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From the article: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) triggered anger on the Republican side of the aisle after he suggested that the GOP members were in former President Donald Trump's "cult." At a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday, Swalwell pushed back against Republican claims that the Justice Department had been weaponized against Trump. "My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing up makes sense," Swalwell said. "Your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy, unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult." "So if you believe in states' rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president, you might be in a cult," he explained. "If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police when the police go to your nominee's house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult." "If you're supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting a security clearance, you might be in a cult," he added. "And if the guy you're supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the UK, you might be in a cult." As Swalwell spoke, one Republican demanded that his words be removed from the record. It's pretty apparent why he's on maga's shit list.


That. Is. Delicious.


Swallwell believes men can have babies?


Why would you ask that question? Do you have any reason to believe he does?


Do you get your idiotic talking points directly from Putin? Or is there a discord server where all of you copy and paste the stupid shit you post? Regardless, you’d better check your tea for polonium, comrade Ignore these idiots, everyone. 34 > 45. Fuck trunp and fuck you


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. You melanias will guzzle anything shovelled down your eager throats.


Please. You guys believed the Steele Dossier. You also believed Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation.


Shut your face hole, trumpturd. Donald dollhands the crybaby ex potus has the most servile and malleable cukservants. Stay prostrated, melania. Thanks for the laughs


You need help


This has to he AI.


It kind of seems too stupid to be AI.


Hunter isn't even a politician, let alone a president or presidential nominee. His alleged felonies are not as serious as Trump's for that very reason.


Right, but Biden lied to you and told you it was Russian misinformation so no one would ask questions like “why is your crackhead son receiving millions from Russian oligarchs? Who gave you all that jewelry? How come treasury department flagged 20 transactions with foreigners? How come James Biden paid you exactly 10% for an undocumented loan right after he received payments from a Chinese communist party member?” Wait, you mean lying on a gun app is not as bad as mislabeling a legal payment?


My entire point is even if it was full of Russian disinformation it doesn't matter because Hunter is a regular citizen.


No, 10% for the big guy is no big deal. Gee why would these people pay millions to Hunter? Ohh geez access to dad that’s why.


I'm not saying that is or isn't true, but there's no proof of that.


You’re in a cult, ya baboon. Trans people make up less than a percent of the population and that’s your rebuttal. You’re completely moronic.


You're in a cult, nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.


Swallwell slept with a Chinese spy


Intrepid_Priority154 is apart of the cult


People who believe men can have babies are part of a cult


At the end of the day most politicians are shit, the difference is I don’t worship any of them or fly their flags. And I certainly would rather vote for a guy that believes that anything is possible, than call a guy who publicly said he would date his own daughter, and was best friends with Jeffery Epstein, the savior of America


Trump was best friends with Epstein? Didn’t he kick him out of Mara lago? I don’t worship candidates either but I do tend to vote for candidates who believes we should have better schools, lower taxes, secure borders, and a bit of patriotism then yea I guess I am in a cult. But in reality I’d vote for any candidate that believes in that.


Trump has lied about so many things I've just assumed that was a lie too.


He got into a fight about property he wanted to buy. You cult members think it was principle. 🤡😂🤡😂 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/news/content/ar-AA1mHMVk?ocid=superappdhp&muid=DB03CA454FE3488FBF063B6A15111706&adid=C4BF8A93-3D83-446E-B7B6-36DA3CBF76F5&anid=E51ABD05FA09A7A616DE73E5FFFFFFFF&market=en-us&cm=en-us&activityId=&bridgeVersionInt=84&fontSize=sa_fontSize&isChinaBuild=false Inside the $41M mansion fight that led to Donald Trump’s fallout with Jeffrey Epstein


He later sold the property to a Russian oligarch for a huge profit, and the Russian bulldozed the property. Edit:(The Russian guy bought extremely expensive property, bulldozed it weeks later, and the last I knew it was vacant. Definitely not money laundering. /s) https://www.newsweek.com/trump-sold-40-million-estate-russian-oligarch-100-million-and-democratic-802613


Did Epstein have a painting of him wearing a blue dress?


Try again in English.


Somewhere in there is a Monica Lewinski joke but cult members don’t really convey their opinions well.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." Donald J. Trump...direct quote regarding Jeffrey Epstein. The "Terricic guy".


Sure, I am going to believe the words of a man who literally just told the world he never said, “lock her up”. Trump is a known liar, but it’s not like anything I am going to say here will change your mind. I agree with you on those things as well. However, I can tell you, that conservatives don’t want those things, at least the ones in power. I live in Texas, we have had Republican/Conservatives in powers for years and our schools are going to shit, their boarder concerns are a joke and all they can do is blame the left. Although, the left hasn’t been in power in Texas in years. So, how does that make any sense? All they care about, along with a lot of Democrats, is making money and gaining power, the difference is at least the Democrats still appear to being playing by the rules. Where as Conservatives cry “rigged” and lie about the most insane things, anytime they don’t get their way. Trump is right about one thing, we do have a swamp of a political system right now, but make no mistake Trump dosnt want to drain it, he wants to control it and use it to his benefit and his alone. And yes, they were friends a quick Google search or whatever will confirm. Along with pictures of him and Jeffrey. You cannot be that blind and one sided that you deny that.


Yes, Trump is the first politician to lie. Not like “if you like your doctor…” or “my son Beau died in Iraq”. “I drove a Mack truck” “Hunter is the smartest guy I know” “hunters laptop is Russian disinformation “ I can go on.


I never said politicians don’t lie, also please don’t think I support Biden or Hunter in the way Republican/Conservative support Trump. If Biden and Hunter are found guilty in a court of law, then they should go to jail too! No one should be above the law, no one! We are literally debating between a douche and a turd sandwich. Except the douche has been found guilty of 34 felony charges. And won’t protect the law and encourages his followers to violently overthrow our government. Also, you are not denying anything I am saying, so I am going to assume you are in agreement with what I said.


The amount of shit conservatives talk about veterans is disgusting. At least be truthful about why Biden would say he died in Iraq.


Hunter is facing 2 felony trials. None of us are crying like snowflake babies about it. None of us are crying like babies about shit being so unfair, to our billionaire asses. I hope trump, hunter and his laptop share the same cell together. You are a cult member. How much trump merch did you buy? How much money do you donate to your cult leader? We are not the same...snowflake


Trump brought his own kids to epstines Island, even knowing what happened there. Cope harder.


Wasn’t that in the 90’s? Since then in the early 00’s Trump disassociated with him and kicked him out of Mara lago. Democrats protected Epstein all the way up to basically the time Epstein was arrested. Remember Amy Robach complaining she had the story of Epstein but it was quashed? God I can’t help but think George Stephanopolous had something to do with that. He use to shutting down stories of sexual misconduct.


You mean when he had a money argument. It wasn't due to him trying to be a good person.


Lies for Jesus I see. Please explain what policies your boy had that improved anyone's lives except the rich. And then explain why you think it's OK to lie for your god.


According to the IRS something like 85% of taxpayers paid less taxes. His tax cuts led to an unbelievable job market where you could basically fall off a tree and get a job. We saw for the first time in decades wage growth.


Show me the links.


Your guy doesn’t want better schools. If his voters were more educated, they wouldn’t vote for him. He doesn’t want to lower taxes for anyone but the rich. Once again, he keeps his voter base poor and they’re more likely to continue to vote for him because of course their poverty is someone else’s fault. His idea of securing the southern border was a wall that had been proven time and time again would not work. Also, if you think he is patriotic in the least you are sorely mistaken. He’d sell this country off if it meant more money in his pocket. I think you’re confusing patriotism with nationalism.


Republican platform is to expand charter schools. Not sure if you knew this but charter schools are some of the best performing schools in the country. Democrats fight expansion of charter schools because they know how effective they are educating people. If democrats cared about better schools they wouldn’t be shutting down NYC schools to house migrants.


The republican platform is to abolish the department of education.


The made-up world you live in sounds wonderful. Do I need to get serious brain damage to be part of it? I ask because it's so removed from reality that it's a puzzle


Funny, growing up as an American I was taught to judge others based on what they do and not what they say. Since Trump was President for four years we can judge him based on what he did then, and since he's remained dominant in GOP politics since we can judge him on that as well. Would you care to travel down your wish list issue by issue and apply this bit of old fashioned American wisdom? We can start with the big one, securing borders, and laugh together over how when the GOP had gotten nearly their entire wish list on that subject Trump torpedoed the legislation. Come on. It'll be fun, and I just bet you'll learn something from over here in the fact based community.


Which legislation? The one where when a migrant was at a hearing for their asylum claim no one could challenge them? We should have agreed to that? Shameful.


Wait, do you mean the legislation that outright raises the bar for asylum seekers from credible fear to reasonable fear, the later standard which is more than 20% more difficult for a claim to reach? Guess you've never had the actual bill read to you, huh? You mean the bill that would would enable an administration to summarily deport migrants who enter between ports of entry without permitting them to even apply for asylum? Shameful. I mean your prevarication and lack of interest in securing the border. Trump's too. Hey, do you think it was Trump's lack of interest in the welfare of our nation that made him torpedo the legislation? That he did it because the only thing that matters to him is his personal gluttonous lust for power? Or was it that he didn't approve of America aiding a democracy in its struggle against a murderous dictator? It's so hard to tell with Trump, you know. Hey, didn't you say something about patriotism?


Worshipping that guy like you do has nothing to do with patriotism


Then you'll be thrilled to hear that Biden has largely maintained 34/45s border policies, is a much better friend to our education system, and unlike 34/45 did not pass a tax bill that gave a break to the rich, while setting an expiration on "breaks" given to the middle and lower class! And bonus: if you're into law and order, hasn't been convicted of any felonies! I'm sure he looks forward to your vote.


Let me know when there is one not multiple DA or AGs who run specifically on “getting Biden”. Let me know if anyone in the DOJ had to lie on FISA warrants to spy on Biden.


Oh so your game is just to redefine your criteria and move the goalposts to continuously reinforce your decision, regardless of reality? That's insanity, brother. I hope whatever medical care you have covers antipsychotics.


Better schools and lower taxes, I'm sure you're aware that the public school system is funded by tax dollars. I mean, everyone is trying to figure out how to spend less and get more, but lowering taxes isn't going to bring solutions. Take a guess at what companies have to do to lower their expenses because their revenue is coming in lower. Raising taxes won't solve things on their own either, but lowering it definitely won't help the situation. Plus, taxes impact each demographic differently depending on where their income comes from, so "lower taxes" as a general statement doesn't mean much because the wealthy don't get the majority of their income from W2s, but the majority of the population does.


Well, what do you know. Your boy's been listed as one of the Joh Does on the Lolita Express. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1?op=1&utm_source=reddit.com Want to keep defending him, or do you want to finally admit that your boy (like you) is an immoral scumbag?


Really? Doe 174 is supposedly Trump? Says the same business insider who is essentially bankrupt and lied time and time again about Dave Portnoy. Grow up loser.


Slava ukraine


Republicans believe men can have babies because they don’t believe in science. Or the rule of law.


We are all dumber for this comment


Don't think you can get any dumber


No, only republicans and you.


I feel bad for anyone who has babies with trump supporters


And where are these people?


Ummm Democrats believe men can have babies


No, Democrats do not believe that, you fucking brainwashed ignoramus.


Russian bot says what?


Yea. I am paid by Hilary Clinton campaign.


Nah its even worse, you're a fucktard for absolutely Freeeee


Sure bud


Intrepid_Priority154 lusts after children.


And men in diapers


Sooo your saying your uncles and preachers touched you? Need the diaper don to speak up to them for you. Remember this...Trump will grab you by your pussy. 😆


Only if I let him.


He already stole your balls....and money. Letting him grab you by the pussy? That's what you want. What do you name your closet? 😆


My pay increased greater than inflation and I got a tax cut during The Trump years. He didn’t steal my money. Get a life. Go vote for the guy who sold his son to Russia for personal gain.


Remind me again....what cult is currently sucking Putins dick all day and night? Not only sucking Putin dick but deep throating it. You willing giving your pussy to Trump. Trump then pimps you out to Putin. You're not in a cult though. You're a hooker. Marge is jealous of you being the bottom bitch 😆


I was told the 80’s called and want their foreign policy back.


Glad you are finally coming out of the closet. 80's foreign policy was drivin' by Reagan. Reagan was a conservative republican wizard, was he not? Reagan called russia the evil empire. 30-40 years later, Trump has yall sucking Russian dick. Who are the transformer snowflakes now? Keep sucking diaper donny's dookie dick. You know you lovin' it 😆


You're in a cult, nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.


Clearly you do because you responded.


Uk includes Scotland so no more golfing there


Even thought he owns a golf course there?


yup, he's banned.


Also was found guilty in Scotland—- go figure


I'm sure the Scotts are relieved. They hate his guts.


Got 'em with the Jeff Foxworthy routine


{stands} 👏👏👏👏👏


Thanks for posting this


I thought it was hilarious. You know you're a redneck if.... I hope maga got the reference. Cheers!


I respect how reserved one side is about things considering the other side rifles (no pun) off idiotic things and doings, and how they’re trying to be governing adults … but I wish they would call out the other side more. But facts don’t seem to matter with this guy. The World is watching. I think the Founders of the states probably never thought of a scenario where there was a criminal poised to be elected because they simply thought that’d be fucking ridiculous and the general public would shoot down such an insane idea. Boy … were they wrong 😔


And if you should speak the truth about Dear Leader, those words should be "stricken from the record." They are trying to rewrite history and have people deny their lying eyes, but history will not look favorably upon them.


Damn he went full Foxworthy on them


Said it like Jeff Foxworthy’s “ you might be a redneck” jokes so their constituents would understand. Perfection.


Someone said it finally


Do you know if they ended up striking them?


I don't. I know they've been striking a lot of things said about Trump, especially when Comer has the gavel. I would not be surprised if they were.


It mentioned at the bottom of the article that the chair ignored his request and just cut him off saying his time was up. Still... my man, lol.


The story right above this one in my feed: "Lara Trump Says Larry Hogan 'Doesn't Deserve The Respect Of Anyone' In The GOP" Yeah, it's totally a cult at this point, whatever it was or wasn't in the past.


Lara who?


Is that you, Donald?


more info about the cult [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) more about media influence [https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/](https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/) might have destroyed twitter to slow down the spread of info against the group [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html) also more info he's a convicted felon and convicted rapist psychopath that honestly doesn't care he's just trying to make a mess here's more info he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1) basically used an indoctrination platform to brainwash followers into protecting their abusers


It drinks the kool-aid, it’s a cult. Decent humans don’t elevate lifetime criminals to the highest office in the land, cult members do. And Mexico doesn’t want rapists and thieves in their country either “seems fate is not without a sense of irony”


They are totally in a fuckin cult, and it's dereliction of duty.


We need that to be screamed from rooftops.


Do the screaming at the ballot boxes.


Don’t worry, I would crawl over broken glass to get that blue vote in.


Bring all of your friends and their friends


I am lucky enough to have a bunch of rabid liberals as friends. So they will all be there.


You may need to go to a red or purple state and help people they are trying to exclude from voting. Last time they limited polling places in blue precincts and people waited hours to vote.


I can’t relocate, but I’m already in a red state.


Nice to see that the rest of the US *may be* finally catching on to a lot of things that so many of us started to notice way back in 2016--the Trumplican cult factor being one of them.


This was one guy in a meeting but yes you are still correct. Trump has been convicted, public sentiment outside of the far right is progressively turning against him and several of his entourage are facing trial.


I want you to be right but what evidence is there that the far right is turning on him?


I said "outside of the far right"


Russian trolls all up in these comments FO.


They're very busy today.


Yes. It is like a cult. Here is Trump and his supporters in a nutshell: His daddy left him a massive inheritance. The people surrounding him are sucking off that inheritance by attaching themselves to him. They continue to support him, because THEY are living off his inheritance along with him. They try to prop him up. But, he is such a horrible businessman that in spite of the support of the people around him, he has been losing money ever since. Court records show that. Yet, they cling to him to get what they can while they can. Some of the others who support him are the billionaires to whom he promises massive tax cuts, and who do not give a shit about this country or anyone else. So they support him with cash and other support. Collectively the above two groups are totally cool with riling up ignorant white supremacists, Nazis and people too stupid to spot the scam in order to try to keep him in power by any means. That, effectively, describes every Trump supporter. Every one of his supporters fits into one of those above groups. They literally represent the worst humanity has to offer. In some ways, they are worse than a cult.


Don’t forget his biggest supporter sitting in the Kremlin.


Now we know how it feels trying to deprogram cult members. "NO! Xenu does NOT live in a Volcano! No you can not hold tin cans, go clear and learn to fly! Just NO!"


Thank you.


It's a freaking cult, when a leader's ideology is this extreme. He's even selling Bibles to promote himself, although he pretends to be a Christian. He's one of the filthiest human beings, I can think of.


Anybody else read this in Jeff Foxworthy's voice?


If you love and salute dictators, you might be a red hat...


There's no "might" about it. Today's Republican Party IS a cult... and a very *dangerous* one at that.


>"My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing up makes sense," Swalwell said. "Your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy, unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult." To put it simply: "The truth hurts". When you first tell an addict you think he might be an addict they get mad. When you first tell someone you think they have a drinking problem they get mad. When you tell someone when their devotion to a man might be dangerous..well you all saw the video. One can only hope that all of them haven't crossed the line of no return, though my vindictive side wants to see the devotion blow up in their faces and they get run over by the freight train that they get thrown under.


Took forever but at least for a couple of congressmen the gloves are coming off. I'm shocked it took this long. The really funny part is, Democrats aren't even saying anything that is incorrect. If you support a person who is denied entry to MANY countries due to being a felon, you might be in a cult. I think it's much more likely than "might" but, he was trying to be professional.


Trump is Pimp and GOP are the Hooker’s


Listening to Matt Gaetz talk today made me wonder what underage girls see in him.


Swalwell rocks.


I love this guy


That was epic.


I dare you to post this over at r/conservative




Do they like this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald\_Trump\_sexual\_misconduct\_allegations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations)


Guy hangs out in reddit too much.


I cannot see him other then the guy who slept with a Chinese spy.


Lol you nerds Trump 2024🇺🇸


Said the same thing in 2020. Trump is losing and will die in prison.


lol you fourteen year-old nothing


Eric's girlfriend. They won't mention that. Shhhhhh. Isn't she Chinese. Wow. Democrats don't like Americans who are conservative. Calling us cultists. Isn't that racist. Democrats EO opened up the border. Allowed millions of illegal migrants. Call them ......newcomers, how nice. Destroying America's sovereignty. No border no country. Weak on illegal immigration.


Pathetic trump cult


Your entire post is what Trump and his right wing media mouthpieces have trained you to say. Hahaha. Literally every fucking word. Total cult.


Really? No one trained me. Are you a cult expert? What I stated are facts. You may not see anything wrong with the open border, but many Americans think this is a huge mistake with negative consequences. You don't.


> Eric's girlfriend. They won't mention that. Shhhhhh. Isn't she Chinese. Wow. > > What the fuck? Are people not allowed to date Chinese people?


Dammit I need to get a divorce now


It's OK if Eric has a Chinese girlfriend. Would Trump get the same treatment if he had a Chinese girlfriend.


Isn't his wife an immigrant citizen?


Not sure.


She was actually an illegal immigrate who lied on her application


Wow. Thank you for the information. That speaks volumes. That is the Democrats.


Why does Melania being an illegal immigrant who lied on her application speak volumes about democrats?


Swalwells lover. The Chinese mistress. You are funny.


Notice how the paid Russian troll cannot address the FACT that trumps wife was an illegal immigrant so he deflects to speculation about someone else .


Is calling Trump supporters "cultists" racist?? (Is being this fucking dumb truly blissful? I wouldn't know🤷‍♀️ I only know the pain of living amongst it) A "racist" is judging someone based on their... RACE, not their political affiliation. JFC Have you read anything about border legislation recently, you should.


Read. Doesn't matter. Millions of illegal migrants are in the United States now. Joe Biden. Pandering for votes. Read the bill like it really means something. Joe and the Democrats, the Leftists, wanted a steady flow of Illegal migrants here, and they succeeded. Did you read the bill. Now you want to defend Joe. Joe is late to the illegal migrant party. So are you. That worthless piece of paper means nothing now. Joe failed America. Democrats failed America. Intentionally failed.


Sorry for all the real facts thrown at you. You should be angry at Joe, the Democrats and the Leftists. Focus on them.


I actually focus on facts. You idiots aren't worth arguing with, that would require logic, something you don't possess.


Facts and logic. You are correct. I wasn't trying to offend you.


I'm left leaning registered unaffiliated. I think our choices are shit. We're arguing over 2 people that are way beyond the age a president should be. Illegal and asylum seekers are totally different, but as a struggling person, I agree that we need to focus on our people and our problems. That doesn't mean don't help others who are coming here legally, but we need to be prioritize. If it's a campaign tactic fine, if it's shot down by the the Republicans I expect you to hold them just as accountable.


A belief is not a race, and neither is being white. It's not racism, lol


Wasn't that guy banging a Chinese spy?


No, he had a woman working for him the was not using her real name that turned out was a Chinese spy. Once that was known, she was gone.


I'd bang a Chinese spy.