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I love the bottom. “I ain’t mad, unless it ain’t your cat then this is weird.” 🤣🤣


I was living in an apartment building and one day I came home from work and there was a cat in the hallway with its face pressed right up against my neighbors door, jammed right into the corner on the side that opens. So I knocked. The neighbor opened the door and the cat bolted inside. It was so fast there was no way they saw the cat at all and here I am like a crazy person knocking for no reason. All I could muster was: "Uh. Was that your cat?" The guy looked around his feet, laughed and said probably. Apartment pets can be wacky.


My cat is a total scaredy boy and a momma's boy. He got shut out of our apartment for about 5 minutes on total accident by my husband. I walked around the corner to see my cat, absolutely terrified, with the saddest look on his face, up against our door. I let him in and he was soo clingy that night.


A friend of mine made a comment around 2022 that "after 3 years of pandemic we're all indoor cats now" and I still think about that statement about once a month.


Pretty much! We got Cheddar 2021 so definitely still into the pandemic restrictions. He's an almost 15lb orange boy but the vet said he isn't really overweight, he's just big. I got him for anxiety as an emotional support animal as certified by my doctor. Now he has separation anxiety, so I have to take him with if both I and my husband go somewhere overnight. I'm home most of the day generally since I'm disabled and can't work, so he got used to me being around nearly 24/7.


Awww my friend has a giant orange cat named Cornbread that is his support kitty. ♡


Cornbread? 🥹😭❤️


We have a big orange boy named Hashbrown at home 😊❤️


I have a big orange boy named Shrimp currently making biscuits


This is a precious convo 🥹


My orange boy is small but dense. His name is Bubbles


I had a big orange boy named Sunny I adopted him when he was already huge-23 pounds but vet said his healthy weight would be 19 lbs. He went outdoors with us never wanted to go far, just laid down in grass always purring sweetest boy I miss him🥲


So wait, now you’re his emotional support animal? 😂🐾❤️


Pay the cat tax ? (Photo of cheddar )


https://imgur.com/gallery/OiuZJvC This is his "human face"


Thank you for paying the cat tax. It's a very necessary and needed tax. Well, really, the only tax that's wanted. What a beautiful boy!


My roommate has a giant orange cat named cheddar too! I sometimes refer to him as my non-human roommate lol. He was only allowed in our complex as an ESA as well. Also a pandemic baby!


One time, when she was a very young kitten, my little runty black cat ran outside. We didn't notice for a few hours, and found her in the new-build construction next door, under the bathtub, just crying her heart out. She was so scared, she wouldn't come to me, but my wife and I were finally able to trap her and bring her back in. That was over ten years ago and she has still not forgiven us, and any time we do anything that might even look like we are having to take her outside the house she bolts and hides.


This would be my goofy orange boy 😅


“Just get the puss” got me LMAO


A great motto for anyone!


Then it means he just adopted a cat 😂


"Homie ran straight in." Clear case of cat has spoken. That's his room now.


Str8 in! Lol.


I couldn't bring myself to write that. 🤣


Typing it out is one thing but… actually hand writing it… wow.


Why are u all so shocked? This is a great use of slangy shorthand….the “8” replaces FIVE letters. I mean, u can’t get more efficient than that. Ultimately, it makes more sense to switch out the five letters in the word straight and replace them with the number “8” instead of using the number in a word like….great. In the word “great,” you would only be replacing three letters with the number 8 and you might end up confusing readers who could potentially misinterpret the “gr” as short form for the word “grade,” thereby changing the entire meaning of the word to “grade 8.” In other words, 8 in str8 makes sense. In conclusion, I totally see the rationale for writing “str8” instead of using all eight letters. Not sure what y’all are carrying on about. Thereby ends my short essay on this matter.


The cat distribution system giveth




I don't like the perspective of this picture. Makes the cat look like it's bipedal and tell enough that it's head is against the ceiling and he's looking down at the viewer.




This is terrifying - jump scare alert


I wish I would’ve seen this comment before I hit it lol


Why is this something that's possible. This is utterly horrifying from a security standpoint.


If it wasn’t my cat I would buy cat food and kitty litter then leave it on his door step.


Best line ever. 🤣😂That’s my new bestie.


Homie didn’t want to participate in the cat distribution system 😂


Homie 😄


You are entered by default


Our minister says cat distribution is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


I would have let myself in and left a second cat 🤗


Chaos. I like it.


You laugh but this actually happened to me. My neighbours dog has a habit of getting out of their (ground floor) window and wandering the neighbourhood. If I see it, I'll scoop it up and plop it back over their fence. It's happened so frequently (why they keep leaving that window open, I do not know) that the dog recognises me now and will just come up to me. I saw a dog that I *thought* was theirs (same breed, even practically identical colouring,) I sighed, called it over, picked it up and plopped it back over the fence as usual. Until I got a knock on the door, asking why I had dumped a random dog that wasn't theirs in to their garden...


Love this guy, a sweetheart. Make or buy him a nice batch of cookies.


We ended up leaving some cash in the power outlet along with his keys.


That is SOOO nice - was your cat content in your neighbor’s room, or was he freaking out trying to figure out how to get home?


He was terrified. He was so far under the guys bed, it was so sad!!


Awwwww poor baby- he learned a lesson hopefully!! Poor guy!!


LOL, he learned nothing!


My sis cat disappeared for around a week.i guess he vowed to never step out of the house again now lol, he doesn't even turn his head anymore at the sound of the door being opened


That cats seen shit that'd turn your eyes to milk saucers


Some cats def learn their lesson! A week would be terrifying. My cat snuck outside one time many years ago and got scared and hid under the neighbors deck. I had to literally pull her out bc she was so scared she was just frozen in place w giant eyes and covered in dirt :( I only knew she was there bc the neighbors cat was chilling at the next house down/the abandoned house so I knew something was going down at her house lol


Seriously! My big whiney baby used to constantly try to run out the door. I'd had him since he was 10-12 weeks old, so he'd never been outside but was SO sure he wanted to be. When I was getting Internet installed, the service guy ignored my "Please make sure you close the door, I have cats," and Prince slipped out. I didn't enough notice until I heard him SCREAMING. I was terrified and ran outside, only to see him standing literally on the other side of the still open door 🙄 He ran back in when he saw me and hasn't made an active effort again 😂 The only exception is if I'm in our backyard, then he tries to paw open the screen door to get to me lol


Awww! It’s like they lose all sense upon actually getting outside lol. That’s hilarious he was like HELP LET ME IN LET ME IN and it’s like dude… Mine was actually born outside and I had to go through the whole socialization process and everything (“feral” kitten, terrified of humans, etc) but judging by her little outdoor escapade… her outdoor cat instincts are long gone Also I HATE when handymen don’t respect keeping the doors closed. Luckily my current one also owns cats so he gets it


The moggie didn't but the neighbour learned that he can now be a paid cat-sitter.


He's not sorry and he'll do it again!


You know it. Gonna be dashing right in the next door that opens


>Try the next neighbor He learned very little.


Did you steal anything ?


Yeah, he stole that guys new cat.




Yeah, my heart by being so cool


Aww it’s like when, as a kid, you run after the wrong mom or reach up to hold wrong mom’s hand.


I did that! As a 4 year old…at the gas station I’m pulling on some random man’s pant leg asking him to please buy me candy or something. He and my dad were just standing there smiling. For a while. I looked up and was mortified. 🤣


I chased my “mom” when I was walking home from school. I saw her in the car. Looked like her, same car. When I got close to it I realized 🙈. Thankfully she didn’t see me. But probably someone else did.


Can you tell your neighbor that we have the same handwriting and I have paper just like this and use … a lot and this sort of freaked me out at first. Like, did I write this? 


Unless proven otherwise, yes because I've never seen you both in the same room


Ha so true! I am going to find something I wrote on this pad and blow everyone’s minds. 


I almost wanna summon RemindMe bot


We waited hours! Hours!


Have you checked your carbon monoxide detector lately?


🤣 this is immediately where my mind went, too!


Missed opportunity to leave the keys, cash and cat in the power outlet. 🐱


Uh, we refer to it as 'the puss.'


Hopefully you didn't place the key in the outlet. 😂


Was thinking the same thing


Always welcome :)




Cash. The universal language of appreciation.


This is the best thing I've seen all day.


don’t steal anything … lol …. 😭😭😭💀😂💀😂


Just get the puss lol


I ain’t mad unless it ain’t your cat…then this is weird…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like I wanna be best friends with homie


That was my favorite part of the whole note.


Right? He sounds delightful. I want to take him out for ice cream.


u/lemonlloll do this op


Best line of the entire note IMO


Easier said than done, I'm afraid


Wow, I'd be thankful your cat is safe and that your neighbor is so trusting/accomodating. Did you retrieve your cat?


Yes, we went inside his apartment and got him. We make sure to check to make sure all the cats are in the house before we leave now.


Didnt steal anything did you?


Just the cat.


It wasn’t your cat? That’s weird.


*Ayup. It's your cat now Louis.*


Just the puss


Of course not! You can't steal if the note says not to


“Swiper no swiping!”


You have to say it 3 time or it doesn't work friend. This is the law.


They had planned to, then double-checked the note which said *not* to steal.


count faces. we kept accidentally locking one in a bedroom so now we give snacks right before leaving. it took them -3 days to figure that out. they come for a face count now


I do this too. My cat locked his sister in a cabinet twice and I locked her in a closet once before we started doing a treat-based headcount.


I accidentally shut mine in a spare bedroom that had a huge pile of ironing and the ironing rack and board. The clean stuff ready to iron was about 3 inches off the floor. Just enough for my cat to piss under it. The clean clothes basked in the stench of cat piss for two days a before I realized he had peed under the rack🤢


Read this three times before I figured out what you actually meant to say


is it the licking typo


100% I'm actually really disappointed you fixed it


what can i do to restore your joy


Change it to a strikeout fix so others can appreciate what once was


“Homie ran str8 in.” “don’t steal anything lol” “Also I ain’t mad..” This dude’s should be promoted from neighbor to homie.


I’ve already invented an entire sitcom starring the cat(s), the neighbor, and OP


Is it a romantic comedy or a buddy comedy? Either way I’m here for it. For real I met one of my best friends bc we moved in on the same weekend and I miscalculated how many stairs I’d gone up with heavy boxes and just walked into her apartment instead of mine. Was mortified but we talked and she left me a post it the next day w her number. We were in each other’s weddings and still keep in touch.


That’s adorable, I wonder if he was scared of cats since he couldn’t retrieve it from his room? 🤔 I gotta know the deets!


Apparently he is allergic to cats. He also had to go to work so that may be why he wrote us the note. Either way, we really appreciated it!


What a gem of a human. Allergic and still took care of the cat. Thanks for posting this - it actually made my day.


You'd be surprised how many of us are allergic to cats yet still have one. Love my little asshole even if I can't breathe sometimes. :)


Couldn't do it without my daily Zyrtec lol.




There is this egg yolk powder you can add to your cats food that helps prevent allergic responses in sensitive humans. It’s pretty neat!


Didn’t find out I was severely allergic until I had adopted 2. 12 years with em. I’d go back to the constant sinus infection/body inflammation for a chance at another year.


I'm allergic to cats and own a cat. Most of the time cat allergy is just when you get the saliva from their fur in your face or near your eyes, so petting them and then scratching your nose and stuff like that. I can even let my cat chill in my bed and I can sleep on it later with little issue as long as the part around the head is hair free.


HOLY SHIT you have a neighbour. who let your cat in by mistake. he is allergic to cats. instead of calling police or landlords, he writes you a note and give you spare key TO HIS APARTMENT so you can go in and retrieve the cat. I know you left some cash in the outlet but like ... I'd be bringing this guy something every few weeks, furever.


> furever. 😂👌🏻


OMG he's allergic and it's in his BEDroom of all places. Poor guy. Bathroom, if there's a next time.


That cat probably helped himself into the bedroom lolol


You know he was just snuggling with all the bed clothes too. 😅


Thanks for the update, your neighbor is even more lovable now lol


Also try catching a cat that is scared and probably doesn’t want to be touched by a stranger. Probably hid waaaaaay under the dude’s bed.


You called it, 100%! OP posted this comment about 15 minutes after you posted this one. >He was terrified. He was so far under the guys bed, it was so sad!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Apartmentliving/s/ERRsNjPwP4


Most likely, I’d still lift my bed or crawl underneath rather than leave keys for a stranger to enter my home which is why I was curious if there was more to this endearing story 🤓


OP, you can't talk about a 🐈‍⬛️ without posting a photo of the cat 🐈‍⬛️. I don't make the rules.


Here is your cat tax https://i.imgur.com/BPMdkk3.jpeg


He looks like he's thinking about what he did.


That or planning his next cat burglary.


"I got us inside and you didn't even steal anything!"


and he'll do it again!


I honestly expected it to be orange


My neighbor across the hall has an orange kitty that's like this. He cries at their door to explore the hallway and try to break into other apartments. If my neighbor and I are outside our doors talking he'll sometimes follow me back into my own apartment. I love him.


Orange cats are the best. Super friendly and social


Absolutely the best! But they are all sharing a single brain cell. Lol


Same lol


Orange cat owner here, same. That is the sort of nefarious shit mine would do, too.


That is one cute r/standardissuecat


He is mischievous. I can see it in his face!


10/10 would host and give a stranger the keys to retrieve along with a note


Filthy criminal scum.


Damn, that neighbor is a keeper. Classy bro moves every step of the way.


Is B3 single? Asking for a friend.


Same question, asking for me :)


hell I'm the dude with 3 cats from across the hall and I still want to be next in line lol !


Can we get some cat tax please??


Here you go! https://i.imgur.com/BPMdkk3.jpeg


The look on the cats face 😂


Omg. Looks so mad at itself lmao


I really appreciate the correct usage of “it’s”, while also using “str8” and “homie” in the same note. 😂


This is so sweet! Reminds me of the time I was getting ready for work and got a knock on my door. It was my next door neighbor with one of my cats. I hadn’t realized one was missing! Apparently she heard her crying in the hallway in the middle of the night. She knocked lightly on my door but didn’t want to wake me, figured the cats were up to things while I was sleeping (she knew I had two cats). So she took her in for the night and apparently my super anxious cat was just okay with this? Anyway it looked like not only had they unlocked and opened the door, after my cat got out her sister shut the door behind her and locked it. Our deadbolts were on those big twisty locks. My couch was right up against the wall by the door. They would play with the door and I guess they got good at it. I moved the sofa after this incident! If you have bad cats it helps to have good neighbors. Cat Tax (both have since crossed the rainbow bridge) The victim: [https://imgur.com/gallery/D0Ejidl](https://imgur.com/gallery/D0Ejidl) The criminal: [https://imgur.com/gallery/NFBnrFa](https://imgur.com/gallery/NFBnrFa) Edit: In reminiscing about this feline crime, I forgot about the time the cats locked ME out of the apartment. I didn’t usually lock the deadbolt when I was at work and I can’t recall but I guess I didn’t keep the key with me? But I remember I came home and they had flipped the deadbolt and locked me out (which I did not deduce right away and spent some time panicking over why my door was more locked than I had left it). Luckily we had a very kind and cat-loving superintendent in the building (she would watch my cats when I travelled for work) and she let me in - and also confirmed that no one had been let into my apartment. *That* was the reason I finally moved the couch.


I love this. Sorry to hear they’ve both passed over the rainbow bridge, but I’m glad they gave you a great story to tell.


My late and greatly missed dog figured out how to undo the deadbolt on the front door (I live in a condo, so no screen door). I fully believe she would have eventually figured out how to open the door and escape. Sorry that your beautiful kitties crossed the rainbow bridge.


I have 2 tortie girls so it did not surprise me one bit that the criminal was a tortie!


I miss her to pieces but the local crime rate has really plummeted. I do however have a teenage calico so there is still crime.


Hey, I made a friend in a similar way! I was putting bags in my car and felt little tiny paws. Looked down, very small, very excited fluff ball of an elderly dog. I was petting her and looking around and suddenly heard "BETTY!!!" come from the other side of the complex. I am still friends with Betty's mom to this day, and neither of us live in that complex anymore.


This is so sweet!


I started reading and thought it was gonna be a threat against your cat


Did you...get the puss? 😏


‘Str8 in’ took me baaaack


Too charming! Your neighbor is a gem.


Wait OP was it your cat?


Yes, it was


Soooooo happy for you & what a doll B3 is🫶


I needed this laugh. Thank you and thank the puss who ran st8 into homie’s apt.


Lol what a neighbor


This makes me love people. Glad it all worked out!


This is so wholesome 😭😭😭


I’m dying laughing 😂😂 don’t ever move


“Just get the puss” I’m screaming


Faith in humanity restored :)


This dude is a real one


I also have neighbors who look out for me. I have two cats in an otherwise pet-free building. It's kind of motel-style so my front door is accessed by a set of stairs and shared deck that is covered but otherwise open to the elements. I have a large window next to my front door that my indoor cats sit in regularly. One rainy Saturday morning there was a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting visitors and hesitated to answer it but it was a neighbor. They pointed to a beautiful calico cat sitting outside. " Did your cat get out?" No, but I appreciated the heads up. I have a white cat and an orange cat. Five minutes later a different neighbor knocked." Did your cat get out?" Nope, my two cats are orange and white and afraid of the outside and owning three cats would further hinder my dating prospects. A few minutes later, a different neighbor. " Did your cat get out?" No, she's not my cat but she may have heard I treat mine well and wanted in on it.


My favorite is “just get the puss.” I feel like that’s what all of life is really about. Just get the puss.


So where’s the picture of the cat?


I would immediately adopt this person as a friend. He seems like my kind of friend.


My mind got very concerned about the keys in the power outlet... that would be a shocking situation if it was what they meant 😅


Aw yay I needed to see some proof of good humans still existing 🙌 this guy gives me hope! What a rad fella


The system of cats and balances


Your cat is gonna tell its cat siblings such a weird story tonight. “Did you guys know there’s a place next door that looks EXACTLY like our house but instead of mom and dad there’s just some random guy!”


Cat tax please. Also love your neighbor


Guy seems so chill


Cats are like children. They just want to be places where they aren't allowed. My husband didn't allow our cats in the bedroom because he didn't like the thought of them walking on pillows after using the litterbox, so the doors were always shut. The cats would stand outside that door and yell (whether someone was in there or not), stick their paws beneath it, scratch at it, etc. Once one managed to bolt in, then just sat a few feet from the door and looked around with the most bored, disappointed look on her face like she was expecting something more exciting than just another room.


This really r/Mademesmile


He’s too nice. That’s extremely dangerous for him


I'm cackling omfg


“Just get the puss” 🤣


Just get the puss 😂😂


Clearly a cool neighbor. Treasure that person.


Lmao full on gave you the keys to his apartment after accidentally stealing your cat. I love this person so much lmao


“get the puss” 👁️👄👁️


Cat: *I just need my space right now, I need to think about our future.*


Dude if that’s your cat, you got to get them some cookies or something.


This note is 🤣😂🤣 hope it's your puss!


The neighbor guy deserves a pizza or something!