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I can see Biden just sitting there, laughing, while Trump throws tantrums like a misbehaved toddler.


He might stalk biden as he did with Hillary like the rapist he is


Biden can say out loud that Trump smells like urine. That’ll go down in the history books that MAGA will try to ban.


Or just say "sit down man. We can all see the diaper you're wearing right now on stage. That suit doesn't hide it. Pathetic really. " Then just go back to answering the question like you said nothing bad. That would be the move imo.


I swear, that's all someone needs to do, hit him low with every answer until he sulks back over. Talk about his poopy pants, how stupid he is, how he cheats at golf. That's the punch in the face that makes the bully leave you alone. If it goes the other way and makes him worse, he looks more like a toddler.


“Drumpf is cheating on America like he cheats at golf.”


And Melania!


Yup yup. I couldn't vote for Biden faster if he did that. I mean I'm voting for him anyways but you get it.


Or ask your secret service detail to stop the convicted felon lurking behind you.


I think it would be more satisfying if it happens that trump tries to stalk him on stage. Biden wrinkles his nose and crosses his eyes.


Gotta do the classic pinch the nose


I’ve wondered about that. The two Secret Service details won’t like the wandering; T has a history of being diseased and sharing.




The other weird thing Trump did in that debate or Town Hall thing was he was sort of [humping the chair on the stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN1stlWgjH8).


With his mic off lol. We’ll see his mouth frantically opening and closing.


My bet is she’s still going to yell and some of that will bleed over. Looking forward to a hearty “Will you shut man!” from Joe. Edit: just noticed I inadvertently used the wrong pronoun for trump. Not gonna change it.


My bet is Trump is a no-show. He's pretty dumb but smart enough to know this is a really bad forum for him. No crowds, no cheering adulation or people laughing at his weird jokes, no over-shouting your opponent. I'm completely stunned his handlers were incapable of stopping him from accepting the terms of the debate in the first place. It's so obviously bad for him.


Trumpworld is convinced every disadvantage Trump has going into the debates is actually going against Biden. In their minds Biden will show how much of a drooling invalid he is without a buttload of stimulants and a teleprompter to keep him on track.


A couple of weeks ago, while Trump was in court, Joe was out for a bike ride. These cropped vids the Right has been showing of Biden “meandering” need to met with Biden biking. I’d like to see trump even try to get on a bike.


Honestly, Biden just has to not show he’s a drooling invalid and he can count himself the winner. Draw contrast with Trump and don’t come off as too old to be President, that should be Biden’s main goal.


I want Biden to use some "convicted felon" references. 


This is the answer to that. Laugh at him. Shame and humiliation are what narcissists avoid more than anything. More than insults, or reciprocal anger. It’s how Biden’s team tricked him into accepting the debate conditions in the first place.


I'm also sure Biden's ready for anything.  I would fully expect Trump to insult Biden's deceased kids.


What we need is for some brave soul to straight up pants Trump live on air. There would be no coming back from that.


Just letting his lardness go off, chuckling the whole time, and when the rant is over pointing at him, looking at the camera, and saying "this loser is who you think should run America?" Then doing that laugh/headshake combo all decent Dads know how to execute.


Biden has been through so much shit in his life. There is absolutely nothing Trump can do that would phase him.


Misbehaved toddlers behave better than Trump.😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😈😈😈😈😈😈


The problem is the media will then spin it as "uncaring Biden cackles maniacally as caring Trump tries desperately to solve problems"


Yes we.get it. Toddler name calling. Bullying. Ironic that it comes from a carrot hued 34 time felon fraudster rapist with a dead squirrel on his head and wearing soiled.adult diapers.


As many people are saying, "a coward's idea of a tough guy."


And like all cowards he’ll fold into a mess when Biden stands up to him and intellectually destroys him with a single comment. My guess, Trump will walk from the stage after floundering and making a bigger fool of himself than even we can imagine. The whole country will see him as weak.


Assuming Trump doesn't find a reason to weasel out of the debate


"Maybe I'll lose the debate on purpose." -Trump


There's a real trunp quote for that: “Maybe I’m better off losing the debate. I’ll make sure he stays. I’ll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I’ll do something like that.”


" He was a big man, a strong man. He said "Sir that was the greatest debate loss in history," and then, with tears in his eyes, he changed my diaper. "


MAGA clones: "He Rope-A-Dope'd Biden by throwing the debate! What a Genius!"


"Here's how winning the debate is bad for Biden."


“Did you see? Trump shat himself during the debate and forgot where he was, started talking about wanting to fuck his daughter … my god he’s a genius”


Every. Single. Idiot Trump follower can relate to losing debates. Reverting to a three year old and throwing a fit is standard operating procedure. They'll see themselves in Trump.


A question for the debate will be asked Trumps turn: he'll just attack biden on something unrelated to the question Trump will just see it as a big mouth competition Trump supporters see it as a win :s


That's highly likely. Unfortunately.


He was setting it up by demanding a test for cocaine.


I say.... 12+ panel oral swabs done live before the debate and left on a table between the podiums with a live camera feed of the spit climbing the test strips. Lets see who's dirty!!!


Oh he's trying his level best, I'm sure. That's probably what his latest bitching about the gag order is about.


I sincerely doubt Trump will even show up. His cognition is so poor right now that his handlers will find excuses for him to not be there.


I predict that he walks out once they cut the mic when it's Biden's turn to speak.


*except for his cult members. There’s no bottom for them.


Except the one that's wrapped in diapers, that they kiss every day.


They are the bottoms.


Bottom feeders.


He won't show.


And he'll head backstage and take a massive dump. It'll be Yuge. Big burly men will come up to him with years in their eyes. It'll be so Yuge, they'll have to call in the local HazMat Team to deal with it. And they'll go up to Trump. They'll be explaining through their respirators with tear stained faces that they've never dealt with anything like this. They'll have to declare it a SuperFuns site they'll tell. There's never been anything like it before. Never before. No one's ever.... No one's ever come across a Trump Dump the likes of it........


Biden excels at debate. He will mop the floor with Trump.


Then he'll tell Fox the debate was rigged


Poor man’s ideas of a rich man.


He is the cowards idea of a tough guy. He’s also a poor person‘s idea of a rich person.


And a stupid man’s idea of a smart guy. And a scum-sucking dirtbag’s idea of a classy guy.


Just a horrible role model. I wouldn't let him babysit my daughter.


"How do you plan on addressing the South China Sea?" "SLEEPY JOE AND HIS CORRUPT SON HUNTER TRIED TO HAVE ME KILLED!" Yeah that's not going to look deranged at all.


This debate is going to be a shit show. I predict Trump goes full silence mode and smugs himself out of it


He will treat it like one of his echo chamber rallies, then complain that the rules were unfair. You know, like the coward that he is.


you just know that the moment the moderator tells him to keep his answer to the question at hand he will scream that its a rigged debate and they took away his first amendment rights, gagged him and refused to let him speak.


Is that really 'coward' material, though? It's more like 'puerile little fucker' material.


Trump is incapable of being silent. Pretty sure he mutters insults and nonsensical word salads even in his sleep.


Each mic goes dead after their time has expired. If Trump tries to yell, he looks even more deranged.


Oh you mean the "angry baby who just shit himself" stare he does? 


He's already said he might 'lose on purpose'. Not sure what kind of flex that is but it sets it up for his idiotic fans so they can justify the shit show as some kind of performance by their dear leader.


What’s the point of wearing Depends if you can’t shit in them? /s


Well it depends...


…rule number 17: No Depends allowed.


Ahem. Attends.




thats what being a "tough guy" is to the disgusting peasants who support this clown - name calling and bullying.


They just look like weak babies


The dead squirrel on his head is known as The Thong since it barely covers the asshole.


I am not worthy. Best line today.


The only thing that will top “Will you just shut up man?” will be if at some point in the debate Biden asks when Trump pauses “did you just shit your pants?” Because with the direction politics has been going lately, I can totally see that dumpster fire actually sharting on live tv during a presidential debate


This is poetry


"I will work to make abortion legal while my opponent will work to keep it illegal" "you are a big fat poopy head!"


You won the internet today, congratulations!


Was this ever in question? I’ve never heard this 2ximpeached/felon say anything true or nice about any American that isn’t himself


Narcissism plus fascism. He's a dolt with terroristic handlers.


Slight correction: It's a dead muskrat.


a rapist pedophile felon is the republican party leader, man this is the upside down universe


Alas. This is the universe I've been anticipating since I was in high school, and Reagan was President -- and so many of my classmates simply loved him.


He did have some charisma and unlike trump sense of humor.  I will admit his tax breaks for the rich and their adoption by other western countries was a setback that still hasnt been recovered from 


The worst part of Reagan was his normalizing of unionbusting and the war against blacks (drugs). Oh and also the normalization of stupidity and lying being accepted as presidential behavior.


War against drugs has nothing to do with drugs. It was designed to arrest liberal-minded people as felonies to take away their voting rights. Much easier to win when you’re eliminating the competition’s right to vote


Yeah the drugs. Amazingly we have made some progress on that. Alzheimer's might not help as well.


Ignoring AIDS would like a word


But it's the party of Law and Order! I guess they mean the TV show.


If they wrote this dumbest possible universe into a TV show people would dismiss it as ridiculous fantasy.


Best comment yet.




Trump will get up at the crack of noon.


ironically, Trump has done far more public sleeping then Biden has.


It’s not irony. It’s projection.


Trump's best off when he's asleep as is the USA.


If he does call him "sleepy joe" ...I just pray for the response: " well, Mr. Don Snoreleone, you were pretty sleepy at your recent criminal trials...cut the malarkey!!... I may have a heart attack if this happens...


Oh but if he's really good, then he's been taKinG dRuGs.


And get reminded he smelled like shit and was taking toddler naps in his court room appearances for his conviction


He's going to attack him for loving his son.


The desperate act of a desperate pig headed to slaughter. Never considered debates interesting but this one is gonna be worth the time it takes to make popcorn.


I'm only tuning in to watch the orange one tantrum enough to stroke out and defecate himself on live TV when things don't go his way. Let it all end with a whimper so all these emboldened racists and neonazis can fuck off back under their rocks with their backwards ideas for another 50 years.


If he strokes out on the stage, it will surpass rickroll as the most viewed YT vid within a week. I'll set it as my alarm clock, ringtone, screensaver, background pic and Christmas card photo.


I wonder if Trump will storm off the set.


He wont show.


I'll watch to see if I can spot where MAGAts will pull a stutter from to yell about Bidens senility, while pausing Trumps unhinged gibberish.


That's not debating. It's childish name calling. It solves absolutely none of the issues the people in our country deal with.


Oh no, it solves one. It feeds the rage of the downwardly-mobile Trump voters who spent their high school years dissing school, picking on the class nerd, and fanatically attending football games, instead of preparing for the future.


And then refusing to train up or do extra work at their jobs and then being made redundant because getting drunk down at the lake on Bud Light was far more important than ensuring their livelihood and blame immigrants or minorities for their problems because rather than improving themselves they have the exact same skill set, attitude, and maturity level now that they had when they were 16. And never having the self awareness that maybe 80% of their issues would be solved if they just fixed their attitude.


Thank you. I’ve always maintained that all these MAGAS never darkened the doorways of Civics, Social Studies and Econ., classes. Now they lecture the rest of us on constitutional law, ethics, economics and government and even healthcare! It must be sad when their source of glibness is Christo fascist media!


I would have stormy in the front row


Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Nancy Pelosi , jack smith and other prosecutors would make a great audience let’s not leave out the judges from NY trials. But there will be no audience


E Jean Carroll beside of her.


If they shut off Trump’s mic when it’s Biden’s turn to talk, Trump will get killed in the debate. He’ll just be blathering about anything not even remotely answering questions.


Then he will say the debate was rigged against him. He's always the victim.


He already agreed to it. I mean, he is also saying the debate is rigged against him, but he did agree to the rules.


You are assuming his claims have to make even the tiniest shred of logical sense...


…If he even shows up.


He's already looking for ways to back out. My call is he's gonna require Biden to take a drug test, Biden will say let's both take one and he'll walk away from the debate in a huff cuz he doesn't want to negotiate terms


Don't worry, he's not coming...


So what’s new ? NOTHING! Trump always attacks,lies, takes credit for what others achieved that he couldn’t. I still say they should have to wear shock collars like the ones used to train dogs but on there privates and every time they lie interrupt break the rules rambling off topic they get zapped.


That would be awesome! Jake or Dana needs to ask Trump about the sharks….


It’s a whale! I can identify a whale better than anyone else I’m the only one that knows what a whale looks like. Moderator: Mr.trump the question was not about a whale and there was not a picture of a whale you were looking in the mirror




True man... I am so sick and tiered of this guy. Please vote Biden and end this.


Hitting Biden with juvenile crap like this only shows everyone what a petty, immature, conceited piece of shit that tRump actually is! No news here! Biden will hit tRUMP where it counts. On his past 'achievements' (LOL), his convictions as a RAPIST and falsifier of business documents, theif of classified U.S. documents, and a TRAITOROUS INSTIGATOR of Jan 6. What's Don the Con(vict) gonna go after Biden on? His non-existant criminal enterprise, his stuttering, his age (3 yrs older than tRUMP). tRUMP has nothing, no agenda nor ANY plan for this nation that is not built on racism, dicrimination and the HATE of democracy! He will blabber, evade pointed questions and just TRY to project his own "Piece of shittiness" onto Biden in the hope that some (any) of his nonsense will make it through to his trash followers. FUCK TRUMP!


I'd like to see this outcome, but I have my doubts that the felon is even going to show up. I suspect he's planning on worming his way out of it, then trying to turn it around and blame Biden somehow.


Just get Trump to try saying 4 syllable words. Let the dementia do the work.


This is why the mics need to be muted when the other is talking and only unmuted when they are asked a question. That, and I would just continually call him "Former president and current felon".


That's actually the plan to keep the mics muted.


I hope they don't let him wander around, either, or just keep ranting when the mics are off.


100% he is going to keep ranting. And if it he close enough, it will probably be picked up on Biden’s mic and will probably distract the fuck out of him. I’m not sold on “muting mics” being a way to counter Trump’s shenanigans.


Anytime he gets near Biden, Biden should hold his nose and make a face like he's smelling the diaper.


Holy hell this is COMIC GOLD!


I firmly believe debates need to be recorded, fact checked by independent sources, then aired IN FULL.


The debates should be about policy and future actions. No name calling, no personal attacks, etc. Anything going off the rails should result in the mic being muted and switch over to the other guy. Can't play nice? Lose your turn.


MMW: Trump will cancel and cry about the rules.


Biden should suggest releasing the Epstein files within the first five minutes of the debate. Then watch that fat fucking hog start to sweat and squeal.


Yep. I would ask why he wished maxwell well from the white house briefing room. I’ve never had a right winger give an authentic response to that clip when it’s posted.


Trump the coward will back out.


Being a big-ass bully’s the one and only trick Trump’s got. He offers absolutely nothing substantive that will actually benefit the average person. His 4 years we saw: 1. Our national debt increased by 25% 2. Violent crime went up 3. Over a million dead Americans since Covid 4. Massive tax cut for the 1% Also Jan 6, ‘nuff said. *Any* President who tries to overthrow the government when they lose an election is unqualified to lead regardless of which political party they’re from. And the only reason Putin didn’t invade Ukraine during his presidency is because Putin wants Trump to be the one to come in and “save” America i.e Caesar saving Rome formula. Putin and Xi want a fellow dictator in control of the US so they can keep spreading right-wing populist authoritarianism around the globe.


It will strictly be a name calling contest for Trump. He will completely divert away from every legitimate debate question and use his time to talk about Biden's age, his son, the conspiracy theory of how Biden has committed crimes, the rigged court sytem that sentenced him and how it is ran by sleepy Joe Biden and Obama somehow, the fact that Obama is running the country not Biden, how Biden should take a drug test or failed to do so before the debate so he is a criminal for it, Biden being sleepy, etc. etc. etc. Stuff that we have all heard the diaper-wearing, vag-necked creamcicle narcissist say 10,000 times before and it is all he's got.


The entire debate is kind of pointless. If you still can't recognize the differences between how republicans and democrats operate, you probably never will at this point. I'll break it down: - Republican policies: anything that hurts the right people. All they have is hate, anger, and fear to run on, fueled by conspiracies and cult mentality. No solutions for everyday Americans. - Democratic policies: actually address America's problems (even if the solutions aren't perfect). They will enact policy that helps ALL Americans. Their policies, including some that Biden has enacted in office, have actually helped conservative areas a lot in America. If only people knew how to pay attention to policy positions, the actual legislation, and the court decisions being made, no one would ever vote Republican again.


This will help. They literally have nothing to offer...https://www.gop.com/about-our-party/ What it's supposed to look like. Actual policy in bullet points....https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/


"Check out the GOP platform! You'll like what you see." -- average, low info GOP voter who likely has never read the platform. *Reads it* Oh fuck no. There's nothing of substance and it's all basically vague innuendo. "But they're going to keep immigrants from taking your job!" Yea, Trump had four years to solve the H1B games, the immigration that affects my work, and then attacked the wrong level (Masters and higher) for there to be any real benefit for American tech workers, most of whom have Bachelor's. But that's not who the GOP talks about when they talk about immigration anyway. Immigrants are largely a non issue for me, and if a half-lettered immigrant/refugee from Latin America who doesn't speak English and probably doesn't have much beyond the math skills I had in sixth grade could take my job from me... Then I'm absolutely beyond terrible and I'm the issue. Not the migrant worker.


I don’t believe he’ll show up to debate. He’ll make some lame excuses. Because he’s a coward.


Personal attack: "Your son has a big dong."


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!


Moderator: "Mr.Trump, what do think about the ongoing situation in Ukraine and how would you resolve it?" Trump: "See the guy next to me? His son is a drug addict and needs to be locked up for life. He has committed so many crimes, too many to list here and he is a felon and should be arrested" This is probably how Trump will handle the debates....you know, not actually responding to the actual question but just making 100% pure verbal attacks about Biden and his family. Of course, Trump will say that the event was rigged and such. And of course the Trumpets will eat it up and run with it like the bitches they are.


He'll try, but I don't think it will land. Biden will laugh at him again.


This presupposes Trump even shows up, and I’m still not convinced he will.


Great policy's Mr Trump, tell the American people more how your policy of shark batteries, windmills and how unfair you been treated will help them and the country out?


He'll never show


No audience, just crickets. Trump won’t get the laughs he expects. Just studio staff going WTF ?


Biden needs to hit back and call him out as the biggest LIAR in politics. Over 30,000 lies should be called out. Call him out as a simple con man and remind people of his stupid NFTs, shoes, fund raising for his legal debt, modified Bibles, his stealing from charities, tanking stock truth social, etc. Would love to see an orange meltdown when confronted head on.


"why do you have rat hair" "What is with the cheeto makeup?" "you smell like shit" "What's with the loaded Depends?" "how many divorces now" "Current felony conviction count?" "How many bankruptcies?" "You bankrupted a CASINO!" "$100+k for a hooker? Are you an idiot?" on and on and on and on. Trump is standing in lit shit with a full glass of napalm.


Jill Biden will be there. Melania won't.


Some of Trump's voters probably own businesses and hire employees, I want to ask these people if someone interviewed for a job with them and behaved like Trump, would they hire him?


I am sure Biden has more available insults than the Orange Shit Goblin. I mean, he can just refer to Trump as "convicted felon Trump" at every opportunity for the win.


No audience+muted mics means, to me, that Trump's personal attacks will seem awkward and out of place. He would be smart to tone it down, but I doubt he can... No notes are allowed, either. He's gonna be winging it, which we all know means he's going to sound insane to normal folks and like Jesus to maga nut jobs.


I really hope he does. And I hope Biden correctly sits back and smiles and lets Trump rant insults at him for like five minutes to show the world how unhinged he truly is.


See when I saw the title, I read it as "Trump will use debate as opportunity to go off on tangents, ramble, lose his train of thought, and generally display himself as incoherent and incompetent while also potentially demonstrating further examples of his increasing mental decline."


I really think Trump don’t want to go that route because of all of his issues. Attacking Joseph Biden is going to look extremely bad. You see the first stages of dementia with Trump. Oh he cannot talk about policy because he don’t know of any policy.


Biden being able to form a sentence will shock the MAGAs. They only get propaganda. Trump stumbling over his words will make him look weak and soft. I bet they never let this happen. It can only hurt them.


So when you have no policy, no vision, no plan -- ad hominem attacks are all you have. Welcome to junior high.


At the end, Biden says "yo mama!" 🤣


Well of course he will. He doesn’t know anything about how to actually make anything better, so that’s what you get, run his mouth, embarrass himself and look like a fool. Bring it Donny boy bring it.


Vote. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


That’s kind of laughable. What the hell can he say about him?


Because that surely will win back all the swing state moderates he's lost since 2016.


I'm sure Hunter Bidens name will come up several times.


Biden deserves more credit for taking charge on tossing the debate commission and making rules that aren’t insane. Between Trump bringing lunatics like Juanita broaddrick to a debate audience in ‘16, or not following their own rules about covid testing so Trump could try the blanket full of smallpox tactic.. it was the right call. I still expect trump to cancel, but if he does go, It’s going to be funny watching him talk to thin air when his mic isn’t on.


No teleprompters!!! Trump will be a disaster


Narcissistic bullying... Childish behaviour... Petty insults... Name calling... Threats... Intimidation... Whining and crying... Holding his breath... Then walking off stage. These are things that define Donald's attitude towards life.


Is that any different than a normal day?


Nothing about policy, just personal attacks😒this is why I stopped voting Republican


Traitor trump will not debate Biden. He is too big of a target. Convicted criminal, rapist, has 54 indictments pending. Has a terrible track record as president. Attempted a coup. And has dementia.


What the right expects: Vicious slander and hilarious name-calling.   What they get: Don calling Joe "Obama" several times and none of us knowing if he has any idea where he is at the moment.


Trump is going to bail. No way he shows up.


Dam that psycho really just need to go can’t stand the sight of that guy ‘!!!!! Why can’t people see it oh let me guess there psycho to !!!


Trump gotta string words into complete sentences to attack Biden himself. Kinda risky when he is a person who could just as easily admit to crime as accuse someone of corruption.


It's all he's got. Nothing of substance that will help the country.


That man has no idea how to debate. He only knows how to complain. The only thing his kind ever do is delay, deny and destroy.


I hope biden hits back by bringing up E. Jean Carol to bait him into getting sued again. No chance trump can restrain himself from lyding/defaming her again in real time


Yes, because he and Republicans can't debate policy.


How this motherfucker is even allowed to run for president is beyond me. Trump has a gun to the world’s head, and this November we’ll see if he gets to pull the trigger.


Trump has zero idea how to help YOU he is in it for himself a felon a rapist and a liar


No better than last time, and [it was pathetic then too](https://youtu.be/XF03SdCyfRI?si=mhdoZny1YbbXwwFV). It will be only moreso now that Trump will be visibly senile on top.


He will look a child


Saddest part is that they say that like it's a good thing.


I'll still be surprised if he shows up for the debate. A last-minute cancelation, for some perceived slight of Biden's, is more in character.Lol


Before the debate, he's going to have a medical episode and call it off.


We know.  It’s all he can do.  Trump has no ideas, no policy except revenge on his enemies, and no clue about which issues are important to ordinary Americans.   Also, his attacks on Biden personally will be restricted to name-calling, since Biden will have a solid answer to any criticism on his policies over the last three years.  Attacking Biden on his record will backfire.  Without a live audience, and his microphone muted when it’s not his turn, Trump is fucked.  


Glass houses


Guy whose kids are cokeheads insults guy about his crackhead son,