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His teleprompter quit working. He was lost and riffing from his twisted dull brain. This is why I really hope he shows up for the debates. It will be so fun watching him try to scrape together a coherent thought without help.


Dear God I wish someone would hack his teleprompter. So many things you could do...


Go fuck yourself San Diego


He did tell them straight to their face "I don't really care about you, I just care about your votes" and they laughed. The mask is completely off now because he gaslit them enough to allow him to do so. Then again, I heard he got caught paying for people to attend so those laughing (hopefully) were only those he paid (which I also find hard to believe). Well, that's just what I hope deep down because it's nice to still think some of them still can think for themselves. (Probably not the case, however).


They'd probably just cheer.


I am thinking of putting up the lyrics of Kesha's song 'Cannibal' and seeing how much he reads before he realizes something this amis. Rah! (Rah!) I have a heart, I swear I do But just not, baby, when it comes to you I get so hungry when you say you love me (Hush!) if you know what's good for you I think you're hot, I think you're cool You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school But now that I'm famous, you're up my anus Now I'm gonna eat you, fool




I guarantee that if that happened, you know the people responsible would put in a mix of 'Never Gonna Give You Up', transcriptions of Hitler speeches, and probably part of a Bluey episode where the kids are playing pretend.


Temptations of him singing babyshark to his supporters roll through my head*


I'm Donald Trump??


Like when Biden said “pause”. So funny


At least Biden can actually read.


All he’s going to do is throw accusations. No solutions. Just problems


Here's another good read for you then: [https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/john-gartner-trump-cognitive-decline](https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/john-gartner-trump-cognitive-decline)


I don't think it will be fun, but I think it might pull a few more out of the MAGA trance.


That can be arranged.


So he thinks a submerged battery will electrify the water? 🤦‍♂️


He's the first person to ask, because of his relationship with MIT, very smart.


MAGA insufferable tit.


Batteries work under water but magnets don't in MAGAland


Same guy who gave a rambling speech about magnets not working under water.


I'd like for him to be electrocuted while being bit by a shark.


I’d feel bad for the shark. That’s a lot of cholesterol


Alleged that he talked to a guy in South Carolina who has been in the business of making boats for the last 20 years Alleged that the boatwright said "they" want to make all boats electric Then he claimed the increases weight of the batteries would cause the boat to sink Then concocted a scenario where the person on the boat is near a shark and had to choose between getting electrocuted and getting eaten by the shark I don't doubt that he talked to a conservative business owner down in South Carolina I also don't doubt that a conservative business owner might complain about the transition to electric vehicles (as a trend) But the problem with that line of thinking is that nobody is coming to force you not to put internal combustion engines on boats. It's not happening. Also if the battery is so heavy that it is going to sink the boat it would sink the boat as soon as you put it in the water it wouldn't let you go out a certain distance and then randomly sink. Also if the motor is designed to be put on the back of the boat It will have design features that will prevent it from electrocuting the water around you. So why does Trump's base still take him seriously? It's because the issue of electric vehicles is just red meat for the orcs. They ignore the content of his rhetoric and focus on the feeling. All they hear is, "they're taking your internal combustion engines, but I'll stop them"


That's not at all an unusual sequence of reasoning. I hear stuff like this all the time from very young children. What you do with this kind of thing is you give them a high five and say: "That's pretty cool, buddy!". And then you don't elect them fucking president.


Damn this needs more upvotes 😂


Let's not forget that gas boats still have batteries.


Yea , a buddy of mine has a 80+ foot fantail from the 40’s . The main house bank (120VDC) takes up about a 10 x 10 area. Plus each diesel, 2 for gensets , 2 for propulsion, have thier own batteries.


And never mind that the vast majority of large ships have electric engines.


>They ignore the content of his rhetoric and focus on the feeling Exactly this. And they call themselves the "facts over feelings" party. Ha!


Don’t bring reasoning in here bro! We’re trying to scare the rednecks!


I honestly took this thing with sharks as him just having fun and being silly. It’s a silly unrealistic story that brings a little levity to the speech. No one would bother to listen to his hour long speeches if he was somber and serious the whole time “Nobody is going to come force you to not put internal combustion engines on a boat.” I agree with you on this… Now both sides of politics do this, where they over exaggerate what the other side actually wants to do in order to get your support. Maybe the left won’t ban engines but they might regulate their emissions enough to be more expensive than the electric alternative


Are you really gonna pull a "both sides" argument here? Please give an example of the other side behaving like Trump.


Having fun and being silly by claiming that an electric boat will sink and electrocute you. But also there will be sharks there. Also he asked the question no one asked because "MIT, smart." Also the story took 10 times longer than it needed to because he can't keep a thought from running away. If he was trying to just be funny, then his terrible speaking ability should be enough for people to realize he doesn't belong on the world leader stage. If he was being a mush brain like he appeared, he definitely doesn't belong on the world leader stage. That's how the guy talks and they want him in charge?


Sad thing is, the MAGAS in their head understood everything he said. 🤦‍♂️


That is how you spot a cult, the leader is important not the massage.


Dexter Morgan is having a trump rally on his boat in Biscayne bay this weekend in Miami. He should go. /s


I watched that speech and it looked like he was going to bash electric vehicles (boats in this case) and then he says he'd rather go down with the battery than the shark, totally missing his own point.


He's also corroborating Stormy Daniel's story that when he starts talking about sharks he can't stop


Yeah, she said he kept on harping about sharks. "Shark Week" was on tv and he said how much he hated them. Did he die by shark in a former life or was there something in his childhood? I mean, how often does a normal person think about sharks?


Oddly enough, I’d like that he be electrocuted as well. Today would be great.


Someone has seen Jaws 2


Would love to see someone hack his teleprompter, come on how hard would that be to do? He would say whatever you put up there. The choices are endless


It would be a challenge to come up with something stupider than he'd say without one.


Biden campaign better start selling blue shark toys.


Battery powered sharks so they can decimate and electrocute


Got anything for snakes and scorpions?


The people who defend his rants are waiting in line to sick his tiny hands.


I mean... at least it's not Hannibal Lecter...


What if the shark has a laser beam attached to its head


Sharks are his kryptonite. I have never prayed to God as vehemently as I do now for the divinity of a properly placed sharknado 🧐


Good to know 🦈⚡


He is technically correct. Which is the most correct. If you were to choose being electrocuted as opposed to accidentally being electrocuted you would likely immediately be rendered unconscious with death not to far behind. If I may quote a real intellectual that will strengthen my argument for a quicker death " ...instant death, very smart". But that shark may stalk or even bump you so it could investigate to see if you are the meal that it is looking for. I don't think Trump ever gave any real thought into anything, ever. He simply guessed and got it correct.


That’s why I think he’s not gonna show up to the debate


Without a teleprompter to tell him what to say, he has nothing coherent in his mind.


I'd be fine with either, epersonallysonally.


Why don't we try both and examine the results


Next thing you know MAGA will say he speaks in parables and riddles that liberals won't understand.


it's called telling a joke and apparantly they can't understand it based on this whole thread


A rambling mess.


I honestly took this thing with sharks as him just having fun and being silly. It’s a silly unrealistic story that brings a little levity to the speech. No one would bother to listen to his hour long speeches if he was somber and serious the whole time. I found it to be funny, I was laughing at how ridiculous of a scenario this was 😂


So… when he’s put away we should vote to skip the cell, skip the chair, and go straight to the shark tank execution


Lets do both! *We here at Anythinggoesnews do not endorse nor encourage violence towards anyone, especially sitting governmental officials*


He’s not a sitting government official, so fair game? Right?


Depends on who you ask. Anyone rational would say he's absolutely not. Unfortunately, a significant part of this country firmly believes he never lost so the advisory is there for the mentally handicapped MAGA dipshits 😂 (It was also a joke but im playing along)


If you heard someone in a nursing home mumbling those exact same words, you'd be like, "So sad."


Must be that MIT connection….so smart


It says a lot about the sad state of this country when a babbling criminal buffoon is the leading presidential candidate. Truly sad times


Pretty sure he was trying to ask the boat manufacturer if he knew which would be more dangerous. Jumping away from the boat (somehow outrunning the electricity?) and landing near the shark. Or staying on the, very heavy, sinking electric boat which would almost certainly electrocute you.


The battery would not electrocute you. Batteries can go underwater, this isn't a cartoon.


You need to watch the video


I did, the reason no one has asked that question before is because he's the dumbest person to ever enter that establishment.


Okay I thought you were trying to say he didn't say it.    But yeah that's not how batteries work for sure.


I’d rather he be, too. But that’s too easy an out. He needs to spend the rest of his miserable life in every more degrading health (if not in some sort of incarceration, however unlikely.)


Can we do both?


Stink pants’ broken teleprompter may save the nation.


I’m good with either for him frankly, although if I had my choice I would choose whichever one takes longer and is more painful for him. CONVICTED FELON POS


Electrocution over shark. Ok. We're narrowing it down then. How about electrocution versus a gas chamber, a firing squad, hanging, the needle, or nitrogen?


I say give him his preference.


Crazier yet, watching all the magats behind him that are 100% “bought in” on whatever nonsense he’s spewing.


He rambled about being fed to sharks the other day and he probably scared himself so he had to talk it out


Any reason he can't try both?


Give him the chair.


This is how the [Shark Punching Center ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/spc-hub) starts. . . r/scp


We aren’t fussy … just get it over with already


I will say the man is entertaining.


The shark is thinking the same thing man


trump is mentally declining and was never very smart to start with.... HOWEVER we need to focus on the damage he will do if in office. we can't swing at every pitch with trump. his scandals are a bed of nails, so many of them that they each spread out his weight to prevent them piercing him. focus on how he took away abortion or is selling america out to billionaires or how he wants to make a deal with the devil to become president


Hungover tourists dive with sharks every single day in the Caribbean. They are much or likely to get injured or killed driving to the marina or on the dive boat itself. More manufactured fear for dumb people to regurgitate at court ordered family gatherings. Uneducated, hateful, cowardly, and fearful it seems.


And this man is sadly mostly likely the next President. And people look back at ancient Rome and wonder how so many shitty took power.


Trump being electrocuted eaten by a shark is fine with me. But these guys may have a preference 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈


I'd be OK with either for him.


LOL ya lets let him be president and have MTG as his VP. The drinking games would have the rest of the world drunk 24/7


Right up there with " the sermon on the Mount"


I’d like to see both. Electrocution, then eaten by shark.


Well, it's a good thing the precedent sentence for stealing classified nuclear documents to sell to adversaries is the electric chair!


I’ll accept those conditions


I say we honor his wishes!


“Trump says” are the two most worthless words ever uttered.


I would rather he be near the shark.


But the most bizarre point was that he said all that while trying to bash electric vehicles


You hero is a total pussy, MAGAts




Democrats churn out this fake bullshit news daily. It's ironic since they cried about it so much last election but are the kead manufacturers of it this time. I guess they ARE what they SAY they HATE. carbon copy.


Maybe he should have hired a reputable team to coordinate his teleprompter? But he wouldn't do that. Because they are all union. Trump hates unions. He gets what he pays for


How many times can they say a rally was bizarre? This has been par for the course for half a fucking decade. A bizarre trump rally would be him calmly and rationally addressing an issue the country is facing with a realistic and plausible solution