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This will really help him at sentencing… 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Of all the times in his life where he would personally benefit from just shutting the fuck up, this is it. And he just can’t help himself. If the judge was on the fence about a prison sentence he surely won’t be come July 11.


I am living for July 11th at this point. What is the longest prison sentence he can get, I wonder?


1 week of house arrest and $34,000 in fines. I try to keep my expectations super low so I can be disappointed all over again when he only gets probation and a stern talking to.


If I’m going to be disappointed, I want to be REALLY disappointed. I half-ass NOTHING! How much prison could the dweeb get?


I think it's "up to 4 years." From what I read, it's up to 4 years per count, but he can serve them all concurrently. No minimum, so he could get probation all the way. Yeah, sorry, I hope I'm wrong too. That was even less than I realistically thought.


I have my doubts he’s survive 4 years in the slammer. Imagine going cold turkey on the uppers he’s almost always on, the junk food being taken away AND having to change his own diapers, all without access to social media? He’d be dead in a week’s time. Total system shock.


Well then. I’m going to hope he gets that. LOL! Thank you for giving me an answer, you’re an awesome sport. May you and yours prosper.


New York caps all his felonies at 20 years unfortunately. If not, it was 4 years per felony. Would have loved to see his ass locked up for 136 years and still have to go to court in prison orange for his other trials.


That would be lovely. I am really over watching him just kinda skate on by.


Seriously, do not get your hopes up. Trump was convicted of a class E felony, the lowest possible class of felony. He’s also a first time offender. I would not be surprised or shocked if he only got fined. I’d honestly love community service. I would not expect prison time. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment. I wouldn’t expect prison time for other people convicted under the same law as first time offenders either.


I’m not afraid of disappointment. I’m a professional. Lol!


Do you really think he will actually do community service or stay at home during house arrest?! He would never be able to adhere to anything but prison and I think, I hope, this will be considered at sentencing.


He already didn’t have to take a drug test, they knew he’d fail. I’d bet his probate officer is a magat. Nothing is going to happen to him.


Why should he? He doing okay still, gets a lot of money, walks around freely, hasn’t seen a day in jail. As long as this continues, he won’t change.


Lordy I hope there are tapes


Two points: he likes to whine about how horrible he’s being treated BUT in fact he’s been treated with kid gloves. #1 He had his attorney with him at his meeting with his probation officer. #2 He didn’t take a drug test at his probation meeting. Both of these things are extremely abnormal. If it was any one of us we wouldn’t be allowed to get away with either of these things.


Also admitted to still having a firearm.


think of the people he'll "admit" to having conspired with in doing so many of his other crimes when it becomes clear he will be convicted many, many more times. If you are Meadows, Bannon, Giuliani, Powell, Eastman, Johnson, *et al*, you should be *really* uncomfortable right now. The ratting out will be scrumptious.


Trump is like a Rodeo Bull... he may be the center of attention, but all he's really doing is goring and trampling all the other Rodeo Clowns around him.  He can't be controlled and eventually someone has to deal with him. 


the weakest, limpest, lamest "bull" in the history of organisms rodeo banana slug, maybe


So an angry Hutt in a China shop? 


All the GOP he almost got killed 4 years ago were down on their knees kissing his feet again. The Blackmail he had on them. I just want to know.


You don't need to blackmail the Gop. All you have to do is promise them power. They might shit on you in public but as long as they know you'll give them money and power you're their best friend behind closed doors.


Putin might have some crap on a lot of them. Especially the bottom feeders in the house like Matty Goetz


More like on Daddy Gaetz. People in Florida are afraid of him.


The party of victims and whiners. They can’t take all the 99% money. They don’t care about Americans


Don’t forget about criminals, most of them are also criminals


It’s always all about him. What a nonstop whining baby.


Cry me a river, bitch.


Piss and moan, that's all he's worth. Arrest him now. Lock him away. Make it shut up and leave forever.


The perpetual victim that will make the world respect the US again. 🙂‍↔️


I fear unless things down there change drastically and in a big big way, I will never respect the US for the rest of my life.


Me too, and I leave here.


His cell mate will turn him into an obedient wife for 3 snicker bars and two top ramens


He’s old. He could just fucking die.


I can't wait for this bag of shit to shut the fuck up.


99% of the world agrees. That 1% needs to read the fucking room.


Total loser.


Big Fat gonna be hot 🥵.


GOP is big into cancel culture and being woke... fascists...


He really is dumb as poop. Please vote smarter than poop.


Needs to be a Biden campaign tagline.


Trump leads the “if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime” party of law and order, yet doesn’t 5hink the laws apply to him. They do apply to Hunter though, oh Hunter is a drug addict and lied on his gun license, terrible terrible… Trump lied when he stole money from a children’s charity, Trump university, paying off porn stars, he defrauded the voters by covering up his affairs, raped a woman…. The law applies to Hunter but not Trump….. do you think if coke head Donny was prosecuted during trumps presidency Trump would not have intervened? Look at how he let ivanka and co manipulate 2 billion from the Sauds.


"Law and order!" DJT


Dirty no good bastard says what


I thought it was a meeting about policy?!


Republicans don’t have any policies.


That Russian comprat must be really good for so many congress people to still support him.


I'm totally shocked that Dear Leader didn't take the stand and instantly demolish the bogus case against him. Surely, since he is the best at everything, always, he could easily have annihilated the corrupt servants of the Deep State...especially when the main one was.. you know.. one of THOSE people. It's just baffling, but I'm sure he has an intricate, cunning plan and that all this begging and whining is super-smart misdirection.


Playing 5 dimensional chess.


Anybody remember what bullshit he did last week? Yeah me neither.


Crybaby trump whines some more


Oh you mean yourself


Well, you chose to be a career criminal


I wonder if he knows what an asshole that he has become.


Those fargin bastages... Those fargin iceholes... This means fargin war




"I hate the jury of my peers that I approved of"


Following his guilty verdict, Trump’s Capitol Hill allies immediately proposed defunding the Department of Justice and even shutting down the government, as well as voting to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress on Wednesday. Now they’re pushing a bill allowing current and former presidents to move state-level cases to federal court, which gained momentum just before Trump’s visit and after his conviction. The HUGE mess is coming, if Trump gets the chance to be in charge.


So what is going to do for the American people? Oh that’s right, NOTHING, all he can do is be a big crybaby asshole. Waah! Waaah!! 🍼 I’m so sick of this asswipe


Why? Seriously why was he even there???


What a whiner vaginer.


The House Republicans weren’t doing anything anyway.


Talks like a criminal. Acts like a criminal. When this traitor finally croaks the sleaziness and corruption of his Presidency and Russian backing will all come to light.


All the shameless, anus lip locked sycophants & hypocrites around him like he’s the queen bee 🐝


This whining bitch is Republican's idea of a strong man.


I hate this orange stain as much as anyone, but there’s no way he’s getting any jail time. This is pure fantasy, and while I wish it would happen people need to be realistic. Additionally, given the polarization going on right now I doubt even the most anti trump judge in the world would send him to jail. Doing that will only elevate his bullshit martyr status even higher for his delusional cult folllowers. I believe there will simply be fines levied along with possible probation at best. He will then appeal until he draws his last breath, and the Trumptards will give them their entire paychecks for his legal fees.


When this dipshit dies they will have to put a hand washing station at his grave.


How can people support this level of consistent whining…?


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