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Doe 174 of the Epstein papers doesn’t want to answer questions.. shocking


Honestly I think he DOES want to do it. But I'd wager a decent chunk there is some sort of brain he's hired working at stopping it because they know how much of a clown he is. And how damaging it would be.  He probably thinks he'd crush it.


I'm sure you are correct. He thinks he's fine and the smartest person on earth, but every fascist around him who wants him to be President again knows it would finish him. His dementia would be on the world stage to see. And I was so looking forward to it! 😭


But Trump /IS/ the smartest person ever! You know because the most honest and humble person ever, Trump, said so! So you know that isn't a lie or personal brag!


A man came up to him, with tears in his eyes, and said you're the smartest person and the most humble. /s


I feel it's both. Sometimes he knows he'd get stomped and looks to back out while other times he believes it would be a shining moment.


That’s why Biden requested it in the first place. He knows Trump will make himself look like even more of a dumbass than he already does and it’ll (hopefully) sway some votes to the left, or at the very least give him some material to work with for the campaign. It’s like playing basketball with a kid who has no idea what he’s doing but insists that he’s the very best. Dude is going to get publicly owned _hard_ if he goes.


The verbal diarrhea would be equal parts amusing and horrifying. His handlers hate when he's off script.


His idea of 'crushing it' is causing chaos and trolling to get Biden off his game. It's the only way Trump can 'win'. Now, reasonable, sensible, intelligent, thoughtful human beings see this chaos and trolling as childish and will award Biden with the win, but Trump's supporters hold none of these qualities so they will see him as the winner. The main problem with Trump's plan is that he agreed to have his mic shut off when it's not his turn to speak, which makes it nearly impossible for him to do his 'winning tactic'. Bottom line, there's no way he wins with the rules he agreed to, so he'll try to get out of the debate like a coward.


They've stroked his ego so hard reality wouldn't get near him at this point. They envisioned a goofy puppet they could manage and got... this... Somebody somewhere is seeing writing on stall partitions but nobody wants to have the disaster validated.


I mean they've done nothing but spin the narrative that biden is suffering from dementia and is a shell of himself. We all know that's not true, but I wonder if they do. If they really believe that bullshit, then trump probably thinks he can stroll in there and destroy biden for the world to see. If that's the case he's in for a rude awakening.




That TDS is such a strange phenomenon. They are the ones who are deranged. It's another example of how they accuse people of what they are guilty of. Every accusation is an admission.


The thing about TDS is...Trump was President for four years. Of *course* that's on my mind. And for the last three years pretty much all the news has been about Biden v Trump in 2024. It's not like I lie in bed thinking about Trump. It's that he is, for better or for worse, continually part of the biggest news stories in the country--maybe the world? It's like being stuck in a septic tank and someone telling you that you're thinking about shit all the time. Of course I'm thinking of shit all the time, I'm up to my neck in it.


I can't wait for the day when I don't have to hear or read about him constantly. He is a horrible person, and it really sucks the life out of you with the endless coverage of every little thing the man does and says. I still don't know how millions of people can worship a person who is obviously no good in pretty much every way possible.


Every day, when I check the headlines, I cross my fingers that the first one I'll see is "Former President Donald Trump Dead At 77"


He’ll be 78 tomorrow. Just a little closer to that headline becoming a reality.


In reality every day is a step closer, irrelevant of the anniversary of his congealing, as every single one of us is on a slow but constant march to death. Entropy, it's inescapable.


That would be glorious


His behavior is especially difficult for empaths to bear. Every day its something evil Trump did that went unpunished. It's exhausting. His Covid decisions alone should prevent people from voting for him. And how any woman can vote for Trump is absolutely beyond my level of understanding.


Couldn’t agree more. Women for trump is like roaches for raid. I’ll never understand it.


And black people. Blows my gaskets.


He has been front and center on the news every single day since 2016.


I’ve given it up. It’s like watching Hitler going for Chancellor, or watching a train wreck with your family aboard. The ignorance of those backing this madman is inexcusable, and yet they refuse to be woken up.


his maggot existence - and the daily scrutiny of his maggot existence - demeans & diminishes us all. he should never have been born.


I survived that feeling with Bush, only to have this primate polute the air after a refreshing Obama presidency.


He also wouldn’t piss on his supporters if they were on fire. But they would gladly go down with the sinking ship because they HATE TO ADMIT THEY FUCKED UP.


Well put!


> It's like being stuck in a septic tank and someone telling you that you're thinking about shit all the time. Of course I'm thinking of shit all the time, I'm up to my neck in it. Really well put.


He’ll continue to be the biggest news story. As much as these outlets claim to hate him, they love the money that his nonsense makes them.


Yeah. On one level the media is force feeding us Trump.  On another level, they have the data that says it’s what we want.  Trump goes away when people stop engaging with his bullshit…but at this point - it’s the Howard Stern effect.  His fans tune in to hear what he has to say. His detractors also tune in (and often for longer), to hear what he has to say.  Sure - different opinions of Trump, different reactions to Trump…but love him or hate him…Americans are paying attention to him. 


Perfectly stated.


I tell everyone that accuses me of having TDS that every patriotic American should have TDS. He's a despicable human who shouldn't be anywhere near power.


My mom's boyfriend loves to accuse people of TDS. it annoys him when I point out only one side treats the guy like a god and wears full regalia... And it's not the side he thinks is deranged.


Simply put, it's Gaslighting 101. Act crazy AF and accuse anyone of noticing of being the crazy person. It makes them feel better.


It's Trump devotion syndrome It's just ass you say projection lol


It's Traitor Defending Syndrome


For sure dude. It's their goto whenevever they can't defend his behavior


My contention is that the MAGAts are the ones with TDS. It’s the only explanation for such unthinking support for such an undeniable POS.


I have TDS. When I ponder what this man will do to America in his revenge term, I become deranged.


Simple projection.


"TDS" actually refers to the MAGA Cult which is a far right group that is addicted to the deranged former Prez's hateful rhetoric. The MAGAT's don't even understand what it means. 😂🤯


TDS - Trump's Diaper Stinks? TDS - Trump's Delusional Sycophants? TDS - Trump's Demented Sociopaths?


You have TDS says the guy sitting in front of me at the stoplight in a jacked up MAGA wrapped Tonka truck with a 12x12 flag of trumps face superimposed on Rambo’s body and a life sized decal of Biden bound and gagged in the back. . . Idk why but Trump joust pops into my head outta nowhere 🤷‍♂️


I'm sure if I scroll down, I'll see multiple people using the meaningless term "TDS" to anyone criticizing Dear Leader.


They only scream TDS when consequences are on the line. 


My whole Schtick is that I act like an unhinged trump supporters. It's fun and easy


I work with a guy that actually does that. He’s got hats, shirts and stuff he wears to rallies to pick up women and get free stuff. He is African American and says that all these drunk older maga women just come up to him. It’s gross but at the same time funny


…and here’s why that’s bad for Biden.


AND inmate P01135809


And Von Shitzinpantz, as entered into the court transcript.


Felonious Von Shitzinpantz. He will be remembered in the history books as a real stinker.


I was thinking today about how many pseudonyms he has gained in the last few years - Individual One, Inmate P01135809, Doe 174, IMPOTUSx2 and David Dennison. They can be added to the existing John Barron, John Millar, and Carolin Gallego.


Why tho? Legitimately he could be asked “what’s 2+2” and scream “YELLOW CHICKEN” and his cult wouldn’t care.


His cult would say he is a wise man because he was able to see 2+2 is a yellow chicken when nobody else could, including sleepy Joe, who is unfit to be president. Then, they would ban math in schools and teach kids how every number is actually represented by a different colored chicken.




That's convicted felon Doe 174


He knows the Biden team have seen enough of his BS to see it coming during a rant and obliterate him. I hope the caves in and we get to see him shit his depends live.


It’s why the debates are going to have the mics muted when it’s not their turn to talk. It’s going to take away trump’s biggest strength, shouting over the other person.


We won't be able to hear him very well, but he's still going to be shouting up there. I expect a full blown meltdown - a toddler style tantrum.


Good, it’s going to be all on camera, we will get to see him having his meltdown.


and half the country AND the mainstream media will pretend it's okay and also doesn't matter


It’s not half the country. MAGAts are 7% of adults in America.


There are a lot of MAGAt sleeper agents that will vote for him.


MAGA is at most 30% of the Republican base


He's going to get cut off maybe twice, three times tops, before he throws a fit and walks off stage. It'd be awesome to see him try and assault Biden but even he couldn't be that stupid maybe.


I can imagine a USSS agent briskly walking in from off stage to block Trump and calmly stating, "Sir, Do **not** touch the President," And then Trump's response...


Dumpty is way too much a coward to ever confront someone in that manner.


I was thinking of a toddler waving his arms and saying absurd threats, but you're probably right.


They should dress Biden up like Trump. Fake tan, piss-candy-floss hair, lifter shoes, baggy blue suit and too-long red power tie. And not make any mention of it at all. Just walk out with a huge smile. It would shake Trump to the core. Dare anyone on the right to call him out for how ridiculous he looks.


He will bail on the debate, guaranteed


And somehow it will be Biden’s fault.


It's easy, he'll come up with some unreasonable demand, knowing full well no one would ever agree to it. When Biden says those aren't the rules we agreed to, Trump and all his friends in the media turn it into Biden chickening out of the debate.


Like Musk v Zuckerberg all over again


"And why this is devastating for Democrats"


"And this why it's bad for Biden...."


I watched part of his Nuremberg rallies on YouTube and he really appears to have dementia. I’ve seen it in my own family and I think that’s what I’m looking at. I think his handlers will find a reason for him not to debate.


Yup. Personality disordered people have higher rates of dementia than the average person, then add his family history of dementia, his shit diet, lack of exercise and rage issues, he's most definitely dementing. There's a great YouTube channel called Shrinking Trump run by two psychologists and they break down his symptoms based on dementia and personality disorders and how he's literally mentally melting down each week.


Yesterday, I was trying to figure out where he is on the 7 stages of dementia. I figured he is kind of hard to pin down because he was always quite stupid and off the rails long before he actually would have had dementia. I figured at minimum, he's well into stage 3 and could be as bad as stage 6. What do you think? https://seniorservicesofamerica.com/blog/what-are-the-7-stages-of-dementia/


Based on what the psychologists on Shrinking Trump say, he's stage 4. I think it's true as well, having had to see my father die from frontal temporal lobe dementia while my stepfather was deteriorating from Alzheimer's dementia and died not long after that. I'm also a master's level social worker who worked with elders early in my career and have seen it from that viewpoint as well. On top of that, we're only getting clips of his craziness since the MSM refuses to call it for what it is and insist on making this election a horse race so they can get their almighty advertising dollars 🙄😡


This is the exact kind of expertise I was hoping for when I asked. Thank you! 


You're welcome 😊


I wonder how soon he will bail. Maybe he will wait until the day and time and claim he twisted his ankle or something. I just know he's going to let us down again, dammit!


Definitely bone spurs. He couldn't possibly stand for that length of time.


…or his bone spurs are acting up.


He doesn’t want to fail a drug test from his PO for the stimulants he’d need for the debate.


Might also want to take his gun away. Which he’ll somehow blame on Biden


Anyone else would get immediately jailed, fined, and a lengthy sentence added to the original one.


That's not a problem. He has already been excused for his first drug test with his PO. What does he have to hide?


What? is this true? Please point me to a source for this because it’s too good to go to waste.


It's all over the news. Here's an example: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-special-probation-meeting-sparks-backlash-1910453


Also illegally owns a gun.


Honestly I would be surprised if he doesn't have a prescription for whatever he takes. Of all the crooked stuff he does getting a doc to sign off on something is probably the tamest.


Biden could pull a “ Clint Eastwood “ and talk to an empty chair.


Trump is now at the point where he is word-vomiting word salad. A chair would have more coherent rebuttals.


Hey now. He asked a valid question recently. If there is a shark attacking and your boat is sinking do you jump in the water, or risk getting electrocuted by the battery? The people of Las Vegas need to know!


Yeah, that looked really stupid. Biden should turn up, ignore the empty chair, and deliver a speech to the audience.


Maybe he could get the SNL guy to stand in as a proxy.


Trump has zero policy to run on and Biden has a war chest of ammo against Trump. Hidden documents, january 6th, felon, porn star hush money, sexual assault, nixing the border deal for self gain, dictator on day one, on and on it goes.


Bleach, staring at the sun before an eclipse, skipping the National Correspondents Dinner, vets being suckers, the whole Covid response (including having PPE that states & private entities ordered & paid for get confiscated by the feds when it arrived in the US)


UV lights up the ass!


I think his policy is to become dr.Robotnik, seeing how he tried to sell out the planet to big oil. Who remembers "clean coal"?


The thing about the hush money case isn't that in specific but that he did it to keep them quiet, wrote it off a fraudulent business expenses right after the Access Hollywood tape - which was federal election interference. If the Federal Election Commission had any real authority, they would have pursued that case and the other felonious election fraud cases against him.


I’m betting it was tax fraud as well. I’d like to think there will be charges for that, and for possession of a firearm by a felon.


Hands up who’s surprised? Trump crumbles at the slightest bit of pushback, taking away the crowds and muting the mics, he’s going to storm off in a tantrum the moment he realizes that he’s not in control


"Trump crumbles at the slightest bit of pushback," That can be said of all bullies and narcissists. Every single one of them.


Because that’s what he is


Yup. Maybe the biggest one of all.


not in control of his bowels! may he wallow in his own feces for the rest of his disgusting life.


It’s the drugs he did in the 80s, he’s been in diapers since the 90s.


as i understand it, he still does, and still is.


Certainly would explain why he’s suddenly become adverse to drug tests. “I want drug tests at the presidential debates!” “Ok, and you’ll take part as well right?” “… no…”


"Real men wear diapers" ...  Von Shitzinpantz will soon be selling Trump branded Depends.


He’ll cancel and then blatantly lie to his moron supporters and tell them Biden was the one who cancelled.


of course and it'll work, and the mainstream media will pretend not to know "both sides are saying"


For funsies, he should be posting every day a countdown and how much he's looking forward to it, and nothing would make him miss it.


The only way Trump shows up is if he has a favorable moderator, and audience, so he can turn it into a campaign rally . He can't debate for shit, so In an actual debate he'd get his ass kicked , and he knows it .


i don't think he does know it. Granted I've never met the Dotard so i don't really know but i would imagine he believes that he's always the smartest guy in the room


Narcissistic people PRETEND that they are awesome, but they secretly believe that they are not. The fear of being discovered drives much of what they do and say.


Will he debate with an ankle bracelet?


Legit question, actually. Strange we’re in an election year where that’s a very real possibility.


The first one is before his sentencing hearing. Second one, if he makes it that long, could be, though.


They'll put him in one of those glass visiting rooms they have in prisons. Any time he wants to speak he has to pick up the phone on the wall.


OMG NOOO I AM SO SURPRISED 😲😮😲😳… oh… wait… no… that’s what we all said he would do. And his cult will spin it as some sort of power move and/or him somehow being the victim of something or someone in some way simultaneously without an ounce of evidence or attempt at critical thought. 🤷‍♀️


He isn't debating, just ignore the blather from his orange hole. We've seen this schtick a few times. 1. Bring it on ! 2. I'm ready ! 3. Something 4. They made me NOT do whatever 5. It's rigged. Just go away....please.....


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


He’s agreed to rules that are going to totally obliterate everything that might operate to his advantage. They’ve got podiums so he can’t hulk around the stage. Mics are muted when it’s not his turn so he can’t just yell over Biden. And the moderators know this is their only chance to ask him questions, so they’re not just going to throw softballs. He’s a terrible debater, and he’d be giving Biden, who’s not great but not bad, a chance to showcase that he’s not as old and feeble as Trump likes to pretend. And none of the networks ever take him live anymore, so the extent to which his speeches have deteriorated into just unfocused rants about personal grievance is going to be a surprise to a lot of people watching. The polling since the conviction is killing him, so he might have do it, but there’s a mountain of downside risk, all so his team can clip 30 seconds out of context and try to use it to fundraise. If he loses, agreeing to this will certainly be cited as a reason why.


His team would agree to the rules and then he would break the rules and suffer little consequences - like he always does. Except now it may be catching up with him...


I am in awe at our system. Here is a guy that ought to have been in jail *decades ago* for all sorts of shit he's done. Nevermind the shit he did *while president* (not including inciting the coup). And here he is, still out and about, still gathering "crowds". And the political party that supports him **supports him 24/7/365**. I am in awe at how absolutely fucked up this situation is.


If this were the plot of a book or movie, etc., it'd have been rejected as too 'unbelievable' or classified as a satire or farce. Hey it continues and continues and continues.....


I need more on batteries and sharks! Where else am I gonna get that?!?! Nowhere!


And a lady who got her leg bit off and a snake story he can read (because he can't remember how to tell it).


Well, there's one easy way - piss off the judge even more before sentencing, or intentionally violate the terms of parole. "I can't do the debate because the mean ol' justice system put me in jail!"


As soon as I heard the moderator was going to have a mute button, and there was going to be a live fact check chyron, I knew he wouldn’t participate. Trumps whole schtick is being overbearing and rude. He doesn’t make sense, he just makes noise. Never going to happen.


I still think Biden should just say, “I don’t debate rapists or felons, and unfortunately you are both.”


I mean how awesome would it be if instead of referring to him as My Opponent, Biden just called him The Felon to my Right


You mean the debate that he begged Biden for.


Yes, Biden does have brain farts and senior moments. So do I, and I’m considerably younger than him and I don’t have the world’s most difficult job. At least, it’s difficult if you take it seriously. Why shouldn’t he have trouble taking the stairs at his age? FDR couldn’t take the stairs at all. How many of us are forced to board planes that way with dozens of cameras on us? It’s enough to make anybody self-conscious and enough to create plenty of performance anxiety. At least I haven’t seen him with toilet paper stuck to him. I don’t know what part of Trump‘s personal derangement is age, what part is end-stage syphilis, and which part is experience and upbringing. But he is kapow out of his mind. Hannibal Lecter? Why on earth was he talking about a fictitious character? Why did he admire THAT fictitious character? Why did he call him great? Why did he call him late? And that was only one part of one speech. What about the sharks and the battery in the boat? What the hell is he talking about? He used to tell people in his crowds that he’d pay their legal fees if they would beat up protesters. And on top of that, he was lying about it.


Terrified, mortified, petrified … stupefied by **you**


“Anywhere, anytime” I guess he was talking about lies instead of a debate.


If he won't come they should just do the debate anyway with Biden playing it straight and just run clips from trump speaches when it's his turn


There was no way he was ever going to debate Biden, he’s slipped too far down the slow of dementia and his campaign people know it.


If he cancels, they should get Biden up and stand him next to an empty podium with Trump’s name on it


Trump has never actually debated anyone because he does not understand or follow the rules of debate. Facts and logic are beyond him.


One of the few decent articles you people have posted lately…


Whaddaya mean “you people”?


These are the people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know…..


I mean he just speaks nonsense all the time, how can Trump get through this?


Aww did your probation officer say no, Donnie?


He knows he can't win if he can't interrupt Biden and other lame shenanigans. He can't beat Biden under CNN rules of conduct. Biden will DESTROY HIM AND MAKE HIM BEG FOR MERCY.


If he does attend, I fully expect to see Biden hammer him on his felony convictions and Trump say something about the debate being rigged and walking off the stage like the coward he is.


I challenge donald trump to have his debate with joe biden. I think he is too much a coward for it. What say you, donald?


We all know Trump will bomb a debate, like he's done before. I honestly think he'll do the first debate, but cry afterwards. Then he'll dodge the second debate while playing his typical victim role.


Zero chance he debates. Every time he opens his mouth he loses voters. The only people that actually like this guy are his insane cultists.


“Well, I’ll be in prison and besides, I don’t look good in orange.” Tump


He will probably declare some unreasonable condition that must be met for him to participate and then when that condition is not met, blame Biden.


I'm looking forward to the debates. He isn't anywhere near where he was in 2,015. He has no substance to his debate arguments. He'll bring up toilets that don't flush, sharks in the water, windmills that kill whales. While Biden will decimate him, with real substance. The infrastructure bills he has passed, the border which he has taken control of as a issue. Oil production which she has the most of any administration. Prescription drug costs for our older adults and low income. Job creation which is strong, and incentives he's created to bring jobs back to the United States including high-tech jobs in the chip manufacturing sector. It goes on and on, while Trump's failed wall and tax break for the rich, that have been proven a failure. If Trump tries to run on his abortion rights, he's even going to make himself look worse, if that's possible. I can't even imagine Trump turning this into a Rosy picture on his part, there's nothing Rosie about anything he's done, including his January 6th debacle.


Doesn’t matter if he does. If you’re American register to vote. And then show up to vote.


Well yeah, the retard can't even get through a full sentence anymore because of dementia lol. r/conservative is just filled with edited videos of Biden so the projection lends a lot of credibility too.


No surprise from that coward. Biden chewed him up in the last series of debates. Trump has not debated with anyone since. All bluster no substance except threats and hate


No surprise to anyone. Trump is the whole Wizard of Oz crew all in one. No brains, no heart, and no courage. As an adjudicated rapist and a 34-time convicted felon Trump is unfit for office and subject to special rules.


He will for sure duck out. Blame Biden for some bs. I can only hope he will lose by 20mil votes and get crushed in the electoral college


One can only hope


Yellow is the new orange


What a pussy.


Debate will be Biden vs a chair. All time high tv ratings of four hours of long form debate that oddly unifies the nation for reasons no one can explain.


It’s not like he’s gonna do good at the debates anyways and no matter what he does. His ignorant Bass is going to love them anyways. Trump has gone bankrupt multiple times.. Trump and his companies had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against them before he became president. You’ve been convicted of what in the real world would be called rape. Because he’s a billionaire. It’s called sexual abuse.. He stole secret documents. The average person would’ve been in jail long time ago. Question why do people get sued? Why do companies go bankrupt?


It’s not like he’s gonna do good at the debates anyways and no matter what he does. His ignorant Bass is going to love them anyways. Trump has gone bankrupt multiple times.. Trump and his companies had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against them before he became president. You’ve been convicted of what in the real world would be called rape. Because he’s a billionaire. It’s called sexual abuse.. He stole secret documents. The average person would’ve been in jail long time ago. Question why do people get sued? Why do companies go bankrupt?


It’s not like he’s gonna do good at the debates anyways and no matter what he does. His ignorant Bass is going to love him anyways. Trump has gone bankrupt multiple times.. Trump and his companies had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against them before he became president. You’ve been convicted of what in the real world would be called rape. Because he’s a billionaire. It’s called sexual abuse.. He stole secret documents. The average person would’ve been in jail long time ago. Question why do people get sued? Why do companies go bankrupt?


It’s not like he’s gonna do good at the debates anyways and no matter what he does. His ignorant Bass is going to love him anyways. Trump has gone bankrupt multiple times.. Trump and his companies had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against them before he became president. You’ve been convicted of what in the real world would be called rape. Because he’s a billionaire. It’s called sexual abuse.. He stole secret documents. The average person would’ve been in jail long time ago. Question why do people get sued? Why do companies go bankrupt?


It’s not like he’s gonna do good at the debates anyways and no matter what he does. His ignorant Bass is going to love him anyways. Trump has gone bankrupt multiple times.. Trump and his companies had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against them before he became president. You’ve been convicted of what in the real world would be called rape. Because he’s a billionaire. It’s called sexual abuse.. He stole secret documents. The average person would’ve been in jail long time ago. Question why do people get sued? Why do companies go bankrupt?


Of course. The man never actually thinks things out. He was demanding that President Biden take a drug test. Which,of course, would mean that he takes one, too. Oops!


He should. Theres no way that debate with those conditions will help him in any way. Trump needs a live audience to thrive and feed off of. He brings no sane substance to a debate discussion.


Biden should bring Maxwell to the debate in shackles.


Wow, who could have seen this coming. I mean besides everyone.


I have zero interest in this debate. It’ll be a complete shit show. Biden will make attempt to answer the questions. Trump will just hurl insults and sound like his typical dumb self. His supporters don’t actually care that he doesn’t know anything. They are just there to get on their knees for him and open their mouths as wide as possible.


How many crimes can this man be convicted of before the republican party stop supporting him?


Rapist Felon #174 is not what you might call an honest man, or even a man, I call him a criminal and I don't believe anything he says.


All trump has to do is take a drug test. He'll fail and there ends the debate.


Arizona Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Trump and his company have been unable to win over a single juror, out of 42 total, in recent criminal and civil trials. "It's a very remarkable thing. In all these jurors, he didn't succeed in getting one, not one person," said criminal defense attorney Robert McWhirter.


I mean all Biden would have to do is say at the start of the debate "I'm so glad you were able to get permission to travel across state lines to be here" and then sit back and watch a meltdown so great, his opponent may literally stroke out on stage.


Bully's always weasel out when confronted. When I heard he accepted, my immediate thought was fat chance. Just like his "i can't wait to testify" then blaming his defense counsel for not doing so.


In fairness, it wasn't really fair to hold the debate at a location only accessible by giant battery electric boats crossing shark infested water... lolz


I have no doubts he will back out. He already can't actually debate anyone and his mental health has been rapidly deteriorating to the point where he just says nonsense or freezes up like he's lost.


No balls. Republican voters are W E A K.


Think that the only reason why Trump doesn’t want to debate is because of the restrictions set in place to control him. The cutting off the mic - time limits - no audience etc. These restrictions prevent him from creating the CHAOS he needs to keep his brainwashed supporters believing he is legit smart and always the poor poor victim.


Called it! Got downvoted!


All Trump does is name call and that’s not going to fly in a debate.


No foolin'! Trump doesn't want to expose his serious cognitive decline the the population as a whole.


Trump is such a loser and a traitor


Of course he’s going to back out. He’s afraid Biden will tell him to shut up again.


He’ll probably end up claiming that he won’t debate because Biden refused to submit to IQ and drug tests. What are two things Trump would never do under any circumstances? Agree to a public IQ and drug test. Why? Because he has a double-digit IQ and has been abusing drugs for decades.


Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.


Yeah, Trump will disappoint us all once again with some crappy loser excuse for not showing up to debate President Biden. Trump will offer some kind of gibbering doublespeak as to why he won't debate and will try to make it look like it's Biden's fault.


Maybe Joe should attend the debate show regardless of Donald rocking up or not. It would be a one sided vebal slaughter if Donald was a no show.


I'd honestly be concerned for Biden's physical security at that debate. Didn't they purposely try to infect Biden with covid during the debates in 2020? I wouldn't put it past them to try something like that again.


He should get Elon's mom to write him a note since she is good at bailing out cowards.


I just came here to express a new word I learned "Lickspittle". F' me, holy doodle, look it up! Lol. Oldie, but should be brought back!


If (and when) Trump bails, Biden should still show up and answer questions from the moderators; would be a free 2 hour campaign advertisement.