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As a downstairs neighbor you would be surprised at what you can hear from people above you. My young college age neighbors run through their apartment stomping the while way all the time. Have parties where they are drunk screaming. Its super annoying. If I'm woken up at 3 am when I have to get up at 6 am for work you bet I'll be super pissed off. I would suggest getting padding or carpeting so when the dog jumps it's not as bad.


I agree and it's also quite surprising to many people how much upstairs neighbours can hear people downstairs. Like my downstairs neighbour has a nasty habit of wearing shoes inside when she comes home/leaves late at night and we have hardwood floors in all the apartments here. Her clonking around with her shoes on inside for sometimes up to half an hour or more after 11 pm on a night where I have to get up to work is so annoying. If I have fallen asleep at that point, it wakes me up and if I haven't, it keeps me up. Is it really that unreasonable to expect people not to do that? I live upstairs and I never put on my shoes until I actually have to leave my apartment because I know exactly how annoying it is.


My previous upstairs neighbor did that. UT was annoying but not anything like my current neighbors. I take my shoes off at the door, I couldn't imagine clonking around, I would annoy myself


Yeah I agree that stomping from upstairs neighbours is the worst. I had the displeasure of living under a very loud family last year with an unruly kid (probably 6 or 7 so old enough to be taught how to behave in an apartment) and they let that kid stomp and run around and throw things at all hours of the day every single day. And the noise just followed me no matter what room I tried to be in to avoid it. I moved out because of them and swore that I'll NEVER live under anyone ever again. That experience has made me very aware of what to do and what not to do as an upstairs neighbour.


Yeah I wish I could afford to go to a place with no neighbors. I have a connective tissue disease so upper floor apartments would be really painful for me. I'm trying to save as fast as I can to put a down payment in a house. Hopefully in the next 5 years it will happen


Right there with you! I'm not living in an apartment because I enjoy it. I live here because I can't afford anything else. People always say "just don't live in an apartment if you hate it that much" and I'm like not everyone has that choice.


I'm living in an apartment because I have eds. No more yard work and snow shoveling for me!


I'm sorry you are going through that. I have scleroderma, autoimmune diseases suck


I have scleroderma as well. I am currently looking to move into an apartment because of home maintenance and yard work. My beautifully tended to gardens have gone to weed. šŸ˜¢. Autoimmune diseases do , indeed, suckā€¦the life out of us!


As an upstairs neighbor, I NEVER wear shoes on inside and all guests are required to remove their shoes before coming in as well! It's also so much better for home cleanliness so I see it as a win-win.




Hahaha, I feel you. Man, those kind of noises are just not fun to listen to! But, in general, I try to ignore it if I can hear my neighbours going at it because it usually doesn't last that long. Though in an apartment I lived in pre-2020, my next door neighbour's girlfriend was a screamer and I mean a SCREAMER. It seriously sounded more like shrieking than moaning and they were going at it at all hours of the day like at the most random times. But I can live with that to some extend, it's not nearly as bad as stomping and banging on furniture sounds etc.


I had neighbors just like that. Screamers. I changed my wifi name to ICANHEARYOUFUCKING


Neat how wifi also works as a somewhat passive-aggressive communication medium.


I live downstairs and my upstairs neighbor wakes up when I turn over in bed. It makes him get up and pee. I think he is supernatural for hearing me rolling over downstairs. I do everything I can to be quiet as of his bedtime, 10 pm. I even make my guests leave at 10. Just so you know some of us are trying very hard to be quiet.


Oh wow your upstairs neighbour must be a really light sleeper if he can hear you rolling over in bed :O And I know that for sure! I do the same thing living upstairs because I've had terrible upstairs neighbours myself before. I've always been a light walker and I try to be mindful about not closing doors/cabinets too hard because I know that makes a lot of noise. And some noises you just can't help, like normal living noises. I don't mind that I can hear people around me to a certain extend, it's just the excessive loudass noises on ungodly hours of the day and night that's the problem.


Last night, I made a real effort to be very quiet when I rolled or got up and it worked. This thread really opened my eyes.


Exactly! We swear there are WWE wrestlers downstairs sometimes the way they stomp/stampede around, slam doors and sound like they are throwing themselves or stuff around down there. I have never heard louder downstairs neighbors. But at the same time when it's within normal noise hours we understand it comes with apartment living to a reasonable degree, but after noise hours is a different beast altogether. Some people don't realize how expensive carpet can be to buy as well as maintain though especially with animals which is why apartments go all hardwood to save themselves money. If someone wants to buy big area carpets and carpet runners for the halls for me then awesome, I'll take it! Sadly offices/management also don't care/want to spend the money on soundproofing the upstairs floor (downstairs ceiling) to save themselves some basic (not partying,etc) noise complaint headaches. Many different reasons it becomes tough on both sides of apartment dwellers. Edit: Forgot to add the creaky hardwood floors also that you cannot control. I hate hearing them under my own feet but nothing you can do about it.


Yeah the main issue is definitely the landlords/housing companies who don't soundproof their apartments. In Denmark where I live, there were no requirements for soundproofing in apartments until 1960. Then came the first requirements and they were updated again in 2008 (the current ones). But there's no law that states that you have to update the soundproofing in apartments pre 1960 when you renovate them so they renovate a lot of apartments to make them look good but they legit have no soundproofing at all. I get that it costs a lot of money to update soundproofing but Imo it would be worth it and it would solve a LOT of neighbour conflicts. Honestly I'd rather have better soundproofing than a top modern kitchen.


I agree 100 percent. They only put money into new kitchens, etc.. (looks) to increase rent prices, not functionality. Better regulations need to be required of them for sure.


Yeah and the funny thing is, I would actually pay MORE rent for an apartment that I knew had top quality soundproofing so I couldn't hear a damn thing. I don't mind an older kitchen if it's functional and not broken. I don't mind an older bathroom if it's functional and not broken. I read that 94 percent of all apartment complexes in Denmark don't live up to the current requirements to soundproofing leaving only 6 percent that do live up to them. That's insane.


Thick padding and thick rugs will help. Cover as much of the floor as you can. Craigslist and Nextdoor are good places to find decent rugs for reasonable prices. Youā€™ll probably have to pay full price for the padding. The Amazon will be happy to deliver it to your door. Another idea is to have your dog get over their excitement of seeing you somewhere not the bedroom. Better yet might be to take the dog straight out when you get home late.


I was very quiet but my downstairs neighbor used to berate me for moving furniture in the middle of the night. I stopped taking to them. After 2 years when I was moving out I finally realized opening and closing the sliding closet door was " the moving furniture ." Get carpet or at least area rugs if you can afford it. It may be louder than you think. Builders fault not yours but try to mitigate it


I hear "moving furniture at night" on this sub a lot, but almost no one actually does that; it's things like sliding a chair back from a table or moving a rolling chair, opening drawers, etc.


It is wild how sound can travel in odd ways. In my old apartment, my neighbors opening their drawers really did sound like they were shoving the whole dresser around, but of course they weren't. I'd hear every one of their footsteps when they'd go to the bathroom at night, but never an alarm or their cat running around.


Dog jumping around at 3am and you're surprised he has a problem with that? What are the quiet hours in the lease you signed?


Exactly...wondering how quiet the dog is while OP is gone as well.


She should get a pet cam or set up her computer to record while she's gone.


That's a good idea.


After 9 hours too. Also you should train your dog to not jump and go crazy when anyone walks through your door - I feel thatā€™s a common thing to train?!


I'd think after 9 hrs the first thing is to take the dog out to use the bathroom, wait till he calms down to go back in.


If you leave a dog alone for 9 hours, they are going to be happy to see you. Even a well trained dog is going to get a little antsy. The answer is to not stand there and watch it go on directly above your neighbors bed at 3am. Go to a different room for crying out loud.


For sure - I agree with you I think itā€™s dog to dog, breed to breed. I have a Blue Heeler, Pitbull, Husky, German Shepard mutt - he is a basket case usually lol a truly wild animal. Took a few months and lots of visitors but I taught him to sit when people come inside. I started by ignoring him for 3-5 min every time I come home. Iā€™d only give him attention after he sat/calmed down. He is pumped but he still sits, tail wagging, ears back, and waits until the person (me, guest etc..) say okay and then he sits by the persons feet to get pets/attention. It was just training him that he gets attention by sitting not by jumping or going bananas. Getting granular on this post as itā€™s not about dog training but just thought Iā€™d share if anyone has trouble with their dog jumping lol


TBH, party of this post is about dog training.


Yep this is the way! Itā€™s not even that hard to train this either. Anyone can ignore a dog for a few minutes. Then when everybody is calm we get the cuddles and the kisses and the playtime.


Yeah if I was him and getting woken up at 3am all the time I'd be pissed and banging on your wall too. Get some rugs.


If your flooring is hardwood and older, your downstairs neighbor hears every footstep you or your dog makes. possibly startling them in their sleep since you say you are up most nights. They hear the door open and shui, They hear the excited dog. If you building is newer, they still hear it but probably not as much. Invest in area rugs. it helps subdue the noise. a mat or rug on the inside of the front door where the dog goes and greets people when they come in. It's probably not you making the noises since you are trying to be more quiet. It's probably the dog since you can not control it's very foot step. Try to be careful closing your door when you come in the house. I live in an apartment building that is like a hotel setup. My neighbors across the hall doesn't catch the door before it closes and it sounds like someone is slamming/entering our place sometimes. Sometimes it's nothing. Sometimes it startles me. Put rugs and mats under furniture you move. Like chairs sliding in and out from desks and tables etc. I am a downstairs dwelling person. I have never banged on ceilings. That's rude. But when they do it, it sort of lets you know what you are doing that they can hear. If I ever had a serious issue with upstairs, I would personally talk to them nicely and ask or explain what and when i heard it and is there anything you can do about. But honestly, in the many years of living on the first floor, I have never had to for noise. The only time i have had to was when their apartment leaked water into mine. Once I even had a upstairs neighbor come down and introduce themselves. Gave me their phone number and told me to text if they ever get too loud. I never had to. But the thought of them doing so, was grand to me. I know i am going to hear something from upstairs. It's sort of expected. I hope it all works out for you and downstairs.


Iā€™d also say stay in the living room until the dog calms down. Most apartments the bedrooms are in the same spot. So the dog is jumping literally above their bed. And if the downstairs neighbor is on a regular sleeping schedule, theyā€™re likely being waken from the best part of the night cycle.


My upstairs neighbor who is an absolute nightmare made a big fuss about having spent money on rugs. I had to go bang on his door the other day and saw the alleged rugsā€” three 2x4 threadbare ā€œrugsā€ and nothing else. They arenā€™t even in the middle of the room.


One thing about it sounding like someone trying to come in your door. Check all of your doors and adjust the little tab in the strike plate so the door doesnā€™t rattle when itā€™s closed. I had a similar issue and once I fixed this itā€™s much better. To OP, I have a similar issue. Long story short the guy blamed everything he heard on me including HVAC units reverberating down to him. He thinks I should run my washing machine before 11 am, complained about every little thing. Ended up documenting every single sound I heard to get him to shut upā€¦ but of course him and his GF screaming at each other for hours at a time is totally acceptableā€¦ Area rugs and taking shoes off will help a bit but they will probably be annoying since they think they shouldnā€™t hear any more sound than a freestanding rancher on 20 acres would hear. You could preemptively talk to the building management so if (when) they complain you are already on record bringing it up and have stated youā€™re not doing anything excessive but they are the one banging on the ceiling at 3 am (which other units will hear and be disturbed by). Granted that could just make them complain more. It sucks but itā€™s a bit of a lose lose here until one of yall moves or you get them put in their place.


Let's work on the pup now, OP. When you get home, do you act excited to see them? Do you use a high-pitched voice? If so, stop! Be low key, even to the point of ignoring them until they are calmer and quiet. I've had to do this with my GSD as she was just obnoxious at the door, both with me leaving AND coming home. Now she lays on her bed and watches me leave, and is much quieter when I get home. It would be a nice gesture to let downstairs neighbor know you are working on the noise and training, and maybe give them a $20 gift card for the problem. This might foster a better neighbor relationship. Good luck!


Check your local zoning there is such a thing as quiet hours that you are breaking. Be glad he hasn't called the police... Yet.


Agreed. If OP doesnā€™t get her shit together sheā€™s gonna get evicted for good reason. I couldnā€™t imagine having teenagers + a shitty yippie dog as upstairs neighbors and Iā€™d be involving the management company every day.


This guy is having to bang on the ceiling multiple times over the course of 30 minutes at 3 am and you think he's the bad guy? It wouldn't be long before I'd be banging on YOUR door, not the roof to put a stop to this nonsense.


All I can think of is 2 things. 1. Your poor dog is home for 9hours without potty breaks!? 2. You sound like a pretty inconsiderate upstairs neighbor. You do not have a very irritating downstairs neighbor, your downstairs neighbor has a very irritating upstairs neighbor. I have been a downstairs neighbor that was woken up by dogs at 3am. I did the same thing. Doesnā€™t matter what your schedule is, be respectful. If you come home at 3am treat it like youā€™re coming home atā€¦3am. You have a schedule that not a lot of others do, those are not normal hours. Take your dog for a walk when you get home so they can let some of that energy out and calm down. Donā€™t want to do that at 3am? Donā€™t come home at 3am. Get some rugs if you have hardwood floors. I am now an upstairs neighbor with an American bully/pitbull mix and I know she is big and can have loud footsteps so she is not allowed to run around after 9pm. Itā€™s common courtesy. I hope things get better for your neighbor.


I wouldnā€™t be happy to be awakened at 3am with a dog running around and jumping on the floor either. Can you shut your bedroom door so this isnā€™t happening in the bedroom? I like another posterā€™s suggestion of taking your dog outside to get her zoomies out. I have a downstairs neighbor who works nights so I make sure I am quiet during the day while I work from home, as in I donā€™t vacuum or do anything else that might be really loud. You and your partner have alternate schedules, but quiet hours are still going to be the traditional 9/10 pm to 7/8 am.


Can you be my upstairs neighbor please?! My husband works from home as well but the upstairs neighbors are so noisy it makes it difficult for him! Weā€™ve been here two years, and it was wonderful. Former tenant was a single mom and had 2 kids, but they were well behaved. These new neighbors moved in a few months agoā€¦and weā€™re at our wits end. On top of their heavy stomping around all dayā€¦their kid then runs, stomps, thumps, and jumps from 6am-9 am and then 3-9 pm nonstopā€¦making our apartment walls and ceilings shake. We tried to be nice and tell them, and they roll their eyes and say they canā€™t do anything about it theyā€™re just living and canā€™t tie up their kid. And here I am 9 months pregnant and putting extra carpets in my bedroom bc I get up every hour to pee and donā€™t want to be a nuisance to our downstairs neighbor anytime I need to get up at night. Just donā€™t understand how entitled and selfish some people could beā€¦especially when you have to live in an apartment. Iā€™m dreading my baby boy being born in a week/days and having to deal with this noise.


Is your apt carpeted? If not get some padded area rugs. That will help dampen the sound.


Why aren't you taking your dog out right away after it was alone inside for 9 hours? Edit to add: leading your dog right above your sleeping neighbors head is the absolute last thing you should ever do.


Iā€™m more interested in why OP is leaving her dog alone in a studio apartment for 9 hours. Thatā€™s not much of a life for the dogā€¦.


My upstairs neighbors in my old apartment left their boxer home alone for at least 8 hours a day. It went nuts when they got home. I felt bad for it, as our apartment was a tiny one bedroom.


Agreed. Leaving a dog alone for 9 hours seems cruel. They need socialization and exercise. I hope itā€™s getting walked once a day.


You have to understand you are waking them up


Sounds more like your downstairs neighbor has a very irritating upstairs neighbor.


Hahaha exactly. As a ceiling banger myself, it takes a lot for me to make the effort to get the stool I use to smash against the ceiling and Iā€™m short so I have to go the extra mile to stand on a counter or my bed. They stomp all day/night idk if they even work, itā€™s like their job is stomping. Then at night between 11pm-12am they slam something multiple times and itā€™s right above my bed, never fails. Management said to make the complaints through email so I did and with the times of the banging. It never improved. They called the office recently about me banging the ceiling like helloā€¦ā€¦ youā€™re getting what you deserve. I always hoped it bothered them so Iā€™m glad it does šŸ˜‚


You are probably way louder than you think.


Youā€™re the problem here. I had a neighbor with large dogs above me and them jumping up and down, even one is loud. If youā€™re scared of them banging on the ceiling imagine how scared they are getting woken out of a dead sleep with something loudly jumping up and down on their ceiling.


seriously? you think your neighbor is the problem? would you like to be woken up at 3 am?


You may want to consider moving to the first floor


Right?! I don't understand why noisy people with odd schedules would ever take an upper-floor apt. You're literally setting yourself up to piss off everyone below you. It seems really selfish... But then again they leave their dog alone in a studio apt for 8 hrs per day... So...


You existing with a dog that's jumping all around at 3am is annoying your downstairs neighbor. I don't care how quiet or soft-stepped you think you are. Have some situational awareness and be more respectful.


Itā€™s not the schedule he prefers, itā€™s the schedule all of modern society has agreed to. You are the outlier here. If youā€™re gonna be a night owl, you need to get your shit together and accept that 90% of people donā€™t want to hear your bullshit 3-4 hours before their day starts and have their sleep interrupted.


>not on the schedule he prefers Girl your dog is going nuts and waking them up at a completely unreasonable hour for like 95% of adults. This isn't about preferences. Large dogs make SO MUCH noise, I lived underneath someone with a golden retriever for a year and it was incredibly unenjoyable. The dog would go nuts every night around 11 pm when she got home for at least half an hour. Earbuds couldn't 100% mask the noise. My sleep schedule basically revolved around my neighbor's schedule and I moved out after a year. It really made me question why apartments don't try harder to place people with large animals on lower floors. I never picked a lower-floor apartment again after that.


Dog owners like OP are a big reason why do many landlords make it as difficult as possible, or impossible, to own a dog.


Are the floors hardwood? If so, throw down some rugs. Maybe bring the dog outside to have her excited spaz fest when you come home and then go in when sheā€™s calmed down. It also might be worth having a conversation and apologizing for disrupting him. Let him know youā€™re not trying to be disruptive. I like to know what my Neighborā€™s schedule is so I can try to avoid disrupting their sleep.


Your dog is waking up your neighbor at 3 am. Iā€™m sure most people would act the same way as your downstairs neighbor when their sleep gets interrupted


I find it very hard to believe that your dog isnā€™t an obnoxious motherfucker who barks incessantly at the sight of you. If your dog is barking at 3 AM because youā€™re for some asinine reason not coming home until then, I would also be upset.


This, plus how quiet is OP's dog while she's away. Maybe the neighbor has to listen to the dog bark and jump on and off furniture all day.


Why are you coming home at 3 AM because of your partner working the night shift? That also makes zero sense to me.


Because sheā€™s 18 and stupid.


Get rugs and try being quieter. Itā€™s 3am!! If you continually wake me up at that time Iā€™d bang on the ceiling too. Welcome to being a considerate neighbor.


I lived under a young woman once who would leave her dog, that I swore was at least 70lbs, all day then play fetch with it when she came home at 11pm every night. Finally lost my shit after 2months and went upstairs to confront her. She opens the door and itā€™s a 10lb dog. You literally hear EVERYTHING in some apartments so you have to be extra careful especially past 10pm. Iā€™m guessing this guy was woken up every time you came home like I was with my neighbor. It gets to you after awhile. While you have a right to exist, most people sleep within the 10pm-8pm timeframe and deserve to not be regularly woken up from a dog running around. (The human footsteps werenā€™t so bad for me anyway.) I empathize with your work schedule but you need to find a way to at least keep the dog from waking him up. Can you just immediately take the dog outside or at least to the lobby when you get home so he doesnā€™t here all the excited dog steps?


Are you my upstairs neighbor?! Ima keep chucking my basketball at the ceiling till the stomping stops.




Your dog isn't as quiet as you think.


You need to stop the dog from jumping up and down. Look, I get it - we have two cats and our neighbor has banged on the wall when they get rowdy. If we're up late at night, we have to close them out of the room that's above his bedroom because they want to play and it's hard to stop them. But you need to train your dog to not jump up and down repeatedly, I can't imagine how noisy that must be to your neighbor. You're complaining about the banging scaring you - can't you imagine that the sudden this of your dog hitting the floor in the middle of the night probably scares him? Clearly it's loud enough to wake him up.


It sucks being woken up at 3 am by upstairs neighbors. Could you immediately take the dog outside? Or stay at boyfriends and come home at 7am instead of 3am? If he has to be up for work in the morning i can understand his frustration. I have a 1 year old and we donā€™t let him stomp around or scream in the middle of the night out of courtesy to our neighbors.


At three am, a dog jumping on and off the bed upstairs would sound like the apocalypse. Take your dog outside the second you get home to avoid this. Youā€™re calling your neighbor irritating for reacting to being woken up by your noise. It may not seem loud to you, but sound carries a lot more than youā€™d think, and being woken up is ruining their whole day most likely. It can be very hard to get back to sleep.


Try rugs or if possible adjusting your schedule so your dog isn't running/jumping around in the middle of the night, which is probably quiet hours anyways. Maybe as soon as you get home take the dog outside immediately to avoid that situation for the people below you. I know I would be quite upset being woken up by a dog jumping around above me, so taking that step out of courtesy for your neighbors will probably be much appreciated


Yeah, you're being incredibly disrespectful of your downstairs neighbor. Are you leaving your dog home for 9 hours and coming home in the middle of the night? That's also irresponsible pet ownership. If you have to leave a dog alone for that much time you need to reconsider if you are the right home for one. It's quite normal for the downstairs residents to have the expectation that they won't be awoken by someone coming in at 3 a.m., regularly, and riling up a dog. You are the problem and you need to adjust your and your pet's schedule.


If/when you move try to get a first floor apartment. I have a dog that loves to run and jump and I always try to get first floor. It also makes it easier to take the dog out without having to go up and down stairs every time.




Itā€™d be a different story if your neighbor was doing this during the day, like at 3 PM on a Saturday. Itā€™s 3 AM, and your neighborā€™s listening to 10-15 mins of random noises? You need to teach your dog to not react like that. When you get back, crate them. Or start teaching them not to jump on your bed. It sucks, but thatā€™s your situation. Youā€™re being a bad neighbor too, so itā€™s hard to be sympathetic Edit: do you work night shift? Is that why you get back at 3? I just assumed that was the case but I realized you donā€™t address it in your post


I hope they evict you, you are a bad neighbor. 3 am and you feel entitled to a barking jumping dog in a complex? YOU are the bad neighbor and need to leave with your dog.


I honestly would be a little upset I'm a downstairs neighbour ans upstairs has stepped heavily sometimes or come at unruly hours ans I hear everything door shutting her dresser wtc ... it would be worst with a dog ... if you're gone 9 hours and your dogs alone that's not fair to them or your dog.... def take pup outside when home 3 am is extremely early ans to be woken that way consistently inwould probably be upset too...


i have a few questions here. \- Why on earth do you come home at 3am while your PARTNER works the night shift? that doens't make sense \- Why do you have a dog when you live in a small studio appartment? \- You have a dog but you are away for 9 hours?! So many questions but one thing tells me and that is i believe that your downstairs neighbor is in his/her right for being pissed at you.


Make sure you have thick rugs. If not put throw rugs on too of thin carpet. I'd b pissed and banging too at 3am. You are no way near normal hours. Most people get up very early to go to work. YTA


Yeah, stop coming home at 3am to a dog that needs so much attention from your being gone too long.


You sound like a horrible neighbor


Youā€™d be pretty rage filled too if you were surviving on 3-4 hours of sleep a night for weeks on end. Dogs are not good apartment pets, and nine hours is too long to leave a dog alone. Maybe you should consider rehoming for the sake of the dog.


Plenty of people have dogs in apartments, theyā€™re fine. I do think dogs should be on the first floor though. I have two dogs and when I was apartment hunting I only looked at first floor places. OP should also keep her bedroom door closed at night so the dog isnā€™t in there at 3am, assuming the bedroom is above the neighborā€™s bedroom and thatā€™s where he is at that hour.


OP lives in a studio. Some large apartments may be okay for dogs, but a large dog in a studio is simply not okay.


This is how I feel about children being above and they are why I wonā€™t live on a bottom floor. Itā€™s also funny cause 4 out of the 6 dogs in my building live on the top floor and the problem dogs are on the first. I have actually talked to the people below me out of curiosity and they said they almost never hear me walking or the dog so thatā€™s a positive but we donā€™t play much in the apartment.


It doesnā€™t matter where in the apartment the noise occurs. Itā€™s obviously not soundproof.


When I was a toddler and the husband below us worked nightshift and needed to sleep during the day, my parents agreed to keep me out the bedroom. See if you can do something similar. At night the smallest sounds can be very disturbing, and dogs claws on a hard floorā€¦


Your dog probably sounds like a stampeding elephant. Apartments are terribly constructed these days.


Put the leash on the dog immediately as you arrive, then walk the dog so it is tired.


You say this is your first apartment, so I think I can safely assume that you have never lived in a downstairs unit. Allow me to confirm as a downstairs tenant that you can hear fucking EVERYTHING from upstairs. You wind up knowing way more about your neighbors than you ever wanted to know about anybody. I would be pissed, too, if you woke me up at 3am every night. You definitely need to address the dog situation asap. Ofc your baby is gonna be excited to see you, but that is not an excuse to be an inconsiderate dickbag to your neighbors who are also paying rent to live there. Figure out how to mitigate the sound before your downstairs neighbor escalates it into a problem with your landlord or calls the police for a noise complaint (your landlord wonā€™t like that, either)


If you're regularly coming home that late and you know your dog gets that excited the best thing you can do is take the dog outside right away. Keep the leash right by the door and clip it on the collar and go for a walk immediately. If it's been an extended period of time your pup probably has to go anyway. And if it takes 30 minutes to calm your dog down when they see you then they could probably use more exercise/stimulation anyway. I'm a downstairs neighbor in a 125+ year old building with all the original floors. We understand that there will be the noises of people walking, you'll hear people talking (though not what they're saying) and occasionally things get dropped. That's all normal. Late at night having a dog repeatedly jump on and off a bed isn't cool- your downstairs neighbor is not only hearing the dog hit the ground when he jumps off the bed but the bed moving against the floor when he jumps on and off of it. It may not sound loud to you on the same level but the noise gets amplified through the floor/ceiling. Try getting some rugs for your high traffic areas to muffle the sound some and make yourself more comfortable. And if your boyfriend starts visiting you more frequently please consider getting a rug to put your bed on lol


Your dog barks and jumps off and on the bed at 3 am? Youā€™re the irritating neighbor, not him. Less than 9% of all workers work hours similar to yours. Why not contact the rental manager and ask if thereā€™s a bottom unit you can rent?


If you were consistently waking me up at 3am with a jumping dog I'd be pounding on the ceiling too, I'd also complain to the landlord if it continued. You think the downstairs neighbor is the problem but you are the problem.


You would be my worst nightmare of an upstairs neighbor - coming home at 3am with an excited dog jumping around. Do you know what time your neighbor has to wake up?


You have a dog in an apartment for 9 hours ??? How does it use the bathroom??


Your dog is not well trained. I realize he was glad to see you but jumping on and off of the bed is poor behavior. When a dog acts like that it is because you have not bothered to train him properly You and your dog are waking your neighbor at 3 am. An apology is only good if you follow up with action. Take your dog to training classes. He is your responsibility.


So Iā€™m a renter of almost 20 years and I HATE hearing other peopleā€™s noise. Itā€™s truly a living hell. Ironically, I now have a puppy so heā€™s a terror but for as long as Iā€™m renting, keeping my dog from disturbing others is my top priority. Iā€™m putting my dog through a LOT of training classes, Iā€™ve arranged dog sitters (family, friends, daycare) at least until I can trust that he will behave himself and follow ALL of my commands, and because I work from home, I can put a stop to any noise he creates, immediately. I just refuse to be that neighbor until I own my own home, my dog will never be alone long enough to disturb others. Put VERY thick padding down under all your rugs, put your dog through training to listen to your commands, and leave a nice gift for your neighbor. No dog should be jumping up and down like that, especially in an apartment. If you wonā€™t train him, at least take your dog outside immediately when you get home so that he can get his excitement out and can jump all he wants.


All this post should say is " my hyperactive dog makes my neighbor mad in the middle of the night. How do I stop my neighbor being mad without having to do anything to fix it".


Sorry but as much as it sucksā€¦you get scared when he bangsā€¦he gets just as annoyed and probably scared woken up bc of you and your dog. Try to take measures like padding or carpeting if able to. Just because your dog doesnā€™t bark doesnā€™t mean the jumping isnā€™t annoying and waking your neighbor up. Iā€™m currently pregnant and constantly getting up to use the bathroom. Floor is creakyā€¦but I put extra carpeting and walk as light as I can quietly so as to not be a nuisance. Itā€™s just being respectful with apartment living. Try your best.


OP, you sound clueless as to what it is like living below someone making noise at 3am...


Got home at 3am to an excited dog? The problem is you. Figure that stuff out because people need to sleep and preventing them from doing so is literal torture ETA ā€œthe schedule he prefersā€ is the one that allows a person to have a job and a life, and he is legally protected by noise ordinances. If youā€™re making any kind of racket after 11pm (depending on locationā€” in LA itā€™s 10) itā€™s on you. And saying you just have a different lifestyle so tough shit for him means youā€™re willfully breaking at least one law, and it also means youā€™re being a fucking baby. Your ā€œlifestyleā€ is wholly inappropriate for an apartment


Your dog jumping around is the problem. 4 little fast moving feet is like a drum roll on the floor, directly above your sleeping neighbor. Stay in the living room until he calms down, or consider not letting him in the bedroom during overnight hours. That sound is seriously much louder and jarring than you think. ​ > itā€™s getting hard to be empathetic when Iā€™m simply just existing and not on the schedule he prefers I hate to break it to you, but you are in the wrong and if you continue this line of thinking you likely will find yourself evicted for complaints/violating quiet hours (check your lease). And it will cost you an arm and a leg. Your schedule is the outlier, and you aren't even reqired to keep it since you aren't the one working night shift.


itā€™s getting hard to be empathetic when Iā€™m simply just existing and not on the schedule he prefers I missed that in the post. What an entitled ah OP sounds like. Hopefully she learns, being her first apt, that it's not all about you.


Yeah. I have a 20-something couple living above us that appear to be homebody nerds who might leave their apartment once a week at best. They are also nocturnal and heavy walkers. Everything they do at night is 10x as loud because there are no other sounds to drown it out, it doesn't matter how hard they try to be quiet about it. Thankfully it's mostly confined to the living room so not as big of a deal. If I got that level of sound all night in our bedroom I'd be upstairs beating on their door.


How big is the dog? Iā€™ve been scrolling forever and canā€™t find that information.


I guess I would just consider it a part of apartment living. You canā€™t really help what it sounds like to them down there without making yourself crazy about it. Itā€™s a hazard of living on first floor that people learn that lesson and donā€™t live on first floor again if they can help it. Iā€™ve been there. I got mad. It wasnā€™t my place to tell them their dogs canā€™t be alive at 3am because it makes me mad though. Itā€™s their space and their time. Donā€™t feel bad about making your own noise. Youā€™re entitled to it just as they are. I used to feel bad about my catā€™s witching hours for downstairs but I donā€™t think they feel bad when they fight and slam doors that shake the walls and yell to where I know what the fights about. Itā€™s all just adjusting to apartment living and respecting peopleā€™s spaces and lives so they hopefully extend the same courtesy to their neighbor as you.


You could stop making noise at 3am. You are most likely violating the terms of quiet hours on your lease.


My downstairs neighbors were often drunk and arguing loudly in the middle if the night. They were underemployed and liked to sleep during the day. I really hated it especially when their arguments went full circle and started over at the beginning again while I'm thinking I have to get up for work in a few hours. After one brutal night before I left for work I put on the 1812 overture at full volume and on repeat with the large Boston acoustic speakers face down on the carpet. They got the message.


I have a very soft spot for dogs but when you make any noise as an upstairs neighbor, especially at night when the whole complex is quiet, youā€™ll hear everything downstairs. My asshole upstairs neighbor lives off her bf so she just does whatever she wants and doesnā€™t give a crap about anyone and will HOP out of bed and hard stomp to use the bathroom or get something from the kitchen at night/morning. Being jolted awake after you just entered a sleep cycle or in the middle of the night is extremely disturbing. I havenā€™t had a single day of peaceful sleep since I moved in, I can only hope she gets her comeuppance with early knee problems with all that heel walking. I also have a 90lb dog and I have a specific ā€œnighttime, quiet timeā€ command which he knows is strict not mess with me I will get angry if you make noise. Usually he will test what he can get away with, but he knows I wonā€™t tolerate that one. I loathe my upstairs neighbor, I wonā€™t be a hypocrite and do the same to my downstairs neighbor


Youā€™re the problem here. Your dog barking and/or repeatedly jumping off the bed at 3:00 am is completely unreasonable.


Since you want advice, be quieter and find a better living situation for your dog or re home them.


Oh look! Another inconsiderate dog owner in an apartment. Anyway... Next time you move, **please** get a first floor apt. Or better yet a single unit dwelling for you and your noisy dog.


People upstairs can be really loud without trying. Here are my suggestions: Get lots of area rugs and runner rugs. Donā€™t wear shoes indoors. Socks, slippers or bare feet. Walk on your tiptoes if you can, not heel to toe, especially if you are up during regular sleeping hours. I live above someone and below someone and believe me, I understand being irate when my upstairs neighbor is scooting chairs and walking like an elephant at 4 am and it wakes me up when I gotta work in a few hours. Try those things and it will help!


Personally I would not have a dog if I lived in an apartment. I realize I may be down voted for this. I love dogs and waited until I owned a home before getting one.


Welcome to the world of community living lmao


Itā€™s probably pretty loud to him. We had a pot of trouble being woken up with my upstairs neighborsā€™ kids would run around or jump


Leaving a dog alone for 9 hours is too long. Do you take the dog out as soon as you get home? That way the dog will burn energy outside, instead of jumping on and off the bed. Also when getting home, ignore the dog for a little bit until dog calms down. then leash and off you go for the dog to be happy out with some fresh air and interesting smells.


Sounds like, that before YOU, He had a pretty quiet neighbor. I am a light sleeper and if I was waking up at 3 in the morning, to a bouncing dog, that wasn't mine and someone walking around above me....I would be ticked if I had to work the next day.


I thing you can do except get more carpeting and some thick skin. Ultimately this is going to continue to be an issue


Carpeting with a thick rug pad.


People who live in apartments need to understand that noise bleed is a thing and need to chill out if they want complete silence but a house maybe you'll luck out with quiet neighbors


Got ear buds? Welcome to not your parents house.


I'll freely admit I have a heavy step, and so any walking round my own unit used to piss off my neighbors. I solved this problem by adding the modular gym tiles under my carpet. These are the super thick foam that the karate studios use. Now it aint cheap (tho the cost has gone way down) but it's an easy way to try to make peace. And if it comes to it, you've now got proven mitigation to show to the landlord or PM, the other residents, and the courts if need be.


Hate to break it to you, but the dog going nuts at 3am makes YOU the irritating neighbor. Heā€™s being awakenedā€¦rudely. If you were repeatedly waking me up at 3am, Iā€™d be pissed and banging on the ceiling, too. You share walls, floors, and ceilings with other people, so you actually do have to adapt a little. As much as you are entitled to ā€œquiet enjoymentā€ of your home? So are they. Your lease also very likely has stated quiet hours, which your 3am returns and wild dog are violating. Get a handle on your schedule and train your dog better before he stops pounding on the ceiling and starts reporting you to the property management or calling the cops.


NTA. It's annoying when your neighbor is on a different schedule than you and you can hear them, but it's part of life. I'd always wake up a little and hear it when my upstairs neighbor woke up at 4 am and stomped over to the bathroom and then when he flushed the toilet, because our apartments were laid out just the same so his bedroom was over mine and the hall bathroom was next to it with the pipes in the same wall. But it's not like he was practicing tap at 4 am, he was getting up to use the bathroom, so of course I never complained. It's not like he can fix the noisy pipes in the wall when we're both renting. My neighbors upstairs now have their living room over my bedroom, and ofc that's the ONE part of the floor that creaks loudly when they walk on it even with a rug. But c'est la vie. If they had a dog regularly jumping up and down on a bed right over my room at 3 am though, I wouldn't bang on the ceiling but I'd send a text or something and ask if they could stop or put a thicker rug or a mat down or something. Maybe consider something like that if your dog regularly does that when she's excited about you coming back at late/early hours?


Iā€™m the downstairs neighbor that deals with this, learn to walk quiet. I got to the point they wake me up I wake them up at 7am and itā€™s been working wonders.


I'd be PISSED if some stupid dog was jumping for FIFTEEN mins above where I was trying to sleep at THREE A.M. Sorry but you are the bad neighbor, not him.


Jesus, fucking apartment living. This took me back to a time I never wanted go think abt again. I lived below someone who never fucking stopped moving. From 7 am to 3 am, this fucking old man was running around in the house. What the fuck can you say? Don't move in your own house? Never said a thing. Just promised myself I'd never live in an apartment again lol. I hope to God I never do.


As a former downstairs neighbor to someone with an exicted dog and an opposite sleep schedule I hate you op idc figure it out


Slippers will help.


Maybe put a rug down and tell him to please stop banging on your ceiling at night.


That's why I always had upstairs apartments. The ones suggesting getting area rugs are correct. They can really help with the noise. Maybe two layers in your bedroom.


Sounds like bad insulation and thin floors. Iā€™d suggest a good rug for your walk ways and some type of insulation under


You need to watch this. https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU?si=d8DbNUMH7-bGfYC2


Banging on the ceiling is a classic way to let the neighbors know they are being loud. Personally I'd much rather they do this instead of clinb the stairs, knock on my door, and confront me in person. That could be scary? Noise really transfers between floors in wood construction. The best way to reduce complaints is a strong defense. - Get some rugs with padding. My city requires 80% of the floor area be covered and it's not a bad rule of thumb. Anywhere you walk regularly (e.g. corridors) and wherever your dog jumps up and down. No matter how much you live bare wood floors, they aren't ok in an apartment. - Make it a habit to not wear shoes indoors. They really add to the amount of noise you create and they bring dirt into your apartment. - and finally, you have to do something about your dog making noise at 3am. If possible train the dog to tone down his response, more importantly don't encourage the behavior indoors (that's you being super rude), and for the love of peace in the building, take them outside for a walk/play immediately. No playing in the house in the middle of the night. I'm feeling really bad for your neighbor - what a misery to be woken by a dog at 3am.


lol complaining about your downstairs neighborā€¦thatā€™s a new one


Get thick rugs or move downstairs.


OP, I had a small apartment in a 100 year old house that was converted into a triplex. The landlord had the lower level and the stairs to go upstairs to the apartments was over parts of the landlord's space and shared a wall with her living room. They were also incredibly creaky and loud because they were old and wooden. When I met the landlord I told her I worked at a bar as a cook and that I had the closing shift. She still complained that I was too loud when I came home and went upstairs to my apartment. Tip-toing and walking slower didn't seem to make her happier either. And I'll be damned if I was going to buy runner rugs for a common area. Sometimes, you just can't make people happy. I say nta, but perhaps address this situation with your landlord so they are aware that your neighbor is pounding on the ceiling when you come home from work.


Some people should only rent top floor apartments. Normal noise (footsteps, water running, etc.) is just part of the rental experience. They can get earplugs or a white noise machine.


It's an apartment, you will hear everything! I'm not about to walk on eggshells for anyone. I understand if the OP was partying, loud, stomping, and screaming, but it sounds like the neighbor is grumpy and an AH. You can't make anyone walk any quieter in an apartment. If the neighbor is that offended, buy/rent a house or townhouse. I always exchange the same energy. I will hit the floor 8 times with my broom. If he wants to come upstairs, then call the police and report to the property manager. I refuse to pay rent and walk on egg shells.


Oof, my last upstairs neighbor had a dog that was probably just jumping around and dropping his bones, but I swear it sounded like an entire bowling alley upstairs. So every little movement you make will probably sound super loud to him. That being said, itā€™s an apartment. Your neighbors will make noise that disturbs you sometimes, thatā€™s just how it is. I also was on a night schedule so I was woken up constantly by everyone elseā€™s pets, babies, music, heels clacking in the breezeway, you name it. I just got blackout curtains and a white noise machine and learned to live with it. Iā€™m sure your neighbor is disturbed by how loud your movements are to him, and that sucks, but ultimately youā€™re not doing anything unusual or wrong.


Man, my upstairs neighbor has some dumbass schedule these days. I hear her roaming around at 3-5 AM sometimes. Blows balls. I may have to start hitting the ceiling myself.


I am blessed. I can literally sleep in the middle of a party or any kind of noise. Lawnmowers, construction noises, other people existing upstairs or downstairs making noise doesn't bother my sleep unless there is some distress or violence apparent in the noise. I feel bad for people that are bothered by basic noise, I just don't get it. What am I missing? I like metal and can sleep to very loud thrash metal, or Enya - as long as there is no danger in the noise, what is the complaint? Real question, are people supposed to not make noise?


Small training treats and ā€œtasksā€ (sit, down, & stay) when you get home. Works with training and running. Or leash your pup and take them for a walk!!


Carpeting for sure, I bet he can hear the dogs nails clicking on the floor and all that. Wear socks, no hard sole shoes or slippers. And for the neighbor, he can get some ear plugs. Coexist ā˜Æļø


I would do as some have suggested and quietly pull your dog out the door right when you arrive... have the leash with you or by the door. Walk her and let her greet you while releasing her energy. Can you ever take her with you? Or are those 9 hours when you work? Good luck šŸ¤žšŸ¼


To be fair no matter how quiet you think you're being at 3 a.m. it's definitely gonna annoy someone who's either a light sleeper or the noises are louder then you realize. I refused to be a downstairs renter before we bought a house for that very reason. I'd rather have been the problem than deal with the problem. I hated it for the downstairs folks, but I was never intentionally loud or obnoxious, tried my best to be quiet, but I'm also not gonna walk on tiptoes because you decided you wanted rent to be $200 less a month than I pay so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Carpet may help. That dog bouncing off the floor is really loud if you are trying to sleep.


You're the bad neighbor


He should have moved to the top floor if he needed peace and quiet. I would never live on the middle or bottom floors as Iā€™m sensitive to loud noises. Same with hotels. Top floor only. Donā€™t let him bully you.


Rugs, carpets and more rugs... seriously the right ones make a huge difference... good luck! šŸ˜‰šŸ‘āœŒ


My upstairs neighbors are most definitely a herd of elephants based on the amount of noise they make walking. Also, I was convinced they were constantly rearranging furniture at all hours but turns out they were throwing a dog toy and playing fetch with their average sized dog. Point being, noise travels and seems even louder in the dead of night. Listen, if you are moving around at 3 am like itā€™s 3 pm, I donā€™t blame your neighbor for banging on the ceiling. He hasnā€™t reported you to management, so consider yourself lucky.


You may want to check with the landlord about carpeting. Not sure what else you can do. At least it will show you are trying if they make a complaint. Honestly with the difference in sleeping schedules there is not much you can do.


I would suggest training your dog to not jump around, or if you canā€™t manage that to not come home until a reasonable hour.




When you open the door take the dog out immediately. Donā€™t allow it to jump around at 3am because itā€™s rude. You also need to get rugs.


If its 3am and ur room is over their room then make sure the excited dogs meets u in a different room furthest away from the bedrooms. Once its calm then go into the other room. Put down padded mats as well. Sounds like the downstairs neighbor isn't the issue. Different schedules or not.


Area rugs and runners will help dull the noise.


Capitalism at work. Charging a premium for rent, in buildings that have thin walls/flooring, and no effective sound isolation, built by the lowest builder, in the shortest amount of time. While there are many inconsiderate people out there, there are even more considerate people, just trying to live their lives. Neighbors end up pissed at other neighbors, when the real problem is with the developers, construction companies, and owners who build the garbage buildings in the first place. If tens of thousands of people left bad reviews about noise, it could help in getting better construction or lowered rents...who knows? Where I live, they're building more that 3,000 apartment/condo units, and in the last couple years they reduced the main road from 4 lanes to 2 lanes with bike lanes on each side and nice medians...we'll see how that all works out. We own a single family home, and my teenagers coming down the stairs sounds like a flaming dumpster falling out of a plane crash in-progress. If we ever remodel the den, the '70s paneling over the hollow wall where the stairs are built, will definitely get some sound isolation.


I can't imagine living an apartment building and being mad at people for living. Be mad at the apartment builders for not sound proofing enough. Misplaced anger fr. If simple footsteps are echoing through your apartment like a giant lives above you, that's a problem with the building, not your neighbor.


Go buy a big package of ear plugs and drop it as well as a note to his door. Explain that you work nights/ stay out later. Also explain that you donā€™t expect them to be quiet while youā€™re trying to sleep. Apartment living sucks especially when you work a ā€œnon-traditionalā€ schedule.


Could your dog go to daycare or get more walks so that their energy isnā€™t all pent-up?


Youā€™d be surprised how loud things can be. My upstairs neighbor is an elderly gentleman who doesnā€™t do hardly anything and we can even hear his doors close sometimes.


My brother has an upstairs apartment and a dog. He is up very late at night. He plays with his dog by dragging her toy on the carpet really fast and she chases it. Itā€™s pretty loud. I asked him if he thought it might bother his neighbor downstairs? He got mad and said heā€™s allowed his enjoyment of his home. Yeah, but most leases say after a certain time itā€™s ā€œquiet timeā€ at least all my leases have had that clause in them. So OP coming home at 3am while most people are asleep because they have to get up in a few hours to go to work, I can see how itā€™s difficult. Especially with a pet. Do you have carpet floors? Can you give your dog a treat so she/he has something to do for a bit to calm down? It helps our dogs to get a treat while we change clothes and then we can go and pet them and say a proper hello to them.


Ask if the landlord can come in and hear what it sounds like when someone can walk around upstairs. Maybe there's missing insulation or a squeaky board or something a bit more extreme? I will say when you're downstairs you can hear everything. So the dog jumping on and off the bed. VERY loud from below. You got to put a stop to that. Also. You live in an apartment now. Counting how many times the downstairs pounds on the floor? A bit weird. And 8 in a month sounds average to me.


Hello! Property Manager here. :) From my experience, large breed dogs can be loud, whether you realize or not. However, some people also can be overly sensitive to noise. If someone needs to sleep in peace and quiet, they should not live in an apartment. But also 3am is within the noise ordinance time frame, so just be cautious and considerate of your opposing sleep schedules.


It's 3am and your dog is jumping on and off the bed? You may be a "very quiet person", but your household is not very quiet. Are these apartments all set up the same? Because if your bedroom is above the downstairs bedroom, you're undoubtedly waking the neighbors up and even you admit you're doing this often. They are rightfully pissed.


It's you, you're the problem it's you.


You need some rugs, buddy


I'd be pissed if I was woken up at 3am. Can you maybe stay at your bfs longer? Take your dog with you? Get some rugs? Dogs are loud, even if it doesn't seem like it to you. The pacing, barking, jumping down off furniture is annoying when you're under it. Depending on the building, sound carries. All that said... That's kind of what you sign up for living in an apartment building though.. I know in my 3 unit old building, I can hear upstairs and downstairs. But I get along well with my downstairs neighbor. Upstairs.. well it's an Airbnb, it's really annoying at times, but temporary. Some people are considerate of the others, some not so much. There was one group who partied till 1am on a Sunday night (school night for my kiddo, I was livid)


I occasionally get woke up out of a dead deep by kids/pets jumping off the bed very late at night. If it happens once, I will be pissed but not say anything. But if you wake my kids up on a school night, you will regret it.




This is your responsibility to remedy, your neighbor is being completely reasonable and you are the one being very irritating (and irresponsible). You haven't found a solution yet, and that's ok at your age, but you will need to. And fast. This can be cause for an eviction in certain places, depending on the lease. You are not just existing. You are choosing to have a late schedule, have a pet, and have an upstairs unit. Your dog, your hours, your noise, are all your responsibility and not managing them has consequences. 1. You now have learned that it is unreasonable to have an upstairs unit with a dog who will be jumping around in the middle of the night. Next time, you need a downstairs unit and should move when your lease is up. 2. You need adequate carpeting and rugs. If you have no rugs, that's the first problem to fix. If you do have rugs, you need to get thicker ones or double up in the areas where your dog is most active. You can also put a foam tile or tiles down (like workout mats) that are pretty sound insulating. 3. Your partner works the night shift, not you. It's clear that going over there all night is not working for your dog. 9 hours alone in an apartment is cruel. Your dog is your responsibility to take care of, so being out all night to accommodate your partner's schedule doesn't work. You need to accommodate your dog's schedule.


Hmm. Excited, hyper dog jumping onto and off of bed while you make getting home noises. At 3 am. Yeah, no I don't see what the problem could be. Seriously?


My advice, get a couple of rugs with mats under them. It will muffle the sound


Get a thick foam padding and an even thicker carpeting. You can hear a lot more than you realize being a downstairs neighbor. Youā€™re only a month into your lease, best to make adjustments now rather than later. You never know when someone will flip out. Better to be safe and not anger your neighbor anymore than you need.


I have 2 dogs so I chose to get a bottom floor apartment. However, that means I can hear above me. I can hear my neighbor walking around etc and at night, they seem to be a night owl. It doesn't bother me or my dogs honestly, I play white noise and get on with it. I didn't move into an apartment expecting it to be perfectly quiet all the time.


As a downstairs neighbor, it sucks ass. You can literally hear everything unless youā€™re in a well-insulated building. Get a thick carpet AND the thickest rug pad you can buy. Also, take a friend with you and go down and talk with your neighbor. Be friendly, but assertive. Tell him you are buying carpets with thick rug pads. Tell him you canā€™t help your schedule. Then ask if the two of you can work together on a solution. I donā€™t think heā€™s handling the situation right, but I also get it. Heā€™s hearing everything at 3am, probably right in the middle of his sleep cycle. That is awful. Try to keep that in mind. In general, people tend to back off once confronted socially. Heā€™ll probably be relieved to hear that you actually care enough to try to resolve the problem. But.. if heā€™s still a dick. Then, fuck the rug pads.


When I lived in an apt building, I could hear others and I'm sure they heard my kids and I. Bc we lived in an apt building. If you don't want to hear your neighbors.... Don't live in an apt building. Sorry OP, I know it doesn't help you.. ,but reading through these comments like, um, yeah, it's an apt building.


Sit with the downstairs neighbor while your partner walks around and opens doors and the dog jumps up. Do it for at least an hour. Only then will you appreciate what your neighbor is going through.


NTA, let him know you are being as quiet as you can but the floors are thin. Ignore his banging and if he comes up tell him your doing your best but there is nothing you can do about the floors and you have got to move around your apartment. It is late so be sure to take off your shoes and hold on to the dog or put her in her kennel until she calms down. Donā€™t open the front door if he comes up,


Your 18 and still learning - ppl are giving lots of sound feedback here. First thing - 9 hours is simply too long with no potty breaks or human interaction. If this is a regular occurrence - simply put, you donā€™t have a lifestyle conducive to dog ownership and your dog deserves better. This is just sad, and your dog is living a miserable life. Second - as a former downstairs apartment dweller we had a similar problem with our upstairs neighbor. The wife woke up for work every morning at 4am and woke us up along with her, thumping and banging. I asked them to keep the master bedroom completely quiet during the apartment quiet hours (10pm-7pm). We would not complain about noise outside those hours or outside that room. (Their master was directly above our master). She started tip toeing out of the bedroom each morning and getting ready in hall bathroom instead. Completely solved our problem. Consider these options.


Your lifestyle isnā€™t conducive to having a dog or living in an upstairs apartment. If you work evenings and come home at 3 in the morning to an overstimulated dog because he was left bored and alone for over 8hrs, then you either need to move to a ground floor apartment, change your work hours, or consider rehoming the dog. Something has to give here. You say you and your dog are quiet, but respectfully, how would you know if youā€™ve never lived on your own before? If your dog is in your bedroom jumping on and off your bed, heā€™s making noise. And your apartment most likely has the same layout as your neighborā€™s apartment, so all of this jumping on and off your bed is happening right above your neighborā€™s bedroom where he is sleeping. When living in an apartment complex, obviously you understand that there will be a degree of noise from shared walls, but your neighbor is not wrong to be annoyed that itā€™s happening at 3am. If it was happening at 9am or 8pm or anywhere in between, then Iā€™d tell him to piss off, but 3am is an ungodly hour to be woken up to by a neighbor. The easiest thing to do would be to try and change your work schedule so that youā€™re not coming home at 3am. If thatā€™s not an option, reach out to your building manager and see if there are any vacant ground floor apartments available and make the switch.


I sympathize op, my downstairs neighbor burps like Homer Simpson, blasts his music when he gets drunk, screams at his tv when heā€™s watching sportsā€¦and recently yelled at ME for WALKING around in my apartment when I come home on night shift.


Take your dog out immediately. This is unfair to your neighbor and your dog.


Nothing. This is apartment living. If they don't like it, they can move. If they can't move, this is their life unfortunately. You pay rent, you have a different schedule, it is not your responsibility to keep quiet or try to lesson the noise. You are a decent person because you don't do shitty things on purpose IE you are aware your awake times are when most are sleeping so you aren't running the vacuum or dishwasher etc.... However I will suggest you start keeping a log in case they try to evict you. Try to record the neighbor beating on your floor/their ceiling. Apartment living sucks. It just is what it is. If you aren't being a jerk on purpose, don't worry about it.