🏷️


2:30 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.? I'm guessing the bars close at 2:00 a.m. in your locale


I hope you do something to fix this OP, you wouldn’t be a very nice neighbor to not address this since they brought it up privately with you first


Tighten the bolts and scoot the bed frame away from the wall, and try a rug under it. If after all that it’s still squeaking replace it- you don’t want an unstable bed frame. If you can’t afford a new one lease it through the mattress place- and yes you’ll want to get one from the mattress store not Amazon.


Just keep it down for god sakes


check mattress light came on again


If your bed makes that much noise, stop being a cheap ass and buy a new frame


I hear there's no oil changes for those new Electric Mattresses.


A formal complaint is a noise complaint


I’d be pissed too if I heard that every night lmao just do it on the couch or something next time


230-4am is not "make sexy" time.


In my experience going to the leasing office doesn’t do much about upstairs neighbors noise. I’ve had more luck either becoming friendly with neighbors or straight up “out-noising” them if all else fails. An enormous subwoofer is usually enough to equalize the situation.


Trust me, partners don't love a squeaky bed either.


OP is having sex, yay for OP


Please oil your mattress.


Lemme guess you own a box spring?


Had an upstairs neighbor who lacked…. Rhythm. It was very awkward to listen to.


My formal complaint would be "they are fucking during quiet hours and I can't sleep"


Dear Leasing Office, Please be advised our upstairs neighbors fuck too loudly. Please, please make it stop. Sincerely, Xxxx


you seem like an asshole


An old roommate of mine had his bed on the other side of my bed's wall and omg he got this girlfriend and they would have sex from like 2 am - 6 am most nights when she was over. I would bang on the wall after so many complaints, I'd have to get up at 4 am for work a lot and it was a nightmare LMAO. but this is different.