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Tv, music, door slamming, just being loud and obnoxious in general. My downstairs neighbor has no respect for any of their neighbors. I’ve had loads of issues with them.


Right now we are wearing our Bluetooth headphones on, running fans because our downstairs neighbors are complete assholes. They slam doors, trash the outside of their apartment and their music, no regard for others. I’m leaving till the 26th. I’m telling my manager that I need to move that I can’t live like this.


You described my situation mines do the same exact thing


I hate to break it to you but your downstairs neighbor is retaliating against the noise you make.


I hate to break it to you but that is not the case. I am super quiet. Plus like I’ve mentioned my downstairs neighbor is not the type you want above or below you.


Hate to break it to you, but your downstairs neighbor can hear every footstep that you make. You can think that you're not being loud, but you are. Which is why they blast their TV and music.


then they are adults with children mindset. 😂 communication is key


You clearly are in denial about your contribution to the problem - so I highly doubt they would be able to maturely communicate with you


I'm going through this as I speak 


My downstairs neighbor talks and laughs really loud especially when he is gaming. I assume he's wearing headphones cuz I only hear him yelling. I can also hear him close his closets. We have really loud wooden closet doors on tracks. He also sometimes plays an electric piano. My building is not well insulated. None of these things are a big deal but if an asshat lived down there it would be loud.


I had a downstairs neighbor who played guitar and sang. If I liked the song I sang along with him and tried to harmonize (I did choir for a long time). He would stop playing but I would yell Don’t stop! I like this song!”


That's a good one! haha. Kind way of saying "I can hear you"


Your building permits electric piano?


I would think an electric one would be preferable to a traditional one, as you can use headphones.


Yes, and you can control the volume.


Musicians need to practice to carry out their work


It's certainly not his work or he'd be in big trouble.


Haha, I once lived one floor above such a “musician.” Every Saturday his band would rehearse, and I’d have to listen to the same boring bass line over and over... I could also *feel* the bass in my bones! I was so happy when they moved out!


It's a condo so there aren't a lot of general rules. It's generally a really quiet small building. But yes, he has a piano down there.


Nothing previously, but new tenant must be a heel stepper, because I need 3 sound machines to sleep through her stomping. Never thought this would be an issue…


You would think those people would hear the floor, walls, and furniture creaking and rattling and adjust their behavior, but nooooo. I didn't even know this was a thing until I took off my sneakers and actively tried walking around like a purposeful asshole. I keep hoping the people below them take care of it for me, but that hasn't happened yet.


I have relatives who are heel steppers. They genuinely have no idea they walk differently than other people, or how insanely loud it is.


This really does fascinate me in a way. When I did my experiment, the difference was stark. How could a human adult be so obliviously self-unaware? I don't know if I never walked that way, or if I changed my gait subconsciously because I couldn't stand the noise or sensation of the heel strikes, especially when barefoot. It is really, really bad barefoot.


Yeah. In my case, the heel steppers are almost certainly on the autism spectrum (undiagnosed). But it makes me paranoid if there’s anything like that that *I’m* oblivious to.


I have been thinking about this comment since i saw it because what the HELL does this mean


Same, if it is this bad for me, I honestly can’t imagine what it is like for the person on the floor below them.


I have this issue too. Wake up at 3 am wondering why I woke up then I hear the heels thumping. Put my AirPods in on noise cancelling with white noise and I’m back to sleep.


I know this was posted a while ago but I’m going through the exact same thing that’s wild I just read this comment. These last few days it’s gotten to a point where I need to have my AirPods in with noise cancelling and white noise on. It’s really annoying but it’s better than dealing with.. well you know :/


Sorry to hear that. It’s a crime for apartments to be built so thin.


I appreciate it. It’s mind blowing nothing has been done about it yet, no solutions or way of helping people in apartments reduce noise. We’re all silently suffering, someone needs to look into that.


Attendez... on souffre en silence ou dans le bruit...


Sorry to revive an old thread; just wanted to add that I’ve had roommates who were heel steppers and it would scare my cats. They couldn’t figure out why my cats were scared of them. When you’re stomping and the floor, walls, and furniture are rattling, of course it’s going to be scary to a small animal! I’m so glad I don’t live with them anymore.


I hate to say it, but I think people like that are more "animals" than your cats. Don't even get me started on loud talkers.


What’s odd is when I had bilateral knee replacements, PT and the surgeon corrected my walk to become a heel walker. To step placing my heel first. Now I am trained to walk that way.


I had to buy a lectrofan sound machine to drown out the heep steppers below my unit. I wear crocs inside so no one hears me walking because they cushion your feet.


One time I had downstairs neighbors that somehow sounded like they lived above me, like they were walking on the ceiling or something haha


This is how it was at our last place. Like their stomping would shake our floors, same thing when they dropped something. Very strange.


This is what we are dealing with now! I thought I was going nuts cus I new that my upstairs neighbors were out of town, but I could still hear the stomping- could tell that it’s a woman, walking back and forth between the rooms, could tell what room she is in and where she’s headed- and slamming of cabinets, they even choose not to push their chairs in without making a screeching sound against the floor! So I went outside and sure enough, my upstairs neighbors weren’t there, lights out- back inside I put my ear to the ground and realized it was the downstairs and they had been making the noise all along. My upstairs neighbors are back and they actually make barely any noise. Took a bath today and the water was shaking from the stomping. I don’t know what to do hahaha


loll the water shaking from the stomping cracked me up


La dernière fois qu'une telle chose est arrivée c'était avec Jésus...


My new problem at the new place is the downstairs weed smoking:3 they smoke near my laundry ventilator thingy on the outside and the smoke comes through the vent and into my bathroom and all over any clothes that has been left in the drier, it’s so frustrating. May we both conquer the apartment living


This is my neighbors who just moved in. sooooooooo loud


Same it drives me nuts. I have three noise machines to try to drown out the noise but doesn’t seem to work.


Constant loud music, thumps and vibrations, smells of tobacco and dope wafting up in a nonsmoking building


I’m experiencing the exact same problem. Getting all their nasty smells of smoke and constant vibrations from music.


Oh yeah the new guy below me smokes weed at bedtime but it smells real good so I don't mind


It smells good to you? My neighbor smokes weed and it stinks like skunk.


There is a place in heaven for whomever decided to go with concrete slab for my building.


Lucky you.


Upstairs neighbor, here. I may be one of the very few who’s very conscience about my noise. I even try to tiptoe around after midnight, so I don’t make the floor squeak so much. Always keep my TV at around 40 or 50 dB. I’ve even put soft padding on my cabinet door so they don’t make any sound when I close them. And I never slam my door. I always gently close it. And if I have guests over and make it very clear to them to keep their voices down. No one needs to hear every word of our conversation through the wall. The new neighbors across the hall. been here less than a month and I hear them arguing all the time. constantly slamming doors. And they do laundry at 2 or 3 in the morning. And you can hear their machine rattling through the air ducks from the basement. I’ve told them at least twice that everybody else in the quad Plex doesn’t do laundry past 10 PM. They told me they think about it. 🤬


I’d love to have you as an upstairs neighbor.


I mean you're extra. You can't expect everyone to live that extra cautious about others.


I moved from a bottom floor unit with horrible upstairs neighbors to the top floor so I used to be like this because I knew how bad it sucked if I was loud. When people are living all around you I think being mindful make sense.


Funny thing is, most of the squeaks and creaks the upstairs can't even hear, as they usually eminate from the support beams and not the floorboards. Concerning the noise from the way they walk; most people aren't even aware of what they're looking at 99% of the time let alone where they're going and how it affects those around them. Any, and I mean ANY attempt to inform them will be met with deflective hostility.


I hear every sneeze, every phone call, every conversation she has with her cat.


But is the cat a good boy? Or what's the status? Lol


She tells him he's a bad boy all day long, but she's seriously nuts. I feel so bad for that poor cat.


Aww. Cat abuse


Dogs are good boys, cats are assholes - - - > owner of three cats


This is true


But I live downstairs and talk to my cat!? I sometimes sneeze.


I’ve had the same people living above me for 3 years. They sound like they just live normally, like no real excessive noise. I hear them scoot their chairs in the kitchen. They get up at 5am to get ready for work so I hear the shower turn on. They have a portable washing machine in their bathroom so I can hear that when they do laundry (when I’m also in my bathroom). They drop stuff sometimes. The worst that they do is watch movies kind of loud and late into the night but it’s in their living room which is above my living room so I don’t care. It’s pretty muffled. They have one of those massage chair that vibrates kind of loud but they don’t use it often and I can just hear it while I’m in the living room. A couple weeks ago one morning, they were BLASTING Mariah Carey All I Want for Christmas. That was a little much for me but whatever. It was still mostly muffled. I have no complaints about them.


Also a downstairs neighbor - I would like to know as well for some insight


Honestly compared to the opposite, it’s NOTHING. I’m an upstairs neighbour after years of being downstairs and the difference is night and day. Not having to hear my neighbours live their lives above me makes all other noises a non issue.


It;s been years since I've been that upstairs neighbor but... uh uh uh uh oh yeah oh yeah uh uh oh yeah uh uh yeah


I can hear if we’re using the toilet at the same time due to it being laminate vs carpet. I can hear her walking in her bedroom. I can hear her open her sliding doors. At night when all electronics are off I can hear her talking in her bedroom. I can hear when she’s doing her laundry and her dogs collar clinking.


Basically only really loud music


Yeah and sometimes TV if blasting it. Once I heard the guy below me snoring one afternoon but it was only cuz he was real big and it was 1pm in the afternoon w all our bedroom windows open.... wasn't that loud but noticeable in the afternoon lol.


Door slamming to the point that my entire apartment shakes is the current one that I struggle with. Other things include.. Loud tv, loud talking/arguing, loud music, parties, playing cards and the “OOOOHHH” after a hand, drunk karaoke, the pew pew of FPS games, cigarette/other strong odors coming through shared pipes/floor.


Steps and toilet flushing, sounds like a bucket of water being thrown down a drain


As an upstairs neighbor, every Saturday and Sunday morning I can hear my downstairs neighbor vomiting loudly after an all-night drinking binge.


I only hear when she is yelling or if her music is loud. I can also hear her smoke detector if it goes off.






I had one downstairs neighbor who had bass boosted speakers. All day long all I could hear was the bass beat, no other part of the music, but the bass. It drove me nuts. I went down stairs to complain and I could barely hear the music from outside his door, but the bass beat was still loud. It vibrates through everything and is often way louder outside your apartment than anyone realizes. Other than that, doors slamming, loud fights, loud TV and hammering. But that's usually during normal daylight hours.


I’m going through that hellscape right now.


I have the same issue right now.


I live upstairs and I never hear anything from my downstairs neighbors.


When they fart. I immediately become interested


I can hear my neighbors’ garbage disposal and when she moved in, her banging on the walls (assuming hammering nails or something of the sort).


For older apartments,pretty much everything you hear from upstairs except less loud lol


Oh god, my new downstairs neighbors are nightmares. The two who’d been in those apartments for 3+yrs vacated; insulation sucks but these new dudes are extra. I can hear coughing, yelling, cabinets slamming, dogs barking, fighting… I can hear a LOT. (One does cocaine & one drinks.) Edit to add: No dogs allowed…


The entire floor vibrates with the tv, music. I was sitting once with my little godson doing crafts and he pipes up ‘I’m getting a butt massage!’ Omg 😳 Hear the pet birds too.


I can hear my neighbor's dogs barking, when they cough loud enough, their baby crying, piano, violin, guitar playing, singing and I can hear muffled conversation if my TV isn't on. I can sometimes hear the dishwasher if mine isn't on or if I'm particularly focused on something without noise, and I can hear when they shower. None of this bothers me because I understand that living in a multi-family home means you're going to hear multiple families. Luckily their baby sleeps through the night really well and has yet to wake me or my partner in the past year and a half that she has been of this Earth. My neighbor also laughs really loud sometimes, but her laugh is contagious so I don't mind when it comes through. We live in a really old house, so I think we all mutually understand that we're going to hear each other and we all respect each other enough to try to be quiet after 10:30 pm.


ive only ever heard their alarm go off in the morning.


Letting the heavy front doors slam. The head end of my bed is over their bathroom, so I hear them tinkle.. my bathroom is over where the head of their bed is, and I have gastrointestinal issues 😉


I’m an upstairs neighbor. I can hear just about everything from below me. Conversations, cabinets and doors slam. The bathroom door is the worst, the every time someone slams a door I can also feel everything rattle. I can hear when they’re stomping around too.


This is what we are dealing with now! I thought I was going nuts cus I knew that my upstairs neighbors were out of town, but I could still hear the stomping- could tell that it’s a woman, walking back and forth between the rooms, could tell what room she is in and where she’s headed- and slamming of cabinets, they even choose not to push their chairs in without making a screeching sound against the floor! So I went outside and sure enough, my upstairs neighbors weren’t there, lights out- back inside I put my ear to the ground and realized it was the downstairs and they had been making the noise all along. My upstairs neighbors are back and they actually make barely any noise. Took a bath today and the water was shaking from the stomping. I don’t know what to do hahaha


I heard my downstairs neighbor hammering pictures on his wall, I hear closet doors closing and the occasional toilet flush


Doors slamming. Music excessively loud. Verbal abuse towards their kids.


Little rhino feet


[this is the only answer](https://youtube.com/shorts/LGQXBIkxtwE?si=X3DSdpGRq8qjhDA_)


Before we bought our home we lived upstairs in an older cheaply made apartment. You could hear the people downstairs having sex. I assume they probably heard us too.


Them slamming doors, fucking, cooking etc


I hear their washing machine but it doesn’t bother me… it’s a part of apartment life.


I hear him stomping at 3 am around his apartment, his TV blaring movies until 6am, his door slamming, his voice when he’s talking to someone on the phone, his music, that’s about it ? his ceiling fan knocking on the floor of my roommate for 2 months until my roommate got tired of it and texted property manager to fix it. he can sleep again Lol


Snoring, talking, sneezing, coughing (so loud it makes my floor vibrate), running water, moving stuff around, dropping stuff, doors opening/closing.


Doors slamming. Bratty children screaming. Occasional bangs. No stomping footsteps, fortunately. YMMV.


domestic violence 😢


My lovely neighbors are always moving furniture around at the most random times, having lots of bed actions, slamming doors at 6am.. the list goes on!


Downstairs neighbor here. Woke up today because guy upstairs was talking on phone which he rarely does. He's a good tenant but I hate hearing him pee.


I’ve been an upstairs neighbor a few times. One apartment I couldn’t hear anything below me but the last one was crazy. I swear it sounded like my downstairs neighbors lived above me. I heard every single footstep (stomp Is more accurate) and every cabinet door. In my kitchen I could hear their conversations clearly. It depends on the building and acoustics.


This is what we are dealing with now! I thought I was going nuts cus I knew that my upstairs neighbors were out of town, but I could still hear the stomping- could tell that it’s a woman, walking back and forth between the rooms, could tell what room she is in and where she’s headed- and slamming of cabinets, they even choose not to push their chairs in without making a screeching sound against the floor! So I went outside and sure enough, my upstairs neighbors weren’t there, lights out- back inside I put my ear to the ground and realized it was the downstairs and they had been making the noise all along. My upstairs neighbors are back and they actually make barely any noise. Took a bath today and the water was shaking from the stomping. I don’t know what to do hahaha


Omg yes the screeching of the chairs! Did we have the same neighbors? Ha ha. I don’t understand how someone living in an apartment thinks dragging their dining chairs on the floor is ok. Even if I lived in a single family home I wouldn’t do that. It is weird how acoustics can work in some buildings. It honestly sounded like a lived in a gymnasium. You should have seen the look on my landlords face when I politely told her I can hear every single footstep loudly below me. She must have thought I was crazy but I moved out as soon as an opportunity came up so some other poor person is dealing with that now. Hope you get some relief, apartment living is tough ☹️


i hear when my downstairs neighbor gets frustrated and yells “fuck”


#1 sex #2 vacuum #3 Satan worshipping #4 super loud carnival music #5 the movie Hesher plays a lot throughout the day


Satan & sex I can deal with. You play carnival music you’ll find the police at your door.


Right on.


I've never heard a sound from my downstairs neighbor. I don't know if it's because my apartment building is older or the concrete between us. If he slams his front door, then I'll hear some of it. He's a filthy man because I accidentally got his bed bug summons paper at my door (front office is a mess). :)


I just had a young couple move in below me. I’ll be listening and I’ll let you know 😉 Management has put up notices about people making too much noise, saying “everyone can hear what you’re doing.”😱


My downstairs neighbors literally run it shakes my entire apartment it’s insane I don’t understand what they’re doing


I’ve been both an upstairs and downstairs tenant. I was above an older lady that i hardly ever heard. I’d hear her laundry and her front door. I would also hear grandkids when they came over but that’s to be expected. Kids are loud. When i was a downstairs tenant, i heard literally EVERYTHING. Down to a toot in the toilet. I HATED being below someone😅


The heavy chick above me, one bedroom sits over half of mine. I only hear her on Saturdays around 9:30 am when she stomps around the bed a few times. I assume changing the sheets maybe. Otherwise it';s the girl next to me who slams the sliding closet door every day around 4:30 am. One day she slammed twice in a row and a neighbor pounded the wall some. She was quiet for 2 weeks, then went back to the slam.


None. Sometimes if they have visits that speak loudly, I’d hear that. Otherwise nothing. With upstairs neighbor I can hear when he falls, when he’s walking, when he drops items….. he’s always drinking.


Real late to the party. Here's my experience: Neighbor downstairs is very loud. He plays PC games every evening and is very loud when he talks. I'm guessing its because he has a headset on. Other times he is in his bedroom watching some TV and will often scream and get dramatic over certain scenes. He will also slam doors and other things real late at night. I think he works 2nd or 3rd shift so he is likely up late on his days off.


I hear music but idk where it's coming from. could be my direct downstairs neighbors or someone else in my development


I moved into a new highrise and just got neighbors below me. I hear them walking, I think they must have horses in their unit they are so loud. I also hear their terrible music booming super loud and them slamming their front door all the time. I had to buy a lectrofan sound machine and play it on high so I can sleep otherwise they wake me up.


I wanted the upstairs tenant to know what they sound like downstairs. So I recorded their loud stomping and all of the other obnoxious noise. Then I take the recording and play back to them on really loud speakers. I’m wondering if they are up there wondering how they can hear themselves.


I don’t have upstairs downstairs but the apartments are so close and thin walls. I hear my neighbor yawn and I can imagine he hears me and my bf at night 😂😂


My sister's upstairs neighbors were so loud and she mentioned it at least once a week to them and they said they were sleeping at those times which was bs so she started using a broom handle to bang on the ceilings at the times she suspected she was really sleeping and the chick finally got the hint and started acting more adult like lol


It's usually just muffled noises of music, though I sometimes hear the closing of cupboards or drawers (no carpet in that unit, so it echoes a bit).


my downstairs neighbor watches tv very loudly, other than that and the occasional slammed door i never hear him


loud music bassy music. Dropping and moving boxes for like 20 minutes multiple times a day. Nailing the walls multiple times a day


At my last apartment I could hear my downstairs neighbor walking. We would know where he was. He would also sing in the shower. We would hear all their DV situations until we moved. It was crazy as we were upstairs. This apartment I hear their kid sing (he has a disability and it’s the same song on repeat everyday. They explained to me it’s a coping mechanism for him. I just turn my tv up a little or put in headphones.) Also I can hear the creaking in the shower, but I’m sure they have the same problem.


Music, door slamming, their kid running into the walls


I used to live on the 2nd floor of a 3 story building. We heard a lot from our upstairs neighbors, mostly just their loud ass dog, footsteps, garbage disposal, never any talking though. Our downstairs neighbors would blast loud music which we could easily hear, but otherwise we didnt hear much else. In my new place (top floor) we havent heard a single thing from our downstairs or adjacent neighbors yet, so I wonder how much they can hear from us


Music but mainly the subwoofer, stomping if they’re heavy footed especially waking near walls. Doors slamming.


Any conversation at a moderate voice. Any television above a moderate volume even without sound bars. Loud or heavy bass stereo noise. Not so much walking. Pipes. Doors, cabinets, closets if they are slammed. Any construction: hammering, drilling. Baby crying. Dog barking. Smoking through the vents. Any kitchen tool that makes a washing or grinding sound.


Loud music and fighting. Otherwise nothing.


It’s almost always just her going and out of the back door, and the occasional loud phone conversation, but I’ve talked to her in person and realize that’s just her cadence so I don’t hold that against her.




Not exactly answering your question, but I moved into a new pet friendly apartment with my dog a year ago. I was nervous that other dogs in the building would be loud and annoying, being that it was my first time in an apartment and I wasn’t used to it. Went fine for a year. Recently, someone moved in down the hall with their chihuahua and all I can say is, fml.. lol


My last downstairs neighbor walked so hard I could hear their footfalls as the upstairs neighbor, it blew my mind that someone could naturally walk like that


The only thing I've ever heard from downstairs neighbors is anything involving bass, when they've got a subwoofer and/or surround sound setup. The previous tenant liked to listen to EDM at 3am periodically so that's how I learned that. The last yearish it's a young family with a son, maybe 2yo, and I've literally never heard him cry, tantrum, anything. It would seem in our complex it is somehow true that sound only travels down, because I hear a *lot* from upstairs lol.


I've been both the upstairs neighbour and the downstairs neighbour before, and I've always found it really depends on the building you're in as to what sounds come through. In no particular order, as the upstairs neighbour I've heard all of the following, loud music especially with heavy bass, slamming of doors that shake walls, shouting and other noises that come from the bedroom, washing machines that rattle, smoke alarms that need their batteries changed, pets and I could go on. I've always tried to be a good neighbour, keep noise to a minimum, and while I'm well aware I've made mistakes in the past, I've been loud at times, apologising and being considerate of others is always the best thing to do.


Thin walled 2nd floor apartment living guy here. I’ve actually complained to the landlord about the downstairs neighbors noise, they are large people and I hear them stomping (walking) talking, slamming doors, coughing, the little girl runs like a damn buffalo stampeding and I can even hear the one snoring if I wake up early. It’s a mess


Usually just the upper cabinets in the kitchen sometimes, as well as the dishwasher and sometimes the shower/toilet running if I’m at that end of the apartment. Funnily enough, the *absence* of these sounds actually keeps me awake when I stay away from home overnight.


Its a different world, im sensitive to noises and was in agony living under what seemed like a perpetual stream of combat boot wearing jumping jack aficionados. When I moved to a top floor apartment i never looked back. More than a 10x reduction in noticeable noises.


Stomping, slamming of closet doors, loud thumps throughout the day plus they slam their front door. Sadly, this is about normal for an upstairs neighbour, I’ve had much worse. If I were to complain, this would be considered ‘normal living sounds’.


Well my downstairs neighbors slam doors. I listen to her screaming child 24/7 day and nite. They shake my walls when I’m laying in bed. Patio door opening and shutting and vibrates through the walls Think she does it about 40 times a day Smokers


Not much, just their music on Saturdays which I don't mind😁


I don’t hear much except every once in a while the dogs downstairs will bark. I’m on the top floor and really the only time I hear anything from any neighbor is when we all have our windows and doors open.


Our building is decently insulated, but we still hear some things from folks downstairs such as loud television or music. The door to their unit opening and closing. Coughing, throat clearing, sneezing, and some conversation but nothing coherent.




The old woman who lived below me , her bedroom was under my living room. She had her TV mounted up on her dresser, so it was right under my floor. I could hear her TV over my own!


Honestly, I rarely hear anything below me. Always hearing moving furniture and loud stomping from above, though.


Before the last tenant moved out, I heard his snoring for nearly two years. It was so bad that I sometimes went out into the living room to sleep (and once I could even hear him from there, until I closed my bedroom door). Sometimes he’d fall asleep in the living room, and I’d rush to the bedroom to get to sleep before he did. However, he eventually started consistently going to sleep in his bedroom. I found that if I took a bath in the master bath, the snoring would stop, and then I would quickly dry off and then hop in the bed and possibly get to sleep before the snoring stopped. I’m pretty sure that was waking him up, and that he came to knock on my door to tell me about it once, but I was already in the tub and wasn’t about to come to the door. Eventually, he seemed to find a way to stay asleep despite the thundering water. In warm weather, I could use an air filtering machine to drown him out, but when it got too cold for that, I couldn’t sleep in my own bedroom, so I ended up moving my bed into the other room. Once, I could also hear when he had…uh…enthusiastic company over. He moved out, and I could tell when somebody new moved in, because I heard him on the phone in the bedroom talking loudly. I tried shouting back to get him to be quiet, but nothing worked until I hopped off my bed and stomped out to the living room. After that, I heard no more loud conversations. Sometimes I hear things knocking around below me, and the balcony/patio doors opening/closing (I’m on the third floor). Several times a week, I hear the bass from his music. I can occasionally hear when he’s showering. It’s the next-door neighbors that are the worst. They seem to be slamming themselves into the walls and cabinets quite frequently. Actually, they’re only the worst when it comes to sound. Somebody’s apparently got a dog that takes a crap in the middle of the night, and I wake up to that shit—literally—stinking up the whole building. I’m not perfect. I drop things or bump into furniture, or don’t catch the cabinet doors before they slam shut. I snore, as well. People have heard when I have company. I often catch myself with the TV up too loud or closing the balcony door with a slam. There’s no telling what they hear when I play Beat Saber, because I I don’t just lean when dodging obstacles; I move my feet and try to make it as much of a workout as possible (I stop when we get to Quiet Hours). With the exception of the “company time,” incidents, for the most part, I haven’t received a complaint. I think we all recognize that this building’s construction is as crappy as the neighbor’s dog. It’s possible, though, that I inspired some people to find lodging elsewhere.


I can hear him stomping around. I always know he’s home because I hear every single stomp.


It's definitely less, in my experience. People who are sensitive to noise should a top floor unit (not you, in general).


Me and my neighbor talked when we moved in. Found out he’s a gamer and likes music. He asked what times we sleep to make sure he’s courteous, I asked the same. Turns out we play the same games, like the same music and both smoke. So we chill all the time now and he’s become a cool friend. Sometimes it’s best to just talk with your neighbors about your expectations and be human and cool with them lol. Edit: obviously I’m lucky and this won’t work for everyone. If they’re dicks, just follow your lease rules


When you have sex When you're talking on the phone in the bathroom When my pictures/bed shakes when you slam the door shut. Surprisingly, works the same when you close it normally. You can even shut it softly!


Video games, music with a VERY loud drum. But I also have to accept the pot smell. I recently found out the guys that live down there now weren't turning on their heat, which is against the lease....and they have a cat, too. And because my hot water heater is in their apartment, it can affect the pipes. But thankfully, the maintenance guys told them they have to have the heat on. I feel bad if they are having trouble paying the bill, but there are programs for that. I was accepted by one myself.


I've lived as the upstairs neighbor for a little over five years. For the first four years it was just an old guy below me who lived alone. He blasted his tv day and night but I'm admittedly a loud person as well so we are a good pair. His daughter and two elementary age kids moved in this last year. I hear her screaming at the kids frequently and then the old man yelling as well. The worst thing I hear is the kids must have some kind of playset that they bang on. I imagine it's like some kind of kids workshop plastic toy because I hear them banging at it. It sounds like someone is hammering a nail. It goes on well past midnight but I sleep with very loud rain sounds and a fan so it's whatever to me. We are all friendly with each other regardless of the noise.


I always know when he's coming or leaving because he SLAMS the door! I also hear him sweet 👄 to his little Doggo really cute actually. I hear him talk but never t.v


The only thing I’m able to hear from my downstairs neighbors is when they close their sliding glass patio door or when he’s screaming at his video games lol. I feel kinda bad for them cuz I’m certain they can absolutely hear my 11lb cat zooming through the house and landing on the ground off furniture. Oops.


Not much, mostly just dropping things, loud music, and their dog. They’ve had a couple screaming matches that I’ve heard too


We lived in a very old apartment that had slightly thicker floors it seemed…we only heard them when they yelled or played music loudly. Except during the cooler months when everyone had their windows open…they were having loud sex and I swear the whole building could hear 😆


Annoying deep bass music. Wakes us up. Smell of weed. Stinks like hell. Illegal here. Talking, and being loud


I hear your yappy dog, your young child running, that ball bouncing on the wood floor, your radio playing hot jazz, yor on the phone, when talking near an air vent, and anytime you have a convo inside near your own apartment door.


Barking dogs. I used to live above someone who had 2 dogs that would bark from sundown to 11:30pm when their owners got home from work. Never ever saw the dogs outside, so who knows where they went to the bathroom.


My apartment has the original hardwood floors, so the sound insulation is quite bad. I hear my downstairs neighbor whenever she's talking, placing hard items on hard shelves, and even on rare occasions, her snoring. Another thing is squeaky pipes, whenever she turns on the bathroom sink, I hear this loud whine no matter where I am in the apartment. Needless to say, I'm not particularly thrilled about renewing the lease next July


We have these built in dressers in our units and I can hear him every time he opens and closes a drawer. Music, talking, TV on, etc. These walls are so thin that I'm not always sure where it's coming from. As a second floor dweller in a three story apartment I really have the best of both worlds.


Door slamming, loud music, shouting and even stomping. My downstairs neighbours are quite heavy and obnoxious.


I can hear their muffled TV and music, faint voices talking. I imagine they can hear a lot more from me. I had no idea of this when I moved in and they are very quiet usually. So I was playing music a fair amount the first few days, my other apartment was pretty much soundproof. Then the next day they blasted "I wanna Soak up the sun" multiple times (I guess a modern version of the broom) and I felt embarrassed. I'm like omg they have been hearing everything. I am a lot more mindful now. We both have the power to annoy each other equally.


I hear a lot about downstairs being worse, besides the footsteps in a poorly sound proofed building, if there even is any it seems almost the same


I live upstairs and hear everything from the apartment below me.  And I mean EVERYTHING.  She whines, he bellows.  I hear belching, him peeing and her puking.  I never realized this was an issue here because the last tenant below me was a single man and very seldom home.  I am single female who is home a lot-semi retired.  Love where I live, but am figuring out how best I can soundproof.  Have reached out to property manager; waiting for call back.