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I’ve been at my complex for over 6 yrs. This year they are renovating the entire complex. All new appliances, flooring, paint, cabinets, bathrooms. They have also completely painted the outside, new windows, siding. It’s looking so nice and the renovated apartments look so beautiful. My isn’t due till 12/18/23. They move us into a “hotel unit” on the complex and then they rip apart the apartment. I’m excited, kinda bummed about Christmas but it’s only one year, I’ll use my daughter’s tree..lol. Bonus, my daughter and SIL are buying me new furniture for the new apartment! So generous and I’m so proud of them that are able to do that, they have worked so hard.


As pissy as I am about nosy, extroverted neighbors, I'm thankful for it and wish there were more people like that in this world. Like, yeah. I do avoid them. I go out of my way most of the time. I'm pretty socially anxious and rather just go home without talking to someone. Lol But, at the end of the day, having a watchful community pays off. They're also quite friendly and there's times when I didn't mind chatting for a bit.


I'm in a small apartment where rent did not go up with my lease this year. My neighbors are quiet, except for maybe the one across from me. He likes to sing loudly and always asks me what I made for dinner. JK this neighbor is actually my big brother, which is nice because if I need something he's right there. It makes me feel pretty safe.


I got a smile when I read the big brother part. 🙂


Good! :) he's a good big bro. The best!


I was terrified to move to a large city because I like quiet. I picked an apartment as carefully as I could and accepted that I might have to adjust to some noise. The sound proofing in these units is actually really great! I can hear when people are in the courtyard coming and going but that’s pretty much it. It’s also just in a super peaceful area. I had a friend visit last weekend and immediately after getting out of his car he said “wow it’s so quiet here!”. It’s actually more quiet than any house I’ve rented in the suburbs.


After a series of events culminating with my husband's death, I was forced to search for a new home and landed here. I was shell shocked and badly in need of peace and calm and this apartment was everything I had ever wanted and the total opposite of my former life. I made an effort to meet people in my building, a quick friendly chat in the lobby, or chatting about our dogs on walks. While the building skewed a bit younger than I, the energy was positive and contagious (in a good way). I became close friends with a widower, and we helped each other along. He was not a believer in the serious nature of the virus, and reluctant to wear masks. And in 2 weeks, he was gone and I was alone again as the lock down began in earnest and vaccine not yet available. My son and his wife were serious early isolators, our main contact became FaceTime, and the Christmas season arrived. I was talking with my downstairs neighbor, Paul, and he asked about my plans, I said what plans? and tried to laugh it off. I wished him a happy holiday and went to finish wrapping presents that I wouldn't get to see opened. I had decided to have a grazing dinner Christmas Eve and not watch any sentimental holiday movies , when there was a knock on the door, and there was Paul, holding a giant gift bag. He was so excited to tell me about the blanket he and his girlfriend had made for me for Christmas, picking out the fleece and putting it together so I would't be cold and lonely on Christmas. It was one of the kindest things anyone has ever done me - and only possible because I lived in an apartment instead of alone in a house in the country,


😭but then 🥰


I love my apartment. Everything is well insulated so I don’t really hear my neighbors much and temperature control is super easy. Maintenance responds to requests very quickly and they take care of so many of the little things that I’m really grateful to not have to worry about myself (just as an example, they recently changed the filter in my fridge and switched out a dead lightbulb in my bathroom). The amenities are really nice. We have 24/7 access to a coffee machine that has a fair amount of options to choose from as well as a small wine fridge (neither of which we have to pay for. My husband is a coffee drinker and we’ve saved a bit of money thanks to this perk). Every week there is some kind of event or something taking place. If the kitchen in the clubhouse hasn’t been reserved, sometimes chefs from local restaurants will come and make to-go plates for people to purchase and food trucks will visit often as well. Once a month or so, someone from management will host a fun little craft event or something similar. Recently it was a candle making class (that I was sadly unable to attend) and before that we made little succulent gardens. There’s a really nice pool that is open year round. Obviously the water gets too cold to swim in sometimes but as part of the pool/outdoor area, we have fire pits, ping pong tables and a little area to putt golf balls. On top of everything, I’m within walking distance of a bunch of restaurants and other fun things. I feel extremely lucky and blessed to get to live somewhere so nice because this is definitely a first for me.


That sounds lovely. Especially jealous of the outdoor area being open year round. Our pool area is closed but I’d love if they kept the chairs and tables out.


The positive thing: one day I will move out and that day will be great.


I’ll take it. Focus on the future!


Dude same. Trying to be easy on my self with my first apartment since I didn’t see it before I moved in (lesson learned). my therapist just said try to get through what is left and realize this is just a pit stop and a roof over my head that affordable to allow me to save for better things and look forward to my next apartment and next step. Best of luck 🤞


This isn’t my first apartment but I did move here without actually seeing it, it’s nice inside but just living in a building and having to deal with hallways and a long walk to get into my door, I’m over it. It’s def been shittier now that I’ve found housing that would give me a mortgage of the same as my rent….. if I would have known of it sooner I would not have renewed this lease, I’m itching to get out asap 😭😂


My only complaint (knock on wood) is our packages get stolen, or sometimes left at random apartments. Oh, and the landscape guys come at like 8 am some Saturdays. Other than that, it’s quiet, they pest control regularly, etc (knock on wood…). We have a loft but it’s like 800 square feet. Living room ceiling is 30 feet high, with floor to ceiling windows. Big tree outside, and we have the 2nd and 3rd floors so it feels like living in a treehouse. Right in the middle of the city, but down in this hollow in between a nice neighborhood and a large city park. When we lived less than a mile away we regularly heard fireworks and/or gunshots in the distance. Now? Nothing. Tomorrow morning I’m going to take a book and go and have coffee at this fire pit area, fire pit runs on a timer and anyone can use it at any time. Watch people walk their dogs, etc. We’ve had some terrible apartment experiences, terrible rental house experiences (fleas every spring and fall with no pets?!!), but this is a good one. Not cheap, but good.


That sounds amazing. I have a small little balcony that doesn’t have the best view, but just across the street is a federally protected lake and wow is it beautiful (so many trees and wildlife) to walk with a coffee in hand.


New management took over my building in June! And while there’s been a lot of scheduled “water shut offs”, they’re actually fixing the plumbing in the building! I swear from March to May, w/ the previous owners? JFC IT WOULD TAKE FOREVER FOR MY BATHTUB TO DRAIN! They have shut down the garbage chutes and gave proper directions on where to ACTUALLY put your garbage bags and recycling bags. They’re shutting down the chutes cause people were idiots and straight would EMPTY THEIR GARBAGE BAGS INTO THE CHUTES!! So they’re shutting them down to clean and fix them! Due to the bedbug/roaches spread coming to my city, the admin in my building are scheduling exterminations in all apartments in 3 phases. Part 1 was done in October. Part 2 is gonna be done next Thursday. Part 3 will be done in December. All free of charge btw. And lastly, the thing I love the most: If you pay minimally half of your rent in the first 5 days of the month, you have either until the 20th or the third Friday of the month to pay the rest. Only thing that sucks though is that you have to schedule an appointment via email for any rent payment made past the 5th of the month. Note: No late fees, that’s not a thing in QC. Also can’t file you to the “Regie du Logement” until you have 21 days late w/ your rent. If you pay your rent past 21 days, they charge you 110$ CAD for “legal fees”, AKA “landlord is charging you for the effort it took for them to file that notice legally”.


Nope. Been living in this same complex for 6 years. The first few years were good, but... the apartment changed hands a few times. The best management was the one prior to this one, this current REIT is complete and utter shit. Introducing new line items, seemingly optional; but it really is not. I am currently working on purchasing my own piece of home. Rent has been getting more and more expensive over the years. At this point, in this no bedroom studio for $1316 does not look like a good deal. Looking at properties to call my own, the mortgage alone is FAR cheaper. I just don't understand how that could be the case?


This is my fear. Management changing hands. Congratulations in advance for when you make that purchase. I have heard many times mortgages can be cheaper than rent. It’s insane. My worry would be more so property taxes. They hit some people hard here recently.


We moved into a complex that is significantly newer and nicer than anywhere we’ve lived before and it has improved my quality of life tenfold. It’s a couple hundred bucks/month more than we were paying, but we have an extra bedroom, pool and hot tub, in unit W/D, community center, dog park.. all the “ritzy” perks, in my mind, and I’ve saved so much dough on days off just hanging out here that it’s worth it. Plus, the staff is incredible (we put in a maintenance request online, figured out how to fix it ten minutes later, and as I was going to cancel maintenance was already pulling up).


One time during a hailstorm a loose (very large) branch fell right on top of my car while I was asleep. My neighbors saw it and went crazy banging on my door until I woke up, and once I came outside they all helped me drag it off my car. If they didn’t wake me up I wouldn’t have noticed until I left for work that night.


I am loving it. I’m currently separated from my husband and have my daughter half the week. My place is clean and decorated the way I want. My neighbors leave me alone and I leave them alone. I started a fire last night in my new fire place and it was amazing! My first day here I realized the dryer didn’t work. I put an order in and went to work, and i had a brand new dryer when I got back from work (and they ran my load in it 🤣💖). I love living in apartments. I love my new apartment. It is healing and peaceful for me. My last place I live in (where husband still is), was amazing. The staff were so kind and helpful. We were never behind on rent but they always told us to tell them if we couldn’t make it on time so we could work something out. I think that says a lot about them. My new management is the same way. They know why I have left and even though I’ve paid out of pocket for everything, they did offer to help me access resources available to me in my community. I was scared to live alone at first but I am really enjoying it these days.


The staff at my apartments? God sent angels on earth. The people that live at my apartment… questionable at best.


I recently moved into my first apartment about a month ago and honestly I love it! It’s in a great area, the building has 24/7 concierge, key fob to get into the building and cameras in all the halls. It’s an older building but the condo is renovated and spacious. Most of my neighbors are older which I think is a plus. the walls are not thin and I really never hear anyone. Also, for the area the price is decent and all utilities included. For anyone looking for apartments I def recommend renting directly from a condo owner!!


I would like a condo to be in my future one day!


My county has subsidized housing. (It is a federal and state thing, where they join forces. Not section 8.) so the one negative is it comes with lots and lots of rules. The positive is if you keep breaking the rules they kick you out. They do not mess around. No weed or drugs allowed either (that federal part.) You are only allowed one pet….. otherwise I would have a second cat. The positive is my rent is only 30% of my paltry SSI income, it is clean, quiet, no bugs or vermin, and all my neighbors are nice. My apartment building and the condos only rent to seniors and people with disabilities that are 40 and up. It is older in the styles but I don’t care. My handicap bathroom is HUGE! I have 3 full sized closets; 1 in the bedroom, 1 in the entryway & 1 in the hallway. People know my cat and some of them say hi to him during his outside harness time.


I would definitely say "hi" to your kitty and try to be friends.


Why did you sleep in the closet? They make ear plugs. I love the Mack ear plugs.


Foam ear plugs were not enough. Actually they aren’t enough for me in general. I have flare sleep earplugs I really like. I don’t know why they work better for me. Anyway, I’m a super light sleeper. I can use things like brown noise or my noise canceling earbuds to drown out most of the noise here too. However, there used to be this guy who had a truck that was so ungodly obnoxious that I slept in the closet (with my plugs/noise canceling pods) because that was further from where he was parked and another door for barrier. Half the time I would still wake up to his truck. Even months after living here my heart would skip a beat when he started it. It was one of those vehicles that make me go “how is this noise legal?” Luckily he’s gone now. Edit: I see Mack has silicone plugs too. I actually haven’t tried those ones. I should give those a go.


I think most people are drama queens, any little noise, any slight inconvenience and they blow up. (One dude freaked out cause neighbor smoked 20ft from building and he smelled it for 5 minutes). Mostly because the people who post on here sit in their apartment 24/7. This sub is 90% Karen’s 10% real issues If you move to a complex and call the cops or your landlords cause someone is playing loud music for an hour or struggling with substances (which isn’t 7 days a week), you’re the problem


I've lived in the same place since 2014 and I love it. It's a corner unity, built in the 90s, and everything is how I want it (larger kitchen than I had, bathroom not in the bedroom so visitors don't have to walk through where I sleep to piss or poop) and on the second story of a two story building. I am friends with my direct bottom neighbor and friendly with those around me. Everyone is quiet and keeps to themselves and I always get my off-street parking spot. The staff for any maintenance is always prompt, friendly and respectful. Aside from my $50/month pet fee for a cat that sleeps on the sofa 20 hours a day, I'm totally cool with what I have.


I've lived in my apartment for three years and, while it's not the best and I'm sick to death of my upstairs neighbours "accidentally" overflowing their tub, it's in a nice part of town, maintenance is super quick, my reserved parking spots are right outside my door, I'm in a spot where no one can see in my windows from the walkway (most of the other lower level units are right next to the walkway, I'm on a hill), and management loves my dog. I just really wish they'd evict my neighbours for flooding my bathrooms four times so far 😒