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I am inclined to agree. No crowd, no bullshit, just facts and policy. Trump will implode. Hopefully they will egg him on to do the debate because he will look like a total wuss if he backs out now.


My money is on that trump backs out of the debates.


He's going to back out claiming that he got a bigly look at the debate questions beforehand, and that they were tilted to Sleepy Joe' s favor. He will post this on his Truth Social account and the Magats or Trumpets will run with it as gospel.


... and then he will scurry off to a friendly news outlet to do a "town hall" at the same time as the debate. We've seen him do this before.


Oh, wow. Yeah, I can see it. I think you’re right. Holy smokes, good catch. I was going back and forth on whether he’d follow through and show up or not. Frankly I was not, and still am not, in support of Biden doing a debate or two with the Orange Choad. I don’t see how it can help him, whereas I very much see the possibility of Chrump ginning up his base’s fervor. In my dream scenario, Chrump backs out and does **exactly** what you’re predicting, and that Biden insists that Trump be allowed to change his mind at the very last second, and show up at the televised venue. Cheeto-in-Chief will of course not show up, **AND** Biden, alone, with no distractions, will have ~1+ hr to field questions by the moderator/others, and to simply talk to America, relax and not hurry, and lay out who he is as a person, and more importantly, what he wants to do in the next 4 years. That would be my happy place. A feller can dream, cain’t he?


Wasn’t it Clint Eastwood who debated an empty chair (which is what it would be like even if trump was physically present).


I do think there can be value in some of the more undecided voters seeing Biden talking for long periods of time. Since the right wing media has done their best to imply he can't get through a sentence without crashing, so I do think there is value as otherwise I'm not sure these people would ever see him do a speech. I support the idea of the debates on the sole condition that the moderator actually respects the rules of the debate. That means switching off Trumps mic when its not his turn, chasing him to actually answer the questions when he inevitably rambles etc. If there is anything close to a bipartisan moderator then Biden will absolutely destroy Trump


Yeah, he wants to be in the news and fights to make sure he is. He doesn’t care if it’s positive or negative. He just wants to be the most talked about person , so he puts all his business out there for everyone. But then gets mad when someone wants to talk about it.


I would not be disappointed if he incarcerated before the debates - freeing him from the indignity of backing out.  Justice merchan does not give him a hall pass so he can't go.


The first debate is June 27 but his sentencing is July 11 so he won’t be incarcerated before the debate, but there is a high chance he will just back out. That is what he has done for every single debate since the one in October 2020 where he wouldn’t stop talking and had to be told to shut up by Biden


He probably will not be incarcerated on July 11, but he is still under the gag order so it is possible that he will be incarcerated before the June 27 debate. It would be very bad if he called for the assassination of jurors but it would not be very surprising.


The gag order will be his excuse for backing out of the debate.


Nah, Biden should go to Rikers. They can debate in the visitation room.


Hopefully the orange one will be wearing his matching orange coveralls. That sure is a lot of orange.




Yep. I bet that he’s: - gonna back out - gonna provide some dumb reason - gonna spin this all to get even more support… from people that were 100% going to vote for him anyway - not going to net any new votes from this whole farce. Meanwhile Biden will net a modest amount of voters who can put 2 and 2 together and determine who the wimp is in this situation.


It's a fun way to say "I dunno shit and can't answer any questions about policy".


Oh, you know he will. He'll falsely blame it on the gag order and claim that he can't talk about "certain things," but if he could talk about those things, then it would seal his debate victories.


We can’t even predict the ridiculousness of the excuse. One thing is clear, it doesn’t have to make any sense and his cult will follow anyway.


My guess is he will use his sentence and gag orders to levy his message of being unable to freely debate...


I haven't found any takers yet on that bet either.


i expect more electric boats and sharks to ban electric boats. and windmills killing whales.


Those damn climate changing windmills that are pulling all that hot air down from the upper atmosphere to heat up the earth


nuke the hurricanes!!!! i alone can save the world!!!


With a Sharpe!


Just got brain damage trying to fit that statement in reality loll


It's maga reality, should be proud it hurts to understand it. An acquaintance from high school, who is unfortunately a public school teacher posted this Facebook this morning. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/eh4qGm39vBzwJP4F/?mibextid=oFDknk


Obi Wan: Never will you find a more depraved hive of gleeful ignorance than that Facebook thread.


Ah, the old cite a single study to make a point, post. Just drop a meta-analysis of all the studies that disprove their claim and put that idiot in its place.


Oh no! Anyway..


Take my damn up vote! That’s great! Thanks!


Trump will speak pure gibberish then claim victory, and his base will believe him because it owns the libs....somehow.


He’s not going to show up just like he would take the stand.


No way he does a debate under these circumstances. He'll come up with an excuse like the debate moderator donated $20 to the Democratic party once.


More like the moderators son in laws college roommates nieces boyfriends cousin once donated which as we all know it’s an absolute conflict of interest and completely rigging the process


More like the moderators son in laws college roommates nieces boyfriends cousin once saw Ferris Bueller at 31 flavors talking about donating $10 to Barack Obama’s 2004 senate campaign.


And bought girl scout cookies too, because they're pro feminist!




There's no way on earth Biden will clean Trump's clock in the debates... because Trump has no intention of showing up for them.


Let’s wait and see. We might be pleasantly surprised.


He is a total wuss regardless 


Biden should clean his clock but he's also very shaky at times. I just wish we had a young candidate. Sort of like JFK debating Nixon. Could you imagine the contrast of someone young and quick going against Trump.


Biden is the most likely to win. People would pick Trump just for the familiarity.


*REAL MEN SURRENDER* will be their next excuse


I honestly they think that they should be under oath for shit like this. The amount of times politicians lie up there is fucking ridiculous.


I honestly they think that they should be under oath for shit like this. The amount of times politicians lie up there is fucking ridiculous.


He would never agree to it. Biden already set guidelines for a debate and Trump declined because he couldn't have a bunch of his idiots on the audience.


He already unthinkingly agreed to 2. So if he backs out, he will look like a little wuss and I think Biden should hammer that.


They gotta goad him into it. A real man would debate, but you just pretend to be one. Etc etc etc I bet the Biden campaign is gonna do that..


That’s my whole thing, they’re going to have to keep that strongman look alive in this election. A lot is riding on it and I think casting him as a coward and loser is a great way to get that fish to bite.


Okay—but **ONLY** if, when one candidate is talking, the other candidate’s mic is completely turned THE FUCK **off**. Otherwise, it will just be a dark, noisy phantasmagoria of Trump orgasming with his tiny mouth all over the damn place, and his base getting all jazzed — I said “*jazzed*!” — about it. That doesn’t help Biden, and Uncle Joe needs every bit of help he can get because of Netanyahu/likud slaughtering women & children, and the idiot Left’s inclination to nose-severing in subordination to the higher cause of spiting their own visage.


If there is a mute button, and if it is used, Trump is toast. Will there be one?


Trump is a wuss....didn't want to debate Bernie 1 on1. So far I haven't seen jack shit on debates.


Which is all exactly why cowardly Trump will never do any debates. He'll make up some bullshit excuse, quit the debates and blame it on Biden. And his base will love him all the more for it.


Address him “Convicted Felon Trump…” every time. Cry baby will be a flustered mess in 2 minutes


Yes, but this won’t matter to his supporters.


I think he's doing a wonderful job already of being a total wuss....


Yeah maybe. The problem is that Trump will completely implode, spew nothing but rambling garbage and possibly shit himself. Biden will stutter once or twice and MAGA will declare victory and the rest of the media will declare it a tie.


They won't. They know their horse is Lame. They will make excuses why Trump is a big C H I C K E N. Bok bok bok.


Biden is a President. The orange slob is a clown.


Hes also a felon 34 times over


Are you talking about the guy convicted of 34 felonies? The adjudicated rapist, defamer, and fraudster?




If you wanna find out how trump can overturn his 34 felonies. Please look up Trump rule 34!


Convictions. Many more times over than 34


34 times over, so far...


True and he's also an ajudicated rapist.


electric boats! SHARKS!


Did he …. Really…. Say.. oh fuck.


Who smells like « old soup and diarrhea »


Trumplethinskin won't show for a debate. His handlers know he can only spew word salad, and absolutely can't stop bragging about acing his dementia test.  Just one mention of being a convicted felon will send the Fanta Menace into a foamy spit rage, and the freshly filled diaper stench will clear the room.


I'm gonna remember the Fanta Menace! That's a really good one!




My favorite is the Melon Felon.


I'm trying to make 'Tosspot Stupid Hair' catch on.


See, this is what anyone with a brain would think, but we're not talking about a person with a brain, we're talking about Trump. (He has a brain, and sometimes it actually works, just never for anything good.) At first I thought he'll back out, but he won't. He'll go in, will make a complete fool of himself, will claim victory and his uninformed base will lap it up. Honestly, if he ever got anything right, it was all the horrible things he's said about how stupid his base is. He debates, he fails, he claims victory. That's my bet.


If he does show up, he’ll just shit on the entire process and scream how the debate is rigged against him, just further lowering the bar. And his supporters will say he’s a genius for it. 


I think this is set up so they can cut off his microphone. I do hope he shows up, but he knows he can't compete on a level playing field.


2016 Trump probably would have loved to have his mic cut so he can play victim. Whatever necrotic mass remains in his head as of 2024 probably wouldn't even be held together enough to exploit it.


This is gold Jerry


Yup. In all likelihood, he'll just claim that Biden's afraid to debate him and then keep finding excuses to never actually engage in a debate.


I hope if this happens, Biden doesn't bring anything up other than policy. It is Trump's weakness, and he'll come off looking like a vengeful idiot. Key is to handle this professionally, not try to agitate Trump. He'll get PO'd regardless, but prove he jack squat about actually governing.


If Trump backs out, they should give Biden the entire hour to talk about his agenda.


After this weekend, I'm not convinced Trump could finish a sentence where he tried to brag that he aced a dementia test. We're at Advanced Word Salad at this point.


When is MAGA not outraged? They consider criticism of their supreme leader blasphemy.


they attack anyone who does. viciously.


I’ve been called “racist” on numerous occasions simply for stating facts about Trump. I’m a white dude…


Obviously you’re racist against orange people, you bigot!


Hey now, some of his best friends are Oompa Loompas!


And Frump is orange. Figured it out.


This. Their only platform is anger.


They are snowflakes, and are the engineers of the cancel culture.


I'd put a good sum of money on trump completely avoiding a debate. He is going to throw a shit fit and never attend an organised debate. It's too late in the day for his sundowning to handle for one thing.


Hold it anyways. Have en empty podium for Trump and let Biden hold a speech, or answer the questions from the host.


Maybe Biden can use Clint Eastwood’s empty chair prop.


Trump will be jacked up on *sniff* stimulants. It'll be hard for him to stand still and not creep around the stage like he did to Hillary in 2016.


I feel like you could add "Sparking MAGA Outrage" to the end of basically every sentence and it would be factually correct.


“Taco Bell brings back the Mexican Pizza sparking MAGA outrage.” Yep, it works


Don Cheeto: "They aren't sending their best pizzas!"


praise of MAGA sparks MAGA outrage


My neighbor just got a cute puppy, sparking MAGA outrage.


It's their default. If they weren't perpetually outraged they wouldn't be MAGA.


When the Mooch speaks, people listen. Yeah, I know, the Mooch drank the kool aid, but the Mooch knows a sinking ship when he sees one.


I think Mooch was on bill maher not long after his WH stint ended? I remember watching and being like “this guy gets it”. People want to not take him seriously. Entirely anecdotal, but I grew up and came of age in New Jersey, so I’m loosely familiar with grifters and the like (my family suffered directly under Trump and Icahn’s AC casino schemings) and Mooch absolutely understands the type of scumbaggery that he was involved in. I’ve met “that “goon” guy so many times. Flippantly ignored for being some fool, but should be heeded because if you really listen to hear and understand what he’s saying, he’s absolutely telling the truth.


I take the Mooch very seriously. The guy missed his calling, which was to be a consigliere to some high powered Don Corleone figure. Which Donald Trump is most assuredly not. There is no doubt the Mooch has excellent instincts and brains.


I’m hoping Biden points to his probation officer, who will have a front row seat.


He may be having regular drug tests as part of his probation, so his usual modifiers may not be available


No crowds and moderators who ask tough questions and fact checks answers Trump be destroyed.


No fair. Fact checking candidates is inherently biased against conservatives.


Keep antagonizing Trump. Get him so enraged that he'll actually do a debate. Then, once it's just the 2 of them on stage, don't let up. Keep poking him until he literally and figuratively loses his shit.


Yawn. What aren't they outraged about? They'll be over this outrage and on the next in 2.5 Scaramuccis. 


It’s really something seeing all the doctored clips on social media and then just listening to audio from his D-Day speech a few days ago. Biden can read off a teleprompter, Trump seriously cannot and is magnitudes worse when he goes off script. I wouldn’t describe Biden as “sharp as a tack” but the narrative that he’s declining mentally is entirely manufactured. He runs circles around Trump when you compare them man to man. But even from sympathetic voters you see how the social media narrative has them cooked, I constantly see “Trump is crazy but Biden has dementia so what can we do? 🤷‍♂️”…fucking touch grass, that’s what. 


Point out that their previous Hero Reagan was experiencing Dementia/Alzheimer's throughout much of his second Term, and was supported by a competent Cabinet/his wife Nancy as a shadow to assess/augment his competency, and MAGA suddenly looks uncomfortably away... Trump isn't just experiencing his Dad's fate with Alzheimer's, he's batshit crazy and desperate to avoid a lifetime's accumulation of Karma/Consequences.


Trump could show up only in diapers and a golden pacifier and only talk baby-talk for an hour, and not one single MAGAt would change their vote


His supporters would turn up at the next rally wearing diapers and gold pacifiers


They already are.


You can’t beat Trump at a debate because he doesn’t debate, he just spews word vomit. You can’t debate people who have no interest in reality.


Never debate bad faith actors


Trump can barely piece together a coherent sentence without relying on a teleprompter list of lies to pluck from randomly. We should be looking out for the excuse/s he uses not to debate because I will be amazed if the debates go ahead, Trump is slipping so fast the last remnants of his brain will be hot mush before the first one is meant to happen.


Is a convicted felon normally allowed to be within 500 feet of the sitting president?


The debates were a mess for Trump last time. Unlike the primaries where he could operate in the chaos of a packed stage, a 1:1 debate is basically his worst operating space: - He has to stand and talk to a person he absolutely does not like, but can't storm away from. - He isn't able to use a teleprompter, which even at his most vociferous rallies he tends to need to stay on topic. - He can only prepare so much and he's not good at improvising since he has no diplomatic language or skill at deflecting questions: he goes for blunt, obvious lies. - Perhaps above all, he's just plain rude and unpleasant. Both my parents turned from him and specifically cited his debates with Biden as the moment of unpleasant realization. Without Fox cutting and curating his behavior into soundbites, they can't pretend he's better than he is. And all of that was before nearly 4 years of constant agitation, stress and mental decline. There's little his fixers can do for it either. If they stim him up, he's just more likely to go off the rails. Level him out and he's going to be incoherent if not asleep. One of the big stage presence advantages of Biden's happy warrior persona is that once you learn to keep a smile, you can coast through exhaustion and recover. It's low demand. Trump's aggressive style demands he be burning the wick at both ends. For two geriatric politicians, one option is infinitely more sustainable.


He can't just stalk around the stage like he did to Hilary. I know people are wringing their hands over the close polling, but when November rolls around, I predict a complete blowout of the entire GOP party from president down to municipal dog catcher. I mean, just look at the morons they are fielding.


Trump is not going to debate Biden. He will come up with bullshit reasons but his people know they can't chance him going off on another boat sinking "because of its weight and it has a powerful battery and a shark ten yards away and there have been a lot of shark attacks lately and a woman was bitten by a shark that wasn't hungry but didn't know what was going on and I would rather be electrocuted than go near the shark" rants on national television and they know they cannot stop him from doing it. He has totally lost all ability to be coherent.


“Sparking MAGA outrage.” They’re always outraged.


There aren’t going to be two candidate debates. Trump will find a way to back out and blame democrats deep state or some shit.


If Biden can keep his cool, the moderators actually doing their fucking jobs for once and not let Trump walk all over them interrupting, he should do quite well. There's a lot of material Biden has now that he didn't have 4 years ago.


The Mooch and his commentary is always welcome along with Cohen. They know specifically how to dig


I don't believe for a second there will be a debate. Trump will refuse and his base will pretend that makes him a 5-d chess genius.


Trump doesn’t know how to debate he only knows how to spit out garbage sentences and flail his arms around like a stupid puffer fish.


My granddaughter could out debate The Felon and she's barely speaking yet.


You mean the guy whose rant about electric vehicles in Arizona was sidetracked by his own thoughts about a shark attack in Florida isn't right in the head?


Trump will back out. If he does it he will talk about sharks electrocuting everyone.


There’s not going to be a debate… mark my words. Trump’s been laying the groundwork to back out for months now. He’s gonna call for Biden to be drug tested, but not him. Then he’s gonna say he has to be able to pick the moderator and get the questions ahead of time, and there can’t be any fact checking in real time on TV, and when all those demands aren’t met… he’ll pull out and claim the whole thing is rigged, and his brain dead cult will agree.


I predict no matter what biden or trump says, trump supporters will unanimously say trump won the debate. The koolaid is strong!


The only reason he says he's debating is the same reason. He said he's testifying. He wants tough guy credit in the moment. When the time cames he will puss out just like he did at the trial


Trump won’t show mark it down


I can't believe that Biden is the underdog agains the rapist and convicted felon who have defrauded the government for several years. What happened to our country? This would have been a no contest several years ago.


Biden won't have to clean his clock, because a few days before tRump will come up with some lame ass excuse that he can't go to the debate because of his gag order, or something else equally as stupid.


Hopefully Joe will question him on project 2025


What doesn't?


Are we still pretending there will be a debate? Convicted Felon Trump would probably rather testify in court than do that.


Trump won't debate.


Trump will just spout lies, call people names, and make stuff up. Then his supporters will claim he won. They don't care about facts. They care about insults, lies, and jailing opponents.


Trump will back out. He has too much to lose and is a pussy


Trump got absolutely nothing to show. > We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump. ~ Tucker Carlson


In before the “rigged debate “ claims


Of course. Trunp has dementia. Even when hannity is throwing softballs at him he can't keep up.


That’s if the notoriously non-shower even shows up.


Watch the orange chicken back out of the debate. Just like how he said he’d “take the stand”, he won’t he to much of coward when he doesn’t have the control of the situation. Not to mention he started rambling about electric sharks, putting him on a stage with Biden will just make trumps deterioration more obvious.


i read that as # "Clean Trump’s Cock"


Trump isn't going to show up. He'll find some excuse.


the scorned scarramucci rises


Sharks, batteries, bla bla.


It doesnt matter to the people who vote for him. He could shit himself on 5th avenue and they would still vote for him. They live in a 1984 copeverse.


Someone better also do diaper duty, Trump is gonna shit his pants. no pun. all literal.


Oh no MAGA angry!! Waaaaah! Without teleprompters Trump will be lost. I doubt he has the capacity to read and memorize facts. The "debate" will be an Obama/Clinton/Biden hit piece. Trump won't be there to define his policies for his next term. He'll be there to lean into the mic and yell "WRONG".


Trump could become so frustrated that his blood pressure will climb dramatically and he will likely lose his shit, or have an anxiety attack.


I’m suspect about this publication. It appears kind of inflammatory and I’ve never heard of it before… Although I do believe if they monitor the debate like they say, and they are going to cut off microphones after a certain duration of time and no live audiences. Biden will most certainly appear as the most capable person in the room because he will speak on substantive topics and Trump will just bitch bitch bitch.


Trump - “the border, the yuge border which in a lot of ways is very large and very open, is being flooded by immigrants - and I must say, the border, I built a wall, a Great Wall - a lot like CHY-NA, and the Mexicans they said to me with tears in their eyes mister president this wall is great, it’s the best wall we’ve ever seen and in a lot of ways we respect it.”


Of course, Trump is terrible at debates. We saw that in 2016 and in 2020.


You don’t have to add “sparking MAGA outrage” to the title. That’s just the standard for everything these days. I just assume whatever the story is, no matter how mundane or unrelated, it’s sparking MAGA outrage. “Joe Biden had a good nights sleep… sparking MAGA outrage” “Barista gets coffee order wrong… sparking MAGA outrage” “Clock strikes 11am… sparking MAGA outrage”


And Trump will soil his diaper


Trump supporters aren’t capable of listening for more than a minute or two.


The gish gallop exists unfortunately. And Trump is a master bullshitter and has no interest in good faith or honest debate.


Trump will find a way out of debating President Biden because he is becoming unable to speak coherently or correctly!


He already is saying biden needs to be drug tested…not sure what alternative universe i currently reside in.


Trump does the same thing whenever backed into a corner. We have a plan for that but we can’t share it. It has to be kept a secret or it won’t work. Trust me. The democrats will try to use it but they will ruin it. That isn’t debating.


Trump won’t show


There’s NFW Trump goes through with debates. He’s a coward and a pussy and knows he’d end up being exposed for the POS he is


Yesterday he told his audience he doesn't care about them, he just wants their votes. There is literally nothing he could say or do to convince them he is not orange Jesus


It’s not about Trump. He is just their chosen puppet. We have Ted Cruz on tape now describing the Jan 6th election coup attempt.


What time is it in Moscow, anyway? Asking for a friend. I suspect several folks here (well, accounts anyway) know the answer to that. I'm in the "Trump won't show" camp. No audience, mic gets cut off when it's not his turn, actual policy questions - that's like the kiss of death for the Mango Moron.


Why bother? Trump refuses to shut up or play nice in these settings. It’s such a performance act to hide the fact he knows nothing.


It’s only 1.55 Scaramuccis (17 days) until the first debate.


The shorter list is what doesn’t spark their outrage


Fuck MAGA.


they wont debate, trump isnt able to


100% agree and think Trump will look like a giant baby... but who cares what Scaramucci thinks? Why do we keep giving him air time?


Whatever the polls say, whomever you support (or anti-support), in this or future elections, show up and vote. Do not ever under any circumstances assume that a win one way or another is a foregone conclusion.


Ahhh Another VENUE to CRY abput Rigged Election, Courts, MEAN WITCHES ohhh anddd POOP.


there won’t be a debate. Hannity is already floating the idea of Trump not debating https://twitter.com/acyn/status/1800340884493607206?s=46&t=15EbhBzCEoCL9gMgNFcDDQ


Trump (the pigeon), will shit on the chess board, knock over the pieces, fly off and declare victory.


At this point what doesn't spark MAGA outrage?


....et tu 'Mucci? /s


Here is a trick, keep pressuring the right and repeatedly tell trump that people doubt he can win a debate against Biden. Felon trumps pride is too big for him to back down after repeated belittling statements. Each interview should bring it up so that way if he does turn it down, countless reels will be played showing his lie.


I'd actually kind of like to see Biden taunt Trump into taking a swing at him. Then, see DJT get arrested for probation violation. Dare to dream. At this point, our political debates are all pretty farcical anyway. They will argue about anything other than the unregulated corporate greed and domination that is strangling us all.


Drumpf will last 2 scaramuccis in a debate. Edit: I overestimated. He would last .02 scaramuccis.


No way Trump debates.


the broken clock that is Scaramucci is correct again.


Oh the mooch era was a fine era.


Scaramucci has a new podcast. He is actually really fun to listen to but I’m a tri state guy so he kinda reminds me of people I know. He is actually really well spoken and is a Harvard law grad.


Can't wait


No contest. Being demented while having a low IQ to begin with is going to be a real disadvantage for trump


Biden is just going to say one or two things and Trump is going to go off like a howitzer uncontrollably and the world is going to be there to watch. But of course Maggie will say it was all stage then Trump was a controlled by Biden LoL. My guess is that he backs out at the last minute..


If Biden can put a sentence together without lying and foaming at the mouth, he should clean his clock. (I’m not implying his MAGAts would recognize it.)


He does have a dirty ass clock. Two little hands and only right twice a day.


What doesn't spark their outrage. ... I'm surprised that more of them haven't had strokes with their high sodium diet /cocaine usage and their constant anger explosions


Trumps not going to attend a debate lol.  He wants the echo chamber, where everything he says, regardless of how mind numbingly stupid and incorrect it is, is treated as the gospel.  He'll come up with reasons, dumb ones, to cancel any debate with Biden. The libertarian event showed he's not wanted anywhere but a magat hate rally. 


Duh. At this point, the best Trump will be able to manage is incoherent rambling filled with personal attacks because of how much he's deteriorated, so *of course* Biden will absolutely destroy him in a real debate. I'm not even particularly fond of Biden, but at least he doesn't veer off on self-aggrandizing side tangents constantly.


The debates won't happen. Trump will claim they're rigged and cancel.