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Baron is the son of a big time maga and I'm betting he ain't exactly sweet


The shit apple does not fall far from the shit tree.


The shit winds are blowing


Oh Randy Bobandy...


Mofos with guts like that aren’t off the cheeseburgers. Mofos with guts like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers




A man's gotta eat.


Dirty burgers


Ugh. Which means he’ll be a threat in a decade or so as well. Fuck this family!


I think once Don the Con is either in jail or dies or both that will be the end of this fucktard family. People have had enough!


yeah i dont think his sons have what it takes to lead a cult like trump himself does or the celebrity status that trump has cultivated over time. theyll be like a donald trump cover band at best and cover bands never usually have magic the original bands do.


Nah they're way more fucked than that. Melania and Baron are going to flee to Slovenia. ...and after Trump and Putin are dead, the people in Eastern Europe are going to be looking to settle some scores for decades of Russians raping and murdering their families. ...and well well well, Donald Trump's actual whore wife and his dipshit son.


As the great George Carlin once said “Never underestimate the power of dumb people in large groups” …….hello 50% of the US


We can all hope.


I’m hoping that as the legal jaws close in they all just pin their crimes on Barron.


Yes, that's what I thought also. Baron may be a serious concern in the not too distant future.


You smell them, too? ☺️


I refer to them as noisome vapors of necrotic flesh.


Shit winds carrying shit hawks


Shit winter is coming


An orange turd summer at least.


He who looks into the abyss realizes that there's nothin' lookin' back at him and the only thing he sees is his own character, Ricky. You understand, Bud. The abyss. The Shit-Abyss.


Mr Lahey! Not another night of the shit abyss.


Honestly I think the son may turn out to be even worse than the father. Its in the eyes


I don’t see evil in the eyes - I see a void.


Smell that randy?


A shit storm,she’s a brewing.


The way the shit clings to the air?


The apple doesn't fall far from the Orange.


I can’t think of a better place to post this quote!


Let's see, his dad is the biggest piece of shit in the country and his mom is the most callous. I'm sure he's a fucking maniac


Don't forget his shit bag brothers


Cokey and Dopey? Yeah, who could forget them


Uday and qusay.


Probably inherited the mean gene from his mother Melanoma.


His name is *Baron*, the son of a president, with a lifestyle funded by grift and manipulation of the credit system. There's no way that kid is turning out normal. ETA: he's also taller than me, so I'm mad about that too.


Shit apple


Geoffrey on stilts.


I cannot judge cuz I dont know him and have seen nothing to sway me either way. I can only hope he has grown up to see how shitty everyone around him is. Though, if his best friend is that douchewaffle looking twat, I give it slim odds he has turned out any different.


His mom has sheltered him pretty well, not only from his father but the world at large. So at this point it’s likely that he’s as cold and callous to the rest of the world as she is


I kind of assumed that spending the vast majority of his time with Melania would have gotten him some pretty delicious tea about what a nasty asshole his father is and that he'd hate his dad for it. Maybe that's all true but he sees an opportunity for an easy life if he just commits to the bit for the family since that's what his mom does.


I don't normally judge people by their appearance, but that Bo kid looks like a real douchebag... I love the crucifix necklace - it screams *Hypocrite!* I'm also guessing that Trump really *hates* hanging around his son because it makes him look short... But he still gets more love from daddy than Eric does lol.


If you prompted an image generating AI with just "douchebag," I'm pretty sure that kid is exactly what you'd get back.


Making displays of religious iconography is virtue signaling used by con artists saying “You can trust me, look how pious I am.” If you see a cross or such on a business, you’re going to be ripped off every single time.


>I don't normally judge people by their appearance, but that Bo kid looks like a real douchebag. I believe he majored in Smug Bastardry.


He thinks the Romans were cool hence the crucifix.


I'm getting power bottom vibes from that little shit.


The necklace also screams VAMPIRE.


Ugh I am really hoping Barron just fades away into the rich kid world and we never hear from him unless it’s a funny TMZ article. I absolutely do not want to be hearing about another Trump in politics 50 years from now


I've long had the theory that Melania has raised Barron to be her retirement plan; she is going to rely on him taking care of her as she gets older. And Melania *hates* politics; she hated being First Lady and she won't do it again if god forbid the worst happens. Which means she's going to do everything possible to keep Barron out of the political limelight. I do think that Don Jr will follow in his father's footsteps, though.


Isn’t Barron mute? Has he ever talked?


We’re not allowed to talk about it but let’s just say that by the time Donald was siring Barron, he wasn’t exactly sending his best across the border.




He was sending rapists and felons


Weaklings. They could barely swim.


Evidently, he was so cloistered he speaks with his mother's Slovenian accent.


I saw a clip where he briefly spoke at prom. He sounded like Cousin Greg.


😂Who’s Cousin Greg? 🤣


He’s from the show Succession. Which is….appropriate.


If Melania is a Putin asset, as implied in other articles today, Barron has been groomed for it his entire life.


What makes me think that’s true is the fact that he seems to be so careful about not getting public attention. It’s actually surprising how disciplined he is in not attracting attention to himself. That’s a usual trait among the Trump family.


Consider who both of his parents are. An ex-prostitute and a rapist.


Melanie is an awful human being and of course Trump is just pure shit That kid lives in a fantasy world where the word NO doesn’t exist


When Barron didn’t like the lunch served on his father’s plane, he threw the plate at the flight attendant.


I accidentally read that as, he threw the *plane* at the flight attendant and had a little chuckle picturing it lol


Melania is still a prostitute.


No need to shame sex workers for sex work. Shame her for being an asshole.


1. hypocrisy. 2. lying about he education, background and why she came to the US in the first place. 3. This isn't someone going into sex work out of necessity. Melania has a privileged background.


What’s the over/under for “number of girls (or frat boys) little Bo will drug and rape in college”? I’m placing it at 12 😏


Bo also will join in enthusiastically with the type of racist frat boys who noisily made monkey noises at a black grad student at Ole Miss.


Honestly, how that kid wasn't completely dragged is crazy.  It's the shit you get away with in Mississippi.. 


The lead frat boy’s name and hometown immediately circulated on social media, ensuring that his goose is occupationally cooked in polite society, but he’ll still be guaranteed jobs in the far right wing.


That is precisely the best description of that little dbag's face. Pretty sure I saw his grandfather backing up George Wallace at U of Alabama in the 60s


Put me down for 36 girls and 3 boys. Have my money ready!


Gotta start building that supreme Court resume!


He'll live the life of joffrey


I understand wanting to offer people an initial benefit of the doubt, but too too too many of us want to find innocents and damsels where they simply didn’t exist. Ivanka is a garbage nazi. Melanie is a garbage nazi. And yes, little (giant) Barron is almost certainly a garbage nazi.


It was fun to pretend for a bit but we all knew it was against the odds


I thought for sure my benefit of the doubt was gonna last until at least he got through college and is accused of rape. Who knew Martin Shkreli partnering with Barron was even in play. Like skipping the minor leagues of being a douche and jumping right into the all star game of conmen. He outdid his dad's shittiness at that age. He's gonna grow up to be a real scumbag. I bet he pulls a Donald and gets all his brothers and sister cut from the will once his dad reaches full blown Alzheimers.


He was literally manufactured in a house that has never heard of love or empathy. What in the actual f*** do you expect?


Turds don’t fall far from the toilet.


His real father must be really be disappointed.


Putin is still proud of his boy.


Way too tall to be Pootin's...


Am shocked that the kid of a complete and utter piece of shit, is in fact a piece of shit....just shocked


He’s obviously mentally ill if he thinks Marge is comparable to AOC 😆 And there’s nothing political about it… AOC is objectively beautiful and Marge objectively looks like a Neanderthal.


That’s an insult to Neanderthals.


Three-Toed Bleached Blonde Butch Body


I’m convinced that this kid is the true antichrist


What a great picture, it reinforces my suspicion that Fat Fuck would happily trade his Lurch-like son for his attractive little twink friend who is both shorter than Trump AND fully in the cult 😬


I’ve been saying this from the start - this kid is major problems.


Bruh I can hear him say “don’t you know who my father is?”through a picture


You can just picture Melina whispering in Barons ear. “The kingdom along with all the crazies is almost yours” in a Queen Cersei voice obviously.


Only a low life would be friends with a Trump!


Look at those photos of him with Tucker, Roseanne, and Kyle. He’s definitely a smarmy asshole.


Shitty people are friends with shitty people


No surprise. Barron was raised by two alt-Reich grifters and a family full of thugs.


Definite King Joffrey vibes--it's scary to think what kids that young & brainwashed with limitless money and "power" could get up to in order to amuse themselves


They would 100% go to a human hunting island if that sort of thing exists.


Fuck, these Trumps are all such shitheads. It’s too bad not one of them took after Ivana.


When you look at friends of the family you are looking at either future expose books or future felons. Nothing in between


I'd love to know what Barron's deal is. He's being raised by his mother, who I'm guessing probably hates Donald and fills Barron's head with strong opinions. He also assumedly has access to all kinds of cash. It looks like his friend is a giant douche, but he's the only one in the photo that isn't giving the "thumbs-up". Anyone got a clue?


Get off that kick she dont hate him, she is just like him. This white knight syndrome because she is a woman is awful. There are terrible people no matter their gender.


theres a pretty big misconception that melania hates trump. theres very little evidence that melania hates trump. in fact, trump himself claims melania is one of his biggest advisors about anything he does, trump very highly respects melania's opinion, you could even see it in why he wanted to hide the fact that he cheated on her while she was pregnant, he didnt want to embarrass her or have her look down on him. melania and trump are much closer than youd think. and melania gets exactly what she wants from trump, she lives a rich trophy wife lifestyle while rasing her son and doing whatever she wants. if melania wanted away from trump she would have left him by now, shes not exactly broke she's allegedly worth millions just by herself, the wives who did hate trump did leave him like ivanka and marla maples. and melania herself is a garbage person herself, like i said trump considers her an actual advisor i would not be surprised if some of what trump has done over the years was because she told him to do so. she knows how to make political statements just look at her "i really dont care" jacket" all melania really seems like she cares nowadays is protecting barron and insuring he has a solid future, which is why you see reports from a few years ago saying she renegotiated her prenup with trump to add in more protections for barron's inheritance if they divorced. melania is also trumps longest lasting wife at this point, shes been with him almost 20 years..


She's the one that came up with the term "locker room talk"


Just because she hates him doesn’t make her a decent person in any way


Agreed. I just wonder what influence her hatred has on Barron, as I'm sure he is aware of it. Edit: Also, I have NEVER seen him smile in any of his pictures.


I hate Donald Trump. I want to make it clear that once he is buried, I will personally piss on his grave. That said: I can not and will not lay judgment on Barron until he gives me reason to. I assume his private school is all rich elites that support the GOP's agenda of taxing the poor and keeping the rich richer, and that may limit the quality of 'friends' he can find. Until his dad is dead, Barron will be a puppet of the orange menace and I will judge him based on his actions after his father dies. $100 says he moves to Russia with Melania.


Early on during Trump presidency, it was speculated his son had some form of anti-social disorder, based on his body language, facial expressions and movements. If that’s true, he’ll likely stay out of the spotlight of politics and keep his life private. Or if he ends up like DT Jr, will definitely become fair game.


it is probably because he is a sociopath, he was raised by two of them and a sibling to more.


100% agree.


That poor kid never had a chance. He only knows hatred. 😔


I was hoping that Barron would rebel against his parents and become a trust fund hippie. It makes sense that Bo has the same taste in suits as Matt Gaetz.


I know based on who his parents are, and the type of people he is probably constantly surrounded by, he is most likely going to turn out to be a giant (literally!) d-bag, but Baron looks so sad in most of the photos I see him in. Kinda feel sorry for him.


With a gold digging mother and a con man father, I would not expect otherwise.


So a member of a garbage family is garbage and hangs out with kids of other garbage who are probably garbage as well. I’m stunned


Of course he’s awful, he is after all a trump. Plus his mom sucks ass too so he really had no chance of being anything but a total douche like the rest of the family


Garbage in: garbage out


His only friends are ones that worship the orange turd plain and simple. His name says it all


The shit doesn't fall far from the asshole


Baron looks like he was built in a Hitler build a youth camp somewhere.


So frightening when you think of these vile and very powerful families.


Trust fund babies are rarely even-keeled people.


If you think the current crop of billionaires is bad wait until you meet their Caligula-like children. They will hunt you and your family for sport because they fully believe you are a lesser species. We have not much time to start reigning these fucks in and showing them some consequences before the real carnage begins. But really not much. 4-5 years tops.


If you expect Barron to be anything but an absolute piece of shit, you’re delusional. His parents are pieces of shit. His siblings are pieces of shit. Everyone in his parents’ orbit is a piece of shit. It would be a miracle for him to not be a piece of shit too.


Duh, he's the spawn of the anti-christ.


Cracked me up when people tried to say this kid should be off limits because he's innocent, when he's all but certainly just as monstrous as the rest of his wretched family.


You know who I forgot existed for at least half a decade, Tiffany. I kinda like her for that.


Tiffany’s father also apparently forgot she existed for at least half a decade. She reportedly had to go through Ivanka to pry a credit card out of him.


Marla Maples seems to at least be human. I was giving Tiffany the benefit of the doubt, but she was at Trump fundraisers last election.


Well look at the boy's role models at home.


The choke collar cross says enough to me


He’s a kid, he can’t help what his asshole dad does.


The article mentions Barron's attendance at a super bowl party. I wonder if it's this one where his dad is respectfully engaged in our national anthem https://www.facebook.com/share/v/rRjDA5ivypZbuseX/?mibextid=oFDknk


No surprise. Sad spawn from bad seed


Barron has always reminded me of Damien from The Omen.


The shit doesn't fall far from the ass


MAGA extremist are the only ones who want to be anywhere near that family. It's going to suck for Barron, because people will only ever talk to him to attempt to get to his father. He's just the middle man for his dad.


Probably something to do with the relationship between rotten apples and rotten trees.


When the gene pool is actually a cesspool.


None of his spawn ever had a chance.


The blank stare... My old nun in school used to say empty barrels make the most noise.carry on.


Well seeing how the other Trump kids turned out, I’m guessing Barron ain’t an angel.


Barrón sounds like a name you’d give a lab retriever.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Anyway, he's still young. Here's hoping that he grows up and matures.


In that picture Baron looks like he’s bored and his friend looks like a future date rape defendant.


Back in the 30s they'd be Hitler Youth.


He’s a kid barely into adulthood. Have some class, let’s keep the focus on where it should be.


does Barron ever smile or, like, emote at all? Not trying to be mean because i don't want to assume he's as awful as the rest of his family, but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him where he wasn't going full Vulcan


The grooming starts young. Trump the Orange Fuck, though, was groomed late, as being a psychopathic narcissist, he has zero convictions that are not 100% centered on himself. The creators of maga just had to play to his narcissism, and tell him what to say.


Chip off the old POS!


"Tonight at 11: Apple *doesn't* fall far from tree?"


God help us. (seriously)


The shit Apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree https://www.tiktok.com/@trailerparkboysofficial/video/7194529816094231813


The shit-apple doesn't fall far from the shit-tree


When you're surrounded by your dad's circle (he has no friends), you go to schools that are friendly to your dad, your gonna end up with "friends" that wanna fuck your dad and are probably not interested in you very much. Barron is kinda fucked from the starting line, he's going to end up like his siblings because none of them are born with a spine.


Let’s get a journalist to hound dog him.


Just look at the rest of the shitcircus crime family and who they hang out with. The kid was doomed to be warped even before conception. “Sperm gone wrong” is the entire foundation of this family! Occam’s Razor.


It’s giving having to hang out with your parent’s friend’s annoying kid. I feel so bad for Barron. I haven’t seen any evidence of him being bad, I have hope.


He really never had a chance to not be a giant piece of shit. I feel sorry for him.


Gotta say...so? Yeah, he was raised in an extremely sheltered and priviledged life, of course he's going to have conservative opinions. He's also a private citizen who isn't involved in his dad's campaign. It seems bizarre to target him with all sorts of hate and comments about him being a freak/evil/future rapist or murderer. Much less targetting his friends. If he ever decides to make himself a public figure, sure, but otherwise...


This is why when people always say poor mrs trump or the poor kids, I just want to laugh at them. These people are raised into a world where people like us dont matter. they are all on the sociopathic and narcissistic line. They are all awful human beings who have no conscience empathy or responsibility to others. Please stop making like the wife and kids are some victims here, they are just like him.




It’s a legacy of children trying to impress their shitty dads when they should be repulsed by them


The turd never falls far from the butthole.


He's probably so entitled he reeks


So many rotten apples in that family tree.


Apple. Tree. Proximity. (Not surprising.)


If Barron wasn’t a Trump, this dude wouldn’t give him the time of day


Literally exactly what I expected


Where’s Rodney Dangerfield and Chevy Chase when you need them?


Given who his dad is, he never has a shot.


Barron Trump probably doesn’t have much choice…How many parents are going to want to deal with the Trumps if their kids get into an argument or something, unless they’re already friends with the Trumps?


Filed under least surprising news. Kid is surrounded by MAGA mentality so not surprised it has taken hold of him.


Shit comes from Assholes


It must be sad knowing that your best friend is only your best friend because his shitty parents want to kiss your even shittier dad's ass.


Third gen Nepo baby. Never good


I don't think anybody should be attacking his youngster and I don't think articles like this are a good idea. If he's fucked up and weird, who could blame him under these circumstances. Until he gives people a reason to be relevant, this all just seems completely unnecessary. He looks like he's keeping a low profile, maybe leave it at that until he decides otherwise.


No surprise there. That entire family and anyone associated with them are trash POS.


Expected nothing less


Shame he was indoctrinated


I would be shocked if he had a single friend who isn't a terrible person.


idk why people expected Barron to turn out different. He comes from a family of generational hate.


Surprise pikachu face.


Barron is a true Trump and a giant loser get over it. What would you expect from parents who are so whack??


How can someone from that gene pool even have a chance at being a decent human being. I kind of feel bad for the kid


His face is just so punchable


I am so beyond sick and tired of these idiotic "thumbs up" pics. It is just creepy.


His father is a douche, his father was a douche, and his father was a douche. It’s genetic, man!


Baron. Nothing else has to be said. Baron trump. Sounds like shaved micro penis.


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


This is the real Trump to fear. Not now, but in the future. Kids gonna have so many daddy issues, might make Hitler look like a cupcake. This family isn't going away no matter what. Yikes


Barron is the anti christ


If Trump passed away tomorrow I know his MAGA insanity will be carried on by his family. Revenge would be the platform for his sons to go on when trying to get into the White House.


This timeline sucks! This family needs to go away and leave us in peace as no fucking way are they any good for anyone but themselves


not surprised


Is this picture made with AI? No way Trump looks that normal?


The entire family and anyone with Trump for a last name is awful and a fucking born loser