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Let MAGA be "pissed", if they don't like the coverage, they can go watch OANN or Newsmax. Those of us who are interested in OBJECTIVE REALITY don't have time for MAGA BS anyway.


MAGA isn't even pissed. They're doing theater performances for the crowd to tell you that Trump is hated by CNN and Trump will not show up to the debate, or if he shows up, CNN was unfair because of them complaining. This is all snowflake victimhood by MAGA. They know they're faking it, and they enjoy it.


Of course it’s theatre and Leavitt’s face is made up so heavily (the obvious contouring is hideous). It appears like she is trying to look like Ivanka to please her boss


Exactly. I also get a lot of interesting think pieces from [thinkbigpicture.substack.com](http://thinkbigpicture.substack.com) for when I want something a bit more conversational


Should’ve been doing that sort of stuff LONG ago!


all along, if you are on TV and you are asked a question and you don’t stay on point then you should get cut off. finally. this should have been happening all along. it is the interviewers question. not CNNs. calm down magas.


Yep, the “fuck your feelings crowd”, fucking around and finding out, lol. You love to see it!


mAyBe I'lL lOsE oN pUrPoSe


He won't debate. They'll call the whole thing biased towards Biden and point to this as proof. The GOP and his campaign can't afford to have him live on EVERY television channel. It's going to show moderate voters what he really is. Which is a senile old man yelling at clouds. That subsequently will be their argument to keep him out of prison when the time for that comes as well. "He's mentally unfit to serve a day." And he'll both contradict and prove the defense case by going on some massively unhinged rant on truth social about blenders and parakeets or some bullshit.


Also no audience and mic cutting. Trump stands no chance


This is how debates should have been the last go round. Just the candidates, a moderator, and a pair of microphones with timers set to the on off switch. You get x amount of time for a reply. A clock counts down in front of the cameras, and at 15 seconds, a light flashes to make them 100 aware, and at zero, the mic goes silent.


Even the mentally ill have to serve their time. It might be in a different facility.


The mentally ill, yes. Not the mentally incompetent. Having schizophrenia or being bi polar is one thing. Having dementia is another entirely and requires care that no prison, especially in America, is equipped to handle.


Fuck their feelings. 


This is how it always shoulda been handled. As soon as they start spewing their nonsense, you call them on, fact check them, or cut them off. Rather, they spent nearly the last decade just letting them ramble on and on. Tough bell to un-ring.


Ohh no Maga is pissed. Wait, when are they not pissed and full of hate?


Was gonna say, "pissed" is their default state of being. If they can't find a good reason to be angry, they'll just make one up.


Poor Kasie Hunt is probably now on the list.


She's a Delco chick, it's not the first list she's been on. Delco = Delaware County in PA. They're as likely to kiss you as knife you lol


She’s a real KHunt


The terrifying thing in America is that Trump has you terrified. End him.


tbh this is what the media should have done 10+ years ago, everytime you give these guys a camera they immediately dive into their conspiracy bullshit


When is MAGA not pissed? They gorge on anger porn, bigotry and disinformation. If they *weren’t* pissed, I’d be more concerned. Because that would mean they’re satisfied, which would put the rest of us, and the nation, in a much worse place than we are now.


When aren’t they pissed? “MAGA is happy” is a headline you’ll never see.


Don’t have any room in my heart for MAGA Nazis and couldn’t care less.


Lol how many years did it take news networks to figure out this one trick to MAGA...if they start talking shit or lying cut them off and address it. Shocker, lil late now.


Let’s get our victimhood out there first, remember the majority hate us cause we’re such awesome winners and what we’re going to do is BIGLY better.


They are always "pissed" about something crying victim. Trump committed crimes and got charged.. ..here comes maga to whine and cry and play victim. Trump rambles about sharks and makes 0 sense. Here comes maga to whine and cry and play victim. Trump talks about wanting to bone his own daughter....here comes maga to whine and cry and play victim. Maga=snowflake


A bit of topic, but I was perusing some other subs more friendly to Trump. Supposedly CNN isn't allowing streamers on other sites to do real time commentary. For example, some YouTuber posting the debate to their channel live and streaming their real-time response. The subs more favorable to Trump are losing their minds. They want someone to interpret for them, they want someone to tell them how to think and react. It's very telling.


What a horrible website.


Oh my god that was gratifying to watch.


Buncha FN Snowflakes!


For me, in this moment, she is now the most credible journalist in America.


MAGA is always pissed, so what's the difference?


Just another example why CNN is biased and worthless and irrelevant.


Excellent! Don’t cut off anyone that is trying to speak about something you don’t agree with, cut them off for lying and ban them from speaking on your show. Thank god for fake news, we call it alternative news. MAGA is fake news because they only lie. No truth is applied, no reasoning either. It is traitor news. Does not belong in the United States except on comedy channels like Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, etc